Wrong Planet is a site/forum for people with Aspergers. The forum is run very much like the psych ward in the movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and the equivelant of Nurse Ratched soon came to silence me. I hope that a few men there saw my posts and links here, where they can speak freely. But like in the movie, I expect most of them to voluntarily remain in the ward. We will see if any show up here.
Read some of your posts there, followed the link to the sodini/bardamu article.
Recent post by an old timer to the MGTOW forums: ---------------------------------------------------------------- irlandes says: May 6, 2010 at 3:03 pm I am a couple years shy of 70 years old. I started visiting this rural Mexico village when I was 41, and started living here at times when I was 56. I am not especially handsome, in fact… When I was 64, an extremely cute 14 year old fell in love with me. Used to being kicked around as Nice Guys are in the US, it scared me half to death, but it was good for my self-esteem. In the last 2.5 years, I have had subtle offers from two women around 20 years old. Attractive women. I have chosen to be faithful to my Mexican wife of 35 years, not because she deserves it, but because it is better for me. So, I let them pass. For the benefit of those who would attempt to denigrate my report, this is the Second Wave of women. The gold-diggers and opportunists came right away, some years ago, and they were easy to spot and ignore. This Second Wave are women who know me personally, and like me enough to have sex with me, or in the case of the first one, she wanted to be my mistress, well knowing I was a married man. I had hot flashes for a week! The smartest of Jews left Germany in the 20′s. The dummies and the timid stayed and died. So, while I realize it is not easy to expat, all the smart men should at least by working on an exit plan. NICE GUYS ARE HOT IN MEXICO!!! If you want game, this is not the place to go. If you want a domestic wife who dedicates herself to her children and husband, this is the place to be. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not disbelieve him, but it sounds quite incredible. |
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I understand the analogy but it isn't quite fair. The threat of Nazism in Germany in the 20's was much less obvious than the threat of feminism is today. My parents didn't see it coming. Many intelligent Jews didn't. But with feminism, I can see no excuse. The Wrong Planet inmates have chosen to remain in the asylum. That most of the men there will fail to reproduce is probably a good thing. Those decent men who are incapable of seeing the threat of feminism deserve their evolutionary fate. Expatting is a good plan but isn't the only option. The main thing is to go to a place like Mexico to find a wife, and then to have children, unlike the Wrong Planet men. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Was surprised about the censorship, or intention of censorship, on WrongPlanet, especially when I've tended to find it a place where I can speak freely about anything. So I'm surprised at the intention to censor free thinking views like yours, considering many people hold views out of the mainstream so thought it was a good place for free thinkers.
Thank you for coming here, Keeno, and welcome. I wasn't surprised at all about the censorship. I expected to be censored as I said here. I'm surprised it took as long as it did. Women from feminist cultures cannot tolerate criticism and so they support censorship.
Please take a look around our little forum. Feel free to criticize anything that you disagree with, or just post your own thoughts. You have found a good place for free thinkers here. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
It wasn't my intent to Godwin the thread, I just copied it out in full, seeing that the contrast with First World Countries was so great it would be meaningful to people across the spectrum - the evolutionary faction, looks faction etc etc. |
Of course. The quote great. I guess I was just criticizing the analogy as a way to express my frustration with the thickheaded men on Wrong Planet. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Well let me say this. If I was a poster on wrong planet or some other place and someone came in and told me "feminism is your problem" etc. etc. I wouldn't believe it. Not necessarily because I'm dumb but because it's hard to make a causal connection to something so nebulous, especially when you've been brainwashed to believe otherwise, and everyone else is telling you the problem is you. Add to the fact that everyone has personal problems and limitations and believe this is what inhibits them and this is what you get. I think it's a bit unfair to just expect people to "get it" right away and condemn them to death basically if they don't. It took a lot of reading and introspection for me to realize just how far the societal decay has gone and how much it affects LS guys negatively. I would have been scared off by a barrage of extreme suggestions.
There's less testosterone in men these days. It's a lot easier to fall into the passive trap of just blaming yourself for everything and doing nothing. Way, way easier. Guys back in the day would've rebelled if their needs weren't met. Guys nowadays slump over, defeated, and need a lot of gradual intellectual convincing to not just go along with the cultural zeitgeist even if it is very harmful to them. |
In reply to this post by Ardia
Ardia, I think this irlandes quote deserves a thread of its own.
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In reply to this post by Ardia
"When I was 64, an extremely cute 14 year old fell in love with me. Used to being kicked around as Nice Guys are in the US, it scared me half to death, but it was good for my self-esteem."
I'm half your age and would risk being practically castrated for life if I even allowed the vibe to leak that I'd LIKE to indulge her affections. There's a Satisfaction Gestapo in this country (the U.S.). Sexual abuse does exist, but... People are HORNY! Maybe, just maybe, the 14-year-old would like getting freaky with you? This suggestion is rejected with all the passion of a blasphemed Christian fundamentalist. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
You're the resident mexico the honors. |
In reply to this post by Nostromos-2
That quote was written by Irlandes who doesn't post here. He lives in Mexico. Of course it's possible for a 14 year old to be attracted to an older guy, but it's for the best to prevent anything from happening at that age since women who become sexually active too young become ruined and don't make good wives. In Mexico, it would be the parents' responsibility (not the government) to prevent anything from happening. But at least in Mexico, there is no hypocrisy about all this, like in America where men are blamed for everything.
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