I WILL NEVER THINK SOMETHING YOU HAVE SAID CAN BE CORRECT. you have reasons to lie, aNd you will lie. I do not believe lies. That sicilians arent fucking idiots is a lie. That your life is worth living and im not ages above you is a lie. period. anything you think is a lie. Now reply so I can repeat this. I WILL NEVER THINK A EPRD OF YOURS CAN HAVE VALUE. you have no power. you ar a weak, inferior retard and a loser in my eyes and thus reality. I RESPECT ONLY MYSELF. I DONT RESPECT OTHERS. FUCKING IDIOT. EVERYTHING I THINK OS THEABSOLUTE TRUTH, EVERYTHING YOU SAY IS ABSOLUTE RETARDATION. die.
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
In reply to this post by purpleduck
WHOEVER DISAGREES WITH YOU IS BETTER THAN YOU, FUCKING IDIOT. YOU ARE A NARCISSIST, YOU OVERRATE YOURSELF. you a worthless and understand nothing. you are a retard. You dont reason with retards. You laugh at them. Period. I laugh at you and your fuckin.g retarded face. And anyone who talks of alpha and beta is a retard. YOU ARE ALPHA? Zhahahhahahahahah. you look like a retard! I AM HANDSOME. WOMEN ALWAYS WANT ME, AND NEVER YOU. you are a fucking loser by all standards. you are a retard. period. die. your opinions ARE INCORRECT AND DELUSIONAL, and thats a fact. Shyiness is good, thats what psychiatry says. INSECURITY IS GOOD, COCKY PEOPLE ARE DELUSIONAL RETARDS LIKE YOU. INTELLIGENT PEOPLE ARE INSECURE, FUCKING RETARD. YOU INCARNATE THE RETARDED VALUES OF SICILIANS. YOU ARE THE LOWEST OF THE LOWEST, THE LAST MAN IN NIETZSCHIAN TERMS. you are worthless. I WILL DIE THINKING YOU HAVE NO VALUE. YOUR REPLIES ARE RETARDED. you lose, i know you are worthless and Im above you and tis will NEVER change. I WILL NEVER THINK YOURE NOT JUST A FUCKING IDIOT WHO SAYS NONSENSE. EVERYTHING YOU THINK IS WRONG. period. fuck off. Lmao holy shit dude, you're way beyond help.. Good luck |
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
Narcissistic personality disorder, you are worthless and beloeve you arent. youre delusional and beyond help. period. bye.
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
You gave the threrad an example of sicilian delusions of grandeour. You are obviously a fucking idiot believing he isnt. Thats a perfect example of moronic sicilian. ALL INFERIOR PEOPE BELIEVE THEY ARENT. its called narcissism and modernity, becausemodernity is narcisisstic. ONLY A FUCKING IDIOT DOESNT REALIZE MODERN CULTURE IS INCORRECT AND SICK. you dont realize it, because you are an IDIOT. you do not possess observable value.
In reply to this post by purpleduck
This sums everything up. There's nothing to add. Farewell Purple Duck |
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
Only a retarded, backwards, obsolete worthless narcisissttic sicilian thinks shyness isnt the mark of the superior intellect. ALL INTELLIGENT PEOPLE AND GENIUSES ARE SHY, fucking retard. you are worthless and backwards, like all sicilians.
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
exactly. theres nothing to add. Everything I said is true, and everything you said is lie. You are an ugly idiot of sicilian origins. A retard. This is the truth. The End. bye.
~Purple Duck It really doesn't get better than this rofl. |
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
you are an IGNORANT fuck. You laugh at the OBVIOUS. you undatnd nothing. You live in a parallel universe. most people in Scandinavia and northern europe, who are mich above you, take for granted that shy people can be geniuses. You simpky prove that SICILIANS ARE THE MOST IGNORANT AND ARROGANT PEOPLE ON EARTH.
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
youre narrow minded as fuck, again, RETARD is the correct word. You think something you disagree with is laughable. The truth is that everything you beloeve in is nonsense. you are completely ignorant. if you dont think you are, its because of narcisisstic personality disorder. full blown. you will never recover. you are worthless no matter what. YOUR OPINION ON YOURSLEF IS NOT CORRECT. i decide your worth: its zero.
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
ladies and gentlemen, the ignorance and Idiocracy of sicilians. Sure, ignorance is everywhere, but Sicilians are absolutely some of the most ignorant and arrogant people in the world. I am not the first to observe this. SICILIANS ARE SOMETHING ELSE, and worse...much worse than the average sicilians dont understand they are insane and their system of values is not shared by most other people in the world. theyre delusional. They think things a like they say period. No tolerance pf different opinions. They think their opinions are facts. retards and fucking losers. Ugly as fuck too.
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
Conclusion: everything I said on sicilians is the plain obvious truth. Its been said many times before. There are books on this - the one suggested by Franklin, Banfield's The Moral Basis Of A Backwards Society. Tyler's values and posts give us a gimple of such "moral basis". Tyler is a narcissists who thinks life is a matter of material possessions and status and has NP CONSIDERATION AND RESPECT OF OTHERS. He doesnt see anying wrong with the behavior of southern italians in general. Instead there is a lot that is wrong and basically nothing they do right. SOUTHERN ITALIANS ARE DEPLORED IN THE OF ITALY, WHICH IS MUCH MORE CIVIL AND HAS MICH HIGHER AVERAGE IQ, because it is a shithole full of retards. As simple as thats. The average IQ of sicilians is sub-par. Anyone denying this knowing sicilians or just with the data in this thread, is a retard or highly dishonest/emotional and in need of defending his own people. Which is retarded - defending selfish narcissistic retards is retarded, and not seeing they are so is retardedness. IT IS ALL ABOUT MENTAL RETARDATION. period. anyone who doesnt consider sicilians retarded and horrible examples of human beings, is retarded. MOST NORTHERN ITALIANS CONSIDER SICILIANS WORTHLESS, because that is the reality of facts. sicilians are stupid AND evil. The worst of the worst. Probably it is because of thenorth african and arabic influence in the region, which makes sicilians VERY UNWHITE. non white people are worthless. /thread
In reply to this post by TylerEllis
on a side note, anyone who uses acronyms like "rofl" is absolutely retarded. Franklin, do you agree? What do you think about Tyler?
In reply to this post by purpleduck
I feel your pain and I hope you were able to flee successfully! I made the mistake of moving to Sicily several years ago. During my initial visits, I was blinded by the natural beauty of the place and its rich history. But as is always the case, visiting a place is very different from living in it. Three years on, we're getting the fuck out of here for a lot of the reasons you talked about in your post. Yes, I can confirm that by and large, Sicilians are ignorant, inbred (lots of cousin on cousin marriages here), close minded beyond belief and an envious, duplicitous people. Yes, here and there you might be lucky enough to befriend a genuine, decent Sicilian, but be very wary of most of these people - and you must be especially wary of the Sicilian that approaches you with a smile - from my experiences that "friendliness" is usually a disarming tactic to set you up for a fucking, whether that be by sneaking a few rotten onions into your produce bag or charging you a ridiculous price to work on your house, and then cheating you out of materials and quality on top of that or getting some kind of favor out of you. God forbid if your wife or girlfriend is not Sicilian - if she's not, she will be leered at and grossly propositioned on the street, topped off by Sicilian women giving her absolutely filthy looks - on a regular basis. As a foreigner you will NEVER be accepted in Sicily. I am 100% Italian American, look Italian and having come from a traditional Italian American family I'm well versed in Italian culture, the good, the bad and the ugliness of it. But none of that matters here - if you weren't born in Sicily, you will always be an outsider there; viewed with deep suspicion, glared at and stared at as if you were nothing but a piece of shit. These are not nice people for the most part, but they are insanely rude, boisterously loud, ignorant and superstitious beyond belief, congenitally stupid, and utterly unaccepting of anyone or anything different from what they're used to. These traits are reflected in the shambles that are their buildings, roads, universities and bureaucracies, (which are a total fucking nightmare to deal with.) And these things are a perfect reflection of how most Sicilians, (the very old folks excepted), look - the vast majority of them are fat and bloated; men, from young to old, generally have inner tubes and potbellies, usually accentuated by tight shirts and pants and mommy shoveling endless plates of food on them (Look up "Mammoni" and take that fucked up trip, which has destroyed most of the men here.) The women are generally fucking repulsive; sloppily and ridiculously dressed (lots of asinine tops with glitter and rhinestones - as tacky as can be) most sporting huge, flabby butts and inner tubes highlighted by skin tight clothes. They're just gross. And they are mostly mean, petty, envious and jealous of each other beyond belief. The "lovely" Sicilian countryside is defiled with tons of litter- these folks toss trash everywhere; the streets are filthy and the roadsides filled with plastic water bottles and the occasional mega-pile of household trash. Sicilians have no respect for their island's natural treasures. But O Dio!!! when a plaster statue of a saint comes parading up the street, they'll bow, genuflect and paste money on it. But when it comes to how they treat each other, it's all about gaining advantage and fucking the other person before he fucks you. I could go on and on but I'll leave you with two things: My grandmother was from Sicily. She was mean, jealous of everyone, rude, ignorant and loud. Now I understand why. Secondly, until recently, I would sometimes invite local folks over for sumptuous dinners and fun parties. I wanted to develop friendships here and start integrating and I thought that would be a nice way to do that. But then I noticed something: Though I had invited many people over, multiple times, just one of them ever invited me over to their house. There's a Sicilian saying; steeped in fear and ignorance that explains that well: "Never invite a stranger into your house." And there's another saying that really explains why, by and large, Sicily is a depressing, sexist, racist, unfriendly dead end; rife with corruption, sloth and incompetence: "Never let your children become more educated than you are."
Twas a splendid and accurate post, beentheredonethat. At first I thought you were describing a sicilian town rather than city but really, there isn’t much difference in the mentality. There’s nothing ‘urban’ in locals in Palermo except a few skateboards and manic usage of smartphones or rather Whatsapp exclusively... ever seen any other app being open...also why the actual fucking fuck are so many of the smartphone glasses that they use broken? They must it from a black market or take really poor care of them...surprised the touch still works, or does it This is just a notch above third world as somebody said. I’m done relating with them in any way. Fortunately there is a new huge wave of tourists for the last few years, that make the locals basically invisible at least in some areas. These ones...I ignore them, completely. I have stopped going to cafes and areas visited more than locals than foreigners, after years of constant ludicrous, non sensical micro-aggressions that can only happen here due to their backwards mentality...basically I am applying the ‘low/no contact’ stratagem the way one does with any narcissist or borderline personality disorder psycho... Because essentially, thats what they are...narcissists, malignant and texbook ones at that. Only a person with zero observation, honesty, and culture doesn’t see the bad in them. Also not sure whatever the fuck would ever be good in the average sicilian. It is evident that the good ones have fled. The sons of sicilians in the States can be perfectly good people in my experience, and completely different from the originals. The good ones have simply moved elsewhere as this is a place that completely stifles anything good in a human being. Merit, intelligence are nothing here. Nothing. Westerners who havent been here cannot possibly imagine how little intelligence, talent, virtue and value are considered and noted here. It takes a great man of insane patience to survive this environment if he has any value at all. But I’m sure the worthless don’t have it particularly easier. This is a shithole, this is simply a social pathological hell. The only way to survive for a decent person who isn’t keen in compromising with insanely ignorant and illiterate power-hungry psychos who think anything resembling a rule or standard is fucking stupid, aka criminals, is to go completely no-contact with them — who the fuck needs them anyway. I have worked with them previously on a few projects and it wasn’t worth it. Unemployment here is 60% among the youth, the only way to live reasonably is to flee, and never do business with them for that is only trouble. They will not work with you if you aren’t like them anyway. Beentheredonethat, I cannot believe you actually chose to move here, wasn’t your grandmother a warning? Looks like you know you have made a mistake. Let me know how it’s going - have you left? On Fri, 18 Aug 2017 at 17:09, beentheredonethat [via CoAlpha Reactionary Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote: I feel your pain and I hope you were able to flee successfully! I made the mistake of moving to Sicily several years ago. During my initial visits, I was blinded by the natural beauty of the place and its rich history. But as is always the case, visiting a place is very different from living in it. Three years on, we're getting the fuck out of here for a lot of the reasons you talked about in your post. Yes, I can confirm that by and large, Sicilians are ignorant, inbred (lots of cousin on cousin marriages here), close minded beyond belief and an envious, duplicitous people. Yes, here and there you might be lucky enough to befriend a genuine, decent Sicilian, but be very wary of most of these people - and you must be especially wary of the Sicilian that approaches you with a smile - from my experiences that "friendliness" is usually a disarming tactic to set you up for a fucking, whether that be by sneaking a few rotten onions into your produce bag or charging you a ridiculous price to work on your house, and then cheating you out of materials and quality on top of that or getting some kind of favor out of you. God forbid if your wife or girlfriend is not Sicilian - if she's not, she will be leered at and grossly propositioned on the street, topped off by Sicilian women giving her absolutely filthy looks - on a regular basis. As a foreigner you will NEVER be accepted in Sicily. I am 100% Italian American, look Italian and having come from a traditional Italian American family I'm well versed in Italian culture, the good, the bad and the ugliness of it. But none of that matters here - if you weren't born in Sicily, you will always be an outsider there; viewed with deep suspicion, glared at and stared at as if you were nothing but a piece of shit. These are not nice people for the most part, but they are insanely rude, boisterously loud, ignorant and superstitious beyond belief, congenitally stupid, and utterly unaccepting of anyone or anything different from what they're used to. These traits are reflected in the shambles that are their buildings, roads, universities and bureaucracies, (which are a total fucking nightmare to deal with.) And these things are a perfect reflection of how most Sicilians, (the very old folks excepted), look - the vast majority of them are fat and bloated; men, from young to old, generally have inner tubes and potbellies, usually accentuated by tight shirts and pants and mommy shoveling endless plates of food on them (Look up "Mammoni" and take that fucked up trip, which has destroyed most of the men here.) The women are generally fucking repulsive; sloppily and ridiculously dressed (lots of asinine tops with glitter and rhinestones - as tacky as can be) most sporting huge, flabby butts and inner tubes highlighted by skin tight clothes. They're just gross. And they are mostly mean, petty, envious and jealous of each other beyond belief. The "lovely" Sicilian countryside is defiled with tons of litter- these folks toss trash everywhere; the streets are filthy and the roadsides filled with plastic water bottles and the occasional mega-pile of household trash. Sicilians have no respect for their island's natural treasures. But O Dio!!! when a plaster statue of a saint comes parading up the street, they'll bow, genuflect and paste money on it. But when it comes to how they treat each other, it's all about gaining advantage and fucking the other person before he fucks you. I could go on and on but I'll leave you with two things: My grandmother was from Sicily. She was mean, jealous of everyone, rude, ignorant and loud. Now I understand why. Secondly, until recently, I would sometimes invite local folks over for sumptuous dinners and fun parties. I wanted to develop friendships here and start integrating and I thought that would be a nice way to do that. But then I noticed something: Though I had invited many people over, multiple times, just one of them ever invited me over to their house. There's a Sicilian saying; steeped in fear and ignorance that explains that well: "Never invite a stranger into your house." And there's another saying that really explains why, by and large, Sicily is a depressing, sexist, racist, unfriendly dead end; rife with corruption, sloth and incompetence: "Never let your children become more educated than you are." |
Great news! I landed a new job and am off to the UK in three weeks, never to return. I am screaming with joy to be out of this decrepit place. Yes, you are correct about my living situation which is in a town with around 10,000 loud, rude and ignorant Sicilians. So glad to be finally leaving. It will be wonderful to be in a civilized country for a change; a place where the roads are nice, the buildings don't all look dirty and drab, the government works efficiently, the busses and trains run on time, the food is diverse, the stores are open all day and best of all, where people don't stare at you and give you filthy looks and make ignorant, rude comments as you walk by them, just because you didn't grow up in their little shithole, inbred town. It'll also be nice to be able to check out attractive women instead of retching over Sicilian women with their huge butts, flabby stomachs, fat faces, tacky clothes and screechy, loud voices. Here are a few things I learned about Sicilians while living here: Generally, they think they're perfect!; their food's "the best," (it's not - they eat the same 1/2 dozen dishes day in and out and will NEVER try foreign foods) their culture's "the best" (it's not, unless you consider being backward and ignorant "great") and they actually believe that God smiles on them as a Sicilian mother smiles on her firstborn son. They think that by hanging pictures of Jesus, the Pope, the saints, the Pope and Mother Mary on the walls of their tacky houses that they'll curry favor with God, even though they lie, cheat, steal and badmouth at every twist and turn. These people think worshiping statues and pictures is their insurance policy against crap behavior. And of course, the Church loves that shit, because these fools keep it awash in cash. Lol! Check this out - I laughed like crazy when a Sicilian "friend" suggested I place a picture of Christ or the Holy Family over my bed for "protection." WTF? Like I want Mother Mary and Baby Jesus to be checking out my moves while I'm replacing the bread, pasta and panelle that's perpetually in a Sicilian girl's mouth with my big, fat cock? Not really. These people are warped beyond belief or comprehension. Let's talk about the stupid food superstitions in play here - they are hilarious! I was on the beach one day. I had a nice salami and some bread to eat. When my Sicilian "friend" realized that the salami had been open to the sun for a few hours, he tried to slap it out of my hand. His reason was that "salami goes bad if it's in the sun for more than an hour!" Then there's the one about eating asparagus - Oooohhhhh Nooooo!! NEVER eat it two days in a row!!! O Dio! Ignorant fucks. Then there's the cousin thing - a lot of them marry their cousins. I know of three FIRST cousin marriages between people of my age here (~40). And many marriages between second and third cousins. Man, the gene pool here is extremely limited, just like Pakistan and other Third World holes. I have never seen so many crossed eyes, pigeon toes, weird looking skulls and other physical deformities. But worst of all is the damage that centuries of inbreeding in these Sicilian towns has done to people's ability to think straight and act civilly. They're just generally fucking dumb and slow. Just thick as a brick. It is shocking. But ver soon, I will be rid of it all; the lying, the cheating, the laziness, the lack of pride in doing work well, the joy they express when someone fails, the sickening envy and most of all their shocking spitefulness. I will NEVER return here. And I will warn everyone who might be tempted to buy a vacation home here or retire here or visit here not to under ANY circumstance (unless they enjoy getting cheated, lied to or rudely treated). I guess 2,000 years ago when the Greeks populated Sicily it was a vibrant place. But that was long, long ago and doesn't mean shit now. Now it's a busted out, depressing capsule of corruption from top to bottom, populated largely by inbred, ignorant and immensely hypocritical people whose first move is to smile at you and act friendly even as most of them are sizing you up for some sort of fucking or to gain some kind of advantage over you. This is a place where men are never allowed to grow up, never allowed to develop apart from their overbearing mothers. Given that, it is no wonder that no one takes responsibility for anything here and that it's all a shambles. "Mommy treats me like I am the second coming of Baby Jesus! I can do no wrong! I am special!!" Lol! Man, I hope you get out of here soon! Just about anywhere else in Europe is more civilized and functional than this sick place. A final word: I hear Sicilians blabber all day about how it's the government and the mafia and Northern Italy that has impoverished their island. But the truth is that it's the culture here that impoverishes it. And culture is nothing more than that which people hold dear, that which they think is good, that which they find acceptable, that which they ENJOY. The Mafia, the corrupt government, the trash strewn about the countryside, the rutted roads, the crumbling infrastructure, the rudeness, the thoughtlessness that is shot through Sicily is ALL a perfect reflection of Sicilian's themselves, because if it wasn't, Sicilians would get to work and fix these shortcomings. But they never will. And also, if they did fix them then what would these people, who never shut the fuck up unless they have a pile of food stuffed in their yappers, have to endlessly yap about? Best of luck! Leave Sicily man, and leave it at almost ANY cost. Find a way. You'll feel like a king the moment you realize you're leaving for good!
You made me shed a tear dude, I had a quick read but have to re-read again more carefully, as this all touches many nerves of mine. I am completely happy you are leaving, comgratulations man, God bless you. I will read thorougly and add more shortly, meanwhile, I would like to know how you ended up in a small town and not in a bigger city, which would have been probably better in every way, more civilized (not really but still more). In your and my case, I think cities would overall be better than towns, certainly not ideal but towns come with a whole set of new problems. Overall I would think cities would be better for breathing, but there might be a couple of things that are better in towns rather than cities (talking of Sicily). Sicilian cities aren’t big, they certainly aren’t heaven though. I way prefer Catania to Palermo to begin, it is more of a city. Palermo is some weird large town where you get the worst of both worlds. I believe I could make my life in Catania almost pleasant. Almost. But in Palermo...no way. There isn’t a single thing right with the place here according to my taste. I have sene worse weather, small towns would be worse, it’s not as chaotic as big cities in India...there are some cafes that are barely bearable but nothing special...there is nothing I like in Palermo, where I grew up, except memories of my childhood — those can be nice but are subjective. I have been to Catania many times and lived there for a short time and I just don’t hate it as much. Towns and places like Ragusa can be charming for tourists, but that is it. You fell for that trap didn’t you? I can understand a foreigner find those places charming, those seen in the Montalbano series. But the people and their mentality is exactly like shown there...incredibly absurd. Good for theatre, not good for living among them...it’s a mental asylum! In small towns you actually go back to the middle ages in many ways. The people are superstitious and religion and churches have a lot of control there. If you learned some italian, what about those phenomenal movies of Antonio Albanese parodizing an archetypical southern italian corrupt politician...or maybe they translated them like they did with Montalbano. Dude, their mentality is good theatre, but it is completely deprived of what western civilization calls correct logic and reason. No point in expecting anything like that from it. I’m no surprised anymore with them thinking or claiming they are the best and their way is good. Poor them, they’re so clueless and fucked as to believe that. I think we should be grateful we don’t. We have many, many options and freedoms they don’t have. At its core, sicilian mentality is nothing but Stockholm syndrome and servitude to mafia; there is no respect for civilization, the state, and so on. It’s fucked, it’s a far west. What’s left for us it to stay away and laugh about it because it makes for some hilarious theatre. Southern Italy is theatre, not a real serious country. The people are actual puppets, they don’t think with their minds at all, they’re puppets of the occult government here, they call it mafia. And again, in small towns it can be even more evident. What you encountered there is nothing but mafia. Everyone here is a criminal, son of criminal or friend of a criminal. Corruption is total, almost nothing here is uncorrupt. These are the facts; the ‘southern question’ is a big problem for the whole of Italy, and basically the State has given up trying to solve it. I wish Europe would solve it, I think it could if it cared enough. Isn’t it ridiculous Sicily is supposed to be part of Europe? There is nothing of the civilization of northern European countries. It seems sicilians are similar to greeks, though. Only greeks speak english well... On Wed, 28 Feb 2018 at 23:38, beentheredonethat [via CoAlpha Reactionary Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote: Great news! I landed a new job and am off to the UK in three weeks, never to return. I am screaming with joy to be out of this decrepit place. Yes, you are correct about my living situation which is in a town with around 10,000 loud, rude and ignorant Sicilians. So glad to be finally leaving. It will be wonderful to be in a civilized country for a change; a place where the roads are nice, the buildings don't all look dirty and drab, the government works efficiently, the busses and trains run on time, the food is diverse, the stores are open all day and best of all, where people don't stare at you and give you filthy looks and make ignorant, rude comments as you walk by them, just because you didn't grow up in their little shithole, inbred town. It'll also be nice to be able to check out attractive women instead of retching over Sicilian women with their huge butts, flabby stomachs, fat faces, tacky clothes and screechy, loud voices. Here are a few things I learned about Sicilians while living here: Generally, they think they're perfect!; their food's "the best," (it's not - they eat the same 1/2 dozen dishes day in and out and will NEVER try foreign foods) their culture's "the best" (it's not, unless you consider being backward and ignorant "great") and they actually believe that God smiles on them as a Sicilian mother smiles on her firstborn son. They think that by hanging pictures of Jesus, the Pope, the saints, the Pope and Mother Mary on the walls of their tacky houses that they'll curry favor with God, even though they lie, cheat, steal and badmouth at every twist and turn. These people think worshiping statues and pictures is their insurance policy against crap behavior. And of course, the Church loves that shit, because these fools keep it awash in cash. Lol! Check this out - I laughed like crazy when a Sicilian "friend" suggested I place a picture of Christ or the Holy Family over my bed for "protection." WTF? Like I want Mother Mary and Baby Jesus to be checking out my moves while I'm replacing the bread, pasta and panelle that's perpetually in a Sicilian girl's mouth with my big, fat cock? Not really. These people are warped beyond belief or comprehension. Let's talk about the stupid food superstitions in play here - they are hilarious! I was on the beach one day. I had a nice salami and some bread to eat. When my Sicilian "friend" realized that the salami had been open to the sun for a few hours, he tried to slap it out of my hand. His reason was that "salami goes bad if it's in the sun for more than an hour!" Then there's the one about eating asparagus - Oooohhhhh Nooooo!! NEVER eat it two days in a row!!! O Dio! Ignorant fucks. Then there's the cousin thing - a lot of them marry their cousins. I know of three FIRST cousin marriages between people of my age here (~40). And many marriages between second and third cousins. Man, the gene pool here is extremely limited, just like Pakistan and other Third World holes. I have never seen so many crossed eyes, pigeon toes, weird looking skulls and other physical deformities. But worst of all is the damage that centuries of inbreeding in these Sicilian towns has done to people's ability to think straight and act civilly. They're just generally fucking dumb and slow. Just thick as a brick. It is shocking. But ver soon, I will be rid of it all; the lying, the cheating, the laziness, the lack of pride in doing work well, the joy they express when someone fails, the sickening envy and most of all their shocking spitefulness. I will NEVER return here. And I will warn everyone who might be tempted to buy a vacation home here or retire here or visit here not to under ANY circumstance (unless they enjoy getting cheated, lied to or rudely treated). I guess 2,000 years ago when the Greeks populated Sicily it was a vibrant place. But that was long, long ago and doesn't mean shit now. Now it's a busted out, depressing capsule of corruption from top to bottom, populated largely by inbred, ignorant and immensely hypocritical people whose first move is to smile at you and act friendly even as most of them are sizing you up for some sort of fucking or to gain some kind of advantage over you. This is a place where men are never allowed to grow up, never allowed to develop apart from their overbearing mothers. Given that, it is no wonder that no one takes responsibility for anything here and that it's all a shambles. "Mommy treats me like I am the second coming of Baby Jesus! I can do no wrong! I am special!!" Lol! Man, I hope you get out of here soon! Just about anywhere else in Europe is more civilized and functional than this sick place. A final word: I hear Sicilians blabber all day about how it's the government and the mafia and Northern Italy that has impoverished their island. But the truth is that it's the culture here that impoverishes it. And culture is nothing more than that which people hold dear, that which they think is good, that which they find acceptable, that which they ENJOY. The Mafia, the corrupt government, the trash strewn about the countryside, the rutted roads, the crumbling infrastructure, the rudeness, the thoughtlessness that is shot through Sicily is ALL a perfect reflection of Sicilian's themselves, because if it wasn't, Sicilians would get to work and fix these shortcomings. But they never will. And also, if they did fix them then what would these people, who never shut the fuck up unless they have a pile of food stuffed in their yappers, have to endlessly yap about? Best of luck! Leave Sicily man, and leave it at almost ANY cost. Find a way. You'll feel like a king the moment you realize you're leaving for good! |
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