It's a vending machine.
In reply to this post by caamib
Unfortunately the Christian religion is into peace and goodwill. Many other religions in contrast have penalties for rule breaking that involve ejecting the individual from the group.
Christianity in particular has severe problems and issues. Jesus Christ may have been merely a Saint. His Virgin Birth raises all manner of issues but is presumed to be the source of his power, which cannot thus be passed on to his disciples due to their regular birth. The role of Joseph becomes questionable - heck husbands are clearly not required? The failure of his God to save him? The message if God is present is what... to aim for abnormal births, to hope for asexual reproduction, that euthanasia is a really great way to die? Where's the recommendation? I think that the message has been lost and it's a borrowed religion a sort of franchise of Judaism? While there were clearly some technologies involved the general view is that the Romans effectively stamped out this religion entirely, before reinventing it for their own gain. Not much of the true ideology has really survived. In contrast other religions have continuity from their original source. |
In reply to this post by caamib
The position of Jesus Christ and the Christian religion has become a little clearer.
Jesus Christ was following practices designed to avoid stimulation of the brain stem. So non retaliation - turning the other cheek, violence would stimulate the brain stem and this would undermine the influence of the Cortex. Consciousness is the child of the Cortex of the brain. If the Cortex is associated with Jehovah (charging brain cells with the Tabret) then consciousness becomes the Son of God. The purpose of consciousness then becomes to re-implement the functions of the brain stem but within the Cortex instead. The function of consciousness is to actively suppress the impulses of the brain stem by either not responding or by responding in some other way. The virgin birth can then be seen in a different way. As a form of sexuality that does not stimulate the brain stem. For example: A Feminist goes to a sperm bank and gets impregnated with sperm. The child born is then a virgin birth, as the brain stem was not stimulated during the sexual act? In the case of Adam, Eve, and the serpent (a reptile representing the reptilian brain stem), the fall was caused by the failure of consciousness to avoid stimulation of the brain stem which presumably had something to do with the apple (an aphrodisiac perhaps). The creation of Adam and Eve is then presupposed to be the creation of consciousness (from the Earth - Malkuth, the brain). The development of consciousness is some kind of executive control, which is supposed to consciously direct the impulses in a reasoned way (including sexual functioning). Unfortunately it has been largely unsuccessful. Jesus Christ proved that this could be done. I think that is the point, and I think that Christianity has lost the message. The Freemasons are doing the exact opposite of this. The brain stem responds to visual stimulus and it's pre-consciousness so symbols that are not understood by the conscious mind could still be used to stimulate the brain stem. They fill our world with these images and it has a negative effect on the culture (hence the annoyance of the Muslims). Christianity is dead because nobody understands it any more. The Saints gained their power from suppression of the brain stem and it's impulses, the diminished brain stem allowed the Cortex to flourish. |
Well now this just goes on and on doesn't it.
Firstly Satan was handling procreation. The go forth and multiply was delegated to Satan. So the continued existence of the human race lies in the hands of Satan not God. The Devil handles sex and that's also the brain stem. Jesus Christ was the result of the combination of Mary and the Holy Ghost, but as Satan handles reproduction and as Jesus Christ's birth proves the reproductive act Satan must have been involved and thus the Holy Ghost in this context would have to be demonic and thus Jesus Christ would then have to be half human half demon hence his power. The entire Christian religion is based on a hybrid. Not to mention Adam who was supposed to associate sexually with Lilith as the originally intended wife - Lilith obviously being a demoness. Now it seems that Satan has died and largely because of God and 'Good' this the cortex of the brain which is then undermining the brain stem. That in turn destroys the power that was making the world male dominated. The death of Satan may have caused feminism, and is now hitting procreation. Meanwhile Satan's replacement Cupid the only religious power with similar ability, is sitting in the limbic system of the brain undermining both the cortex and the brain stem - while attempting to convey the evil satanic powers decended from the former Satan by way of children, as Cupid is largely a child himself, thus kiddie porn etc. The evil forces are being realigned to focus on the children. And then... if there is an archive of the hive mind of Satan which can restore the damaged brain stem while accidentally attempting to resurrect the dead Satan, who then emerges as the ghost of Satan, the power of which cannot be taken up by Satan himself due to his death, becomes localised around the individual doing the hive mind restore from the backup - who then becomes 'The Son of Satan' acquiring the legion of demons locally decended - this being Neo-Satanism (as there is no Satan to worship). You then have a surge towards Neo-Satanism as a means to continue the reproductive cycle of the human race. That being pinned to the archive of the hive mind the backup of Satan, which could well be the works of Mozart that you cannot then ban to prevent that result. You then have a very scary looking world where the Universal power of Satan is localised to the planet, where individuals could potentially acquire the Satanic power in an order of magnitude that would be like three solar systems worth? If any of this stuff pans out the results would be catastrophic. |
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