The world would be a much better place to live in if it were guaranteed that wicked men died as virgins. I’d like to be able to point at a typical bully, abuser, or thug and taunt that no woman would ever want him. It’s the only thing they understand. They have no conception of morality, unable to perceive humanity as having any purpose beyond feeding, fighting and fucking. Especially fucking. We’re taught that women are the arbiters, offering future offspring to those whose genes should be passed on. We’re taught that they drive the process of evolution by selecting only the best and the brightest men. Oh, I wish. Why bother trying to better yourself as a person when there are thousands of battered, raped, psychologically broken and easily manipulated BUT TOTALLY HOT girls turning eighteen every day? They’ll even do anal if you verbally abuse them enough! I try to keep fighting. I try to deliver punishment whenever I can, within the bounds of social decency, which doesn’t get me far at all. Any argument I can try to lay down is always met with “Yeah, well MY GIRLFRIEND…” One day, I’d like to be able to respond “Too bad, son. I’m putting her down. Step aside, I’m a professional.” Of course, that’s a lie. I’m not a professional. But I have to start somewhere. If you don’t treat your toys nicely, I throw them away. Because that’s all that these girlfriends are. Toys. I cannot see them as human beings for they offer nothing to the human experience. They will create no art worth seeing, write no tale worth reading, have no thought that couldn’t be gleaned from Nicholas Sparks novels and trite ‘inspirational’ posters. They have the intellectual curiosity of a germ. They believe that ambitions are something for other people. They seek happiness in nothing but the love they give to others, believing their relationships to be divine and meaningful rather than something that is easily replicated by a Labrador retriever. Therefore they do not know that they are endlessly rewarding the evil deeds of men unworthy, and thus inadvertently weakening society. And quite frankly, they’re not even pretty. Nothing is lost if I put them down. In fact, we have everything to gain. But her mommy and daddy will be sad. :’C Of course your girlfriend isn’t like that, I’m sure she’s a beautiful and unique snowflake. She’s had some troubles in the past, but learning to trust you has made her so much better. Please. there is no such thing as a cute couple none of you fucking fucks are cute you’re all stinking sweating bags of meat propagating a race of pig-apes in the absence of a benevolent god who has either fucked off to another universe or been buried under a pile of innocents lying cold and rotten in a mass grave and here you are making gifs of yourselves kissing as the value of human life continues to deteriorate i would sell your souls for a pistol loaded with a single bullet this is how much i hate you this is how much i hate a world that you exist in my prayers for annihilation dissipate into the empty cosmos and die as you ought to your story ends here |
First of all I thank you for your posting. I will attempt to give an explanation but this is in a religious context because that is indeed where the problem seems to be. Currently I'm working on the next section for my Anno Domini religion - in the Religion folder, and I have discovered some disturbing details:
When God created Adam there was the expectation that he would associate with the Demoness Lilith. We don't need to worry about the accuracy of that story because there is a far more important story of the Virgin Mary being impregnated by the Holy Ghost and thus given birth to Jesus. In my research I have discovered that sex and reproduction falls under the remit of the Devil and the information comes from a database 'written by God'. God does not handle reproduction he delegates to the Devil, and therefore it is the Devil we have to thank for the continued existence of the human race (but he's an aspect of God in the Catholic religion). As the Virgin Mary was impregnated by the Holy Ghost, it is an act of reproduction and as that falls under the remit of the Devil - then the Holy Ghost is Demonic NOT Angelic. Thus Mary had two husbands, one was the Human Joseph the other was the Demonic Holy Ghost, and this is the second such reference to God's idea of humans associating with demons. What we see then is the idea that human males and females can reproduce with demonic males and females. The demonic world appears to be 2 dimensional which is why we don't nomally see them. Jesus Christ was therefore half human half demon - a hybrid and this accounts for all of his miracles including raising the dead and his own ressurection in demonic form. None of which is blasphemous, all of which has been sugar coated by the Church. Males and females could therefore have two wives or two husbands, one of which would be human while the other would be demonic. The above appears to be the origin of the Liberal culture. When a female has a child and she does not know who the father is, there is an outside possibility of low probability (for sure) that the father may have been demonic. Now the State and the System would not blindly jump to such a conclusion, therefore they must have actual provable instances and high ranking members that are infact hybrids - Human/Demon hybrids. The aim is therefore to cover up the fact so that no one notices. You then have a culture where the single female is looking for two guys, one normal the other demonic, and the tendency is being educated into them. Despite God's original intent, the Demonic must always be viewed as evil and this is problematical especially for the Church. God's current solution appears to be to develop a new race of 'Neanderthal Man' as a product of Microcephaly and the Zika virus which will become a sexually transmitted disease. Presumably this new race will be unaffected by the stupidity of the current culture as it will not be possible to indoctrinate, propagandise, or brainwash these people who may eventually comprise 60% of the populate. God got this idea from Hiroshima and Nagasaki as that was where Microcephaly became apparent: After the dropping of atomic bombs "Little Boy" on Hiroshima and "Fat Man" on Nagasaki, several women close to ground zero who had been pregnant at the time gave birth to children with microcephaly. Microcephaly prevalence was seven of a group of 11 pregnant women at 11–17 weeks of gestation who survived the blast at less than 1.2 km (0.75 mi) from ground zero. Due to their proximity to the bomb, the pregnant women's in utero children received a biologically significant radiation dose that was relatively high due to the massive neutron output of the lower explosive-yielding Little Boy. Microcephaly is the only proven malformation, or congenital abnormality, found in the children of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So God had seen this and spent time developing the concept now transmitted by the virus. Thus a bigger picture emerges which is rather unpleasant! The modern female is attracted to the demonic and the Church favours this as it worships Mary more that Jesus. In the absence of an actual Demon the female will be looking for a guy with demonic tendencies (and may perhaps find a hybrid). |
In reply to this post by manofire
If my arguments are sound then there are some solutions.
In theory you could buy a female an amethyst necklace. This could simply consist of tumbled stones with a hole in them that are threaded on a leather shoelace to form a necklace. Amethyst is a gemstone that is quite cheap and this material is used in occult circles to absorb demonic forces. She would wear this for a week and it would absorb any demonic influences affecting her behaviour. It could be given as a gift to a mother, daughter, girlfriend etc, perhaps as a Birthday/Christmas present and would certainly be worn for a short time. The result could be studied to see if it had the desired effect and is a much better solution than shooting the girl. Amethyst is supposed to be cleansed from time to time, and in a Scientific setting I would suggest an Eprom Eraser that emits high intensity UV light as it would clearly act at the crystal level. The demonic is presumed to be composed of energetic dark matter that can attach and detach at will from living matter thus possession. It fears salt as that has a cubic crystal structure which is the first shape that dark matter can form when it crystalises. Amethyst is a crystal structure that is more stable and may do the same. It is a potentially profitable solution and such could be widely made and sold if it works - there's no harm in testing this solution. So what I'm saying here is that the demonic force would become trapped within the amethyst crystals and it's dark matter would become attached but unable to detach due to the crystal matrix. It then gets nuked by the UV light in the Eprom Eraser. |
I don't believe that my girlfriend deserves to die, but I do agree that she is a horrible person.
In reply to this post by manofire
Ok a lot to unpack first of all who Hurt you??? Like Jesus Christ man you need to chill secondly just because you had some bad experiences with girls it doesn't mean all of them deserve to die let me give you a example so I have a disability I can't move my whole body I'm typing this with my eyes I'm not that attractive and I'm not rich and yet I have found a beautiful girl that loves me for who I am also i wouldn't consider myself a Chad as you call them now how is it that I found a beautiful woman that doesn't love me because I'm rich and attractive but for just me because I'm a genuine person who sees women as people not just object's for sex maybe if you thought like that you would've had a long lasting relationship by now or maybe even a family but no you only see women as toy's and nothing more that's probably why they treat you like one.
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