Are women biologically programmed to reward cruelty, evil and domination?
Of course any complaints that girls go for bad boys and jerks instantly labels one a nice guy beta males. To the extent that it is possible, I actually consider myself somewhat of an impartial outside observer. I was an omega jerk in JR and high school, and to an extent my whole psycho personality, worked and I had girls literally chasing me. A lot of it might have been self-delusion but some measures were objective. After that I was in nearly complete isolation in college. So I've never played the role of the bitter nice guy. I have NEVER done anything nice for a girl or anyone my entire life! So I think I have some claim to impartiality, and my position that my deep depression and heart anguish is purely on a metaphysical level. I read a lot of PUA seduction Game literature. At first my logic was it pays to learn all tools of rhetoric, persuasion and oratory even if I intended to put it to different uses than PUA. Anyway to put it at its simplest. In cavemen times women were just plaything rape slaves for the strongest ape. And that is what evolutionary psychology in chimpanzee and gorilla behavior proves. Now there might have been some brave women who defended their freedom to the death, but their selfish genes were lost to history. And the genes that all modern women have inherited is those who submit to the cruelest caveman with biggest club. I don't know for me it is pretty hellish to live in a world where all men are sadists and all women are masochists. According to PUA science male physical attractiveness barely matters at all, the only thing women find attractive is brute domination and sadism. For the last year I've completely cut myself off from humanity. Who wants to live in a world of pure evil? Only evil is rewarded! Cruelty is the only virtue. What good is morality and ethics? So I'd like an outside opinion do you feel that women are biologically programmed to reward cruelty, evil and domination? Does the dating world going back to the new paleolithic age make life worthless? Murdoch's theoretical journal which is the official ideology of America and thus the entire world has endorsed the evopsych worldview: The New Dating Game | The Weekly Standard Now I'm sure no one will believe me, but this is NOT about me being a single virgin loser guy who can't get a date. More its about what kind of world we live in where evil is always rewarded. I can't live in a universe like that. Why bother to get a job and support oneself and live in brutal ruthless dog eat dog world of evil? My parents are going to throw me out in August since I wont get a job or school. Its true I've always been kind of an anti-sexual puritan but evopsych just makes it more vicious. I feel nothing for disgust for humanity. But thats what the Darwinian struggle for existence. Brutality is the only virtue. I'm what the Nazis would call life unworthy of life. Even if your content to be a lifelong virgin girls rewarding "bad boy" traits still affects the world you live in. I could not be more repulsed by humanity which is why I have cut myself off in complete isolation for nearly a year now. I don't understand how the rest of humanity can endure such a world and assume its because they must ALL be blood-thirsty vampires themselves. Although why glorify women as the victims? According to evopsych even when given freedom they will reward cruelty. So there are no victims in this monstrous world just wolves eating wolves. How do you endure this world? And what is your advice for me? The Darwinian-Nietzschean struggle for existence means eat or be eaten, kill or be killed, harm or be harmed. I wish simply to neither dominate nor be dominated. But that is far too much to ask in this world on both counts. Well in essence this IS about relationships. That is where evolutionary psychology is most obvious in daily life. While it is true I have no human relations, I'm still affected by the sexual stock market, the same way someone who owns no stock can be ruined by a crash. Psychologists are humans like the rest of us, driven by the reptilian urges for sex and power and domination. There career choice is just there way of gaining domination in the Darwinian game. So I don't see therapists as some elite priestly caste free from evopsych. I don't want to be "fixed" into better being able to play the evolutionary game. Since everyone here accepts the basic premises of evopsych, I ask how do YOU folks deal with it? Or do you all just accept the game, and try to be the winner? IF thats the case, then maybe your right and there can not be any dialogue between me and humanity. I have not harmed anyone, except maybe my parents. My dad says I should be "altrusitic" and recover for my mom's sake. First off my parents committed a massive injustice on me by bringing me into this cruel world just to satisfy that monster gene- Moloch. Second them keeping me alive, is just their genes following their selfish interest to reproduce. I represent a major investment in their genes survival. My fall means a major decrease in their genese reproducing. So that is all there is to their so-called generosity to me. The longer they keep me fed, the longer the opportunity there is for me to pass their genes on. Granted thats a pretty miniscule chance for grandkids hiding and crying in the basement, but its higher than the chances if I starved on the street. So what gratitude should I have to the selfish gene? The "altruism" in feeding and housing me is just the flip side of the selfishness of birthing me into an incredibly hellish universe. Humanity wants to drive itself off a cliff. I listed my objections. Much wiser men than me have listed them in thick textbooks. Humanity wont listen to the wise men and certainly not to me. So fine. I have said my peace. Let humanity drive off the cliff, but I want no part in the adventure. What good would having a girlfriend do me? Is the chimpanzee in me supposed to rejoice that as low as I may be in the hierarchy, I still have someone below me who I can hurt, torment, dominate and abuse? I have no problem being driven out of the sexual marketplace. The problem is what "service" are we competing for? And it seems in the sexual market it is who can be the most brutal and cruel. Evopsych says getting a girlfriend comes down to demonstrating cruelty, domination, brutality, and sadism. That is all I see in male-female relations and PUa science backs up my personal observations. |
You drew a short straw in the genetic lottery. So did I. It sounds like you care about something in this world. Maybe it's some triumph, however small, over whatever you think is evil. This Polestar of yours could be a book, a relationship, or just independent living. For me, it's the quest to not be an ineffectual, immature moron. And art.
Look buddy, I obsessed about this shit for years and it got me nowhere but addiction and a mental hospital. I'm not saying you should forget about it-- your scars go far too deep for you to do that anyway. But maybe the way you're dealing with it is only hurting you. |
In reply to this post by sebaline
Sebaline, you sound like a perfect candidate for the CoAlpha Brotherhood. Let me try to answer your questions.
What kind of men are women attracted to? The answer is simply those men who are evolutionarily optimal. But what is optimal depends on the environment, and in the modern world, the environment is basically the culture. In modern feminist culture, the optimal man is a stupid psychopath because he will have no moral qualms about screwing other men's wives and will be too stupid to use contraception. What about in a state of nature or anarchy? In such conditions, being ruthless is advantageous but being stupid is not. So while women in modern feminist cultures are repulsed by intelligence, in the third world they aren't. And since in the third world, women actually have to worry about survival, male provider traits are also valued. This doesn't mean these women won't screw around and won't have some desire to have casual sex with successful psychopaths, but they will also value a relationship with a stable provider and will be willing to control their urge to have sex with psychopaths in order to land a stable provider. Obviously this is still far from optimal, but it is still much better than feminist culture. There is a third alternative to feminism and anarchy, and this is patriarchy. This is based on men cooperating to be successful. While an individual psychopath can beat an individual nice-guy, a group of nice-guys can beat a group of psychopaths because the psychopaths can't trust each other and can't cooperate. Patriarchy is a system where decent men take over and outlaw psychopathic behavior. In particular, adultery, meaning sex with other men's wives, is harshly punished. In such a system, women are attracted to nice guys because nice guys rule. Women are only attracted to psychopaths who can get away with it, and since psychopaths can't get away with much in a patriarchal system, women are not attracted to psychopaths in such a system. Patriarchy is the exact opposite of feminism. Under patriarchy, nice guys are the winners and psychopaths are the losers. This is why patriarchy is the basis of all successful cultures in history. When a culture stops being patriarchal, it begins to decline. This concept of patriarchy may sound like a fantasy because it hardly exists in modern world. But read history and you can see it in the early phases of all successful cultures. For example, read Alexis de Tocqueville's comments or Gustave de Beaumon's comments on women in America in the early 1800s. The Iliad and Odyssey are also great examples of the patriarchal values of Ancient Athens. So now to answer your other questions. Mainstream culture is basically psychopathic. You owe it nothing. Your parents are part of that culture (as are mine). They cannot be helped or expected to understand. I see only two rational ways to deal with life in the modern world. One is too consciously be an immoral hedonist and grab all the hedonistic pleasure one can from this world without any regard for morality, since morality makes no sense in modern culture. The other option is to reject modern culture and look for alternatives. Alternatives include small religious sects like the Amish, Mennonites, and Hasidic Jews. Since I am not religious, these options don't work for me, so my choice is the CoAlpha Brotherhood. |
In reply to this post by sebaline
fschmidt pretty much summed it up.
You can view women as evil, good or neutral. When you view women as evil, you despair, the world looks meaningless and suicide looks like a pleasant escape. Every man ideally wants to view women as good. But the truth is women aren't evil or good, they're just neutral. Viewing women neutrally isn't the most satisfactory option, but it's a lot more mentally appeasing than viewing women as evil. Women respond to environmental mechanisms. PUA is one environmental mechanism among many. If PUA was stripped down into individual parts, it would share the same family of parts for being reassembled into another environmental mechanism like patriarchy. Patriarchy is a superior environmental mechanism to PUA. The only reason PUA beats patriarchy in modern society is because patriarchy has become illegal. Patriarchy likes to market itself as a philosophy of survival of the fittest. But this could not be further from the truth. PUA requires massive amounts of laws to protect it. In the true wild, patriarchy slaughters PUA. |
In reply to this post by sebaline
First of all, please forgive me for dredging up this old posting from 2010.
Some reasonable answers are given here but I would like to add some religious aspects as these may lead to some practical solutions. Evil does exist in the world, and obviously needs to be handled (and generally is). It was suggested that when God made Adam, he also made Lilith. Lilith is general thought to be a demon. I have certain views as to what demons are and where they come from and so on. However Lilith would not submit to Adam and so God created Eve from one of Adam's ribs. Obviously there are a number of possible connotations of what the rib refers to. Ignoring my own speculative views this still leaves the implication that Eve was made as a replacement for the demon Lilith. So in that sense the view could be taken that women are intended to be similar to demons. In fact from my own point of view consciousness itself is only a sanctioned form of demon. In general historic religious terms Eve then got a bad name for herself by disobeying God in the case of the Apple. A demon tends to be against God and so could do that. The result in religious terms is that the Female of the species has not been seen as good and has generally be seen as moderately evil. The female is a substitute for a demon? It's hard to avoid this conclusion in a religious sense. It immediately accounts for sebaline's arguments, and it accounts for why a Patriarchy would tend to be successful. Indeed a female may be programmed to behave in a demonic way and may therefore respond to the same methods and techniques used to control demons. This demonic behaviour may be the natural behaviour of the female. Therefore the implication is that if the evilness of the world is a problem and if females are also a problem you might pursue the methods of exorcism as an alternative to the PUA approach? Females may gravitate to evil in all of it's aspects, and may perhaps be controlled as a demon (to a degree). It's a suggestion that I have not tested. If the argument is true it would account for many aspects that are being seen. So instead of the Feminism being seen as a less fatal form of Nazism transmitted through females rather than males (as a kind of virus), perhaps it is more of a demonic factor at work here. |
In reply to this post by sebaline
Referred to in the OP:
An actually good article by a woman. |
In reply to this post by ShaunS
This is an item that I found: [The contemporary feminist movement found an inspiration in this image of Lilith as the uncontrollable woman and decisively changed the image of Lilith from demon to powerful woman. In 1972 Lilly Rivlin published an article on Lilith for the feminist magazine Ms., with the aim of recovering her for contemporary women. The Jewish feminist magazine Lilith, founded in the fall of 1976, took her name because the editors were inspired by Lilith’s fight for equality with Adam. An article in the introductory issue spelled out Lilith’s appeal and rejected the understanding of her as a demon. Since then, interest in Lilith has only grown among Jewish feminists, neo-pagans, listeners to contemporary music by women (highlighted in the Lilith Fair), poets and other writers. A useful recent book collecting many articles and poems on Lilith, with specific focus on her importance for Jewish women, is Whose Lilith? (1998). As Lilly Rivlin writes in her "Afterword," "In the late twentieth century, self-sufficient women, inspired by the women’s movement, have adopted the Lilith myth as their own. They have transformed her into a female symbol for autonomy, sexual choice, and control of one’s own destiny."] The interesting feature is that we have two factors here. 1) The woman is NOT a demon, but I've suggested may be similar and those similarities may be functional. 2) The suggestion that Feminism is Demonic (as opposed to Nazi) is correct. Politically you won't win with the Feminazi argument, but the suggestion that feminists are demonic is hugely damaging from the political point of view. Would an employer employ a Satanist (who was truly Satanic). If the employer accidentally employed a Satanist would he then promote this person to the rank of manager? If feminism could be shown to be demonic and if feminists could be shown to be worshipping the demon Lilith - would employers then employ such a feminist, and if so would she get promoted to a manager role. I'm guessing that this would not be the case. It discredits the feminist movement and it tarnishes the individual feminist. The association of the Feminist with the Demonic and specifically with Lilith is not commonly understood and publicising this must be a good way to fight back. The question is whether there is an association of the Demon Lilith with the Feminist - perhaps there's a cure? Maybe they're possessed? A muslim would certainly reach such a conclusion. So the female is a lesser version of the demon Lilith, made to be more easily dominated by Adam? There is the question of why Adam was expected to associate with a demon in the first place? Even with Eve, Adam seems to have failed as she still defied God. So here we have a major political flaw within the feminist movement, and this flaw is a big one and is getting bigger because feminists are now arguing that they want more than the initial equality that they were arguing for - so this association is not going to go away and they will not be arguing against this suggestion. Feminism is then shown to be Evil (abortion - the function of evil is to kill, Lilith/Feminism targeting unborn children) and this is not a suggestion, it is actually TRUE. Can you see how this is not in any way related to women getting the vote? You have two options: A) Adopt the evil behaviour that modern feminist females like. B) Oppose them as you would a demonic force and hope to control from that perspective. |
The prognosis here is quite interesting.
Because Lilith was the first choice of mate for Adam on the part of God, God has no real objection if Lilith finally comes around and chooses Adam as her mate. What you then have is a Trojan Horse. The female embraces Lilith and becomes the Feminist, but as the demon can be controlled whoever can control Lilith can now control the female as well. This male can then mate with the women and the demon at the same time - with God's blessing. The above argument may seem strange, and the very next question is WHO is doing this? The following link gives that answer and confirms the argument: "They have attempted to join Lilith and Eve together, and to return them both to their rightful place within Adam." This site is called 'Masonic Forum of Light'. So the Freemason gets the female possessed by Lilith and then controls the woman by controlling the demon? This is where it's at. |
A while ago I was pondering Sweden. American females are arrogant but Sweden is very feminist, what's the link? Air quality in America is poor, but in Sweden it's excellent.
Stockholm, Sweden is the home of Fi the Feminist Initiative, which is a feminist political party. Stockholm, Sweden is the home of Dragon Rouge, which is Thomas Karlsson's satanic group. Dragon Rouge is based on the demons of the Qliphoth. The first Sephira based on Malkuth is called 'Lilith The Queen of the Night' but Lilith who in his scheme is this sephira as well as being the demoness, primarily rules the next sephira up based on Yesod called Gamaliel. In practising his system all actions generally tend to go through Lilith as the mother of the rest of the demons and as the root of the Tree of Knowledge (as opposed to the Tree of Life). The last section of the second part of his mail order course in the satanic has an invocation for Lilith and in his book 'Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic' he gives a formula on page 115 which if chanted 13 times should result in Lilith appearing! Because he believes that the black magician should get used to the demonic he doesn't really follow all of the safety precautions that are generally used for ceremonial magic. While Lilith is a rather poor legend from the biblical point of view, clearly the greater significance appears in connection with the Satanic where Lilith appears to be the very first principal demon at the very root of the structure. What I am suggesting is that Karlsson through the practices of his occult organisation may in fact be responsible for the rise of feminism in Sweden, but not through the direct actions of his group but through the autonomous activities of the demon Lilith summoned regularly by his students as they work on his Satanic teaching materials. This is perhaps slightly unfair, but never-the-less there is a clear Satanic connection. This is the link between the USA and Sweden. The suggestion is that less feminist countries may also be less satanic countries. Karlsson may not be aware that he is having this effect and it may not be at the request of any of the members of this group. It's a win for Satanism as it shows autonomy and sentience in the form of the influence of Lilith. Satanism can be seen as a genuine religion because it's Gods and Goddesses are directly influencing the world in the manner of their choosing and not by acting through the members of the religion. Feminism >> Lilith >> Satanism Many religious people seem to be already shouting this quite loudly and are being ignored. So to answer the question: Are women biologically programmed to reward cruelty, evil and domination? The influence of Lilith makes females under her influence seek out men who are similar to Samael her husband. Samael is severe, the wrath of God, a kind of soldier: 'Samael is the Qlipha of the trickster. The trickster is the mythological character transmitting both wisdom and insanity. The Norse god Loke has the qualities of a trickster and is both wise and cunning, as well as the cause of many problems. In the myths of the North American Indians, the Coyote is often a trickster character. The trickster can be a bringer of culture who imparts abilities and objects that can be both blessings and curses. A good example is the fire that can bring heat, but also burns. The symbolical initiation into the mysteries of fire belongs to the initiation on the Left Hand Path and thus, also, to the Samael Qlipha. The magician swears an oath on the Samael level and thus gains control of the Kundalini, 'the energy of life', and the inner fire. The dark magical initiation is a process that can be painful since it overthrows old conceptions. The dark magician develops his magical identity on Samael and can view the world with new eyes. The conceptions that are broken down by the poison of Samael will arise in a new and purer form when the magician reaches the higher worlds. The peacock demon, Adramelech, corresponding to individuality, beauty and all seeing, rules Samael. The magician abandons the ethical barriers that can prevent magical completion. Ethical values are replaced by asthetic values. Samael poisons the moralistic barriers that hinder the magician's artistic self-creation.' from the book 'Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic' by Thomas Karlsson. So this is the type of character that a female under the influence of Lilith is looking for. A Liberal perhaps? *This is not what I was expecting to find. I was looking for air pollution! So this is Evil and in the long term it would result in many deaths. If the ambition of the demons is to rule the world then this would be in the form of feminism. The slow and gradual build up is exactly what would be expected. |
In general it appears that the Freemason is expected to view his wife/girlfriend/mistress as the embodiment of Lilith during sexual activity, and this presupposes that he is adopting the role of Samael her husband.
Samael in turn is quite an interesting form - half demon half angel? While the function of evil IS to kill it seems that if God has a need to do so that this is what he would use. Not a form that can be entirely condemned. Rather after the manner of a soldier. It is this form that appears to be the key. This is the form that Lilith will submit to and so it is implied that adoption of the demonic form of Samael is the key to controlling and perhaps attracting females (of the modern kind)? Of course I know nothing about Freemasonry. So we see a bigger picture emerging. These practices of the freemasons and the satanists will result in a stronger influence from Lilith upon the world and females in particular. The modern world will suffer from the negative aspects of this demoness and these will be disguised using modern terms such as Abortion, Contraception etc. It should be possible to chart the progress and anticipate what will occur next. These effects are accidental flak. The actual powers in use are likely to be stronger. The context of Lilith is that she will not really be opposed by God as she was the originally intended partner for Adam. Adam is being replaced by Samael and Eve by Lilith - with God's blessing? Get out of that one. Lilith in this context would be seen as the Whore of Babylon and Samael presumably as the Beast, so perhaps there is some religious opposition, but that points to Christianity which is a poor contender. In addition to that Lilith is the Owl that rules our world??? |
Of course there is far more to Freemasonry than this. In general it seems to worship the figure of Nimrod in various forms as the Sun or Baal. The concept is really conveyed in a number of films for example 'The Matrix' where Neo is the second coming of the original Nimrod like character who was able to change the Matrix in any way he liked as a God, with the Agent Smith presumably representing the God Jehovah with the implication of hive mind in his taking over the population of the Matrix. We see this again in the series Terminator where John Conner creates his own existence by sending his father back in time to impregnate his mother, and is the first character to teach humans to storm the wires of the machine concentration camps. These machines represent the Cyborg hive like intelligence of Skynet. The Borg from StarTrek being the analogy here.
So there appear to be two schools of thought. On the one hand the second coming of a God like hero who takes control of the entire world as it's ruler - representative of Nimrod, versus a hive mind of the human race epitomising the concept of 'strength in numbers' in the form of an over mind representative of Jehovah. The side chosen by the Freemasons appears to be demonic and they make this accusation of their opposition as you might expect. Conclusions: Historically I can imagine the poor behaviour of younger males and females being frowned upon by their culture and corrected, much as the Islamic culture might do. This may have been studied and the influence of Samael and Lilith may have been detected. Rather than continue as before a decision was made to enhance this influence on the assumption that the poor behaviour of the male would be counterbalanced by his association with the poorly behaved female. This may have led to some organisation promoting this and attempting to change the culture to allow this bad behaviour to continue by allowing exceptions for these kinds of people. Such a policy would be deemed to be religious tolerance as the evil forces are aspects of religion. Clearly this religious tolerance was not extended to cover good people who might oppose such poor behaviour - as this would be religious intolerance, and thus Muslims would tend to be excluded for being intolerant. This situation has then clearly progressed. Governments of the Western world have made adjustments to accommodate the behaviour and requirements of Lilith and Samael. Boys will be Samael (not boys), girls will be Lilith. This has led to the current Feminist culture of the West. These Governments continue to do their best to account for all of the problems that this issue may throw up (but not with much success). The general view is that this is an inevitable change that will occur and the Freemasons probably have it labelled as evolution. One of the key problems is the nature of evil tending towards death and destruction. The function of evil to kill. Where the demonic may use spare capacity in the human brain it is most likely to affect those with the most capacity and these sadly are school children. The Governments have responded by trying to increase the standards in schools to consume more of the capacity of the child's brain as quickly as possible. In the UK there has been the suggestion that ex soldiers could work as teachers in schools. It's also clear that Lilith may impact on child birth with more children dying just after birth. There is also a split between the younger influenced generation and the older pensioner who is not so influenced with the probability of the younger killing the older (youthanasia) for example: [Will Cornick stabbed Mrs Maguire, 61, seven times in the back and neck at Corpus Christi Catholic College, then sat down and said "good times".] This is exactly the outcome that would be expected as a result of these demonic influences. This is the more active aspect of population reduction I guess. The cost of paying state pension is then replaced with the cost of keeping the guy in prison. So the greater demonic presence can be expected to occur within the context of school or college environments. We may see children becoming the criminal element in our societies for example. We then have the situation where there are groups that know and teach this (them) while there are others who have no idea and are confused by what they are witnessing (us). It's possible that the Freemasons have set up the Jehovah's Witnesses to be the loser group. It's a very apt name for those observers of this disorder. At some point you may be expected to join one of these two groups? The Governments of the Western world clearly expect this to be fought out in terms of a religious battle (God and ManGod - Gog & MaGog). The solution rests with some form of routine exorcism. Some manner of enhancing the human brain to exclude these influences. Something that can be slipped into place without the Freemasons noticing. So the recommendation is for a discrete technological solution of some kind, and this may well be in place already in the case of high ranking politicians. Not a pretty picture, and indeed women are so programmed. |
This post was updated on .
So the recommendation is for a discrete technological solution of some kind, and this may well be in place already in the case of high ranking politicians...
And this is the device: "The Mosquito or Mosquito alarm is an electronic device used to deter loitering by young people by emitting sound at high frequency, in some versions so it can only be heard by younger people. The devices have attracted controversy on the basis of human rights and discrimination concerns." and my favourite:"He described such measures as "demonising children and young people", and creating a "dangerous and widening divide" between the young and the old." - Albert Aynsley-Green, the former Children’s Commissioner for England. The device works at two frequencies 17.4 kHz and 8 kHz. "The push to create the product was when Mr. Stapleton's 17-year-old daughter went to the store to buy milk and was harassed by a group of 12 to 15-year-olds. Using his children as test subjects, he determined the frequency of "The Mosquito." So, 8 kHz is the frequency of the Tomatis Method used for charging brain cells in the cortex of the brain. 8 kHz and above is the frequency produced by the jangles of a tambourine or Tabret used by the Egyptians to scare typhonian spirits (demonic) and the Hebrews to worship Jehovah. The demons are removed due to interaction with the brain cells that are hosts for the demonic forces (like computer viruses) and they get deleted. The most available capacity is in the brains of children hence greater scope for demonic possession, and it is these children that are scared away by this device. What we have is a spot frequency and in general it is a frequency that is good for the brain and bad for demonic forces. This is the technology to use to fight back. The implication is that such a device that produces the spot frequency of 8 kHz may have a direct affect on both males and females, and this effect is to remove the influence of demonic forces and thereby improve their behaviour. Here we see a practical application with the technology determined through trial and error. The technology here is simple. Audacity could be used to create the sound. It could be played back using an Android tablet as the speakers are indeed good enough. The sound is virtually ultrasonic and difficult to detect and is therefore unobtrusive. "What's that faint whistling noise?", "Sorry I can't hear anything - tinnitus perhaps?". Thus simple behaviour modification effect that is deniable. What effect does it have? Does it work? I will investigate. |
For those people wishing to test this out, here is the specification for the tone:
8kHz Tone Specification ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The problem here is that a pure sinusoidal 8kHz tone could be easily neutralized due to it's uniform nature, and therefore a more sophisticated version of such a tone would be required. The Mosquito Alarm has a typical running time of 20 minutes so that should be the duration of the sound. This tone is created using Audacity installed with a wide range of filters. 1) Create a new stereo track: Tracks > Add New > Stereo Track 2) Generate > Noise... Noise type:White, Amplitude (0-1):0.4, Duration:00h 20m 00.000s 3) Effect > Glame Bandpass Filter... Centre Frequency (Hz):8000.0, Bandwidth (Hz):100.0, Stages(2 poles per stage):10 4) Effect > Normalise... Normalize (ticked) maximum amplitude to -0.4 dB 5) Effect > Low Pass Filter... Rolloff (dB per octave): 48 dB, Cutoff frequency (Hz): 13000.0 This produces our end result that you can now play. It sounds like the squeaking brakes of a bus. Zoom in ten times and select most of the wave using the mouse. Analyze > Plot Spectrum (Spectrum, Hanning window, 512, Linear frequency). The result shows a near perfect spike centred on 8kHz. Close the window, zoom back out then click the left track start button to ensure that nothing is selected. File > Export... Save As: EX.wav (give meta data if required?) As a pure wave file you're looking at a file size of about 211.7 MB which is big. Perhaps you would make another file by saving out as MP3, but there is a risk of deterioration to the sound (it should work reasonably well). This can then be placed into a device with a speaker and can then be tested. Structure: We start with White noise, as this is random. The amplitude is kept low as the changes we will make will produce peaks, and we need to ensure that these peaks do not cause distortion. A bandpass filter cuts both high and low frequencies and is used because the combination of High Pass and then Low Pass does not produce a clean enough result. The bandpass filter is a high quality version set to 8000Hz with a variation of 100Hz and the 10 poles is assumed to improve the accuracy. The result here will have greater variation than 100Hz because the frequencies will spread out at a lower and lower amplitude. Using a smaller bandwidth here was found to be ineffective. The result has a small amplitude and is normalized back to -0.4dB. If you zoom in ten times at this point you can see the kind of waveform being produced here. Analysis revealed that this has some upper frequencies that we don't need so a Low Pass filter was required to remove these. The result is a randomly varying squealing noise running for 20 minutes. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The idea is that this sound could be played at a low level. So unlike the Mosquito device we don't want the subject to walk away. At a low volume the result would still have a subliminal effect but would have limited range. The above specification cannot easily be neutralised as a cancelling signal would also have to run for 20 minutes (some other method of disruption would be used). It's unclear at this point what effect this may or may not have. |
Just a quick mention for Buffy The Vampire Slayer. This was Joss Whedon's girl power saga of a female with superhuman abilities - chosen to fight vampires. It's generally feminist as is Joss Whedon.
[This conception came from "the very first mission statement of the show, which was the joy of female power: having it, using it, sharing it".] - Wikipedia In the episode 'Get it done' we discover that the first slayer gained her power from a demon, and Buffy is expected to merge with the demon to gain more power - an offer she rejects. This particular episode wasn't written by Joss Whedon. In a later episode we learn that Spike is their strongest warrior. Both Angel (consider his name carefully here) and Spike were Buffy's lovers. Angel because he was cursed with a soul and Spike who acquires a soul. These male characters are thus half demon half human and thus representative of Samael (who himself seems to be part demon part angel), while Buffy herself being a slayer is also part demon as that's where the slayer line get their strength from thus Lilith. "It's the mission that matters." The general message is of humans becoming one with demons or part demonic in order to obtain superhuman abilities - a feature that seems quite rare for the comparable Marvel Comic Super Heros. And this message is the one being conveyed to the younger generation with the emphasis being on children at school or college. And as Buffy is fighting evil it must be okay - right? |
In the 'The Fifth Element' - Leeloo is a wonderful misspelling of Lilu which is another name for Lilith. Bruce Willis plays a tricky and devious taxi driver in the role of Samael and the two combine in the form of the original human with 4 arms and legs (?) to defeat evil. Another Freemason inspired type of movie.
There is a mitigating feature for the Freemasons that is very interesting and casts them in a slightly more positive light. This is theoretical at this time. These things are quite difficult for me to spot and I don't have access to their secrets. More research is required. At this time there has been the suggestion that the God Jehovah represents the unification of the brain and this may be the case. However the suggestion is that the fragmentation of this God would then produce the demons instead. This gives two sides to the coin, where the coin is the brain. Unfortunately this view is a little too simple. It relies on the legion of demons merging to form a Devil who in the next moment becomes the God Jehovah. The sum of the parts being greater than the whole - it's asking a bit too much for this concept to account for that. Even a small part of good would still tend to be good and not demonic and on top of that the Tomatis Method which would account for the charging of the brain cells is only charging those on the outer cortex of the brain, it isn't really charging other brain cells? Another God ^^^^^^^^ The Freemasons are a sex cult. I'm not really going to prove that but I think that it's widely understood. I read somewhere that the wife of a prospective Freemason is advised that her husbands membership will make him into a more horny individual, and she would have to put up with that. Consider pornography. Visual pornography works primarily for men. Looking at pornography of various kinds will make a man horny - but how does this work? The guy is then horny for a couple of hours and the thinking is that normal sexual activity is often not enough to use the energy generated. I am leaning towards the view that pornography charges brain cells within the brain stem (unlike the 8kHz of the Tomatis Method that charges brain cells on the cortex). My thinking is that this energy is stored within the brain and not the sex organs as some thinking is required to achieve what is desired. It seems likely that more energy can be stored than would normally be used so there is the potential for this energy to increase over time. If brain cells in general have some ability to link brain to brain to produce a hive mind then what kind of God would be produced by charging the brain cells in the brain stem? This God would obviously have some kind of reptilian form, and this is a better match for the kinds of forms that demons can take. It also implies Satan and the Devil as serpentine forms. This would be an older God than Jehovah as the reptilian brain stem formed much earlier in evolution where the cortex of the brain represents the latest development of the brain. This accounts for the reptilian God forms found in the Sumerian religion. It is a God with an earlier claim to the human race, and it would be a more hostile God that would have handled a more primitive world. It would also be a God more associated with sex. Further more if the Tabret (Deff drum) was used to frighten away Typhonian spirits by the Egyptians it seems clear that stimulating the brain with the high frequencies of the jangles was having a negative impact on the effects produced by the brain stem. So the cortex can counter the power of the brain stem, but the side effect is the tendency to remove sexual influences. A worshipper of Jehovah may perhaps have less girlfriends than a worshipper of Satan due to conflict within the brain and the external influences that may be produced. Other Factors ^^^^^^^^ It seems clear to me that any music with most tempos will be producing frequencies that fall within the range of the brain stem (1Hz 60bpm, 2Hz 120bpm, 3Hz 180bpm), thus stimulating the brain stem. If the instrument used was a tambourine style instrument you would then have an additional stimulation of the cortex - at the same time. It seems likely that the Hebrew slave playing the Tabret would be female, and that the ritual would tend to be a fertility ritual with a male audience. While playing it seems likely that the female would be nude. The result would look very similar to what a person might expect to see in a secret Masonic meeting and could be expected to act to stimulate both Good and Evil at the same time, stimulating both the cortex and the brain stem. This may be the key secret to have both factors not just one of them. The brain then may be seen as a battery that is charged through stimulation of the senses. This stimulation is produced by the environment and the brain is charged by the environment in such a way as to become powerful enough to handle that environment - but only up to that point necessary. Religious methods may revolve around refining this charging process to produce a more powerful brain capable of 'super' natural ability. |
Okay... I'm drifting off topic a little here. The Freemasons are definitely into this stuff:
Jahbulon - their secret word is this JAH = Jahweh, the God of the Hebrews BUL = Baal, the ancient Canaanite fertility god associated with 'licentious rites of imitative magic' ON = Osiris, the Ancient Egyptian god of the underworld. from: The brain has three layers. The Brain Stem, the Limbic System, and the Cortex... so: JAH = Jahweh, the Cortex BUL = Baal, the Limbic System ON = Osiris, the Brain Stem Brain Surgery perhaps? The suggestion then is that the sexual aspects of Freemasonry are designed to charge brain cells of either the brain stem or the limbic system. It seems that the Freemasons are attempting to charge all three layers of the brain and that these layers may generate three separate and conflicting Gods. That would allow for several conflicting religions and it would allow for the Jews to be worshipping a different God to the Muslims. Our world is really screwed up isn't it? This is speculation, however back in 2004 decided to sell their Masonic books to non-masons, and they are the key publisher for all the documents used. This means that you can now purchase all of the specific books and study this organisation for yourself. Their secrets will not be spelt out so you would need to read between the lines but it's all available. So, what you have is something severely at odds with traditional religion. A brain with God like abilities that the conscious mind doesn't have access to, that can still be consciously charged to increase the power available to an external autonomous power that can exist in three different war like factions developed by gestalt to be superior to any individual human being. What shall we do next? |
"So, what you have is something severely at odds with traditional religion."
I was wrong here - the reference is to the 'Trinity' of Christianity (thus the link between the Christians and the Freemasons): [Then, he says, his disciples will dwell in him, as he dwells in the Father, and the Father dwells in him, and the Father will dwell in them. This is so, according to the theory of perichoresis, because the persons of the Trinity "reciprocally contain one another, so that one permanently envelopes and is permanently enveloped by, the other whom he yet envelopes".] Although it would be considered blasphemous, the three aspects of God are the three layers of the brain. So the baptism has to baptise the person as though they were three different people because it has to baptise each layer of the brain. They cannot see this but as they study and describe it - it's clear that they are describing the human brain. Another feature here is that obviously there is a situation in which the brain stem developed first, the limbic system developed second and the cortex developed third. So there is a sequence here: 3) JAH = Jahweh, the Cortex 2) BUL = Baal, the Limbic System 1) ON = Osiris, the Brain Stem Now the general relevance to the thread is the effect on the children of Freemasons and Satanists. The adults have fully developed brains that won't become damaged by their practices, but the surplus energies can be expected to affect their children. The issue is that only one aspect may affect the children. So while the father may be balancing all three aspects of the brain, if the brain stem is demonic and if that area works by possession then perhaps only that area would affect the children, who would then see one aspect developed instead of all three (much like the effect of pornography perhaps). So the male child could be the hated Liberal type who attracts all the women, while his brother may become the shy psychopath who murders his brother... Cain and Abel?? While the female may develop into a prostitute or a feminist. The result is the modern world as a byproduct of the children of Freemasons and Satanists. So the brain adapts to the environment which has been very severe in the past. The three Gods of the brain were adaptations to give the brain a specific God like capability to handle a specific catastrophe. When there is no threat this is not needed and the lack of stimulation suppresses these capabilities. A religious group might specifically develop an enriched environment to stimulate these areas to develop God like ability (of a King?) to achieve superiority with respect to the people around him that he may be competing against for survival or profit. Such people would annoy the prevailing Government as they would pose a threat to the state, which would take action against them. |
Okay - this just goes on and on (apologies):
Cain and Abel ^^^^^^^^ from: "The Genesis narrative does not give a specific reason for the murder of Abel. Modern commentators typically assume that the motives were jealousy and anger due to God rejecting Cain's offering, while accepting Abel's. Ancient exegetes, such as the Midrash and the Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan, suggest something even more sinister behind the killing. They supplement that the motive involved a desire for the most beautiful woman. According to Midrashic tradition, Cain and Abel each had twin sisters whom they were to marry. The Midrash states that Abel's promised wife, Aclima, was more beautiful. Since Cain would not consent to this arrangement, Adam suggested seeking God's blessing by means of a sacrifice. Whomever God blessed would marry Aclima. When God openly rejected Cain's sacrifice, Cain slew his brother in a fit of jealousy and anger. Analysts have described Cain's relationship to his sister as being incestuous." So the suggestion is that Cain was jealous of Abel because his proposed wife was more attractive, and so he killed him. Adam and Eve were not Freemasons - no but the aspect of Satanism... It was Eve who was tempted by Satan and then the apple and ultimately sexuality and the children. One a Liberal (Abel) the other Psychotic (Cain). An interesting parallel. |
In reply to this post by ShaunS
The final aspect here has finally fallen into place.
The Limbic System, the middle layer of the brain seems to be primarily associated with memory. The Freemasons therefore stimulate this area of the brain through the practice of memorising and memorisation techniques: [Sir Laurence Gardner in his book The Shadow of Solomon he states that after 30 years of getting unprecedented access into this fraternity of secrets known as Freemasonry “…that Masons were instructed in the art of memory”] It's also worth mentioning that rap music develops similar skills. Anatol has suggested that rap music is linked to feminism and here it's linked to the freemasons. So the general structure is this: 3) JAH = Jahweh, the Cortex (stimulation by 8kHz tone) - Mountain top 2) BUL = Baal, the Limbic System (stimulation through memory skills) - Ground or Sea level 1) ON = Osiris, the Brain Stem (stimulation through pornography and sex) - Subterranean There is also an impression of imposing the brain layer on the world as the location of the God. Not sure what that means though? The cultural problems may perhaps be caused entirely by Freemasons and their children? Actively enhancing the brain is perhaps unnatural and has difficult consequences for society that Governments get stuck with trying to fix. The brain stem deals with sex and death and it's evil. It's primary method of functioning is through possession. We are who we are because we have possessed the body. The hypnotic snake - seduction as an aspect of predation. Sexual seduction would be a function of the brain stem (thus evil). So the Omega is not really the dim witted individual he is suggested to be. The association of the Satanic with Sex and so on. Because the brain stem functions by possession you have the risk of the impact upon the children and the best solution becomes to separate the Father/Freemason from the children. The best way to do that is to destroy marriage and have single unmarried mothers as the fathers are then distanced from the children. The fathers can then be as promiscuous as they like while the state will look after the children. So there is your developing culture. At the other end of the spectrum the Cortex associated with Jehovah/Yahweh and the priesthood who are required to be Celibate. The reason now becomes clear that it's to avoid stimulating the brain stem as these two regions of the brain are in opposition. The activation of one suppresses the other. In general both Good and Evil will have power, but the middle region of the Limbic System being neutral probably has the least power. It's sad to blame the Freemasons for everything, but in truth they could be entirely to blame. You can see what the Freemasons are trying to do. The human brain is itself at the centre and is the eye in the triangle formed by these three gods. The man is deemed to be greater than the individual gods as all three are dependant on the one brain. Three in one - the trinity. There is a lack of evidence but I'm sure much could be found. |
You do know you're just disturbing and aren't even trolling?
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