Hiya guys.....CENOBITE HERE!!!

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Hiya guys.....CENOBITE HERE!!!

Hello dudes.  Those of you who already know me - hi!!!

Those of you who DON'T know me....you soon WILL!!!!!!

I am one of the most complete losers on earth when it comes to dating.

The good news is that I have given up.  I have my photography and other things to keep me sane....sort of

Quick intro...

FINALLY managed to get sex last year at the ripe old age of 46.  COMPLETELY pissed off with feminism, mangina's and dickheads.

Recently I have decided to turn my back on the whole sorry DSR mess.  Decided to concentrate on my photography, and other things that make me happy.    

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Now I'm...

...A member of the Co Alpha Brotherhood.  By way of an introduction, I am 44, still a virgin, post on Loveshy.com, and am pretty pissed off with life and women in particular.  Other than that I am OK.
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Re: Now I'm...

Hi, welcome to the forum.  You aren't quite a member yet.  Please let me know if you want to become a member.  If you do, then I will recommend you for membership in the private forum and if no one objects, you will be a member in a week.  Also, please tell us your user-name over on loveshy.com so that we can know who you are.
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Re: Now I'm...

My handle over on LoveShy.com is mikeEmyers.  My real name actually is Mike.
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Arranged Marriages

In reply to this post by Cenobite
I think men like myself should be GURANTEED by law to be married before they reach the point of no hope - over forty like I am.  If women in the UK don't like this idea, then foreign women should be imported.
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Re: Now I'm...

In reply to this post by MikeyPsycho
Welcome Mikey.
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Re: Now I'm...

In reply to this post by MikeyPsycho
I have proposed you for membership.  We usually ask people to give their opinion of Sexual Utopia in Power so please let us know what you think of it.
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Re: Arranged Marriages

In reply to this post by MikeyPsycho
Good cultures do arrange marriages.  As long as the culture is monogamous, this guarantees that everyone will find a spouse.  See the movie "Arranged" to see how this works.
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Re: Hiya guys.....CENOBITE HERE!!!

In reply to this post by Cenobite
Hi Cenobite,

Yes I do know you from loveshy, thanks for stopping in. I put fourth your membership proposal in our private forum. If no one objects, you'll be made a member in one week (3/18/12). In the meantime existing members may ask you questions.

To start, I have a few questions to ask:

1. What is your main reason for wanting to join?

2. What do you expect to get out of this group?

3. Here's our mission statement:

Mission Statement

The CoAlpha Brotherhood is an attempt to abandon feminist society and collectively create an independent sub-culture based on patriarchal values. The CoAlpha Brotherhood is not an attempt to reform society. Neither is it just a men's social club. Some religious groups like the Amish and Hasidic Jews already have such sub-cultures. We want a community where men can trust each other and our families are free from feminism.
Which parts of our mission statement speak most to you?

4. Why are you interested in joining now?

Also we usually encourage people to give feedback on a couple resources:

Sexual Utopia In Power - Essay
Arranged - Film
Falling Down - Film

Others may ask you questions also.
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Re: Hiya guys.....CENOBITE HERE!!!

Well.  I was interested to see what all this co alpha stuff is.  I think for a guy like me, modern society, and the morass that is DSR in particular, really has nothing of any value to offer.  I am what I am.  What gets on my tits is the fact that I seem to have been sentenced to a life of isolation and utter misery...without anyone bothering to inform me excactly what it is I have supposed to have done....other than be myself.

Now, if it was just me who felt like this, then I could reasonbly conclude that it was down to MY perception or down to MY experiences.

Unfortunately, it's not 'just me' is it?


No, the problem that we have here, gentlemen, is the fact that our society is out of balance.  Greed has replaced compassion.  Sex has replaced love.  Chaos has replaced order.  Values like honesty. Integrity. Courage. Self control.  It's all gone down the crapper guys.  And the chain has been pulled by a nasty coalition of liberals, feminists, and profiteers.  

Or am I just talking shit?

And yeah.  I can relate to 'falling down'.  I have someone in my life who is the glue holding my soul together.

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We have taken the wrong path

In reply to this post by Cenobite
Now.  This may or not be a little early to broach the subject that I am about to.

BUT.  Those that know me from Loveshy.com, will understand that I never do things except in my own manner.

A few years ago, I read a book called 'From Atlantis to the Sphinx' By Colin Wilson.

Now.  Mention the 'A' word to your average archeologist, and they will blow a major fuse.  Captain Nemo.  Underwater cities. Fish men. Martians and christ knows what all.

The fact remains, that across the entire world, there are mysteries.  For example, we are asked to belive that pyramids were built in ancient Egypt, by people who had NO modern tools, NO pulleys or mechanical aids, and NO computers - which would have been needed to calculate the very precise alignments that such sites demonstrate.

The central thrust of Colin Wilson's book is this; not only were our ancestors different from us in terms of culture...but they were also VASTLY different to us on a mental and spiritual level.

At the very core of their civilsations...was the concept of Co-operation.  NOT our core values of 'winners' and 'losers'.

I think this is the answer.  I think this is where mankind has gone so badly wrong.

New age crap?  Maybe.  Could YOU build a pyramid the size of the ones at Giza?  Could YOU build walls with stones laid so tightly together that not even a knife blade can get between them?

These people could.

I am regular vistor to the fantastic sites of Stonehenge and Avebury.  I KNOW that they are more than just stones.
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Re: Hiya guys.....CENOBITE HERE!!!

In reply to this post by Cenobite
Most of the original goals of this group aren't just about criticizing modern society, but instead about creating a better alternative society. Meaning there's many ways to escape modern society. But almost none of these ways aim to make build an alternative. In other words you can treat the symptoms of modern society or you can treat the illness. For example living abroad is a way of escaping modern society and treating the symptom. But living abroad doesn't address the underlying problem. To treat the symptom you don't need a group like us. To treat the problem you do need a group like us.

So I guess my question is, are you interested in treating the symptom or the problem?

By the way what's DSR stand for, is it "Dating Scene..." something? Couldn't find on internet.
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Re: Hiya guys.....CENOBITE HERE!!!

In reply to this post by Cenobite
Cenobite wrote
No, the problem that we have here, gentlemen, is the fact that our society is out of balance.  Greed has replaced compassion.  Sex has replaced love.  Chaos has replaced order.  Values like honesty. Integrity. Courage. Self control.  It's all gone down the crapper guys.  And the chain has been pulled by a nasty coalition of liberals, feminists, and profiteers.  
So what's the solution?
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Re: Hiya guys.....CENOBITE HERE!!!

On a personal level, my 'solution' was to accept the following things;

(a) 99.999999% of all women are mentally deranged bitches who say one thing and then go and do the exact polar opposite.  If a man criticises this behavior he is called a misogynist.

(b) What passes for 'culture' today is shit wrapped up in hyperbole

(c) The only way to stay sane, is to turn one's back on all of this, as I have done.

I see no way in hell that our so called 'society' can be saved.  Dickheads will continue to get all the women.  their offspring will become more and more stupid at an expotential rate.  In other words, we are fucked.
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Re: Hiya guys.....CENOBITE HERE!!!

This post was updated on .
On a personal dating level, what do you think of these solutions:

1.  Date the better women on love-shy like Zeek.

2.  Join a conservative religion that makes women behave and date women there.

3.  Join an online foreign dating site.

4.  Use a foreign matchmaking service like European Dreams Connection.

5.  Travel outside the femisphere to date.

6.  Get a job outside the femisphere like teaching English.
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Re: Hiya guys.....CENOBITE HERE!!!

I think my dating life is over mate.  Escorts are my only option now.

The UK economy is fucked.  Whilst I have talent, there simply is no market for it.  Not here.

I am concentrating upon the one thing that I have total and complete control over and that is my photography.  I am in a purple patch at the moment and I am producing some outstanding work.  Of which I am very proud.

Women can take a fucking hike.  They had their chance.
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Re: Hiya guys.....CENOBITE HERE!!!

Cenobite, thanks for answering all these questions. If you don't mind me asking one question further, why haven't you gone to an escort yet? Is it a matter of money? Legality? Or like some people on Loveshy, are you not only incel but also loveshy?
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Re: Hiya guys.....CENOBITE HERE!!!

Money is the main reason.

Also....since I finally managed to get sex last year, a lot of my anxiety has gone.  Every spare penny I get has to go into my photography, and keeping my image editing workstation running, and keeping my Ford Focus on the road.  I don't drive but I am part owner of an car.  I'm much better off WITHOUT some bitch of a woman fucking with my noodle.  I need to a clear head for my work.
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Re: Hiya guys.....CENOBITE HERE!!!

In reply to this post by Cenobite
Cenobite, do you also do video, or only still photography?
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Re: Hiya guys.....CENOBITE HERE!!!

I'm a still photographer.  I have done video work, but my first love is still photography.  For me, a well composed, well executed photograph is a work of fine art.  Have a look at some of Don McCullin's early work, or the landscapes of Ansel Adams.