LUCY, a new Hollywood mental retardation pack.
Starring "THE FIRST HUMAN WHO USES MORE THAN 10% OF HIS BRAIN". But oh wait. IT'S A WOMAN. Of course. Of course it would be a woman. /sarcasm. The most genius woman who ever lived reached perhaps about HALF of the most genius man, or less? Let alone that the quantity of very intelligent women pales in comparison to men's. And average women certainly use less brain than men in average, no? They're not very intelligent, certainly not more intelligent than average men - and again, most very intelligent people and geniuses are MEN...very rarely women are... No. Not to this feminist society. According to society, WOMEN ARE MORE INTELLIGENT and if you dare thinking differently, you're a megalomaniac misogynyst. The first human who would use more than 10% of his brain...OBVIOUSLY would be a woman. Because we all know how intellectual, intelligent, inventive, capable of innovation, and genius women are. They have invented EVERYTHING worth inventing and and have always achieved much more than men in all fields. Obviously men have always proved to be inferior in the sciences and the arts: it was women leading and when they didn't, fuck of course it's all men's fault, daring to be actually superior - the douches. Chances are the first to achieve the goal of using more than 10% of the brain would be a woman. (I'm again being sarcastic if this wasn't clear). I have never met a woman I would consider very intelligent if she was a man. They're all intellectually very limited and the ones I call intelligent are simply more articulate than the others - reaching AVERAGE man articulation. They would not stand up as intelligent people if they were men. The expectations for intelligence in women are simply lower because women are generally less intelligent. No matter how many idiotic men there are. And if this were about to change, well modern women aren't very intelligent in average and should be humble and aware of how limited they are - geniuses they're not. Yet they seem to greatly overestimate themselves because of the feminist brainwashing. They're oh so confident and think they're smart when they're complete morons. But dare calling them morons and they'll call rape on you. That's because women find insults as sexual as bum smacks. Those masochistic little clowns. I wish this cultural insanity would drop, but it will not. That women think they're intellectually EQUAL to men was already delusional. Now, they think they're OBVIOUSLY superior. You're a woman? You do not UNDERSTAND what a man is saying? OBVIOUSLY you're more intelligent than him, because he's a man therefore he's stupid, and you're a woman, strong independent and intelligent for no reason other that you're a woman and all men are pigs and stupid, because that's what men are because that's scientific and there's scientific proof and also listen to your heart because your heart is right, and never listen to men, they're pigs. Fuck all those stupid men, if you don't understand what they say, their logic, it's because THEY ARE STUPID!! Life revolves around YOU, woman: think anything that deludes you you're light years better than you are. YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK! And who dare thinking women aren't superior, are wishful thinkers. Why would the others be? Why would mainstream society be wrong on anything? Come on. The majority is always right. Logic is always wrong. You're too rational, you think too much, thus you're always wrong and people who don't use their brain at all have to tell you what to think, they know everything. Today's mainstream society is utterly insane. |
Capitalism tries to sell a product by making it seem to be a better product than any other. Our product is superior to those sold by these other manufacturers.
Wouldn't you want to buy a better product? A better looking product. But what if it is a fake product. Fake goods are made to look really good but when you try to use them you discover that they don't work properly or they are faulty. So, are women trying to sell themselves? If they look better than they are - would you be more likely to buy? Capitalism implies that you would be more likely to buy a better looking product. But is the female a fake product that has - been refurbished to look good but is largely non-functional in practice. So perhaps the female is trying to sell herself to us by looking like a better person? Are we going to buy a less attractive model? Are we going to buy a more functional practical model? Perhaps women are desperately trying to appear better than they are in order to try to hide their weaknesses. Is it an attempt to impress men that has simply backfired? If the female is faulty, or fake, then the question becomes what to do about this? Should the females lies be pointed out to her? Perhaps some test is required to determine the functionality and credibility of the female? In Capitalism you get what you pay for, how can this analogy be applied to the average female? Sadly there are more questions than answers. |
So youre saying: 1) capitalism is about mirages, not substance. It feeds over the lack of confidence, happiness and satisfaction of people, generating addictions. We can all only agree with that. 2) women are selling themselves because they are capitalistically in competition with men, and boast their "virtues" in order to win. The two disgraces I see: 1) women vs men, stupid. Not the way its supposed to be. They have different roles and shouldnt be in competition!! 2) no attention on substance and reality, capitalism is all about lying. 3) it would be important to assess that women are not more intelligent, it is important to stay in reality. But your point related to my thread is that the feminist thing follows the capitalistic logic that has nothing to do with actual substance nor true meritocracy. What matters to them is winning. Overcoming men. Staying on top. a society that puts its genders in competition against each other can only self destruct. And thats all feminism is about. Men vs women. and youre saying it should be seen in the context of capitalism. So, feminism as a child of capitalism. Capitalism still the father of evils. And I agree. And liberalism, of course, does not fight capitalism either, but embraces it. Society is completely empty and devoid of true value due to the capitalistic competition and race. People dont seek or sell value, but embellished emptiness. Life shouldnt be a competition. Thats what animals do. Humans shouldnt compete - they should just evolve. evolve in better. Capitalism is devolution and feminism sheer self destruction. Feminism can happen in animals too though, and those animal societies who embrace it disappear: look up the "beautiful ones" research on rats.
On this forum there is a clear suggestion in favour of co-operation. I'm a tough competitor with high standards and because of this I have always stressed co-operation because people don't like loosing. Capitalism emphasises competition because it requires profit and everybody cannot win at the same time (you have to have losers so that winners can win). Capitalism also wins and is successful because it is a micro dictatorship and a group of people pulling in the same direction even in the sense of forced co-operation is more successful than the confusion of people pulling in different directions that works so well for Democracy. So the losers are the democratic people and the winners are the capitalists, hence the success of the capitalist democracy as a method of control.
Apple products sell because they look good - they actually function quite poorly. People need a reasonably good appearance because they don't want to be embarrassed by what they are using. Ugliness is a problem and a certain minimum standard is required. In the case of people an improvement of appearance can be achieved as a byproduct of fitness. A female who works out at a gym can look better as a consequence, and this is genuine functionality giving rise to an improved appearance. The physical differences mean that the female cannot easily build muscles as a man can and they are inferior in this regard, but they can achieve a reduction of their inferiority and demonstrate this physically. In general a man will find such a female to be better than one that doesn't work out, and this is the context of improvement. It's not 'made up', 'make believe', - MAKE UP, it's actually genuine and she will be superior to other females. You place a lot of emphasis on intelligence (just as I and many people here do) but in the modern world the Freemasons are emphasising memory skills and implying that memory is more important than intelligence. Intelligence is often natural ability, but this is scrapped in favour of training and certificates. I have seen highly qualified men who were desperately thick, and their qualifications were implying competence where none was present. If women are less intelligent they may fake this with memory skills and qualifications. Capitalism is very sad, but it is successful. I'm unemployed and the employer tries to sell me the job by lying about it in his job advert, as though it was a product for me to buy. How can I work for someone who lies to me? In the capitalist democracy, the democratic government leeches off the capitalist businesses, who in turn sell their products to the same people (as a group) who made them. It's a kind of symbiotic relationship. I remember a guy who sued his ex wife because the child had a large nose. His wife had plastic surgery to make her nose look smaller but the genes were passed on to the child and the child had a big nose. She hadn't told him that she had had the surgery. Then you have women who have breast implants - fake tits, which for some reason Americans seem to love? Then you have contact lenses because people don't want to be seen wearing glasses. I think that perhaps the women's inferiority is thought by them to make them less desirable. They perhaps are unworthy of the men that they are aiming for and realise this. In competing with men they are trying to correct their inferiority or perhaps are trying to hide their inferiority. They cannot be on par with men and they know this. They are supposed to be complementary and not in competition so they look to the idea of equality or at least to pull their own weight and do their own fair share of the work. They try to show that they are an asset - not a loss, but in general they are a loss and they know this. So they try to be more worthy because they think that their inferiority will result in rejection, but their attempt makes them look like liars and they are seen as dishonest instead. I have seen women trying to show that they are as strong as me. One of them had a broken finger as she was a climber and broke the finger climbing. They do seem to be trying to appear more worthy, so this looks like a psychological problem that they are suffering from. We want them to be female, but they want to be seen as being 'as good as' males, but if they were then they wouldn't be female. Like you say - they are trying to compete, they are pushing an invalid argument for stupid reasons. Then again you have women rejecting men and it's unclear why that would happen. Perhaps if a female rejects a male she can then claim that he wasn't good enough for her and then in some sense she places herself in a superior position to that individual and it bolsters her inferiority. So the more males she can reject the higher her standing? But she has to attract the male first, before he can then be rejected after showing an interest. These are guys for her to stand on? I would say that women need to accept their inferiority - except that I'm not allowed to say it, I'm only allowed to whisper it quietly. |
Cooperation between intelligent people is not going to happen. Intelligent people are individualist and can only go their own way. They are independent and cant stand others and cant function well with others of inferior intelligence. Your last post is a circle. What did you say? whats your point? capitalism is wrong and sucks, period. I dint give a shit if its successful. everything that succeeds fails one day. the word success is just an america buzzword here in europe we used to care little about, now more because its been imported by the US. its US naivete anyway. success doesnt exist, its illusion. i dont give a fuck about results or who is successful now. this is a forum about CHANGING THINGS, about setting things RIGHT, not accepting them for the folly they are. Capitalism is a folly precisely because its not RIGHT, its not MERITOCRATIC, it punishes better peope and prices inferior people. INFERIORITY AND SUPERIORITY ARE INHERENT qualities - a stupid woman with a degree isnt better than an intelligent man without, you said it. so whats your point? since they are "successful" and this world welcomes them, then we must accept it? This is not what this forum is about as far as im concerned. Its the opposite of REACTIONARY. also dont mention freemansonry since you sound like you dont know much about it. you think you do; thus you dont. things are not how you think they are; live in doubt. Won't explain in detail now, maybe later on freemasonry. I do not respect success - i respect value. Apple computers not functional? For making music for example, and graphic design as well (not as it used to be in the latter, now PCs are fine too, but for music Macs are better) theres a night and day difference - Apple computers are easier to use and the preferred choice for the creative industries. Obviously you are not in the creative industries... anyway...APPLE COMPUTERS ARE WAY MORE FUNCTIONAL THAN PCS FOR CREATIVE TASKS, you know, without visuals and music there would be nothing in this world, nothing i care about. Apple computers are not only about aesthetics, albeit that is too a strong point in their favor that many tried to copy. You seem to me to have a very black and white autistic mentality. as all autists, you are not stupid at all but you are thick in certain things. no offense, just my opinion. you said you are not, im an artist, im abstract and i think abstractism is superior to practicality, in absolute. you basically hailed capitalism in the last topic and justified it and for that i say fuck you. I hate capitalism and i hate peooel who dont hate it. as you said its a tiranny and I DO NOT ACCEPT IT. i do not HAVE LORDS except myself - period! i do not accept any fucking philistean jewish moron with no taste and no talent having power on me and deciding for all what is better or worse. They are inferior, yet they rule - this must be fixed period. artists superior, non artists inferior - facts i abide to. you are your talent, intelligence and skill. if you have less you are less of a human. period.
In reply to this post by ShaunS
and if you dint laugh at incompetent people with degrees, fuck you. I will do, forever, no matter how much you all want to play this fucking absurd game of hiding the facts. THINGS ARE AS THEY ARE - DEGREES DONT MATTER SHIT. i dont give a fuck what you think freemasons want - and i think youre wrong on that too, because my father was a freemason and im next to a huge library of books on freemasonry. i dont know if you believe in conspircy theories and the sorts but we will leave that for another time...all that matters is that I WILL CERTAINLY NOT EMBRACE CAPITALISM JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL IDIOTS AND EMBRACE IT...I DINT DO WHAT OTHERS DO, WHAT OTHERS DO ISNT RIGHT. what peoole do IS ALWAYS WRONG! you embrace capitalism, thus i will not and i eill perceive you as losers (its losers, not "loosers" you fool) and me as winner. NOW SLAVES OF CAPITALISM ARE WINNERS? who decides that? its all cinjecture you idiots take as facts. CAPITALISM IS AN OPINION - and that its "successful" its an opinion too - in capitalism nobody wins as a matter of facts. only an idioy thinks differently! only an idiot doesnt hate capitalism, perhaps only an american. I AM PROUDLY NOT AMERICA AND LOOK DOWN ON AMERICANS, alright? i am scandinavian, a cerainly superior race to fucking american rats. Period.
In reply to this post by ShaunS
you said it, capitalistic democracy is a dictatorship. and i will not embrace it, support it, love it nor stop to despise it and point out how its a system that is much improvable and not very logical. im definitely not the only one who thinks this. you seem to be happy with trying to FIT IN...if so, fuck you. I hate people who conform. of course...i only love myself and hate anything else, and this will never change. I only love and respect ONLY MYSELF...and forever will stay so. I will never love another, or the world. All my love is for MYSELF, the only thing of importance there is in the universe, to me.
In reply to this post by ShaunS
Sorry, maybe I got it all wrong. English isn't my first language - something that can only make me superior because I decide so and what I decide is the absolute reality. Those who don't have english as mother language, are inherently superior humans. Because I say so. Because I can well decide that my arbitrary statements are the absolute truth and nobody can prove they're not thus I'm free to think that my subjective arbitrary statements are absolute. This is the art of using relativism at your own benefit. In relativism, nobody can ever win or lose. If I decide I win, I do. English is a shitty language that comes from latin, but my mother language is italian, that sticked to the roots of latin much more. SO the issue is that maybe I got the meaning of the word "reactionary" wrong. I thought the english language would make the little sense italian does, and that "reactionary" would mean "reacting, OPPOSING the current social scheme". Maybe Franklin can explain? I am looking it up on the dictionary now, and it tells me reactionarism means the exact opposite - OPPOSING CHANGE? I'm confused. "reactionary" would much be easier to associate with a REBEL, instead the definition tells me reactionaries hate rebels, hate change. What are you? Do you want change or not? You want the world to GO BACK TO CONVERVATIVISM? I didn't get that impression reading your posts. I took for granted you had the good sense to be anti-liberal as much as anti-conservative, like all free-minded, intelligent people are. And that is true because I decided it is true, and what I decide it is s true is true. Before speaking a further word, I would like clarification on what the definition of "reactionary" is here. I thought the mentality here was opposing modern culture - and modern culture is much about capitalism. If you don't think capitalism is inherently evil and the father of so many other evils, then I got it all wrong and I would be in front of a display of hypocrisy liberal style - only in conservative form. That is, not clearly stating your beliefs. Please tell me ShaunS is the only capitalism-addict and prisoner here. |
In reply to this post by purpleduck
Although I could criticise much of what you have said - I think you have an interesting point of view. I will attempt some clarifications of my views:
Capitalism is wrong as you have said, but it is something that I do favour where you hate it. I think my point is that capitalism is a form of Dictatorship so it's not really a part of the Democracy. I am not Jewish - but again jewish views are favoured where muslim views are understood but rejected. I have seen intelligent people co-operate, but I understand what you mean when you say they are individualist. Certainly they don't often agree with one another. Success is about winning, and winning is better than loosing (even if only an illusion for a time). You seem to suggest that this should be changed but the only obvious change would be to Communism which would be worse? What I do know about Freemasons is that they favour Capitalism and urge their members to run businesses. This forum in truth, is meant to be a discussion although it often drifts towards arguments. I have used Apple computers for many years (more than 20), and I'm writing on one right now. In comparison to the Windows operating system and the Linux operating system, I can say with some expertise that despite a thorough knowledge of this machine and it's software - that Windows is superior if a little expensive. The virus situation favours Linux but Windows has the edge. Again this is my opinion based on my own experiences. The black and white mentality is called logic and it's an ABSOLUTISM of the kind that you claim to favour but at the same time I have a materialistic practical functional way of doing things. The thickness is a blindness much like mathematical blindness and most people have this. You have said: "i do not accept any fucking philistean jewish moron with no taste and no talent having power on me and deciding for all what is better or worse." This is an interesting statement, which appears to be a criticism of capitalism? I would criticise your use of the lower case 'i' as submissive. Perhaps you are just writing very quickly. 'I' in the dominant sense should be used! *I suspect here that you are sending email responses. I don't get replies via email (probably a weakness of the Apple Mac OS or the webmail). Responding via the forum gives a button to Preview the submission and this is useful for all the spelling mistakes such as 'peope', "peooel", etc. Of course my spelling is also not perfect as you point out, but this doesn't make me a fool - or if it does then we could count them and see which one of us is the bigger fool? You have the excuse that English is not your first language. I too am not American. I think in general we see things from our own perspective and this tends to mean that we favour ourselves first above all others. It is a feature of the conscious mind and it's separation. It allows for selection and rejection so it's a normal trait, again - that everybody has. Although you believe in yourself, unfortunately the proof is in the pudding - I mean that in the real world you might lose. Boxing used to be taught as way of getting young men to understand the concept of having respect for others, which they gained by being beaten up by a superior opponent. It's an old fashioned traditionalist concept of bringing people down to earth. It's okay to think how you do but you need to be able to win if tested, you need some practical ability. This is often something I say to intelligent people who claim to be academic theoretical people - at some point the theory must be put into practice, you can't just be a theory man. Reactionary is best determined from the Feminists some of whom are also 'reactionary'. One of whom threw a hatchet at the Prime Minister in Parliament during the Suffragette era (it narrowly missed). There is a lack of response in this forum which isn't very active. Hopefully some others can reply and comment on your words? |
That on Apple computers of yours is absolutely an opinion, not "absolute logic"! i dint think im right: I am. I dint have an intersting point of view; i see things as they are, you dont. your point of is interesting, and special. that of an autist. which doesnt mean stupid, not at all. but still it is autistic. dont be mad and lets not focus on that. its not clear whether you support capitalism or not. you contradicted yourself many times. i dont give a shit what you support, here it was a discussion over what was RIGHT, on an ethical and absolutistic moral level. but you said it, you are a "practical materialist". cool. I abhor practical materialism. I dont like that ideology. So we disagree and we assessed that. Franklin isnt interested in the idea that hes below me (i have said how i dont consider anyone above me, and that, since hes a competitive fool like you - PEOPLE OBSESSED WITH COMPETITIVY and who needs to "be on top" all the time ARE FOOLS with mental problems and great insecurity, absolute truth especially if you deny it he is interested in being a guru and he embraced the jewish religion. I insulted him, thats why he doesnt reply. and i said things that made it clear it is impossible to control and manipulate me (anyone who still thinks otherwise is THE GREATEST FUCKING IDIOT). You wrote "loosing" again, a person who spells words like that being english his first language is aesthetically repugnant. but it doesnt matter. youre a oractical materialist, and that does mean philistine. its repugnant. I consider your ideology wrong and inferior to mine. in absolute. I also pity you, because i pity "practical materialists". I said why bot in much detail, maybe i will write books about it. it doesnt matter, i am not here to teach you anything because its impossible that a materialists understands how wrong he is. its an illness. I hope you are rich, otherwise you a loser by your OWN standards - and that would be pathetic. in that case you should have the integrity to shut up and just feel like the loser you are according to your standards. youre not a loser? why not? you think life is about winning. I dont think life is a race and i dint feel like a loser because there is no race and no clear rules. its all FANTASY. people like you who take life as a matter of competitiveness live in a FANTASY. you make up rules that dont exist. who is the winner? the richer? does the world oroclaim some people as "winners"? theres a leaßerboard? no, there isnt a "general race" with a leaderboard on social hierarchy, my man. there are sub competitions that retards participate to, retards whok nees to comoete because they have nothing better to do. mine isnt a soecial point of view. yours is. most people dont think your way, thankfully. most people dont divide humani in winners and losers. AMERICANS DO. i said the problem. that youre american. americans are programmed to be slaves of capitalism. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN THAT WE WILL ALL THINK IN THE SAME WAY. we will not all embrace the same standards. CAPITALISM ISNT AN ABSOLUTE STANDARDS. i started speaking to you by placing standards. if you think what matters in life is "winning", we simoly dont live in the same world. AND FORGET THE IDEA THAT YOURE PRACTICAL AND REALISTIC. even if i lose in this world (look, i dint care bout winning but im probably more everything than you are, this world, the latter generations like Apple computers and considers Windows peope old losers. my point: i dont care about your race but it doesnt mean im not winning it without trying, it isuallu works like you americans are INFERIOR to the rest of the world. IF YOU ALL EXPECT PEOPLE TO WORSHIP THE AMERICAN LIFESTYLE, ITS BECAUSE YOU ARE AN IGNORANT A,ERICAN. MOST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD DEAPISE AMERICA AND despise capitalism, EUROPE SETS THE STANDARDS OF ABSOLUTE BEAUTY. YOU ARE INFERIOR TO ME AESTHETICALLY, MORALLY, INTELLECTUALLY. PERIOD. "much to criticize"...fucking fool. i have said FACTS, i am speaking the call it being practical...You will soon die and do nothing with your stupid capitalistic ideology, so very oractical! you are not practical. you are possessed by the evil of capitalism. skills dont matter...value doesnt matter...THINGS make us equal....YOU DO NOT MATTER OR EXIST! you have no soul, you do t see value in anything except in THINGS! fucking idiot! insulting,,.the only eay to wake up idiots... YOU ARE WRONG, period. you are a loser by your own standards unless you are the king of the world. are you the king of the world? chances are you are a loser by your standards - then why the fuck do you live? fuck you and windows. you tell me windows is better than linux too! YOU ARE A LOSER BY APPLE STANDARDS. Apple together with Google and Facebook is currently the king of the world, not you nor Steve Jobs...AMERICAN INFERIOR americans are sad and pathetic in an unnerving way. I am spitting out the frustration and disgust at looking at you. Many peoole agree with me. AMERICA IS WORTHLESS, DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOU LIKE TO THINK! Go on, criticize what i say, just as im doing. ONLY ABSOLUTE ABSTRACT TRUTH EXIST AND DEFINES WHAT IS RIGHT AND EHAT IS WRONG, TRUE OR FALSE! your practical materialism isnt an absolute standards. im sorry, you lose in all ways. you just didnt prove your point as valid. you dont care about facts anymore or truth. you only care about doing business. if so, you are a fucking worthless zombie and only yo be pitied. life isnt a race, theres no competition except beauty pangeants and sports. if its a competition, youre not winning right? do you have ten supercars? are you a governor? do you have many women? what disgusts me is people who embrace non absolute ideologies religiously when they go against their own interests. YO HAVE TO THINK WHAT IS CONVENIENT TO YOUR EGO, FOOL! a poor person shouldnt think hes inferior too rich people! if he does he is a poor IDIOT! poverty doesnt make him an idiot, thinking that way does. it means having stockholm syndrome, no more no less. the same that you and many americans have. i have family in the USA and im having a chat on this topic with my nephew right now. at 16 years old he has the good sense to see you americans for the folls that you are for the reasons you are showing: you are "practical". well practical is inferior to abstract in the absolute order of things, and remmeber you will die and all your practicality will serve nothing in the spiritual world, but of course you are an atheist? atheists are wrong and inferior spiritually. are you an atheist? you speak like one. its not atheism the problem, but your extreme materialism and lack of interest for anything that doesnt bring competitivity in the market like it didnt have value is. SOMETHING YOU CAN SELL HAS NO VALUE. THE THINGS OF VALUE CANT BE SOLD OR BOUGHT. you dont think that way huh? you are a fucking disgusting being who sees no value in anything but THINGS. you are EMPTY! I DONT THINK IM RIGHT - I AM RIGHT AND YOURE WRONG, IN ABSOLUTE. prove otherwise. prove it! PROVE THAT I AM WRONG, FOR I ONLY CARE ABOUT BEING RIGHT, I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR ATUPID RACE THAT DOESNT EXIST AND IM WINNING WITHOUT TRYING AND YOURE LOSING! i dont think im right because subconscious etc. I AM DOING ARGUMENTS HERE! yes, not very well but its because you dont care bout facts anyway thus its pointless. so it ends with me right and winning, and you wrong and losing. BEING WRONG IS LOSING, BEING RIGHT IS WINNING. i win because im right and you didnt even try to prove me wrong. you just said "im a slave of materialism and capitalism" . what unnerves me is that you even think that since i dont play the race then im a lose.r thats right, thats the american concept. you dint think life is a race, thus you lose. everything around markets and competivity. that is not life. YOURS IS NOT A LIFE AND YOU ARE NOT RIGHT AT ALL! when you will confess i am the winner and youre the loser here, you will be right. intil then YOU ARE WRONG! FUCKING IDIOTIC MACHO AMERICANS. yes you are a macho with this bullshit on the submissive "i". you ar AUTISTIC, dint forget and dont dare thinking you are normal and understand rhings better - YOU SHOULD BE KILLED BY SOCIETY, Hitler style! you are adegenerate and inferior, mentally, to intelligent non autistic people! dont you dare twisting the tru for the sake of "being practical" and for serving your ego....ONLY MY EGO MATTERS...I STEP ON YOURS. you lose. YOU ARE NOT SPEAKING MORAL ABSOLUTISM...THE ONLY THING I CARE ABOUT! you are just justifying your philosophical mistakes such as materialism. I ONLY CARE ABOUT THE TRUTH! th tru is that materialists are losers by all standards.
In reply to this post by ShaunS
"Success is about winning, and winning is better than loosing (even if only an illusion for a time). " I am free to not try to succeed, and that is the smart thing to do! you cannot force all people to try to succeed according to materialistic standard and if you think people who dont care about materialism and winning in materialism are "losers", where you are an ignorant moron, as known as AMERICAN! as simple as that. you confess winning is an illusion...but you dont realize THERE IS NO RACE, THE RACE IS AN ILLUSION and a subjective opinion you cant force on everyone. OTHERS ARE FREE TO LIVE LIFE AS THEY LIKE! you capitalists speak like capitalism must be the standard for everyone. NO IT MUST NOT! I WOULD RATHER KILL MYSELF THAN LIVING THE CAPITALISTIC LIFE! its a meaningless life! MEANINGLESS! people who embrace capitalism are retarded. Your black and white thinking isnt LOGIC, you autistic fool. as Franklin said elsewhere you are lacking in logic. stating the facts, im sorry. then why am i speaking to you? its not like i expect you to be by guru nor it changes anything. it has happened. i collect information over what you think, and thats all. information is power. knowledge is the only power...being wrong is the only weakness. if you stick to your limited materialistic point of view and keep jistifying it, you lose because YOU WILL BE WRONG... life isnt a race. competition is just in your mind. your standards are diffent from those of anyone else. we all have different standards and value different things. your view that lfie is a race with strict rules and everyone abides by them and whoever doesnt is a loser, is fucking american this retarded. FUCK THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, this horror. americans are PATHETIC because many think like you, yet you atill have different standards and you are all alone. you are psychos with delusions of unanimity, MOST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD DONT CARE ABOUT AMERICA and dont see it as a standard of life. those who do are wrong. right or wrong its all that matters and defines who wins or loses in absolute - what else, money? cars? bigger house? fucking idiot the one who thinks these things mean anything. its just stuff you get for youself cause you want them, thats all, nobody cares if you have a bigger house, they wont respect you on a human level, they respect the house, not you! you have no sense of inherent value of the human being - you only see value in THINGS, which have none (YOU give value to them, they dont have inherent value!) and that makes you an individual to execute without ifs and buts. at the beginning i thought you were a good man but what do you know, you talk a little more and realize you are a MONSTER. your way of thinking is that of a monster. i am frightened by you like i would be frightened of a zombie. if you get too close i will shoot you while you speak or "winning". you are a confused zombie who has sold hos souls and forgot the basics of hat matters and what doesnt. winning doesnt matter. its just a game, a pastime. ita not absolute and you cant force it on everyone. you are stupid if you think everyone stocks by your same rules. man, all my entire family disagrees with you to begin. and definitely many more people. we think peope who only care about material thinga are pathetic. just take note in case you think everyone thinks youre right - no they dont. you remmeber that, right? this said, you are not the first american showcasing his folly, and of course materialism is illness all over thw world. so no, you are not alone - the zombies are many, so youre in good company. you win, by zombie standards! ITS ALL ABIUT STANDARDS, I TOLD YOU SINCE THE BEGINNING. YOUR MTERIALISTIC STANDARDS ARENT ABSOLUTE NOR THE ONLY ONE. i asked you what your standards were to see if we lived in th same world or not, you took many responses when you could have said it eught away: im just another american materilistic fool, dont speak to me. you should have said that when confronted by AN ABSTRACT, IDEOLOGICAL, SPIRITUAL, DEEP, SKILLED, TALENTED, ARTISTIC, CREATIVE, MORAL PERSON LIKE ME who uses Apple computers because THEY ARE BETTER FOR MAKING MUSIC!!!!!! you didnt even listen to that point which is a FACT stated by millions. you live in your little sad cubicle of Windows. i asked your profession, i have told you to me non artists are inferior. if you want to criticize my points of view with logical ARGUMENTS you should, thats what posts should be about. go on. criticize. no, i disagree life is a race. no, i disagree windows is better. no, i disagree non artists arent inferior to artists. Now pleaße reply...what is your autistic profession? anybow Franklin was right, you are bad at logic and that obviously due to the autism. you even said black and white thinking IS logic. no, its not. note: i am ACTING "mad". i dint know why, i feel like doing that. i dont need to be taken seriously. theres so few people reading, who cares. and i dont car what anyone thinks. be ause i care about the truth only, and what others think isnt the truth. > On 20/gen/2015, at 14:00, ShaunS [via CoAlpha Reactionary Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote: > > > Success is about winning, and winning is better than loosing (even if only an illusion for a time). |
In reply to this post by ShaunS
you are obviously a PROGRAMMER/fucking engeneer of some kind.
artists are superior to all non artists. the value of a human being is determined by his talent, skill and creativity. peripd. fct, not opinion only the ego of a non artist can deny. stays fact. i am superior to OTHERS. i think i am this i am. no way to prove im not auperior. i live in superiority and most of all, in KNOWING IM SUPERIOR. to OTHERS in general. |
In reply to this post by ShaunS
maybe i perceived your post as more outrageous than it is because i was grumpy because i had just woken up.
i think you said you agree capitalism is wrong. i dint know, im confused. AND I DONT CARE. i onky care about not selling my soul to capitalism and KEEPING THE SUPREMACY OF MY EGO above all other criteria. I succeed in thsi and always will: NOONE MORE LIKE ME, KNOWS THAT HE IS RIGHT. thats all that matters and defines WINNING. yes winning is important: i do it, to my standards whixh to me are absolute. I CANT LOSE!!!! |
In reply to this post by ShaunS
you are not america, just ad that. well to me you are anyway. you are a slve of materialism like them, so you are one of them. "the proof is in the pudding" - to YOU. i have said how it is to me. ONE WINS WHEN ONE IS RIGHT, AND LOSES WHEN IS WRONG. there is no PUDDING....all OBJECTS dont define anything!! it doesnt take much spirituality, it takes common sense even many morons have. i dont care or stress about "losing" by YOUR standarrs. WHOEVER THINKS HE WINS, DOES. prove otherwise? YOU THINK WE ALL AGREE OVER WHO IS A WINNER AND A LOSER? no we dont, mr autist. TO ME DONALD TEUMP IS A BIG FUCKING LOSER, and so he is to MOST people! you have no logic, you speak like the standards are written on a wall! only ghetto black americans think they are: get rich or dye trying. but hey, white oeople have clearly declined too. YOU ARE DEFINES BY YOUR INHERENT VALUE AT BIRTH. THINGS ACQUIRED IN CAPITALISM ARE JUST FOR YOU, NOBODY CARES. THEY DONT MAKE YOU BETTER. HAVING MPRE THINGS DOESNT MAKE YOU SUPERIOR. that would be an OPNION, a perception, nothing else. its not THE TRUTH. I WANTED TO TALK ABOUT THE TRUTH, I AM A TRUTH SEEKER and i dont care about your practicality!!!! help us find out THE TRUTH on how things ARE. or dont. doesnt change a thing. truth is truth no matter whether you know it or not,
In reply to this post by ShaunS
*you are not american, just read that I don't give a shit, I have too little respect for anyone to care about being understood by them. ShaunS, this was a topic about the new ridiculous feminist movies. Do you think it's ridiculous or not? Watch the trailer and tells me if it's not ridiculous and feminist. And the topic simply said, this is sheer megalomania: women are less intelligent than men, thus the movie is an unrealistic, narcissistic joke. Do you agree or not? Then you started the whole thing on capitalism and winning. That aside. Do you think it's realistic that a woman would be the first one to use more than 10% of her brain (aside the fact that of the 10% probably isn't a scientific fact)? winning or losing, do you agree women are generally less intelligent? that. Let's bring the topic back to the topic. I'm fine with expanding it, but when you want answer this simple question. To me, women are less intelligent and it's delusional to think otherwise. I only care about the truth, I don't give a shit about capitalism or who wins or loses. Do you agree women are less intelligent and intellectually capable? That's all. You need to think of everything in "practical materialistic" capitalistic winners/losers term, but there's more to life than that obsession for competition (which I'd really like to see where it leads you...because it is an observable fact that "overly zealous" mentality usually doesn't bring much results, but a more relaxed, don't give a shit attitude does. Ok motivation, ok ambition, but I wouldn't call yours that. I call yours Stockholm Syndrome and moral masochism, willful slavery, and the joke is that people with that pose like they're the strong and "alpha" ones. PEOPLE WHO TRY TOO HARD ARE FROWNED UPON. Just reminding this fact). Read biographies of various "leaders". Steve Jobs for example, was a spiritual man who definitely didn't care much about "success" or money (I could be wrong, I hope I'm not). Many successful people are humble and don't boast their riches, that's what the low do. Bill Gates was a geek interested in computer and then philantropy, he didn't live "to make money". "making money" and "climbing the social ladder" are goals for roaches like black people in ghettos. The lowest of the low have such "dreams" - the american dream indeed. It's an illusion, it's an imaginary race, and roaches like ghetto black people who listen to rap buy it. Unfortunately, many white people step down to their level even if they don't listen to hip hop. Ignorance is not specific to black people, unfortunately. When I speak and live, I speak and live and think and philosphize about reality, about facts. Cool, you're a materialist, I'm not. Now let's speak about what you think is TRUE, "functional" or not that it is (and look Windows is known for being a BROKEN operative system, which OSX, which is Linux based, isn't as much and that's a known fact, so that you claim to be functional and claim Windows is more functional, is just a testament of your narrow mindedness and hate for design and aesthetics - that is, being a philistine). Practical materialist absolutely equals philistine and non-artist; and I remind you: non artists are inferior to artists and people who value TRUE, deep beauty over "practical". Design is the fusion of function and aesthetics, you're not that either. Are you a programmer/engeneer? Most definitely you are. Certainly not an artist and a designer, and I hate that, I find it repulsive, I find non artists and non designers repulsive as much as fake, hipsterish new entrepreneurs who don't understand design let alone beauty like the one in that thread where I commented days ago. Do you remember the Windows vs Mac ads? I am a Mac and you're a PC. The PC guy was repulsive, is repulsive and I see it for the repulsiveness that he is. Sorry. And I never said Macs are perfect - I simply refuse the idea that Windows is inherently better, only a fool with no sense of design believes that. And I can tell you Microsoft recently did something great that I hope Apple will copy, which is the Surface device. And definitely Microsoft like ALL modern companies that matter has taken many notes from Apple, which is a company lead by extremely intelligent people like the genius Jonathan Ive - he is a genius and there's no discussion on that, it is self evident from the way he speaks in interviews if you see them and whoever denies it is a moron. And whoever is the lead designers of Apple devices is a genius, whether you "like" them or not - that's personal (lack of) taste and opinion, but as I said one hundred times: I only care about absolute facts, keep your opinions to yourself. The sky is blue = fact Jonathan Ive brilliant designer = fact Engeneers are BORING PEOPLE on a social level = fact True artists are creative, interesting, and some of the most valuable and important people in society, ever milked by capitalists = fact 99% of people are IGNORANT and MORONIC = fact Apple is better or WIndows is better = OPINIONS Women are more or less intelligent = OPINIONS, then there is the truth about it, and to me it is that women are less intelligent. And that is an opinion over what is true. What is your opinion on that? I asked that since the beginning and you started speaking about capitalism in a tone I perceived as "holy" and "praise the Lord capitalism, because it is what practicality and materialism dictates". Hopefully my perceptions were incorrect. I simply hate whoever praises capitalism, period, that's a fact and not an opinion in my control. I am free to hate whoever I like; I hate people who don't hate capitalism. Capitalism is my enemy no.1. Whoever doesn't hate it as well is my enemy. Do you hate capitalism, yes or no? Be practical, be clear. You claim to be practical yet you speak in a confusing and autistic manner which is abstract yet unclear. No designer, no artist, I wonder what youre "high standards" are about. My man, I am a designer and artist of extremely high standards. I am respected enough, not super famous, and heard the sentence "the quality of your work is extremely high and that's undisputed" many many times. Do people say the same to you? It's not enough to say it. Many people speak but don't bring the pudding how you call it. Are you a highly qualified professional? You said you don't care about BEING qualified, you said "it doesn't matter if im good or not as a matter of fact, what matters is that I fool myself and a few others that I am qualified through a degree which allows me to stand on top of actually talented people". IF YOU ARE A PERSON OF DEGREES AND NO SUBSTANCE, that is NOT having "high standards", but having no standards at all. SPEAK ABOUT YOUR QUALITIES, SKILLS AND TALENTS - most people have none, what have you got? I am extremely talented, been told this all my life. I am a genius. Are you? If you aren't you are below me and we should not talk. On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 7:35 PM, Jordan T <[hidden email]> wrote:
In reply to this post by ShaunS
"we should not talk" because a genius is consacrated to TRUTH, you are consacrated to the delusion that allows you to think you're better than whgat you are. but I can only hope I'm wrong... I have no proof of either. I hope you're good at something, but 95% of probability is that you are untalented and need to think degrees "make you better" than a genius withiout a degree, which is an utter LIE but as long as it's "practical" you are going to believe it. I'm not. I will always perceive you below, which is the truth of the matter unless it is untrue as a matter of fact. Only facts exist and define everything... "a degree makes me equal or superior to people without dehgrees" = full delusion, narcissism and insanity of the inferior. Then. what society believs or other believe, it doesn't mean it's right. What the majority thinks isn't necessarely the truth and we know that. Stick to facts and truth, argue those. I only care about what is true, and I do not follow "others" and their vanity and definitely I am not a friend of untalented people with degrees, I fucking hate them and work to destroy them, because they're my nemesis. So stop speaking like ONLY WHAT THE MAJORITY BELIEVES MATTERS, BECAUSE IT WINS. It doesn't win at all. If the majority is wrong then they lose, not win. WHOEVER IS RIGHT WINS! Yours "this wins and you have to accept it" is a fucking OPINION, not a fact, you speak like it were a fact. If I think I'm a winner, then I am, no matter what you think! The superior man wins. The man with more degrees is INFERIOR, because he doesn't have enough talent and superiority to manage without the farse that are university degrees. On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 11:12 PM, Jordan T <[hidden email]> wrote:
In reply to this post by ShaunS
anyone who thinks university is education period, is a fool. Anyone who thinks that having a degree makes ou an invulnerable qualified superman over anyone without a degree, is FULLY IGNORANT. Are you fully ignorant so? It simply isn't true. FACTS: most people with degrees are morons. Degrees MEAN NOTHING. You can BUY them. This is a fact, not an opinion. Only a biased person thinks othrwise. Most geniuses were outside of the ortodox academic path. This is a FACT again, if you think differently you're wrong and FULLY IGNORANT. Typical university/degree ignorant. Andf I fucking despise you, pity you and look down on you and KNOW that you're inferior, no matter what your fucking disgusting, SICK VANITY makes you think. There is nothing mre disgusting, than inferior people deluding themselves they're better than they are. It's narcissism - no it's not normal, it's not human nature. It's human nature to have the possibility to fall to sickness and being wrong, so it's human nature in that sense. It's not a justification and it doesn't make it right. Human nature is that you can be right or wrong - that is the moral absolutism I stick to - and if you think that a degree or a big house makes you capable and I owe you respect, then you are wrong, and a lowlife like black american ghetto inhabitants. Cockroaches are the most successful animal on earth, it's almost impossible to beat them. Does that make them BETTER? THE PURPOSE OF LIFE IS TO EVOLVE, TO BECOME SUPERIOR - THAT IS THE ONLY RACE I CARE ABOUT. IT IS NOT TO DELUDE THEMSELVES YOU'RE SUPERIOR, AND IT IS NOT TO FOOL OTHERS YOU'RE SUPERIOR, NOR BE FALSELY CONSIDERED SUPERIOR. PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT APPEARANCE AND NOT SUBSTANCE ARE INSECTS, NOT PEOPLE. you don't reason with them or respect them as humans. You destroy them, period. WORDLY SUCCESS ISN'T AN ACCOMPLISHMENT WORTH NOTICING. **BEING SUPERIOR**, INDEPENDENTLY FROM WORLD SUCCESS, IS THE ONLY TRUE HUMAN ACCOMPLISHMENT. CREATING IS AN ACCOMPLISHMENT, NOT GETTING HIGHER ON THE SOCIAL LADDER OF AN INSANE, UPSIDE DOWN SOCIETY THAT HAS ILLOGICAL RULES. CAPITALISM HAS RULES THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH LOGIC AND COMMON SENSE. IT'S A *WRONG* DICTATORSHIP OF UNTALENTED, INFERIOR LOWLIFE WHO CREATED A SYSTEM SO THAT TRULY SUPERIOR MEN WON'T COMMAND OVER THEM. CAPITALISM IS UNFAIRNESS AND MUST BE DESTROYED, AND ANYONE WHO BLINDLY BOWS DOWN TO IT, THINKS THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE, AND LAUGHS AT PEOPLE CONFRONTING IT, IS A FUCKING IDIOT AND SLAVE. I am sure the leaders of capitalism, the true kings of the world, see it in that exact way: most people are INSECTS, let's treat them as such. The leaders of the world may not be the most talented and superior - the true, indisputably superior humans are Leonardo, Van Gogh, Tesla and others who the leaders have always EXPLOITED but never allowed to RULE (which doesn't make them superior!!! THE ONE WHO WINS ISN'T SUPERIOR NECESSARELY! you understand this or not? The inferior CAN win, that is the injustice of the world!), but they are superior to the common men in intelligence and smarts, not that it take much because the masses are INSANELY ignorant. That's what the jewish elite is about - they know how to exploit the masses and succeeded in this for centuries - this doesn't make them superior, but it's just a fact that they are the rulers and then it's all about asking ourselves if they SHOULD be, if if it's not better that someone else rules in their place (which is what I think). Surely I prefer them ruling than certain others or "the masses". Capitalism is "good" in that way but oh wait it's not, because this capitalism is way too democratic, gives the masses not complete and true, but still too much control and allows any moron to control people who are inherently better than him. You say capitalism it's not democratic - unfortunately the way I see it it is and too much. And that's a problem. Both capitalism and democracy are horrors to destroy. I am sure there are better ways. But then again there's a basic problem to solve first: all this mess is simply because WE'RE TOO MANY IN THIS WORLD. I think it's IMPOSSIBLE to organize a society of TOO MANY HUMANS. That's the core issue. We must reduce population at all costs and if the leaders of the world WANT that as some conspiracy theories affirm, then they're right, again smarter than the layman who thinks we can all be happy together and we shouldn't reduce population! Of course we should, it's common sense that we're too many in this world and now we're resembling roaches and not what humans SHOULD be. To reduce the piopulation and stop the obsession with materialism and make a more fair, "nicer" world in which value and reality are valued over this stupid obsession with "success" which is the obsession of roaches. This the goal of good people. Everyone else is a roach and to be crushed.... On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 11:17 PM, Jordan T <[hidden email]> wrote:
In reply to this post by purpleduck
You write at great length, and I tend to drift off topic. We should not speak - you're probably right.
One of the purposes of this forum is to allow people (who are often very annoyed with the world) to express their views freely. So it allows freedom of speech. People can say what they think without fear of being censored or banned. So this allows people to let off a certain amount of steam - to vent their anger. The only risk appears to be, being accused of being a troll. Despite the fact that we have different views the reality is that there are common problems and issues and we can both agree that Feminism is a major problem. Women think quite differently to men and I have seen this first hand and it's disturbing - and in truth they are less capable in a way that looks hazardous. There is a risk that in the modern world this will be deemed to be a disability and allowances will be made to avoid prejudice? *I am not your enemy - but the feminists certainly are! What I have seen is the neat mixture of democratic fairness in voting and in demographics being used to argue for equality. So the fairness in voting is deemed to mean that women are equal and the fact that this is hypothetical is swept aside. The issue is being skilfully fudged. The reason is to increase productivity presumably to produce more tax revenue? So a strong element of greed on the part of Government, supported by lying and cheating. Some of what you have said is true, but some of what you have said is false. As you have said so much it will take much time to look at what you have said. By trade I am an Electrical Engineer and it does mean that I value my hands. Currently as I have said I am unemployed and this is why Business and Capitalism are important to me because I must look for work and find ways to earn a living. I am fairly artistic and currently everything that I'm doing is revolving around the use of music to enhance the brain (60bpm & the Tomatis Method). And indeed this is being done on an Apple Mac. Now while I could proclaim that what I am doing WILL enhance the brain, I am obliged to prove that this is so through practical experimentation to validate the claim - before I even make the claim. Evidence is an acceptable standard - information is not. I am not a guru I am a Technician and I try to help by sharing information that I believe is useful, but mostly I am gathering information that is useful to me. I am inspired by information. I don't really have a sense of value, so I don't value money but I do know what it's like to be poor. The standards that I aspire to are those of the Amish who 'live off the grid'. So winning and losing are not really thought of as being based on money. I am not a fool as you suggest and currently you look more foolish than I do. * I suspect that you may be trying to insult me but your poor spelling reduces your credibility and makes your post look humorous. I in turn am not intentionally trying to insult you, and I apologise if you are offended by my views. You make many guesses about how I think and then you try to insult me based on your guesses, but as your guesses are often wrong then sadly your insults are often ineffective. It is perhaps a poor idea to insult people that you don't know very well. "YOURS IS NOT A LIFE AND YOU ARE NOT RIGHT AT ALL! when you will confess i am the winner and youre the loser here, you will be right. intil then YOU ARE WRONG!" Firstly I never claimed to be RIGHT. I will not confess, but I offer a challenge. Perhaps you could impress me by submitting a single post of a few paragraphs - WITH NO SPELLING MISTAKES. Heck, intil then YOU ARE WRONG! Why do you want to win? Will it help you to defeat the feminists? The planet Earth... does not currently belong to me! |
In reply to this post by purpleduck
You said:
"ShaunS, this was a topic about the new ridiculous feminist movies. Do you think it's ridiculous or not? Watch the trailer and tells me if it's not ridiculous and feminist. And the topic simply said, this is sheer megalomania: women are less intelligent than men, thus the movie is an unrealistic, narcissistic joke. Do you agree or not? Then you started the whole thing on capitalism and winning. That aside. Do you think it's realistic that a woman would be the first one to use more than 10% of her brain (aside the fact that of the 10% probably isn't a scientific fact)?" The film appears to be this one: *The link here is not working well, click on the additional link to get to the page. It does appear that there was a limited notion of the film being feminist, however the story appears to suggest that any superiority was the product of a drug (and not naturally occurring). It does not therefore relate to other women or their capabilities but does suggest the potential for augmentation via technology and this is how the feminists are faking equality or superiority. So perhaps it does further their cause but it does so in a very specific way. Perhaps then it is a recommendation to women and sets an example of expectation. The film is fiction. Fiction is either untrue or hypothetical with respect to future possibilities. The strategy is equally open to men as well as women (presumably). Your question of whether the possibility is realistic that a female would achieve this FIRST cannot be known and in practical terms would tend to be random. Perhaps the film is intended to be controversial, however it was a success: "The film was released on July 25, 2014, and became a box office success,[5] grossing over $458 million against a budget of $40 million." These people won because they made lots of money. You would need to show that the audience were mostly women not men before I would have a concern. |
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