I want to join CoAlpha

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I want to join CoAlpha

My name is Hugo and I want to join the CoAlpha botherhood. I live in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and have been working with fschmidt and Will for 2,5 years. Brazil isn't a feminist country, so I had to talk to fschmidt to understand what is feminism in practice. I think the CoAlpha group is important because I know the difference a girlfriend can make in the life of a man. So I completely agree with fschmidt when he says that his old intelligent friends would have had a better ending if they had found a girlfriend. So I want to be part of this movement and contribute to its success.

People can ask me questions and decide if I can be a member based on my answers. Fschmidt and Will already know a little bit about my thoughts.
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Re: I want to join CoAlpha

Hi Hugo, have you read Sexual Utopia in Power?  Everyone should read this, but particularly someone from a non-feminist country, in order to understand feminism.  I agree with most of this article but not all.  Please let us know what you think of it.
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Re: I want to join CoAlpha

In reply to this post by _hugo_
Would be great to know what Brazil is like. And anyone who agrees with large tracts of "Sexual Utopia in Power" is a MRA, by any other name.