Why stay in the West?

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Why stay in the West?

The United States is horrible in so many ways. The women are cockroaches, the towns look ugly and the culture is dehumanizing. That said, the US ranks relatively high in two indexes, of which most countries rank low in both:

Free Market

Rule of Law

Both Hong Kong and Singapore have more free markets than the US, but they have higher corruption. Similarly Sweden and Finland have better rule of law, but less free markets. The United States is one of the few countries in world that ranks relatively high on both indexes. Many non-feminist countries are out there, but they rank low in one or both indexes.

My guess is that the US will decline in both indexes in the coming years.
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Re: Why stay in the West?

I wonder how they arrive at such a conclusion. The Western world seems to be essentially Soviet-style communism implemented under the guise of capitalism, with a few large corporate entities controlling everything and free to plunder everyone else with impunity. There is a diminishing number of people making any kind of money in independent business, and most of those that I know of are either contractors for large corps or came up through the GovCorp system. As for corruption, obviously corruption is rampant. I've just finished reading a book about Wall Street trading, and as we know it is just an orgy of looting. Most sectors of the economy are the same.
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Re: Why stay in the West?

In reply to this post by Drealm
I don't like America, but here are some advantages that America offers:

1.  Amazon delivers faster.  One can buy anything online and get it quickly and reliably.

2.  Noise ordinances are enforced.  Spend some time in Mexico and you will appreciate this one.

3.  Corruption is low at the bottom.  Yes at the top, America is structured like a banana republic.  But the average cop isn't going to arrest you and shake you down for a bribe.

4.  America has a big middle class to sell to.  The middle class is shrinking as it is being plundered by the elite.  But it will take some time to wipe it out, and until then, America is a good place to do business selling to the middle class.

5.  America is a good place for business.  One can fully set up a corporation in a few days.  The legal system is designed for corporations (not people).