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Elliot Rodger is getting more publicity than similar previous cases. I think his videos and his life story that he wrote are the cause. What I find most interesting is the reaction from various segments of the Web. In particular, the complete lack of understanding from any segment of the world that I thought might be capable of some understanding. I am not talking about sympathy here. I don't care to what extent people condemn Elliot Rodger. What interests me is whether anyone is capable of understanding him. Given that he wrote his story with such remarkable clarity, I would have expected some people to understand it. Certainly not the mainstream. Readers of Salon, for example, can't really be expected to understand anything. But we have a complete lack of understanding from the MGTOW crowd at the Spearhead. We have the Catholic Right saying that he should have manned up. We have the love-shies feeling sorry themselves as usual and feeling sorry for everyone else as well without showing much interest in trying to understand what real incel frustration means. We have RAMZPAUL making some idiotic comments about race that have nothing to do with anything. Everywhere I turn, all I see is lack of understanding. Since people somehow can't compute the simple clear words that Elliot Rodger wrote in his story, they make up one bullshit explanation after another.
If anyone here finds one reasonable article anywhere on the web that shows any understanding of Elliot Rodger, please post a link to it here. My opinion of humanity is currently at an all time low and I would be relieved to find just one example of understanding outside this website. I think most here do understand Elliot Rodger. The story is quite simple. A man of integrity can only put up with so much emotional abuse before he strikes back. Elliot Rodger's problem was that he was emotionally invested in modern culture. He should have let go and rejected modern culture and turned his back to it. Then he could have found solutions to his problems elsewhere. But everyone he associated with pushed him in the wrong direction, encouraging him to try to fit into a depraved culture that he could never really be a part of. If he had talked to us, he would probably still be alive. PS Actually there is one that I posted before: And of course from one of us: |
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I think I get it now. The problem in the West is the pipeline funneling boys to manhood is broken. The expectation among young men was that when they played by the rules and fulfilled the requirements at a particular age, they would be passed on to the next stage. And meanwhile, as a consequence of doing all that was asked of them, the system would be set up to give them the things that they needed such as sex, money and prestige. This isn't happening now. People say Elliot could have done this and that, but it may not have ever occurred to him that he needed to. He may have thought that this would be provided if he did what he was asked, and trusted his elders who indicated it would be. Thinking outside the system may never have occurred to him. Of course he has been badly let down. If only he had listened to us years ago, he could have realized the problem and could have used his money and his connections to live a good life.
The frustrating thing is how to reach and connect with Incels.
I know there are more like Rodgers, My problem is how to reach out to such people. I have met several Incels from the Love-shy forum. From my experiences, (I dont want to go into much detail) A remedy to ease the pain of Incel, is support. One of my closest freinds was a lad I met from the forum, and it was nice to know that I had an open ear and someone who would not ridicule me |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
As a fellow incel, I agreed with most of Rodger's criticisms of: women, society as a whole, and the messed up male/female dynamics that are rampant today. I agreed with basically everything I saw, however.... I only watched two videos so I don't know if I would agree with his other stuff. Having said all that I Condemn his actions... The fact is murder is morally wrong except for the most extreme of circumstances ( if your life or a loved ones life is in jeopardy) and his circumstances didn't qualify by a mile. As it has already been stated in this very thread he had the means to find a foreign woman but didn't... Plus he made life harder on the rest of us incels by doing what he did.... He, and others who did what he did, have only made feminists look like saviors! These wackos make all the bullshit that feminists say seem more credible. More and more people are going to join up for the crusade against us because of his stupid actions. I understand and sympathize with the pain he felt and I agree with everything he said about how shitty women are... But there was no excuse for what he did.. There were alot better things he could have done, like go outside the femisphere.
I don't understand the point of condemning his actions. I mean, I don't approve but I am not particularly against the death of Americans. It's too bad he killed those Chinese guys. But this is what Americans are like: How could one feel anything but happiness if such people died? I agree with this. This is what he should have done. I don't think this will have any practical impact on your life, so I don't agree that he made your life harder. But if I am wrong, let me know what practical impact it had. |
I posted this thread on what should be done with females like the one in the clip, but surprisingly it didn't get any traction. |
Some stupid bitch replied to the like I posted above, presumably after going through this site, so it seems that this forum is getting some extra traffic.
It's possible, but the number of views appears in the right-side column of the forum page and the numbers are quite low. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
It may not affect me on a personal level at all, who knows? But then it again it might. All I know is his actions didn't do anything to help dateless and romantically frustrated men at all. We will be even more hated and persecuted then we already are, it's already happening. There's no telling how far the consequences of all this will go. The feminists are currently using this situation to further their agenda and they are even trying to get our frees speech rights taken away. What if they are indeed successful in their attempts to silence us? What if websites like this get taken down? What if the FBI/Police starts showing up at our doors to question us because of our involvement on sites that are deemed misogynistic/hateful? I don't know about you but I don't want all of those things to happen. You may think that I am being paranoid or ridiculous but all of that is now a possibility because of Elliot and men like him who went too far. That is why we have to condemn his actions and try to let our arguments and logic win people over to our cause. |
My name is quite public, so if they start knocking on doors, I should be among the first. To be honest, I am not very concerned. I have a good lawyer. Also, you can be sure that this site will never be taken down. If America becomes a fascist cesspool, I will leave the country, but I will keep this site up. For me, it is important to show the bastards that I don't fear them. And I would like to encourage others to also stand up for themselves and not be consumed by fear. |
But regardless of all of that we have got to condemn What Elliot Rodgers did because: #1. What he did was wrong and #2. It solved nothing and only hurt incels image even more...
People say the same thing about Breivik, but if fact nationalist parties dramatically increased their share of the vote in the recent European elections and Breiviks actions probably played a big part in that. Had Elliot shot up a sorority house like he said he was going to, I don't see why anyone should condemn that because 99.9% of his victims would have deserved it and any that somehow didn't would be acceptable collateral damage. What we should be condemning is the inequities of modern Western society. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
It is odd that Ramzplaul doesn't seem to have the faintest idea of the nature of modern Western females and what life is like for young men. Here is Peter Nolan's commentary, which although a bit long winded seems closer to the mark. |
You guys don't seem to understand what i'm trying to say... I agree with all of you about how messed up American Culture is, particularly the women. I can also identify very strongly with Elliot's pain... However what he did was wrong and only hurt our cause. Feminists have been assassinating our character and calling us hateful for years and because of guys like Elliot they now have evidence to support all of the negative shit they have been saying about us. His actions did nothing to help dateless men.... It only hurt our image and made us look bad... That is part of the reason why dateless men have got to condemn his actions. The biggest reason being that murder is morally wrong.
Pandering to feminists is pointless. It makes no difference what evidence they have, they will always hate decent men no matter what. So please just forget about them. How feminists react should have no bearing on men's actions. Cornfed mentioned Breivik as a counterexample but I don't know much about that story. But I think any publicity given to the men's movement, even bad publicity, is useful to dateless men since it can help them find the truth. Murder? Killing is only murder when one kills a member of one's own culture. Modern Western culture is not my culture, so I do not consider killing its members to be murder. The Bible makes this point very clearly in the story about the Midianites in Numbers 25 and Numbers 31:1-18. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Anyone else read or saw anything that indicates this is a hoax? I saw this video and thought it was interesting. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Now that I have looked into it more, I really see what you mean. It seems like all the "manosphere" people other than vultures like Roosh have either completely misunderstood the situation or are pretending to because they are running scared. Davis Aurini is particularly disappointing. This is really sorting out the men from the boys. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
I signed up from a long time of lurking just to post the link(s) you asked for:
This is on how the world of a narcissist can "collapse": This is specifically about Elliot (but I like the first article better - it was written a few days before his killing spree but it fits him to a tee): Please note that these articles were written by a feminist psychology student with an agenda: She has Aspergers and she wants to focus on his narcissism. I think his Asperger's made him unsuccessful with the ladies and his narcissism made him vengeful. Both PD's come with severely diminished empathy and narcissism is even on the Psychopatic spectrum, some psychiatrists at least seem to think. |
Hi Andreas, I don't know who you are, but since you made a polite post here, I will try to respond and explain. I skimmed the articles, they are long. Modern writers seem to try to compensate for their lack of insight with excess verbiage. Elliot was a better writer than the authors of these articles, and he had considerably more insight into human nature.
Hopefully you have seen the movie Idiocracy. Think of the courtroom scene where the main character is ridiculed for speaking proper English. Idiocracy is a caricature of modern America, and a very accurate one. The average American today is an ignorant, uncivilized, self-righteous moron. In the courtroom scene of Idiocracy we just see a glimpse of ridicule. But imagine being subjected to it for years. The ridicule that a civilized person experiences in America isn't so overt. Often it is subtle, like just being looked down on or being treated with mild disgust. The more perceptive one is about other people, the more one sees. Elliot was quite perceptive. So how does a civilized person react to this? At first, it is hard to believe that people are actually like this. After all, Elliot is human and so he would naturally assume that some other people are like him. In particular, like any man, he wants a girlfriend. He isn't looking for general acceptance by all women or all of society, he just wants ONE girlfriend, just one woman who isn't at the pathetically low uncivilized level of modern America. Of course he doesn't find such a woman because she doesn't exist. All women who are part of American culture are human garbage. So what is he to make of this in his own mind? First, it is patently obvious to him that he is far superior to everyone around him. This isn't narcissism, this is fact. He would much prefer that this wasn't true, that there were a few other civilized people around him who he could relate to. But it is true. In American culture, a civilized intelligent man is truly alone. As I explained elsewhere, Elliot's problem was that he was emotionally invested in American culture. He should have rejected it and looked for people he could relate to elsewhere. I think you meant "sympathy" where you wrote "empathy". Elliot did realize that Americans deserve zero sympathy, even negative sympathy. I fully agree with Elliot on this. But Elliot should have used this lack of sympathy to just turn his back on American culture, and to exploit it (primarily financially) for this own gain. Elliot wasn't crazy, he was just misguided. He didn't realize that there are alternatives to American culture. If there really weren't any alternatives, if the whole world was like mainstream America, then in fact what he did would make perfect sense. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
This video was made by a PUA before the shooting. It's interesting because, while the narrator is a moron, he is an honest moron. He honestly describes how someone like Elliot is viewed by mainstream society, as "a quirky little fuck". Most Americans would think that but wouldn't be honest enough to say it. The narrator gives the usual PUA advice, repeatedly contradicting himself. First he says Elliot's body is fine, then he says that his body is the problem. And he makes a bunch of assumptions based on nothing. I don't want to debate PUA because I don't know enough about it. I just wanted to show this video to show how Elliot was viewed BEFORE the shootings. |
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