Hello everyone,
I'm very interested in joining your cause. I'm sure it's not often you get people who are genuinely in taking you all seriously, but can identify a lot with what's being said and I'm very interested. I found this place through a series of events, but the two main things that led me here were the Elliot Rodger shootings and a Google search that I hoped would help me figure out why I hate most people. First off after I had heard about Elliot's shooting/suicide, I started reading his manifesto because I thought that it wasn't often you get to learn a criminal's whole life from them after the fact. As I read through it, some parts really reverberated with me and I realized that he saw a lot of things about sex culture that no one usually took notice of, and that had afflicted me in the past as well. I felt bad for him, and I even wished I had been able to befriend him. Later, when seeing pictures of his body (or feet sticking out under the tarp) laying beside the car he always had in his videos, it wasn't just some random person in the news, this was someone whose whole life story I knew more than most people's, and it hurt. I felt like the odd one because comments on every article were filled with people poking fun at his Incel-ness and saying they were glad he was burning in hell now. This was infuriating that humans could be so heartless, and there was absolutely no one I could say that to. I had no idea there were other people out there who were sympathetic, and to find a place like that where the Bible is studied as well - and not just sifted through like most "feel-good believers" - it feels like I can say I've seen everything now. And it's a relief. Secondly, I've been trying to break out of my "prison", so to speak. I live in a tiny city with few jobs, and "American culture" tells me to get out and make myself useful, but I'm so fed up with what's going on that I'm almost relieved I keep getting turned down for jobs. At one place, the interviewer asked "Do you have any friends...?" Which I thought was strange for an interview question :/ but honestly no, most of the people around me are selfish "takers" who never give, and I would end up sliding down a slope of giving over and over and only hear from them when they wanted the next thing. No friends at all, but how are you going to explain that for an interviewer? Another place hired multiple autistic people who were chronically rude to customers and tearing up the store. They were given a job not because they fit, but because of their condition. All three of them ended up being fired and then the next one hired after I kept applying and showing I knew how to handle the working conditions. The world was seeming so easily hate-able that I was reading about other people's complaints about the world, and I saw someone complaining about the "stupid people" on this site, so to speak. I went here and realized there was a lot more knowledge here about what was going on than was given credit. And thirdly, I guess I should explain what experience I've had (or hadn't had) with women. When I was around 14, I was on an air rifle team that was one of my first chances of socializing outside of homeschool. I made a friendship with a girl, not even intending anything sexual because it was just good to have a friend, and my mother told me I was too young to be friends with a girl, and she split us apart. It might sound strange but I gave in. Later I became friends who was involved with a Bible group my family was in, and we'd talk online often. I'd make her things and send them along with handwritten notes, I'd be there for her when hard things were going on in her family, and she and I would discuss the Bible together. Not once did I make sexual advances on her, but she started complaining that other guys from all over the world were messaging her online and asking to see naked pictures and asking to meet her for sex. She said it bothered her that that was the first thing on their minds, and that she greatly respected me for not doing that to her, yet she still would stay up late at night to talk to these guys. Then she met a guy at a library who was "Such a sweet guy" but he also brought up sex with her right away, and she said that on the first date "they got really far" but didn't have outright sex. She still emphasized that I was her greatest friend and the only person she felt comfortable with. She ended up having sex with that guy, breaking up, meeting two other guys and having sex with them, and then finally breaking up with both (separately). She came devastated to me about how her life turned out and told me she loved me, and the stupid idiot I was continued to treat her respectfully. She was still the only female I had invested time in, and when all was said and done, she wasted 8 years of my affections. A few months after her admitting she loved me, she developed a sudden love of Indian food. I thought that was odd and she said it was because she was studying Indian culture and finding it fascinating. Then as I suspected, it was because she had met some Indian guy and he wanted her to move over there to be with him, and a few days I got a postcard from her saying she was staying with someone in India. Looking back, she was very involved with the feminist movement and would often use the words "You don't understand!" and "How horrible it must be to be a man". She'd claim to despise guys who approached her for sex, and then go to them to give them her love all the while telling me how much she respected me for not being like them. Thank you for reading, and thank you for gathering a group who doesn't give in to the ridiculous feminist excuses that people are martyred for not agreeing with. |
Hi Musicult, you are right that we don't often get people here who can relate to our view. So welcome.
This forum is currently mostly for discussion. We can discuss any topic that interests you. I wrote a post Dating Solutions that may be of practical interest. Posters here have mixed views about religion. We have a religion sub-forum and I personally support religion as you can see in my signature. We also have a Bibliography sub-forum with a lot of good resources. I highly recommend reading Sexual Utopia in Power. Please let us know any questions or ideas you may have. |
In reply to this post by Musicult
Where are you from?
Thank you very much for the welcome. I'm reading and learning, and trying to make a level-headed decision about what to do with my life.
I'm in the Southeast US in the Appalachian mountains, rather in the middle of nowhere, which may be a good thing or a bad thing. |
Which state? I'm in East Tennessee.
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