I finished reading Elliot's 141 page manifesto. He's perhaps the first original voice of our era. I'm sure his manifesto will be a reference for all future shootings. It's very sad though that he had to suffer and die to produce something so honest.
I share a lot of parallels with Elliot's life. My parents divorced when I was eight (his divorced at 7), I was bullied at school, I was a loner, I had almost no male friends and no American woman has ever shown interest in me. Many of his childhood experiences with games also matched mine. I'm only a few years older than him. This made me wonder why I didn't turn into Elliot Rodgers. I think to some degree every incel is on a path to slowly mutate into Elliot. It's just a question of how far along you are. If you're lucky you wake up and realize you can take a different path. I don't know why Elliot didn't take our path but I have a few guesses. When I think about my own life, I think I was spared more than Elliot. Many life circumstances saved me from experiencing fully what Elliot went through. For one, Elliot grew up in Los Angeles, where as I grew up in the Bay Area. I remember at school the most popular people were always the extroverts. I always found it bizarre, weak and humiliating for people to so desperately want to be the center of attention. I remember a fellow introvert one time drew a comic to denigrate the people who never shut up. The comic showed the same two stupid girls who always raised their hands in our class. The comic starts with both of them raising their hands, then yelling at each other and then finally in an effort for one to get the most attention one of them stands up and starts urinating on a desk. This comic was made in middle school, but it perfectly describes modern culture's obsession attention seeking whores. The film God Bless America depicts this same atmosphere attention seeking whores. I would say Los Angeles is the capital of attention seeking whores. So this was probably the worst possible city an introvert like him could of been born in. So unlike Elliot I was spared from living in Los Angeles. Next, I hated every single second of school. I've always said that if I ever go back to my high school it will be with a demolition ball. High school was the worst. This is when girls are at the prime, they wear the least clothing and you're the horniest. I remember girls dressing like sluts and performing Britney Spears songs at pep rallies. In fact here's a video from a 2009 rally at my old high school school. Can you imagine going through four years of that shit? This us why after one year of high school I wanted to drop out. I didn't care how it affected my future because I was so miserable with that environment. After one year I was able to transfer to an alternative high school with about 1/10th the population. At my new school the kids were predominately boys, most hated mainstream school just like me and the hours were shorter. I went there for two years and graduated early. I can only imagine how hard it would of been for Elliot to be around slutty prime age teens for four years while getting nothing and seeing jocks fuck their way to the top. So unlike Elliot I was spared three years of high school hell. After high school I didn't have money or grades so I didn't go to college and live in a dorm anywhere. I was spared from living in a hyper sexual environment. The closest I've come to such a place is driving through "frat row", in Berkeley, the city where I live. This is the worst part of Berkeley. It's an open sewer of sluts walking around with loud obnoxious idiots. Occasionally a group of drunk idiots will walk by my house in early in the morning with stupid bimbos. This always makes me twinge a little with anger. If I had to live in a dorm and was forced to see this disgusting college life 24/7 I would probably be a much angrier person. When Elliot moved to UCSB, it was like moving to a prison torture chamber. The girls probably dressed a lot sluttier since it was a beach community. I also don't think it's coincidental that Elliot struck when he did at 22. In America there are only really two times in a young man's life to build social network then enables him to "hookup". These are high school and college. After college there's no dating scene, you just work and die. I think he understood that this was as good as it's going to get and decided to go down in flames. So unlike Elliot I didn't have to endure four years living in a torture chamber where slutty bikini wearing women frolicked around in front of me. One of the biggest reasons I think I didn't end up like Elliot was because he and I saw our parents divorces very differently. Elliot was shaken by his parent's divorce, but he seemed to recover very soon. He saw his father's ability to dump his mother and date another woman so quickly as something to be respected in a man. His father was also upper middle class. Both of these factors made him want to emulate his father. Had his mother left his father and had his father been middle class, he would perhaps of seen divorce and casual dating as something damaging instead of a sign of his father's virility to admire. The end result is that Elliot never condemned women for being sluts. He simply condemned them for not being sluts with him. In this regard I don't think he was that different from modern culture. Since his parent divorce wasn't that bad and it didn't negatively impact his father, this never led him to condemning society. He just saw himself as not being able to live up to his father's shoes. The last reason why I think I didn't end up like Elliot ties somewhat into what Ramzpaul said. Albeit my take is a little different. He definitely had a penchant for white blonde haired girls. He never once cited any other type of women. Also in spite of being incel he would call women ugly. That's fine, everyone has their standards. When I was incel I still drooled over beautiful women and ignored ugly women. However unlike Elliot, I'm seen as white. I am in fact mixed, but no one would ever identify me as anything but white. My mother is the same way. I've never felt like I'm not white. The point being that a white blond haired girl doesn't strike me as that exotic. Aesthetically speaking I'm just as well attracted to asian or hispanic women. I don't think Elliot was. Again this isn't a problem, everyone has their standards. But I do think it's a harder standard. Because while lighter skin and European features are a status symbol to hispanic and asian women, I don't think asian features carry status with Eastern European women. I don't think Elliot ever got to the point of thinking about a foreign exit strategy, but if he did I don't think it would of been as easy. So to summarize, he was exposed to a higher dosage of modern culture. Instead of condemning society for breaking down traditions, he tried emulating his father's sleazy habits with worst results. And I suspect he saw dating asian girls as beneath himself. |
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I've been checking google every day for the past week. I was hoping to find at least one single article that even mildly sympathizes with him or acknowledges incel. I have found none.
Even his own parents barely acknowledge their own son is dead compared to the people he killed: "We are crying in pain for the victims and their families. It breaks our hearts on a level that we didn’t think possible." "The feeling of knowing that it was our son’s actions that caused the tragedy can only be described as hell on earth." "It is now our responsibility to do everything we can to help avoid this happening to any other family" This is so bizarre. Not once did they say above "We are crying in pain for our son's death and the...". They've completely disowned him. But they go further than that. Even in death they don't dare to acknowledged that he was a normal person but was incel. They blame "mental issues". These are the symptoms of incel, not the cause. "Not only to avoid more innocence destroyed, but also to identify and deal with the mental issues that drove our son to do what he did." Then you have an obnoxious asshole looking "friend" of his who's so obsessed with looking cool in the spotlight that he tries identifying himself as a victim: "I have been literally sick every day since this happened. I can’t eat and I’m struggling to sleep" "I can’t believe I was friends with a psychopathic, mass murderer" I was hoping there would be even one person in the world who wrote something sympathetic. One person who treated him like a human and didn't kick him when he was down. I was hoping his father would of said "I wish I could have helped him with his dating problems". I was hoping at least one of his friends would of said "I wish I'd invited him to more parties and tried hooking him up". But no, from everyone who knew him they barely even acknowledge his existence. They just want to distance themselves from him as much as possible. Everyone else who didn't know him is just posting typical psychology babble. This shows how much society hates incels. Even after writing a 141 page manifesto not a single person will raise the issue of incel. It's too tabboo, they'd rather make up half a dozen other excuses. They'd rather more people die then ever bring this issue to light. He had no friends or girlfriend in real life and in death he even has less. If he was a member here I'd have invited him to Mexico. |
There is no pity shown or Incels. It was the case with George Sodini( R.I.P.) as well One day there will be an Incel, who will force these scum to change their mindset. |
In reply to this post by Drealm
SMH at you guys.
I can't believe that none of you are condemning what he did. The fact of the matter is he could have gotten sex or a woman if he had wanted to, but he didn't. The guy was nuts! He had everything in the world going for him... He had money, looks, status etc. heck he even had the arrogant attitude that Western women love! I cannot really feel sorry for him since he did what he did and the resources he had at his disposal. I am 23 and live paycheck to paycheck working a crappy job and I'm incel. But you don't see me crying or going crazy like him. If I had the money Elliot had I would have gone on summer vacation in Europe and banged prostitutes and found me a nice Ukrainian or Russian woman to marry. |
What should we be condemning him for? The only thing I see worth condemning is that he wanted slutty American women instead of modest traditional women. The problem is most communities in the manosphere don't fundamentally reject slut culture, they just complain about not being able to partake in it. This is why sites like puahate and rooshv are equally worthless even though they attack each other. None of them fundamentally reject sluts. If he had come here he would of learned not to desire something so gross as American sluts.
Also from reading his manifesto he wasn't as well off as his pictures imply. His father was upper middle class, but his parents were divorced. His father's second wife kicked him out of the house and cut off all funding. I think his attitude wasn't authentic and this is why American women didn't like him. If he was a truly evil person American women would have loved him. |
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In reply to this post by fschmidt
The problem with Elliot Rodger was that he tried to relate himself to his sleazebag of a father, to western liberal culture. He tried hard to fit in, but he couldn't. His parents weren't the type to instill a sense of Asian pride in him, by the way he spoke about some Asian men dating white girls. He wasn't insane at all, he felt pushed around by modern society so he took matters into his own hands. He should have known that he shouldn't fit into a depraved culture as we have today.
This thread has been given some more free publicity by the fstdt clowns.
Speaking of the fstdt libtards, they linked to a very good comment from another forum. This tairos guy seems to get it. It is good to see a lot of men are waking up to the situation.
Maybe someone here can contact this tairos guy. Of course I was banned from city-data forums long ago, so I can't do it. |
Did two days ago, no response yet. |
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In reply to this post by fschmidt
This is a well balanced thread and I commend everyone for their comments.
Elliot Rodger was wrong to do what he did primarily because his actions failed to produce any lasting change. Not only that but it would have been clear to him in advance that his actions would not produce any useful result. His actions became those of a protestor, and a more peaceful protest for a longer period of say 20 years would have been more successful. Having studied the situation for some time I would now like to propose one solution, which I may expand upon in a separate thread (given time). I have said that parents are automatically lucky people. Lucky: People who successfully relate to the opposite sex, get married and have children who become their descendants. Unlucky: People who do not relate well to the opposite sex, do not get married, and do not have children, and whose genes are removed from the gene pool of evolution. Parents are automatically lucky because we as their children would not be here to observe it, were it not the case, but this does not mean that we as their children will also be as lucky as they were. The term luck implies chance but in random events previous results do not influence future results. In this case there is some influence of the parents upon the children so it's not just blind chance. The human race continues to exist (and other creatures too) because the parents influence the behaviour of the children. Such influence is assumed and the general effect in Social and Governmental terms is assumed to produce a successful general result, and indeed it does. But for a minority it doesn't and these become unlucky people whose genes expire. The previously suggested solution was to consider what your Father did (or mother in the case of females) prior to becoming married. This would include his hobbies as well as his work. I now expand this solution to suggest the activities of any father prior to getting married. The implication is that such behaviour needs to be followed by the unlucky person in order for them to become a lucky person. To summarise: Lucky people are doing things that should be classified as good and correct. Unlucky people are doing things that should be classified as wrong and incorrect. If unlucky people group together and follow one another's unlucky behaviour they will fail as a group (and that's an important risk). The problem then is one of behaviour and occupation, likes and dislikes. Some of these would be classified as belonging to the lucky group while others would be classified as belonging to the unlucky group. You then have a choice of following defined lucky behaviour while rejecting defined unlucky behaviour, or... of hoping for the best (with the implication of discovering new and undefined lucky behaviour I guess). The main opposition here would be that the culture has moved on and the world is not the same as it was in my fathers day. This argument is poor, because by trying to follow the same kinds of activities you are actually trying to reintroduce previous culture which was actually better than modern culture, which is a good thing. The argument that this won't work in a modern culture presupposes that modern culture is influential. In practice change in a biological sense occurs much slower than fashion does and therefore old responses to former cultures can be expected to still be functional. Traditional methods will still have some appeal even within the modern distortion of better times. The key source of information appears to be biographical, so research in this area is likely to be time consuming but worthwhile. The reality is that if you are an unlucky person it is likely that your behaviour and your likes and dislikes are inappropriate. We blame other people and we blame the culture, but our parents have proof of concept (conception), so we should be more like they were, and if we hate our parents and their lives and occupations then we should be more like some one else's parents. The final word is: Adopt the lifestyle of someone prior to that person getting married and having lots of kids. Update 18th May 2016: I need to update my final word here. Given the above argument it is very clear that in the era of trades, where the father taught his son the family trade, and the son then took over the business when the father retired, clearly this culture automatically resulted in the son becoming as lucky as his father had been. So that culture directly impacted on this kind of problem. I would also point out that in the modern era, the rich kid whose father owns a business will inherit that business when his father dies. There is a strong tendency for the rich son to follow in his father's footsteps and he may be lucky not just by virtue of being rich, but by virtue of doing similar things and acting in a similar way. The rich know this and their money tends to make it happen. The poor people then assume that the rich are succeeding because of their money, but it may be that their success is a result of following the behaviour patterns of their parents. State Education being compulsory removed this process of handing down the trade from father to son, and thus changed the culture producing the damaged result that we see today. There are religious notions of honouring your parents, perhaps that should be emphasized in some way. In the failure of the modern culture if the current system were to collapse the people would naturally fall back on the original trade system and the world would recover. The problem here has been caused by the State Government and the Education System. The rich people have shown that this can be circumvented, but it may take a lot of money to do that. The trade culture would hand on the luck of the parents not just the business and the money. This is a big part of where the failure rests. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
I read his manifesto last night.
2 things stood out for me: 1) He's an elitist prick. He thumbed his nose at people of lower status than he is (like the ppl waiting to board the plane as he went to first class) 2) He believed he was predestined for great things (with no sound or reasonable evidence as to why). first things first. fuck his elitist ass. i hate smarmy ass people like him. I've had to make do without and i suffered the same shit he did with DSR (minus the beatings). but i never once looked down on others and sneered (avoided? sure. But not sneer). second, he's obviously intelligent but to the point of derangement. He believes something will occur without evidence. As i was going through years 19-22 (including his 5 trips to Arizona for lottery tickets) one question keep popping up, how the fuck do you know that it was your destiny to be rich, Elliot? I think ot was just his elitist fantasies. Thats what struck me about him He was a spoiled brat who suffered a lack of DSR just like a large part of the beta population incld myself. i would have more sympathy if he wasnt such an massive elitist asshat. well he's dead and i'm not. by virtue of that ive banged blonde hookers and he didnt get laid at all. |
I read the manifesto long ago and mostly forgot it, so this is just a response to your post.
I don't see how any intelligent person can avoid feeling elitist. Humanity is a sea of ignorant morons. By comparison, anyone with any intelligence is elite. But the question is how does this make one feel. If this makes one feel arrogant then this person is immature. The response of a mature person is depression caused by the realization that he is stuck on a planet with virtually no intelligent life. |
so he is immature because he was smug ass and arrogant with his elitism, to that i agree. i remember being 22. invincible and naive just as all 22 yr old males are wont to be.
it doesnt discount his struggles with dsr but he is at best, deranged (again, predestiny w/out evidence) at worse, psychopathic (the instinct that kicks in of your betters is you find ways to compete, traditional or otherwise; not eliminate the competition which is desperate and tacit admittance of non-worth). |
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