The women I hate most are the ones whom rely solely on their promiscuity to get what they want. I ran into one of these today and felt a moral crises burning in my stomach. You see, my logic is that whatever appeasements you offer to these cunts, will validate their lifestyle. More importantly it will validate the perceived idea that you want them.
This particular cunt had a really high pitched whiny tone. At my place of work, a car wash, we offer complimentary paper towels. This cunt wanted 6x the normal offering. I shouldn't of given her anything. But I was bound by work to at least appease her somewhat. I don't like this as she took my appeasing her to be a personal positive response to her promiscuity.
I think in the future, one way of dealing with them is just not looking at them at all. Respond verbally but don't look at them. This disarms their promiscuity and pops their over inflated self image.