The spectrum of societies regarding men and women is like this in my opinion ~ [~} PATRIARCHAL {(Normal society where women are controlled 100% ~ they are home-schooled, don't work, neither gender is allowed to d*te because the mother and father choose the spouse, p**-marital re*ations are forbidden for both genders, women are used in support-roles to help in household-running and help in farmwork sometimes but 90% of the time, the work is done by males. There is no SIN allowed between the males-females like h*gging, being friends, etc. because marriage is taken seriously. Lastly, a large number of healthy, natural restrictions are put upon females ~ they are not allowed to have mobile-phones and not allowed to use computers, they are not allowed to drive, etc. This ensures that men feel useful and work their whole lives and have a purpose.)} [~} Feminist {(Abnormal society where men and women have equal rights and work together, play sports together, socialise together, h*g each other in public, etc. A uni-gender society.)} [~} Matriarchal {(VERY abnormal society in which females dominate mentally and physically as they are men in women's bodies. Also a unigender society physically but mentally a totally female-centred one ~ current Western nations)} Often men will say that it's possible to have a feminist society with no p**-marital re*ations. Yes, it is possible if the morals are enforced strictly enough ~ however, this is a waste of police resources and also, the BASIS for normal societies is that females must be dominated. Hence, anything that abrogates this rule is wrong! Spectral depiction ~ obviously like any spectrum there are many variances in between the main loci depicted. However, these 3 main points are the ways most of the world has lived for the previous 4,000 years in mankind's history {(with patriarchal being in effect 95% of that time-period)} [~} Patriarchal ----------------------------------- Feminist ------------------------------- Matriarchal {~] Gentlemen, the above is how Spanish culture {(and much of the world including U.S.A.)} was 50 years ago but the key-stone of the arch was revealed to me by a very astute older Spanish gentleman ~ the marriage age must be reduced back to normal levels that it was 50 years ago. Males and females must be married by 19 and 18 maximum respectively. This, coupled with the fact that there is a stigma on p**-marital re*ations for both genders and a close watch by the parents of the boy and girl, ensures that p**-marital re*ations don't have a chance to occur. The keys to not having p**-marital re*ations are to NOT create the circumstances conducive to them ~ [~} THE KEY TO NO P**-MARITAL RE*ATIONS ~ a marriage age of 19 to 17 for both genders. [~} A heavy social stigma attached to it. No da*ing, no dancing, etc. The groom and bride are found by the parents and then talk briefly with the potential future husband/wife for 20 minutes in the house of the parents. If they both feel suited for each other, the marriage occurs. [~} A close watch kept on the boy and girl till married age. [~} Separation of the genders ~ the males go to school, the females are home-schooled {(separate schools for girls again gives the chance for feminism to sprout)}. |
Hi Anatol,
Although your views are quite extreme and very muslim, I think that on this point you have hit the nail on the head and I find myself in agreement. In dealing with factual data, facts often deflect ideas. Some of the ideas that I have had were thrown out because biological facts would tend to defeat ideologies. Reasoning is poor in comparison to actual evidence. In biology the male fertility lasts up to the age of 74, but in females the age of fertility only lasts up to 37, which is half. So 34x2=74. This means that in biological terms the man can be twice as old as his wife. Also the telomere on the sperm cells of the male grow longer with age, unlike other cells where they become shorter every time the cell divides. This longer telomere is then passed onto any children conceived by the older male. The result is that these children then live much longer lives because their cells can divide for a longer period of time before the telomerase runs out. So the biology suggests that a 32 year old man might marry a 16 year old woman and this would produce an ideal result within the biology of the children produced. In fact it seems to me that this is what the biology is trying to do as a product of evolution. Much of the feminism could be kept out of school education. If the science of the above could encourage the culture to see female school leavers as potential wives instead of workers (much as used to be the case) then the females would not have the time to be stupidly educated into strange ideas during further education such as at Universities. So my view is that 'Normal male-female interactions' could indeed be achieved by teaching females in particular to get married as soon as they hit the age of 16. They could then become housewives as many of them would prefer to do rather than get jobs. |
[~} What have I said that was extreme??? Prior to World War II where the women were pulled by the men into the factories for labour, all women were housewives in U.S.A. They were either home-schooled or went to 8th-standard school maximal. Certainly most didn't go to any sort of 'college' prior to 1972. Also, if U.S.A. wasn't home-schooling its females before World War II, it was wrong. A close watch needs to be kept on females especially and we don't need to give them any ideas on becoming career-oriented. Also, it's good for the mother to be with her children so having a daughter at home all the time is good ~ this is why feminism is so EVIL ~ it deprives the mother of motherhood and also the child of parent-hood. [~} 16 would be the minimal age one can be married. However, a 32 year-old man marrying a 16 year-old female is strange! The age difference between father-child and mother-child would be too great! If you were being theoretical to prove the telomere point, okay. [~} Telomeres shorten as the cells go through mitosis/meiosis and this is why cells can't replicate as they divide ~ the telomeres keep shortening. |
Hi Anatol,
I was reading some of your other posts which is why I said some of your ideas are extreme. A 32 year old man marrying a 16 year old woman - yes it's strange. The biology suggests this, the culture doesn't suggest this (and it's not immediately obvious). My view is that this must be a product of evolution and therefore it must have happened in the past and males and females must have adapted to a past culture? It is said that females mature faster than males and this is why females prefer older men. Consider a culture in which this would happen. If would give time for the male to gain a career and achieve some status where he could support the female. There are other possibilities and primitive man may have been fairly immoral (some concern with daughters). |
Hello, [~} Which ideas have I stated that are 'extreme'? I'm very curious because my ideas were prevalent in U.S.A. in 1970 and in most of the world till 1993. |
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