How would you score religions that you know on a scale of -10 to +10? A negative score means that you would prefer being isolated to joining that religious community, and a positive score means that you would prefer joining that religious community to being isolated. Here are my scores from lowest to highest:
Reform Judaism -10 Modern Protestantism -8 Atheism -7 Islam -5 Catholicism -2 Orthodox Judaism +1 Odinism (pagan) +2 Orthodox Christianity +3 Karaite Judaism +5 Please post how you would score the religions that you know. |
If you aren't attending any religion then you are isolated. In this case shouldn't your score be -10?
Score for what? If you choose to remain isolated, that just means that you score all religions negatively. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
I'm find this confusing. You are able to attend the two ones in bold but aren't, correct? So shouldn't these be ranked as negative? |
I did attend both. I only stopped when I planned to join the Karaites, but I plan to go back to attending Orthodox Christianity until I move. If I had absolutely no other choice, I would attend any of the positive religions. |
Okay here's my score as I understand the ratings.
Islam -3 Jehovah's Witnesses -5 Orthodox Christianity -7 Atheism -9 |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Islam +2
Karaite Judaism +1 Odinism +5 Traditional Christianity +3 The rest would be negatives. |
Which currently practiced forms of Christianity qualify as Traditional Christianity? |
I don't know that there are any outside of isolated cults. |
What about Orthodox Christianity? Why doesn't that qualify? |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
The ones I know, not necessarily listed here
Mainstream Roman Catholicism -4 basically fun for the masses Traditional Roman Catholicism -1/0/+1 mulling it over, still too focused on supernatural belief and no dress code, help with finding a partner, separation of men and women outside of family Orthodox Christianity- really hard to say, marginalized and often hated here, I don't have a picture. Maybe divided like those above? Moderate Islam 0/+1 Hardcore Islam +5(but not available here) Pure atheism -3, usually connected to a degree of liberalism and feminism but could be anything really Militant atheism -8, something like above but much more Agnosticism- 0, could really be anything The Atheist Cult (liberal leftist feminists, modernists, not necessarily all atheists) -10, a cancer, former human beings turned into fanatical hate machines with no brains, critical thinking skills, common sense or comprehension Mainstream Liberal Judaism -5, just a form of liberalism The rest I don't know enough or anything about. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Islam itself is a parasitic religion that cares for nothing but its own self-gratification. Why else would it wage war on non-Muslims across the world throughout history? So I feel it deserves a negative score, especially for Sunni Islam. The main exception to this are some schools of Shi'a Islam and Ibadi Islam.
Karaite Judaism doesn't sound too bad because of its straightforward interpretation. Orthodox Judaism is slightly worse because of its Oral Law. Reform Judaism is the worst of out all, churning nothing more than liberal, modernist doctrine. Orthodox Christians tend to be more pious than Catholics and Protestants. Most Orthodox nations (and devout Catholic ones such as Malta or Poland) have far more people who are likely to believe in God than the Protestant nations. Traditionalist Catholicism is more or less the same, though I consider Integralists and Sedevacantists to be better than the rest of them. I have a negative opinion about nearly all Protestants, as they are the most liberal and the 10,000+ 'denominations' doesn't help them either. If they truly believe in one God, one Savior, read one Bible, why do they have all those sects, why couldn't they all just have one doctrine, one catechism, one Church? Calvinism believes that God is a merciless tyrant, for instance. Which is why formerly Protestant countries tend to have high levels of atheism/agnosticism because the people lost belief in the Protestant idea of God. It was Protestantism that gave birth to modern atheism, as exemplified in the 'Protestant atheism' of Pat Condell and Richard Dawkins. So to that extent, I consider atheism to be an extension of liberal Protestantism. Evangelical Protestants are hypocrites. They complain about something as trivial as gay marriage, yet many of them watch homosexual pornography or hire homosexual/transsexual prostitutes. Divorce is ridiculously common amongst a people that brag about having 'family values' when they have none at all. Not too different than many liberal Protestants. I don't care either way about Mormonism, but I tend to group them in with the Protestants. Traditional Confucianism makes some sense, but Modern Confucianism has completely lost its way. Especially after westernization, it's a complete mess in East Asia. Most East Asians these days crave status and wealth. It's sickening to say the least. Buddhism and Hinduism sound nice, but it offers no solutions to the world's problems. The caste system of Hinduism hinders social progress and the improvement of civilization. It punishes the most qualified and exalts the least qualified. Now there's Parsi Zoroastrianism, which is Hindu-influenced with plenty of non-Zoroastrian practices and all sorts of superstitions, and Irani Zoroastrianism, which is similar but not Hindu-influenced though it plenty of superstitions of its own. The one I am drawn to is Gathic Zoroastrianism, a revival of pre-Achaemenid Zoroastrianism. Which I consider a purer form of Zoroastrianism not influenced too much by pre-Zoroastrian Aryan beliefs. I have no opinion on the pagan religions but as long as they form a suitable foundation for culture and civilization, I am fine with it. |
Thanks, our views are close but you can see some differences explained here: I would be curious to know what you think of this. |
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