Hi caamib,
What I'm saying here is disturbing. Obviously I am looking for more evidence of what the Freemasons are up to (Masonic pill boxes for example - for Masonic pills). The Masons are providing an enriched environment to stimulate the brains of their members. Doing so often involves a degree of immorality. The natural development of the brain has been to develop the Cortex/Neo-cortex and this is where consciousness occurs. It's as though the brain has designed an isolated 'lone wolf' as the solution to the problem of Evil from the brain stem. A separate unit to make judgements and take action in an autonomous way to counteract evil forces. The Cortex is the latest development of the brain but is also newer and less developed than the brain stem. The natural development must be the correct approach. In contrast the Freemasons are following an artificial method to develop the entire brain all at once. They are creating monsters. The issue becomes relevant if you argue that Co-Alpha needs a religion. The Cortex of the brain acts as a suppressor of evil forces. Consciousness can take direct action. Previously the need for this would have been determined by the Limbic System when that was the latest area developed. The memory of events led to the need to oppose - to counteract negative factors as they develop. The Freemasons could be the nemesis of Co-Alpha. Have you failed to identify your enemy? Are you looking at the symptoms without discerning the cause? The key problem is traditionalism. You cannot go back - you can only go forward. It's difficult to undo this present culture, especially if it becomes identified with the idea of enhancement and improvement. If the Government wished to avoid Freemasons they would employ women not men, and to do so women would have to be seen as being just as good and thus equal. If you need a religion, the God had better be Jehovah. Any psychology had better support the Cortex of the brain. Any enhancement would need to enhance either the Cortex (8kHz) or the consciousness (17.4kHz?). But if the brain stem handles sex and seduction then you have a problem (the evil side effects). Failure to resolve such problems would then give Elliot Rodgers. How to separate the physiological needs from the brain stem and re-implement them within the Cortex, without triggering the brain stem... how to have your cake and eat it too? Of course the Freemasons achieve this through the use of secrecy (an interesting solution perhaps). The problems that you can see are much bigger than you realise. The Freemasons are in decline. Any Co-Alpha religion would have to compete against them and somehow achieve superiority as well as popularity. It's not clear how you could do that. |
There is a lot of evidence and much of it is very strange for example:
To quote myself here - "They are creating monsters." https://carm.org/teachings-of-mormonism "Many men say there is one God; the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are only one God. I say that is a strange God [anyhow]--three in one and one in three. . .It is curious organization . . . All are crammed into one God according to sectarianism (Christian faith). It would make the biggest God in all the world. He would be a wonderfully big God--he would be a giant or a monster," (Joseph Smith, Teachings, p. 372). he would be a giant or a monster Joseph Smith was a Freemason (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormonism_and_Freemasonry), and the Mormons reject the holy trinity. Then we have the Jehovah's Witness. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jehovah's_Witnesses_beliefs "Witnesses reject the Trinity doctrine, which they consider unscriptural." Charles Taze Russell was a Freemason, although this is denied (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Taze_Russell#Alleged_connections_with_Freemasonry). Now we generally have a wide range of deception going on, such as this: http://emperorundertheking.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/tim-lahaye-of-left-behind-series-is.html Where Christianity is being deflected in various ways by Freemasons. The Freemasons it seems don't want Christianity stumbling on to it's basic secret, that the trinity is a three in one monster God known as the Human. So they promote different versions of Christianity that refocus the Christian religion on the one God Jehovah. They seem to be annoyed that the Christians are on their turf? The Holy Trinity is part of Freemasonry NOT Christianity and they have been struggling to remove it from Christianity. This in my view is supporting evidence. *Now I realise that my views are not really believed and many people wish that I would just go away but... this stuff is very interesting and I'm good at what I do. I get the answers but my views often change. Remember when I said that demons used the surplus capacity in the brain and existed as viruses? Well now I'm saying that they come from the brain stem - which is different to what I said before. It takes time to see the bigger picture but there is a bigger picture here. The little problem of the strange behaviour of women is a side effect of this HUGE issue of religion and it's origin, while the Freemasons are stirring the cauldron in the background, stoking the flames. |
Slowly the building grew and dim forms molded by the Master's hand took shape about him. Three huge, soulless creatures had the Master fashioned, great beings which loomed like grim spectres in the semi-darkness. They were three builders he had blessed and now in stately file they passed before him, and Hiram held out his arms to his creation, saying, "Brothers, I have built you for your works. I have formed you to labor with me in the building of the Master's house. You are the children of my being; I have labored with you, now labor with me for the glory of our God."
The emphasis in bold here is mine. This comes from Lost Keys - Manly Palmer Hall. The three huge soulless creatures are the three layers of the brain - the children of his being. If we look at Crowley's Book of The Law we see three chapters. Chapter II: 'In the sphere I am everywhere the centre' 'I am Life, and the giver of Life, yet therefore is the knowledge of me the knowledge of death.' 'I am the secret Serpent coiled about to spring' I could quote more here, but generally Chapter II refers to the spinal column and the brain stem. Chapter I appears to be the Limbic System. In general the Whore of Babalon is the Limbic System and the Beast that she rides upon is the brain stem. This leaves Chapter III as the Cortex handling some kind of war. There is the dove, and there is the serpent. Choose ye well! He, my prophet, hath chosen, knowing the law of the fortress, and the great mystery of the House of God. The House of God is the Brain! This does create the difficult problem of the Limbic System - Baal the Bull God being female??? We would then have the brain stem as Cain and the cortex as Able. The Limbic System suppresses the brain stem allowing the formation of the cortex. The female stops Cain murdering Able thus the female is attracted to the evil man who in his distraction does not then kill the good man. Then we have the Brain Stem as the Father, the Limbic System as the Mother and the Cortex as the Son. Coincidences are more likely to occur with lower values like 3 I guess but some of this is probably correct. Perhaps there is a solution amongst this. The brain is projecting culture into the world. |
What we have is a fairly complex picture and this seems to have been simplified in various ways in the past. One of those methods was the Punch and Judy show.
Mr Punch (with his slap stick) = Cortex/NeoCortex Judy = Limbic System Crocodile = Brain Stem So the crocodile usually appears after the sausages are introduced - it's responding to hunger. This is quite a novel way of conveying the general concept. It suggests that the female is primarily functioning at the level of the Limbic System, which is Emotion and Memory. The male functions either as the Computer of the cortex or as the Crocodile of the brain stem. The general view is that the female is really going for the crocodile rather than the nerdy computer, so intellect is out. Alcohol directly inhibits the cortex so technically the female is getting the male drunk. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach - thus the crocodile again. The slapping concept that has been promoted by the dubious video (in other posts) works well here as a characteristic of Mr Punch and does appear perhaps as a featured response of the cortex. In the past in ancient Egypt the Cortex of the brain was probably still developing, thus the concept of co-operation may have been much stronger, and a lack of consciousness would have helped with that (as it's the primary feature of the neocortex). * I suspect that discussion of the left and right hemispheres of the brain may well be a smoke screen to cover and eliminate discussion of the layers of the brain. The layers appear to be under played on purpose probably as a Freemason agenda to conceal such information. So forget arguments about the left and right hemispheres of the brain being different in the male and the female (as I provided from the BBC) because this appears to be a red herring. Consider that the female may be functioning primarily with the Limbic System of her brain, and this leads to emotion and memory as basic reasoning. Alignment with the male is therefore fairly difficult and requires the male to adjust in some way. That's difficult because the male specialisation is into different areas like hunting. So the female has this focus primarily for raising children, and it's a kind of counter evolution that has survived as a valuable gender role. Males and females there think quite differently and this is the root of the problem. The female is focussed on the child. Because of emotional response the female is drawn to the crocodile not Mr Punch. This may suggest that the concept of the PUA may actually be valid because it may target this area of the female brain. * Mr Punch, it seems, is only hitting his wife due to her infidelity. The female is the Limbic System of the brain, the male is not! The Bull and it's fertility is relating to the female because it is the female that is fertile and bears the child. The solution rests with studying the Limbic System of the brain and developing methods of triggering it's responses in various ways. Perhaps that's what the peacock is doing with it's feathers? |
Okay, okay, so what I'm thinking here is this:
In evolutionary terms the brain stem represents the original creature which would have been in the sea as a marine animal. The development of the Limbic System leads to memories and emotions (sort of a superior Goldfish). This results in the female moving onto the land to explore, as a sightseer, a holiday maker. The memory of places and the emotions they trigger. The male is then missing his female, he too has a developing Limbic System but now has to do more. Not just to leave the water and move onto the land, the male has to develop intelligence and the Cortex in order to search and hunt for his missing female. So the female is centred on the Limbic System as a traveller, the male is centred on the Cortex as he uses his intellect to search for the female. Better off abroad - is an exact expression of this. The female appears to be feeding the memory and emotion by seeking new places and new people and this works well for evolution as it produces more complex genes. The thinking then is that the most appropriate females are probably those visiting your City as holiday makers. The City itself is a byproduct of intellect and an elimination of the nomadic lifestyle, but the result is a collection of intellectual males and females competing against each other on an intellectual level - which doesn't work. Computers then are an extension of the intellect and their purpose is to help in the search for the female. The result is pornography - pictures of the missing female. This progresses to movies and so on, and finally to the camera based chat concept. Evolution has created a difficult world for us. You can see from this the male interest in pornography and the general lack of interest in pornography on the part of the female. The female is not really looking for the male. Likewise the female lack of interest in computers - she is not using them to look for the male. We can also see from this the idea of television. For females television shows other places without the need to go there. Perhaps the television is the females version of the computer? So the female appears to be nomadic in this sense. It is the female who leaves the male for example. The culture is based on the brain it's structure and it's needs. |
In reply to this post by ShaunS
I speculate that from a spiritual/religious and phallocentric perspective of the verses in Genesis is that cunts are incomplete beings. They were created, or evoluted by God, with an empty womb devoid of a soul in order to accommodate the development of mans' offspring, primarily our sons. I sort of theorized that that empty void leaves them ope to the influence of what I call she-demons. Those demonic forces are manifested as the negative or evil aspects of the corrupt female nature & depravity. This is what Adam was cursed to for ever be responsible for suppressing in the female. These are the things that are responsible for them leaving their role as servant and lead to rebellion and feminism.
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