I know, shocker right? But seriously I am beyond done with American women. I have always liked the idea of going abroad to find a woman but since I haven't had the means to travel overseas I have tried to find a decent American woman and as most of you probably know it was a disaster. What I discovered is American women are: lazy, immoral, dumb, sociopathic, and egotistical. They literally have no value outside of their looks and most of them dont even have that. They play games and arent serious about finding a decent man like me. A few weeks ago I went on a date with a girl and this experience ended up being the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I dressed nice, was smelling good and clean shaven, and had washed my truck inside and out before picking her up. When I picked her up she wasn't dressed nice and wasn't wearing any make-up or anything. Basically she didn't put any effort into looking good for me or putting her best foot forward, she was laziness personified. Furthermore she was a cold fish and pushed me away when I tried to put my arm around her in the movie theater. And the icing on the cake is she didn't even thank me for taking her out... I didn't get a kiss on the cheek or a hug, nothing! This is what American women are like... They are lazy and don't care about us (men), they just want us to do everything and ask for nothing in return. So I'm now committed to going overseas to find a woman once I get my financial ducks in a row. I guess I better start researching and doing homework to decide where I want to go and start learning the language in the meantime. I just want to know what its like to be loved by a feminine,beautiful, sweet,and humble woman. I want a woman who brings out my masculine protective instincts. American women cannot offer any of these things... And the only feelings I feel for them are hatred and contempt. Frankly I have an overwhelming urge to backhand American women when they are in my presence. Therefore I am going the foreign route.
Glad to hear this. Let me know if I can help in any way. Or you can wait for my "Love Over Borders" app that I am developing here:
http://international-dating.63364.x6.nabble.com/ |
In reply to this post by Moralmoe91
I am wondering where I should go. I am especially attracted to Eastern European women but as far as I can tell feminism is gaining lots of traction in that area. What do you think? Is Eastern Europe still a good place to find women? |
I don't know about Eastern Europe. But here is something I just saw that you can try: http://www.happierabroad.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=22965 |
In reply to this post by Moralmoe91
That you've had enough of biker tattoos, middle fingers in the air, and angry obese cat-ladies is no surprise. Me, too, believe me. That said, might I offer a constructive counterpoint?
It seems like you are very much caught up in finding someone who is "submissive", to the point of being docile like a child or pet. If I misunderstand, then, I apologize sincerely. However, if I'm not too far off the mark, I have to say that this attitude toward women is just the opposite side of the radfems' coin. It's not balanced. If you take a more moderate approach to women, respecting their intelligence and human dignity, yet remain determined to land one whose goals are family-related, you'll be much more likely to find a loving and faithful wife who isn't insane. One with a religious, spiritual or ethnic life could be a real plus for an old-school suitor. Those hyper-submissive types are mostly a myth; and the ones who are like that, are so because of psychiatric problems, bad upbringings and the like. Aim for one who respects you as an equal and wants to be by your side, not shrinking behind you. The wilting violets are not much healthier inside than the Critical Studies grads with green mohawks are. Moderate people with healthy self-respect levels are the way to go. |
^Thats what I want. I want a woman who will meet me halfway... American women are lazy and selfish. For example they will never call you, you have to call them... I am not interested in doing all the work.. I want a woman who actually makes an effort to spend time with me.
In reply to this post by ElReyB0lud0
Say what? No female is my equal. |
So be it; that's where we part ways. Such is life.
You must have very low self esteem to regard entities with one sixth of your grey matter as you equals. It would be like regarding dogs as your equals. Besides, females are hypergamous and don't want men who are their equals.
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