Much study was made of Elliot Rodger. A natural form of Eugenics was discovered. Initially it was thought that a signal radiated from the place of birth and this was associated with salmon. It has been found that pulsations of the earth's magnetic field caused by Coronal Mass Ejections from the sun directly produce signals in the Delta wave spectrum of the human brain. These signals may drive reproduction and gender and thereby influence breeding and socialising, externally. As the earth's magnetic field is declining the strength of these pulsations is also declining, because of this, breeding is declining and mental attitudes are changing and this leads to hostility between the sexes. This webpage gives some indication of these factors: My own source of information comes from Tarot cards after a 35 year analysis led to a decryption technique. This was the information extracted: 1Hz - 60 degrees, 60 beats per minute = Linker/Cupid 2Hz - 120 degrees, 120 beats per minute = Alpha Male 3Hz - 180 degrees, 180 beats per minute = Alpha Female It is notable here that 120 beats per minute is the tempo of Rock & Roll music and that if females listen to this their brains would tend to become calibrated as Alpha Males, thus lesbian feminists. Let me be crass here and state that I do think that women deserve the vote, and to be treated equally (and not as black slaves as they once were). Obviously we have a circle here. A religion could be developed from this and would attempt to resolve the problems (Personianity). It should be clear from the above that music can be used to compensate for the decline in the earth's magnetic field (as per XX The Last Judgement). The tempo of the music is it's active component. Churches may well have been aware of this. It was the church baptism which is really meant as the rebirth, thus it is the church that becomes the home point or spawning ground. The church bell would ring at less than 1Hz calling the people to the church and the hymns are in the region of 60 bpm. So the church was the centre of the community. This is where you could be expected to meet your partner. Church congregations are declining due to the earth's magnetic field declining as well as interference from other sources of music (and probably poor practice). Your place of birth becomes very significant and determines the magnetic influences upon you. It is unwise to travel far from you place of birth until after puberty as doing so may reduce signal strength. Elliot Rodger was born in London, but then taken to America prior to puberty and this may have produced poor brain development (his brother faired better). This effect probably also accounts for Astrology. Obviously the male and the female couple were born in different places, so it's unclear how the linker works but that's probably where the church comes in (as it's achieving that effect artificially). The problem that you are experiencing is ENVIRON-MENTAL. Is this not an apt word? The culture may also be determined by the tempo of the music. Regional variations of magnetism (iron deposits) and the movement of the earth's magnetic field over time may have produced some of the historical changes as well as extinctions. The scheme here could be extended: 1.25Hz 75 degrees, 75 beats per minute = Co-Cupid 2.16Hz 130 degrees, 130 beats per minute = Co-Alpha Male 2.33Hz 140 degrees, 140 beats per minute = Beta Male 2.5Hz 150 degrees, 150 beats per minute = Omega (male/female) The implication is of choosing. The scheme is not yet proven, but if true would be a slick way to conquer the world and change the culture. I would point out the image of the musicians on your start page, and your suggestions of a religion to produce change. The Pied Piper would be another example. I have been looking at this for some time. You cannot fix the earth's magnetic field. Churches have a scheme but that appears to be failing (Christian Rock is not a solution). We have assumed that breeding is biologically built in, but this may be external. Place a couple on Mars and their child may not develop secondary sexual characteristics. Music is the key and this is where I am currently focussed. This is what I found, it is not what I expected to find. Dare I suggest Country & Western music? |
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Is this a joke?
Or some "clever" troll's attempt to try and make members of this site look like kooks when they're anything but kooks? |
I once again call upon all decent men to join the CoAlpha forums. - caamib
Yeah. But you're not decent. You're almost certainly a liberal trying to harm this website. Your post is too well crafted to be a work of a lunatic but still silly and unfunny the way liberals do it.
In reply to this post by ShaunS
Shaun, dude, doesn't seem you're trailing that well. C'mon, bring us a brilliant post to raise your current poor grade. I believe in you !
Hi Guys,
After much study it appears that you are correct I am indeed a Liberal. Sorry about that! |
In reply to this post by caamib
Hi caamib,
I stand correct again as here is the definition of troll by wikipedia: Troll: In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. So, because the opening thread was mine it appears that your response was indeed trolling. You appear to be the troll here not me! |
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