Request to Join Public Forum

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Request to Join Public Forum

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I've read Devlin's Sexual Utopia in Power many times, it's one of the few things that make for compulsory reading for me. It dares to address the 800-pound gorilla of sexual inequality without turning away or blaming it completely on men. Please ask me any questions you want about it.

I would like to be a member because I whenever I see opinions like that of F Schmidt's on a forum, they point to a practical solution to the seemingly insoluble dating problem for some guys. These opinions are also universally attacked and demonized by the men and women on these forums, whose arguments boil down to "I refuse to accept what you're saying."


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Re: Request to Join Public Forum

J. Donner
Just out of curiosity, is your interest in joining the group selfishly or altruistically motivated? (Are you looking to get help or to give help? Or both?)
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Re: Request to Join Public Forum

This post was updated on .
I'm looking for both. I'm interested because opinions like mine are shouted down as crazy or sick when I don't believe they are. For example, enough sexual and romantic frustration can bring a world of pain comparable to violence or sexual abuse. From junior high onwards I'd noticed with vast contempt how girls put themselves on the moral pedestal of feminism (undisturbed by the guys who wanted to get into their pants), while they shower pleasure and acceptance on the kinds of people who victimize others.

I'd like to offer support where I can. I'm not terribly successful, I'm a multimedia tech, but I'm a talented artist and I want to use that to "get off the grid" eventually. I could make some illustrations for this site to help out.

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Re: Request to Join Public Forum

In reply to this post by Nostromos
Nostromos wrote
I've read Unwin's Sexual Utopia in Power many times
Just to clarify, Devlin wrote "Sexual Utopia in Power" and Unwin wrote "Sex and Culture".
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Re: Request to Join Public Forum

Uh... Oops. The reading it part was accurate though.
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Re: Request to Join Public Forum

Both good reads. Sex and Culture has some long dry parts though. I also loved Devlin's home economics series.
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Re: Request to Join Public Forum

Tolstoy's short story "Kreutzer Sonata" is amazingly relevant even though it was written in the late 19th century.
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Re: Request to Join Public Forum

Nostromos wrote
Tolstoy's short story "Kreutzer Sonata" is amazingly relevant even though it was written in the late 19th century.
Then please post this to our resources section when you become a member.  Then I will read it and we can discuss it.