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I've had the bad luck to be born from a sicilian father. The good luck was having a scandinavian mother. Unfortunately, I grew up in Sicily and I am still here, despite having lived several years in different places all over the west. Of course the whole of modern western culture has gone to hell, but here we have a glimpse of ultimate decadence and decay and people having gone full-on monkey.
Italians already are half wits compared to most other european peoples. The country is in full cultural collapse and of course severe economic problems. There is a cultural and artistic production going on in the rest of europe, much more going on - but absolutely nothing in Italy, they're only living in the glories of the past. Italians are, in the words of Orson Welles, the most ignorant middle class of europe. They were in the 60s and they're even more so today. Just having a look at the local media and television will make this completely clear to any decent observer. Italian youth are much more ignorant, rude, provincial and thug-like than those in northern europe. And what's scary is that they're extremely conformist and they all look absolutely identical. Same hair cut, same fucking shoes. This is not how france and england look like. There are mainstream morons there and then much normal people and many subcultures too. Not in Italy, in Italy it's only a conformist nightmare. Yet people think Italy is nice because of the history, the climate and the food. Yes, that's ALL there is. Everything else is pure shit. Italy is hell if you live here - you can find many foreigners and italians saying this on the web. The economic situation reflects the stupidity and uncivilization of the peoples: Greece has gone default and Italy was going to sink soon after. Then the european union helped. Without it, italy is nothing but a bunch of screaming monkeys killing each other over nothing. Now, Sicilians are the worst of the italians. They're too bloody emotional and sentimentalistic and logic and reason is simply not their taste. They only care about their family and everyone else is not worthy of respect to them. They will marry their own cousins and I don't know a single sicilian woman who hooked up with a non sicilian. They're very in-bred and provincial, a very strict, even totalitarian small town mentality all over the region - if you dare being more modern and having a wider perspective, you're fucked and that why I'm fucked and sicilians are harassing me all the time. They don't want people questioning their extremely narrow views here. Such intolerance and arrogance is intolerable to me. I shouldn't have to leave. Sicilians should just calm the fuck down. I can tolerate them, but they won't tolerate me or anyone having even slightly different views. They expect me to think they're the truth when they're just CRAZY and ignorant and don't know what the world looks like. According to psychologist Richard Lynn, Sicily has the lowest average IQ in the whole fucking europe, second only to Albania, and this is due to the presence of north african and middle east genes in the population. Arabs and the moors have invaded sicily in the past. But also normans did. The few decent sicilians are those of norman descent. But that usually doesn't solve much. Most people in sicily whether blonde or dark bring closed mindedness to unprecedented levels, and they're downright CRAZY in their belief that they are "perfect". They produce absolutely nothing of worth, the streets are dirty and nothing is done right, the architecture is shit, the cities are shit, the nature is often destroyed, and the people respect no rules and have no sense of civilization, and are uncivilized and rude just for the sake of it. They're lowlives. And due to conformism, it's very, very hard to find anyone who differs slightly. There are unfortunately very few shades of grey. I know many, many sicilians and most of them have the same identical mindset and behavior, it's groupthink and mindless collectivism. Individualism and self assertion are not welcome here, a trait of a monkey republic if you ask me. I do not have the energy to speak any more. I hope to leave this shithole as soon as possible and am doing plans for that. I am hoping a well travelled person like Schmidt or others know what I'm talking about, has in idea of how sicilian think and behave and understands what I'm going through here. I am basically being forced to isolate myself because the all-envious sicilians are basically harassing me all the time. I am fine with having no social life, but unfortunately even the most banal interaction such as grabbing a cup of coffee at a cafè, exposes me to their revenge - I AM NOT ALLOWED TO BE WHAT I AM, here. One is only allowed to be a monkey-like stupid fuck with no culture and no substance. One is obligated to act according to the extremely archaic, even medieval traditions going on here. As soon as I don't proactively support those hypocrisies and downright STUPID unwritten laws, they get suspicious and to be honest, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. They're paranoid and bored people with no real life purpose but making life miserable to others. They're actually evil, their mentality is so and i don't know a SINGLE person here who TRULY despises it and acts against it. Some people who did have been martyrs to the mafia (they've been shot) and a significant legend which is probably true tells that the new mafia bosses have an initation ritual by which they have to kill the purest and most innocent Christ figure around. That should tell about their hate for right and pure and good. I am definitely more right and pure and good than the vast majority of them, and to be honest any civilized northern european would be. That is why you don't see any globalization going on here, any exchange with the rest of europe. The only immigrants are africans and middle easterners, and then there are tourists from the western world. Of course none of them in their right mind would live here. My curse is having born here and I was forced to come back here because of health and financial reasons. I am now living at my mother's home like 70% of sicilian youth of my age. Every encounter of mine with sicilians is based on them affirming their stupid vane pride of sicilians and asking me to get the fuck off of "their" island. This seldom happens honestly and directly, they prefer subtle manipulation and abuse. They make sure that my trip to a cafè is unpleasant. And it is getting more unpleasant every day it passes. They only way to save myself would be to bow down to the idea that sicilians aren't inferior to other european peoples, something I will NEVER do because it is NOT TRUE. They are not interested in the truth and they're impossible to reason with. They have completely abandoned their reason long ago and in this sense it is an apocalypse. In the last two years since I got back here, I haven't had a sane conversation except with tourists here. It is obvious that sicilians are DIFFERENT from anyone else, and not in a good way. I am being targeted because of my scandinavian half that makes me look way different and like a viching invader, precisely what they do NOT want. This is happening in 2014 in europe in the age of globalization. They're ultra racist and apply reverse discrimination - you get punished for being better. They thrive on envy. Sicilians have no idea how the rest of the world works. America is not as bad as southern italy is. At least it's the real world with it pros and cons. Sicilians think with different standards that aren't even standards, there isn't a logic but only doing whatever the hell they feel like doing (sleep of reason, as I said). Sicilians deny the rest of the world, they dress and think differently than anyone in europe or africa and the middle east for that matter, is just an isolated and completely different place and INFERIOR civilization that does not work. They have created a highly disfunctional society based on the mafia that treats any normal person like shit and expects everyone to be corrupted to the core. There's no genuinity in sicilians, they're always out to fuck with you and think the greatest human accomplishment is making others suffer, that gives them a sense of power. They never laugh or smile genuinely, they only do so when somebody gets hurt, especially someone who is better than them in some way. Their human, aesthetic, intellectual and moral level is PATHETIC and any average northern european is LIGHT YEARS above them. This if any of them would come to live here, he would have to run away in a few weeks as I've seen happening. I've been a crazy fool to stay for longer but I can't just pack and leave, but yet I have to, I have no choice now. My life here has gotten IMPOSSIBLE. The aggressivity of sicilians is raising day by day and they have nothing to lose now. What I'm living here is actual persecution and I would like to act legally as well, perhaps asking for political asylum somewhere. I do not want to call my sicilians lawyer "friends" though, so I'll think about it later. The collapse of civilization, bound to happen all over the west, is very accelerated here. If you want to taste true apocalypse, Sicily is so, much more than anywhere else in europe. I don't think you get so much corruption in the States either, maybe only in Russia and eastern europe. The whole of Italy feels a lot like the states, in terms of most people being half witted morons. Sicily is a different story, they're actually crazy zombies out to get you. Almost no foreigner from the european mainland lives here, contrary to what happens everywhere in europe with "good immigrants" (yes baby, I think there are good and bad immigrants) from all over. Because sicilians have so much vane pride they treat anyone slightly different like shit, with a rudeness that only a drunk criminal can perform elsewhere, and that is the standard here. It's rough. I'd be ok with that if they were an actually superior people. Unfortunately, they're nothing but inferior. The stupidiest and most mentally-ill people of europe, and their society is the most disfunctional and corrupted of all. This is second-world while europe is first world, and as much as these rats like to think it's all the poilitician's fault, it is only the fault of COMMON PEOPLE, who are utmost crap. I'm not gonna tell more for now. I really hope you already know what I'm talking about and so I can receive some comfort and help to survive. The bullying continues, each encounter with a sicilian is me being the victim and being punished for daring being alive and daring being a normally civilized person who lives his life not worshipping the sicilian mafia. No need to mention that I was not treated like this elsewhere in the world. Sicilians are the worst and most violent people I know. They have no virtues and a complicated mass of extremely insane views and behaviors that have nothing to do with reality. They're actually insane, I am not using that word lightly. I didn't think a whole people/race could be insane, but I was wrong. Hope noone here is stupid enough to think races are all the same, there are obvious distinctions in civilization and evolution. It is absolutely obvious just by looking at them, that sicilians are much closer to monkeys than central europeans. I've had enough of the politically correct bullshit and I'll embrace racism from now on. Apocalypse and hell are the right words for the experience of any sane and civilized person living here among the mad. It is possible that places like California in the States aren't really BETTER, but just horrible in a different way. Fair is fair. But as for europe is concerned, no other region comes close. Perhaps only arab neighbourhoods in sweden or england. I am more and more convinced now, that arabs are much less civilized than white europeans. This is new to me, I was brainwashed with the non-racism bullshit all my life. It's absolutely clear that white people are superior. Sicilians are not white, they're a mix of black and arabis people and SOME nordic people which makes for a crazy mix. That is the reason why many, many people are slightly better here and complain about this place a lot. And I'm one of them. But they're numerically nothing compared to the masses of monkeys that cover the streets and destroy everything that has a resemblance of decent. Sicilian mentality is very complex and completely different from that of anyone else in the world. It would take too much time and energy for me to explain it here properly and in detail. Being Frederick a cultured person I hope he already knows what I'm talking about. I live here with my scandinavian mother. I often discuss sicilians with her and she obviously sees it as I do, and often repents having married a sicilian man (even though he was one of the more civilized ones). In facts sicilians themselves will often confirm that theirs is one of the worst peoples. The thing is that there's a strong "law of Jante" going on here, resulting in a mafia attitude that expects me and anyone else, especially if better, different and a foreigner, to give up my own self interest and sacrifice it to theirs - a zero sum game obviously, as they absolutely have no skills to perform their own good and constantly shoot on their foot. Logic and meritocracy are nothing to them. They're a psychologically violent people thus I recognize what they've done to me all my life while I lived here as bullying, harassing and deep down actual PERSECUTION. The reason I am the target and not someone else is that Sicilians do not want anyone with a modern and sane outlook in their place. Only the idiotic and the insane is allowed here, and they'll have little problems as long as they comply with the unwritten codes that help the mafia. The "law of Jante" is originally a scandinavian thing, and I have experienced in scandinavian small towns as well, and places like Iceland (my other country). Sicily certainly abides by that law though, and does so by adding the mafia mentality component. I have also received several dead threats but I haven't contacted the police about it because the police will certainly not be on my side. Much lawlessness and anarchy in here. By the way the death threats were because of me stating that other people aside from sicilians might have value. Not ok to think that here. "lack of respect". The only way to show respect is to kiss the mafia's ass. All sicilians living "comfortably" here are mafia ass-kissers, abiding by the law of Omerta and militias promptly harassing and abusing anyone who doesn't do the same. Sicilians are an insult to life. Also note that eastern sicilians are much better than those in the capital where I live - still bad, but here I get the worst lot, with exceptions of rural areas where I couldn't survive a single day. As a foreigner living here said referring to people in the capital, "these people are something else" and "this is the far west". She was american or british and obviously she complaines much isolation as sicilians will definitely not be friendly with anyone who isn't a stupid sicilian monkey. There's even rivality between tribes inside of sicily, so people in the capital avoid people from any other city or town. The capital in facts has its own dialect variation, a very terroristic linguistic code that again serves the mafia's interests. I suppose I am describing a very archaic civilization in collapse. It is absolutely insane for me to stay here any longer. Unfortunately I don't have much money and moving won't be easy, but I have to do it to save my skin. As a man of integrity I cannot get any more insults and sicilians will only insult me at every single interaction with that stupid fucking smirk on their fucking ugly monkey faces. This is my life here. I am a tall, told-to-be handsome 30 years old man, being harassed and mocked all the time by short hairy and fat monkeys who can't even speak the national language properly (this is one thing that makes me a target, by the way - I speak proper italian while they don't). I have responded to their mistreatments and fucked them up many times, but they will never, ever confess they have lost and I have won. Vane pride at insane levels is all they have, and they think they're perfect while they're the worst people possible in terms of anything: they are not good looking yet they think they are, they dress in the most stupid douche-like way and they think they're highly fashionable, they are very stupid and ignorant yet they think they're much more intelligent and knowledgable than anyone else. Just pure Dunning Kruger effect. I have spent some time trying to figure out whether they're for real or not and I can now say with some confidence that they're for real, that they don't see reality as it is, but they're deep in denial and self delusion. They're very disturbing. This post of mine is probably very convoluted and lacks organization. Forgive me. The reasons why it is are obvious. I am an abused person and have emotional problems due to all of this. It is not easy for me to talk about it. It's not easy for me to speak and ask for help which is precisely what I should have done long ago. This here IS an actual cry for help. If guns were allowed here, I would have gone the Breivik or Rodgers way. Any sicilian in my place would have done this after having received so much harassment. They're petty, evil disgusting people. They have zero empathy and respect for anything. I did NOT deserve the treatment I have received here but I know ANY slightly normal by world standards person here (and definitely almost anyone reading this now) would have had similar problems. I will definitely leave and recove somewhere else. In the meanwhile, I hope someone can give me comfort somehow. If some smart people see sicilians for the fucking idiots that they are, this would already give me comfort as it would already be revenge. Sicilians care about looking good and many people ignorantly think they're better than what they are, that they can't be that bad. They is absolutely nothing good in sicilians. They're disgusting and bad from top to bottom. They are WORSE than what's been portrayed on mafia movies: in there, they're much better looking. It's VERY rare to see anyone remotely looking like Christophen Walken here. But of course, they think they're the best looking people on earth. The evils of collective narcissism. Help. Edit: maybe it would have been quickier if I were just to tell that life in Sicily is E-XA-CTLY like in the movie Idiocracy, and so it would be for any of you if you were to live here for a while - much more so than living anywhere else in europe, or in areas in the States that are at least CLEAN (lived in Seattle 12 years ago, looked clean to me and well maintained) and the madness is present only by digging a bit deeper. Here it's right on your face. The main feature of these people is stupidity; cruelty is also present but come second. Just like in Idiocracy. I cannot believe this has been my life. It's fascinating. I'd say I've had a great life so far considering the experiences all over the world. Make sense though that a trip on earth should also be a trip in hell. |
Obviously you should move. I would much rather just encourage you to move as soon as possible than to give you some kind of emotional support. What languages do you speak?
I haven't been to Sicily, so I don't know it, but I have been to Italy. Southern Italy is described in the book The Moral Basis of a Backward Society and explained in my post Post-Game Culture. Central and southern Italy aren't a decaying culture, they are a post-collape culture having collapsed long ago. Egypt is similar. Having been to Egypt, I think you would like it even less than Sicily. |
In reply to this post by purpleduck
What you describe sounds like the equivalent of a black ghetto in America. I use to work in a black ghetto and worked with violent idiots. These were drug dealers and drug users. There is no mafia here but there are many street gangs. I survived by accepting that they were stupid and telling them what they wanted to hear. If this meant agreeing with them, no matter how bizarre and idiotic their behavior was I agreed with them. There's no point in arguing with such people. You either pacify them with agreement or you neutralize them by killing them. They are not intelligent enough to disagree on civilized terms. You won't be able to kill all of them, so it's better to move.
My brother did visit Italy many years ago. He said that between visiting France, Spain and Italy he thought Italy looked like a strange third world country. |
Indeed. The main difference is that as far as I know ghetto people don't care as much about appearances, correct me if I'm wrong. Sicilians might look kind of civilized. If you look at the details though it's just a pathetic attempt at doing so. They are also pathological ass-kissers and overdo any form of civilized exchange - the thank yous, the please etc. - but the whole house of cards falls down when you find out that they're UNCAPABLE to confess their mistakes and any care for strangers is obviously fake, they don't even try (that is expression of the "amoral familism" Schmidt has mentioned - as described on The Moral Basis of a Backward Society). Sicilians look and behave funny, second world indeed. They're not as raw as middle eastern and north african people, but they're not up to the standard of the first world even though they have much wishful thinking they do. They have no true sense of civilization but they do put up a very unconvincing show of it, ending in a grotesque, pictoresque society as fun to look at from a distance as it is hellish to live in. I am no expert of ghetto culture but thinking about it you are correct - this is halfway between actual sewers like those and the "real" civilized world. Unfortunately, they seem to be in denial about it. And it's getting worse. A few years ago, it was common knowledge among the inhabitants of this region that Sicily was way behind the rest of Italy and thus Europe. There was a sense of hope for recovery. For some time there is this new trend to absolutely deny this and think they're absolutely identical and have nothing to improve. Fschmidt, I read about The Moral Basis of a Backward Society just a few days ago for the first time. Egypt is very close and no doubt it's even worse. But it's Africa, another contitent. Sicily instead is in Italy and in Europe. It should be considered part of Africa instead. Culturally I think it's just halfway between Europe and northern Africa or the middle east. I speak english and italian only. Financially I am not doing great. One plan would be to go to India. I love India's spiritual tradition but not sure if that's a reason to pick it as a place to move. The main reason would be that it's CHEAP, cheaper than anywhere in Europe. I would not live in a chaotic indian city, instead I was thinking of a place like Goa. I doubt I'd hate it more than here. I don't expect people to have a high level of civilization and intelligence, at all. But Goa is constantly visited by foreigners so if I get sick of indians they're there. Do you think India would be a bad choice? I could go there with the money I have now. Was thinking of doing freelancing over the web (graphic design is what I've done for a while in the past) so as long as I have an internet connection I could work from there. And again, it's cheap and they say you can live there with 200-250 dollars per month. Is India a mess I should avoid? I certainly would avoid cities like Bombai, but Goa seems far from that. Pretty peaceful, from what I've seen. Obviously I'm not a fan of first world modern culture, so I'm fine being away from it and all I want is avoiding unlivable and grotesque places and societies like Sicily. If I had more money I would move to civilized Europe - the netherlands, Denmark, maybe England, I'd prefer it but that would force me to find a job and I don't want to and I have the health problems. I'd do it only if I could get welfare and NOT work. I am an artist and musician and have much to do - THAT is my work. But I don't want to waste time trying to SELL it. Living in a cheap place like India would allow me to have most of my time free for doing my real work - all I need is my computer and the internet. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Yeah. I married into a so called value family that was Sicilian. What a farce that was. I know some lovely Sicilians but the ones I got were not who they appeared to try to be. Evil is probably the only word to describe it. They LOVE themselves and LOVE and crave failure for others. Even in their immediate family. It's terrible. It gives them something to talk about. Which is all they do. They are liars and narcassists and history depicts exactly what they are for this group. The mafia Cosa Nostro is EXACTLY a perfect match for their mentality. Well unless they get watered down by a few generations. But none in my immediate did But that is usually due to some intermarriage with some outside classy ethnic groups. Biggest Bully culture on the planet. I see why they have so many suicides. If they could ever to learn the word humble and SHUT their betraying lying mouths it would make the world a better place. I even learned their language so I can know what they say about everyone including me. I got a bad batch but I would love the opportunity to know the good ones.
Thanks for your account. Not sure if you're a man or woman and if you're still married or not.
I live in Sicily and the very best ones are incredibly mediocre people that I would ignore completely anywhere else. They simply have inferior genes. I now have clarity of mind on what they are, Schmidt's suggested book was relevant (thanks Schmidt). It's irrelevant whether there are some "lovely" ones or not. Most of them are shit. Do you live in Sicily? Or did you marry an italo-american (most of whom are southerners)? I still have to make up my mind on northern italians. I think they're better but to some point. Still worse than germans or the brits. Italy is second world, mixed west and middle east and lives in schizophrenia due to this fact. Italians individually and italian society can't decide between the two very different ways to conceive civilization. The west is guilt-based, arab world is shame-based (narcissistic). Italians handle both guilt and shame in a peculiar italian - corrupt - way which I can't find anywhere else. Nobody should trust italians ever, especially those who appear to be good. Not even italians trust themselves. Just don't trust italians, both north and south. |
In reply to this post by Eccentricbutterfly
So yeah, it is now clear that the statement I used as a title for thread is
true. I have truly been bullied all my life. Now, I am trying to recover. The sicilian character is simply a standard narcissistic one. It doesn't follow logic, it is perverted. They are bullies, absolutely. They are also racists and will bully anyone who isn't and doesn't look fully sicilian here. I shouldn't focus on victimhood. I have started a process, hopefully, of healing. Probably I will never FULLY recover, that's life. Unfortunately I don't have the means to leave yet, hopefully my internet business idea will work, time will tell. I need a way to survive and isolating myself from sicilians has been the first important intervention. I have no problems with solitude, it is a problem instead to expose myself to sicilians. It does hurt and it is hard. But at least I'm not a shitty sicilian. Also, by no means I am the only one who received this treatment. I am not here complaining and crying. Perhaps I stoop into that occasionally as a cry for help. Well nobody is helping me so I have to manage on my own. I'll do fine. Sicilians are just horrendous people who treat others like shit. I've probably been luckier and more blessed than many. In facts, being hated by sicilians is a proof you're not a shit of a human being. Sicilians are profoundly ENVIOUS and hate and bully anything that is better than them. I asked around for confirmation, now I need none. It is a fact: they practice envy, they are living failures and have no talents or value, and despise anyone who has. Absolutely this has nothing to do with me personally. Many people have been abused in Sicily and forced to leave. What remained are the worst. It ends up being an open-air mental asylum. Everyone in Sicily is simply mentally retarded or insane. They don't look normal at all either. Nobody walks so bent in themselves and slow as sicilians. Nobody walks with so little pride while still having that prideful and envious, dumb yet arrogant look on their face. They're simply human escrement. The lowest of the lowest. True trolls. Beasts. Decent sicilians? Either locked in their houses in Sicily afraid to leave, or they left Sicily. I did that once done with high school, to never get back - things went differently. I never had any love for this wretched land. Oh, and here's the deal: if they don't get out, even if they weren't shit at first they become so. And: narcissists get worse over time. They never heal or improve. Only get worse, become more evil. Such is life. Shrugs. I can endure anything, what matters is that I'm not like them. That's all I care about. Failure is having their character: if you're very different from them, even though you grew up among them, you're good. I judge myself positively and sicilians negatively. That is the final outcome of their abuse. But again I stress, that the abuse reveals much more about them than me. They are shit and hate anything that has a soul and is alive. They're undead ones. They are not proper humans by any good standard. Thanks to this situation I could understand the human condition much better, develop my character and resolve, and learned about one of the most horrible sicknesses of the soul: pride or, as psychologists call it, pathological narcissism. Sicilians are solipsists anyway, can't look beyond their nose. Again, northern italians are better but to some point. I'ìm positive italians stand out as some of the worst personalities in the western world. Everything I'm saying, jas been thought and said thousands of other times. I'm stating establishing facts. Unfortunately, the western world seem sometimes to have an actual love affair with Italy. Just another lie. Fuck food, fashion, bella vita bullshit. None of this has anything to do with actual life. |
You genuinely sound like an uppity person.
I have lived in Sicily for the first 15 years of my life, I'm also half american. I wore black death metal t-shirts every day, and had long hair. NEVER got bullied. As a matter of fact, Sicilians (Im half Sicilian) and Italians in general are very open minded and intelligent people (hence the 107 average IQ, highest in all of Europe, almost 10 points above the US...LOL). You know what gets you bullied in Sicily? Acting like your way of thinking and/or ethnicity is better. Before anyone assumes I grew up in some high-class part of Sicily like Via Grande, know that I grew up in Down-Town Catania... I would chill in Piazza Teatro Massimo (worst place in Catania) almost every night. You sound like the typical "victim of society". You should start by examining yourself, and really ponder on your DISGUSTING way of generalizing an entire region. Judging by the despicable and pathetic attitude you display in your post, I'm sure some episodes of bullying were (although never justified) to be expected. Get a grip, and look at yourself in the mirror before judging millions of people. Tyler Ellis McWilliams |
"Italians in general are very open minded and intelligent people" HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. FALSE. FALSE SAID BY ME, AND FALSE SAID BY MANY POSTERS IN THIS THREAD. YOU ARE WRONG. period. Italians are some of the most closed oinded people and there's no diversity in Sicily. THEY ARE CLOSED MINDED AND XENOPHOBIC and it's well known. They're bullies and have a mafia mentality. I AM NOT UPPITY. these are the facts. YOU DON'T GET BULLIED BECAUSE YOU ARE FUCKING WORTHòESS. The mopre handsome and valuable they are, the more you get bullied by those UNINTELLIGENT pweople who are sicilians. " the 107 average IQ, highest in all of Europe" southern europe has THE lowest average IQ in the whole of europe bar Albania. Googable fact. Northern italians are more intelligent, but intelligence is an OPINION. SICILIANS ARE FUCKING STUPID - IF YOU DISAGREE YOU ARE STUPID. THERE IS NO REASON WHY YOU AREN'T STUPID. you are. end of story. " I wore black death metal t-shirts every day, and had long hair. " portrait of an immature, UNTHREATENING worthless fucking idiot who of course would not get bullied by the mafia, as you don't threaten anything or anyone. "You know what gets you bullied in Sicily? Acting like your way of thinking and/or ethnicity is better. " that's what THEY do, and they're completely intolerant of any other thinking. SICILIAN THINKING IS OBJECTIVELY INFERIOR BY MANY STANDARDS. I don't act like my way is better - IT'S NORMAL AND I HAVE THE RIGHT TO THINK MY WAY IS BETTER, FOR IT IS. I don't force my way on anyone. THEY do. And I'm saying this and other participants in the thread said this. YOU are a moron. Period. And only a moron goes to live in Sicily. Oh, you're half sicilians? THAT'S WHY YOU'RE A MORON. YOU'RE HALF SICILIAN, OF COURSE YOU GET ALONG WITH THOSE COCKSUCKERS. you're half one of them, in your fucking stupiud mind. YOU DO NOT POSSESS OBSERVABLE HUMAN VALUE. Sicily is a society that hates human value. You don't threaten it in any way. AN INTELLIGENT MIND CRITICIZES THE SICILIAN WAY AS IT'S WORTHLESS. SICILIANS LIKE ARABS ARE NOTHING, THEY PRODUCE AND CREATE NOTHING OF VALUE. They're not relevant. THEIR WAY IS OBJECTIVELY WORSE as Friedrich stated - "MORAL BASIC OF A ***BACKWARDS*** SOCIETY". They are backwards and intolerant, this is FACT and again, the other participant in the thread confirmed. I don'ty force my way on them at all - ITS THEM WHO DO. THE MAFIA IS THAT, FUCKING IDIOT. THE MAFIA WAS BORN IN SICILY, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE THAT SICILIAN MENTALITY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. you are a fucking moron and unintelligent idiot of FACT, not opinion. You are also a fucking worm, a disgusting human being. CRITICIZING CULTURES AND GROUPS IS HOLY. Criticizing individuals is worthless, what cowards and retarded and arrogant groups like sicilians do. Thus yours are simply LIES and stupid biased twisted assessments that have no basis on reality. You are a fucking half sicilian moron and YOUR ASSESSMENT IS INCORRECT. You DO NOT possess an observable form of value or intelligence. period. Problem solved. Post more and I'll POST MORE AS WELL. |
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
Italians in general are NOT open minded at all, there is a global creativity/tolerance index that makes it clear. I HAVE NEVER HEARD EVEN AN ITALIAN SAYING SUCH BULLSHIT. They are NOT open minded, you are a fucking fool.
They are xenophobic and intolerant to anything that isn't italian. It's a WELL KNOW fact. It's an irrelevant country in the context of Europe, for the EU Italy is only a PROBLEM, like Greece. Like Greece, it's backwards and struggles to keep up - and it doesn't. Modern Italy is shit and all I'm saying has been stated millions of times by people who are better than you. You do NOT possess value. I do. There is no proof of the contrary and never there will be. A PERSON THINKS HIS WAY IS BETTER, doesn't mean he has to force it on others like sicilians do. If you haven't observed that, you have proof here. YOU TRUST YOURSELF TOO MUCH. Stop. You obviously are either e hypocritical sicilian and a liar, or are stupid and have bad observational skills. Italians are NOT open minded the least, never heard such bullshit. They are PROUD to NOT be. They HATE or IGNORE anything that isn't italian, if you think that's "ok" and "open-minded" you are a fucking moron. Italy is the most racist and xenophobic country in europe. Open minded my ass. And they're fucking arrogant and no they're not great and intelligent. YOU LIVE IN A FANTASY LAND. Italians are shit sicilians have no excuse, they're SUPER shit, and I have many sicilian friends who will confirm. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE THAT SICILIANS DON'T HAVE BAD MENTALITY PROBLEM. Impossible. Thus your bullshit is rejected. Sicilians are ARABS, and arabs are backwards worthless pieces of shit, and whites are superior. ANYBODY WHO DOESN'T THINK THAT, IS WRONG. I don't force that idea on arabs. BUT THINKING IT, MAYBE IT'S "NARROW MINDED", but it doesn't mean it's wrong, and nothing gives me the right to force that idea on arabs, and thet don't have the right to force their supremacy BULLSHIT on me. SICILIANS AND ARABS THINK THEY'RE SUPERIOR - but they ABSOLUTELY aren't. Whites? Yes, they are superior, and if you disagree YOU GET A KNIFE NOW, AND CUT OFF YOUR THROAT IMMEDIATELY. Fucking idiot. |
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
Sicilians feel threatened by any superior, better way. It's fucking LOGICAL. I get bullied because I'm BETTER - AND IF YOU THINK NOONE IS BETTER THAN SICILIANS and that's impossible that I'm better than them, YOUR OPINION IS WORTHLESS AND REALITY-DETACHED. EQUALITY DOESN'T EXIST. A GROUP IS EITHER INFERIOR OR SUPERIOR. SICILIANS CULTURE IS INFERIOR, and so is the arab one. Anyone who disagrees is a fucking fool. Sicily is in an almost third world situation, EVERYTHING I'M SAYING HAS BEEN SAID MANY TIMES BEFORE. You are simply a fool. Sicilians have the lowest average IQ in Europe bar Albania. You are a FOOL in calling sicilians "intelligent", they absolutely are not in average. You are a fool. Fools gonna fool. |
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
Please keep fooling me up, making yourself a fool by saying foolish things that are the exact opposite of reality.
Sicilians intelligent, italians open minded....NEVER such bulldhit has been uttered. It is IMPOSSIBLE to deny that sicilians are incredibly racist and narrow minded, and anyone calling them "intelligent" is RETARDED. But again so is anyone who wears metal t shirts and long hair. DERP. Always hated those fucking metal idiots. YOU ARE RETARDED. End of story. You lack intelligence and OBJECTIVE VALUE. You come here going against information that has already been confirmed. THESE ON SICILY AREN'T MY OPINIONS. It's observable fact that has been confirmed by the others in the thread who know what they're talking about. Your personal experienced of sicily matters zero. You are a moron who wasn't bullied because you are a moron. True morons never get bullied by a backwards society. Backwards society bully BETTER people, which you aren't, you dirty long haired fucking IDIOT. |
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
There's many italian and sicilian trolls patrolling the web to find criticism and suppress it. Thanks for revealing your name, fucking IDIOT. You're a youngster RETARD who knows nothing anyway because of his young age and lack of experience. on your facebook, you speak italian, and YOU LOOK LIKE A SICILIAN UGLY FUCKER and so does your hideous gf. YOU LOOK LIKE SHIT AND ARE SHIT. Stop failing at attempting to suppress criticism, RETARDED *TERRONE* LOSER. Fucking idiot. Fucking troll spilling bullshit on the web. SICILIANS ARE UNINTELLIGENT RETARDS, AND EXTREMELY ARROGANT FUCKERS. Perios, SWALLOW IT, YOU STUPID FFFFFFFUCK. |
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In reply to this post by TylerEllis
You live in Switzerland now eh? Fucking pieces of shit like you are
invading civil lands and gradually turning them into third world shitholes like arabs do. You fucking SUCK by any standard except worthless sicilian ones - they have NO standards whatsoever, only complexes. |
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
You look like a fucking....I can't even begin. JUST GET
THE FUCK OFF MY SIGHT, you ignorant piece of SHIT. |
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
Sicilians are HIDEOUS and you're the proof. |
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
53 friends of which ALL but two are sicilians.
You are a 100% sicilian - FUCK YOU and get the fuck off Switzerland. You don't belong there. hideous fuck. |
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
What extremely evolved people/friends you have.
SICILIANS ARE CLEARLY THE ASS AND TOILET OF EUROPE. Get the fuck off my sight There's nothing wrong thinking sicilians are inferior, it's fucking FACT on any valueble standards. Sicilians are envious, evil fucks who can't stand anything who is different - THEREFORE BETTER, because it's not easy to be more worthless - than them. You are STUPID. |
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
fourth hand douchebags, THE BETTER, harmless ones. The very best sicilians achieve mediocrity by western standards. You might be one of those mediocre or slightly below mediocre ones.
Your standards are WORTHLESS. |
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
Italians open minded, sicilians intelligent....still laughing, will laugh about that for at least a month.
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