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Before Google, you just had to know the www address of the sites you could be interested in. It was fun. It helped be focus on the sites I was really interested about. I could easily find the sites for the ‘famous stuff’ and products I needed. And I could email my friends. The internet was much more limited than what it became later. When Google took off, many people wondered how could they live before it. Now you could find everything much more efficiently than the other ‘search engines’ could. The other search engines were awful in comparison. You still had to search and be lucky in finding the cintent you were looking for (by the way, Google, STILL has that ‘I’m feeling lucky button’ I STILL don’t know what the fuck is about). Google magically found it immediately.
Then Google became the monster it is now. Their algorythm was great, yes, but obviously they change it every hour. They ‘refine’ it. And now Google sells phones, and products, with all that relatively useless and morally ambiguous AI tech. Google has the monopoly on the whole fucking internet. We all know that, those with a brain. And those with intellectual honesty and moral fiber know this isn’t looking good. Google spies over people way too much, to begin. It is too intrusive. That wouldn’t be much of a problem to me as I don’t have anything to hide. But Google has lost its way and is not providing helpful tech anymore. Google doesn’t want you to control it, but Google wants to control you. It wants to predict your very thoughts and then tell you what you think. Google is much closer to the Big Brother than Apple and Amazon, the other tech giants, who simply focus on the commerce of products. They might be politicized, and of course have a left-oriented gay agenda, but with Google it goes beyond. I knew it would happen. It starts with the search results. For a while I have noticed that the quality of my search results using Google was getting lower and lower. I was not finding the stuff I wanted like I used to. Google made the algorythm too contorlling of the results. It gives me what it wants me to give me. I feel I am back to the 90s, when I had to know the address of the site I wanted or find it via recommendations of other sites. Fucking circles of sites leading to other sites. Google announced it but people around me keep forgetting the news they heard a few months before, as they got distracted by those later (nobody around me talks about the ‘dark web kidnap’ case of that british ‘instagram model’, which was everything they would talk about two months ago. They also don’t talk about tye Texas shooting anymore, but consider I am not in the States. The ADD is obviously still there for modern ‘news consumers’ in general. They tend to forget the things happened right before too easily and this too is getting worse and worse. Google announced it a while ago just like ISIS announced it would flood Europe with migrants and when it happened nobody remembered that and connected the dots. Nobody says the migrant crysis is an act of war by ISIS towards Europe, but it is obvious to me. They declared it, they explained, the west forgot. The muslims must be well aware of the stupidity and forgetfulness of westerners, I’m sure. Too bad they suck as well. Back to Google’s announcement. “We must get rid of fake news, me must control the flow of information, too much ‘fake news’ and racist content”, they said. And they definitely put it into practice. Google now only finds me mainstream, factually fucking DUMB popular sites. Everything else is gone, I have to know it on my known or I have no hope of finding it. And it goes well beyond ‘far right websites’ migrating to the dark web like Stormfront, which I am NOT interested in at all and I could be glad it’s gone — what most people, being the mainstream dulltards they are, don’t realize or care about is that EVERYTHING ALTERNATIVE, intelligent, creative, free-spirited, free from their dogmas, myths and misconceptions, is either banned or ignored. Only banality and conversation that doesn’t go anywhere is approved. Of course this follows a merchantile logic by which you cater to the wishes of the masses. It is an expression of the foolishness that is the rule of the masses. The masses must NOT rule and decide tastes, ideology and direction! But this is the modern horror anyone above the masses witnesses — but of course the masses believe that nobody knows better than them. No entity and no individual is more narcissistic and megalomaniac than the masses. I’m talking of more interesting yet not mainstream sites that I previously found through Google, and now Google has out on the back or blacklist. Just consider how the ‘personal blog’ and the expression of one’s articulate opinion is now out of fashion, replaced by the retardedness that is Twitter, which is literally just birds shouting SOUNDS that mean and get to nothing, for its own sake. This is insanity: what are you achieving by shouting a few words without PROVING any of them and then having some thousands monkeys expressing their ‘I agree’ with their stupid thumb-up or heart? How does this lead to sanity, wosdom and understanding? It promotes the exact opposite: ignorance, delusion and confirmation bias — fucking literally. Is Twitter designed with this very goal in mind? Of making people more and more deluded their completely false ideas are true because, hey, so many people agree with me! Its a basic logical fallacy, to believe an assertion is true just because others believe it. Its a factual fallacy, its not an opinion. And people ignore that fact. What’s the good outcome of this system? Why the fuck does Twitter exist, what need does it serve? I can understand Facebook even though it falls for the same mistake, but who the fuck WANTS to be limited to 140 character or whatever? I never understood the appeal pf such restriction — but see, apparently most people WANT TO BE SLAVES, want restrictions to their creativity, simply because they have none. They want creativity to not be any standard by which they are judged. I still judge them according to that one criteria. No creativity and loving the few characters that prevent you from actually forming your thought, premise, analysis and conclusion means you’re fucking stupid and have nothing valid to say, as simple as that. That you have no arguments. You can’t make an argument on Twitter, there just isn’t the space. People just shout, or tweet. It’s certainly below what human communication should be. Also I am surprised I havent seen more criticism of Twitter specifically, but certainly some other people agree with me on this one. That Twitter is the most fucking retarded communication tool ever created. Even gestures performed by monkeys are superior. You cant even do that there. Emoticons? Only immature teenage girls can actually fight for them and think they’re a proper communication method. They aren’t for anyone evolved. Why is nobody saying this? At least nobody in the mainstream or that Google gives me to read. I know thatmy elementary school teachers would agree with me on both emoticons and twitter. And no this doesnt mean being backwards. It means caring about proper communication between humans, and logic. Apparently most people don’t. They just expect you to believe they’re good enough and have no criticism. It takes a lot of imagination to believe common people using Twitter like its character limit was a good thing aren’t fucking stupid. Unless I am the stupid one...can anyone please tell me how the character limit is a good thing in terms of expressing an idea?!? And its not like I have ever seen anyone making great-author quality aphorisms there, of the eternally quotable kind. People are incapable of that kind of synthesis, they lack the required life experience. Google has definitely changed. Again, only mainstream and popular sites which as anyone with a brain knows, they are the ones most filled with actual false or misleading, certainly not factual, honest and genuine information. Biased as fuck. Google is either fucking stupid enough to not understand that information isn’t correct just because it comes from a popular source, and isn’t fake news just because it comes from an alternative source...or it’s censoring those out of pure malice. The premise seems to be that everything not as popular and not as mainstream just isn’t as good. It’s the dogma of the mainstream normies, the unenlightened person who just hasn’t matured enough. It’s the dogmas of fucking millennials and teenagers: popularity is value, lack of popularity means it’s shit. It’s the standards of narcissists: popularity as the only value. It’s fucking factually pathological. These people are not capable to discern truth. Ok, so I made it longer that it had to be. My point: Google has changed its algorythms and it’s becoming more and more useless for me to research information freely as I could prior. I really want to stay away from Tor and the dark web as I would rather die than accidentally end up in a child porn website, but at times I wonder if I could find more ‘true’ information in there. I have always used and loved the internet for its ability of helping me search for THE TRUTH. But ‘the truth’ is just a laughable word today, huh? Nobody gives a shit about truth. People only care about their solipsism. They don’t search facts and truth. They search confirmation bias. That’s all they always used any tool for. Confirming their factual delusions. And Google delivers. And google is taking advantage of people’s lack of interest for the truth, to bring on a full communist big brother agenda, no more no less. It’s happening. Google’s changes to its search engine I believe are an obvious and relevant aspect, historically speaking even, towards complete mind control and eradication of free and independent thinkers. Mainstream normies are today incredibly intolerant of anything that is not as banal, base and inaccurate as they are. All grit in wanting to know the truth, all actual spirit, all soul in anything, all that is not reduced to petty materialism and comfort, is completely foolish to them and must be banned. To them, a better world is a world without independence of spirit, not even thinking. A narcissistic society that can only be abusive to anyone who doesn’t blindly follow the lowest common denominator, anyone with any sense of quality and standards, and any concern for anything higher than sofa and tv. This is a society that hates anyone different, where different is what used to be normal and is normal in absolute, for most people today are factually insane according to those absolute and eternal standards. Google is not finding any political of philisophical content I would be interested in. It is now only useful for the weather, tech news, and the sorts. For the former it is useless, as it censors content obviously with an obvious questionable political bias and agenda. The ‘popular’ one, the one that is sure to be incorrect to any thinking individual. This isn’t democracy even, at all. This is enforcing a leftist agenda which is precisely what communism is. It is high-tech, it is sophisticated, but for the rest is akin to cults, to north korea and soviet russia. It is not a freeand democratic society where any different incouding superior specimen is welcome. Anyone above or below mediocrity is treated the same: he must go. This is the progressively more aggressive mentality of the wealthy liberals who now control society due to being souless emotionally, empathically and socially retarded basic humans who dispose of wealth and power solely due to luck or to skill in ‘tricking the system’ and becoming wealthy by being parasites who don’t offer much of value at all. These are people who never questioned what ‘value’ is as they’re just servants of mammon: value is money and comfort, nothing else. They’re philistines and hard core materialists — how hypocritical their social justice talking is. And as for those who aren’t wealthy...they’re as bad, minor soldiers serving the same souless cause — aka zombies. This is mainstream modern society and that’s all Google now indexes. The internet used to offer me much wanted respite from this retardation, Google isn’t helping me with that anymore. He wants me to be normie, or understand I am worthless according to their extremely bigoted and infantile unenlightened standards. An enlightened person knows that the value of man is not in how much he earns and fits into a society of morally retarded zombies. No, they don’t know that, they laugh at the idea. And to be clear, most conservatives are as bad. The core sickness is materialism and communism is bad because it is a materialistic stance. It’s therefore as bad as conservatism/capitalism as both only think about money and nothing else as it’s the goal and not the means. They both see no higher goal in life than material wealth. They’re both evil. I am posting this here in hope of hearing some intelligent insight on the matter. Thank you for reading. I hope my writing isn’t too shitty — I feel like I have lost my capacity of writing decent english due to not practicing it enough, I dont live in an english-speaking country. edit: just like the least one should expect from a statue is to not move, the least you should expect from the Law, and from a search engine giving you information, is to be impartial and not enforce any ideological bias. I am not a Rightist, I am in the middle, ie impartial. It is obvious that most people endorse mainstream values that today happen to be leftist even if they declare themselves to be ‘alt righters’. The Left and Right paradigm creates much confusion here. The Evils are: materialism, philistinism (anything that isnt basic comfort and entertainment is worthless; linked to hedonism) and equality. All three are expressions of hubris, narcissism and the refusal of man to submit to a higher power or even accept that he is fallible. Basically atheism. Equality is the absurd notion that nobody is better than anybody in any meaningful way. Hubristic, arrogant bullshit. It is loved by most people, of course, as they are inferior to those who are good and don’t like it, thus invented a mindset according to which they are not inferior. It’s a narcissistic lie for the lazy worthless fucktards who unfortunately seem to me to be most modern people. |
Oh, by the way. Politically, this is the same old tune: human collectives regularly exhibit crab bucket behavior by which they hate people going their own way, or just being better than mediocre in any aspect. They refuse to acknowledge genuine superiority and genius — all genuine geniuses have always been misunderstood and ignored at least for some time, many forever — recognition is NOT synonymous of value, nor is lack of it — out of a basic common human sin knowsn as ENVY.
The main info-war I see performed from anyone from a local church, cult, religion, school, clique to Google, is that of ‘the way we all ought to think just so we can get along together’ against what is never called with its own obvious truthful name: THE TRUTH. People hate the truth. Most people. Basically everyone. And that is the problem of the world. That and only that. People want and like the truth? Hahahah. No. Not my words, but relevant...and surprisingly found via Google: “The individual is under assault. The right fears individualism because it thinks it makes people irresponsible, thinking more about themselves than their neighbours. And lefties hate it because they think it undermines social solidarity and communal considerations. Both are spectacularly wrong”. The non-idiotic, non-worthless individual knows why both are wrong. The others never will. Google is a powerful collective espousing merchantile, mass-appeasing, amoral values and is tolerant of alternative views and difference of thought only as long as it is wrong enough to not expose too much of the much hated Truth aka ‘the obvious’. That is why, as Orwell said, stating the obvious is an act of revolution. The obvious in question is that no ideology or political current in vogue is ‘the right one’, and denying this is basic stupidity. The spiritually intelligent individual knows that the truth can only be found INDIVIDUALISTICALLY, aka ‘within’. Those who are convinced something that is espoused by the majority is true, are morons committing a logical fallacy. Also language doesn’t help. It is very difficult to articulate Truth using words. Maybe not impossible, but at most, you can get closer to the truth, and not fully express it. Silence, music and art are probably better way to get closer to the expression of absolute truth, even political or social. Words get in the way, words are manipulation. So, I feel I have used much words and tried my best to articulate my thoughts and feelings, but most of them are not WORDS, but entities that are inexpressible. Communication is an illusion starting with the simple fact that different individuals associate different ideas to the same words. I therefore feel that my words here fail to express what I wish I could express, and I wonder if that was of any use at all, if not for proving once again how language is inadequate for that purpose, remaining aware that it’s definitely possible to use it way better than I do. But I’m not sure if even that expertise would be sufficient. I remain convinced expert usage of language for how it is conceived and structured in modern times, is more useful for lying and manipulating than for stating the truth or even the obvious. The obvious is hard to’s just there, silence proves it more than words. I’ll now shut up...Franklin, owner of this site, I have loved more than one your concise and to the point posts and answers or statements here or on other sites. I am looking forward for your thoughts on this...I think its pretty obvious Google wants to manipulate information as it basically exists for that reason. What’s your reaction to this, and advice on how to deal with the matter? I’m sure you can understand my dissatisfaction with Google in view of their hypocritical ‘no fake news’ campaign (WHO is to decide what is fake and what is truth? Google of course, that’s a given...a given an independent mind doesn’t accept), algorythm changes, and retarded AI spying camera presented a few weeks ago... Oh yeah, just realized it’s algorithm and not algorythm. Sorry, english not my first language, italian is, and in italian, you pronounce each letter the same way you pronounce it individually...which makes way more sense, if you ask me. Used to love english, I’m growing to despise it...Let’s be honest, the great thinkers did not speak english...Socrates, Jesus, all the german composers and philisophers...fuck it, I’m gonna learn german...I just don’t associate english with deep and profound spiritual thought. In translations of spiritual texts from India, Buddha, Lao Tze and the likes...I prefer the italian one. English is too pragmatic and cold, isn’t it? Remember...each language is a world and mentality...I see the world from at least two very different points of view...One who speaks just one langauge sees it just from within that box...language is in itself limitation...Twitter is most retarded human invention ever imagined. The very brain is a limit to human potential...we must transcend...and no, not with AI... |
I said: “Google is a powerful collective espousing merchantile, mass-appeasing, amoral values and is tolerant of alternative views and difference of thought”
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that guy who got fired by Google a few months ago. I swear it’s not me and I completely forgot about him as I wrote that...but yeah, that situation certainly confirms what I’m saying about Google. I love Julian Assange instead, who offered that fired guy a job right after...except, he seems to love Twitter. Yeah...I guess I don’t love anyone. I have my own opinion on things, as it’s normal, and I am by no means attached to them: I welcome any differing opinions, except on few basics such as that materialism scornful of transcendent spirituality/culture beyond religion is not a good philosophy of life: whoever thinks that, is not human to me and I dismiss anything he is, does and thinks as factually and obviously evil. But on Google and its information control...I am eager to hear your thoughts. I of course don’t know much of the intentions of google, ideologically speaking...what is Google doing, and why, to you? |
In reply to this post by purpleduck
I agree entirely of course.
The key weakness of the internet is the DNS Server. This converts the www name into the sites telephone number and calls it up. It seems to me that the DNS Server would have a list of all the web pages title addresses alongside the number for the site. Perhaps the DNS Server itself could be searched or indexed with respect to the web page titles. The DNS Search engine would be limited but if the page title was sufficiently descriptive the such a method could replace Google? You could the progress from there to reviews of web pages to produce a result much like the Yellow Pages phone directory. If it could be done it might be possible to produce an open source search engine. It would not work as well as Google but it would not suffer from the same deterioration. Sadly I don't have time enough to investigate this possibility but it does look like a profitable result might be made and then sold for a small fee as software. The data required would not be that great. |
There already are alternatives to Google as search engine. You get the dark web, you get Duck Duck Go. This doesn’t fix the problem of Google’s monopoly and Big Brotherism that results, or is consequence, of the general public’s arrogant ignorance and provincialism. This doesn’t fix that the world is a shitty place as it’s populated by what can only be accurately described as devils or zombies — beings who don’t care about anything but themselves and their own base comfort (they don’t have any higher meaning/goal/value). They consequently don’t care about what an actual human being with soul cares about: freedom, meaning, the Above. they don’t. They are absolutely and factually worthless according to the standards of Life. Social and cultural standards are relative, irrelevant in the big picture and ‘tools’ at most. To most people, they are the Absolute, the Religion. Modern culture is a cult. No matter what religion or sub culture people join, they all serve this global evil which I call Narcissism and Pride. The comfort of self above everything else at the expense of sacred value such as the Golden Rule, the search of meaning, and even freedom (most people believe a human MUST SERVE his society...which is a tyrannical mentality). Modern society is a tiranny, a dictatorship, and is not based on high values but petty dynamics. It has lost its purpose and meaning and only a fucking idiot ‘serves’ it and thinks he is good because of that. The good man is the man who does NOT serve modern society. Which does not implicate destroying it or taking away the right of others to be slaves of it. But modern society wants to take away his right to NOT LIVE FOR ITS OWN SAKE...the life of the individual must succumb to the interests of his ‘culture’, ‘nation’, taking for granted that him as an individual just isn’t important. The worst and best pbehavior are both forms of extreme individualism. The former is solipsism, the latter is having the bigger picture. They both end up with the conclusion that one must serve himself, not the collective. I am with Ayn Rand that collectivism is evil and individualism as she defines it is the way. Modern society wants everyone to give themselves up to something else, and sells it as a lofty goal. This is a false logic and excuse for tiranny. No, ‘dying for your own country’ does not make one a hero. No, slaving for your family, a woman, and society doesn’t either. The hero is the one who doesn’t serve others and their ego. There is nothing wrong in having ego, it’s part of the human, it’s natural. What is innatural and preposterous is to expect a man to give up his ego entirely, for the purpose of serving the ego of society at large. Society more important than the individual...why the fuck this? Just because society is ‘many individuals’ and not just one, and thus ‘better’? Stupid quantity and not quality based mentality, rejected. Many isnt better than just one. One of Quality is superior to many of lesser quality. For fuck’s sake. Most people take for granted that many > few, so much for absolutely anyone having heard the concept of ‘less is more’. People need some imposed minimalism on them, scandinavians do it on some level and that is why they are the least disgusting humans on earth on that level. They are the least greedy, I know this beause I know them. Nobody compares to them in that sense: scandinavians are themost grateful and minimalistic people. Everyone else cultuvates greed. Greed isn’t well seen in scandinavian culture, it is frowned upon. Go live in Scandinavia and find yourself forced to embrace a level of humility and minimalistic lifestyle where more doesnt mean better at all. Of course average americans cant understand this. Yet it was the core philosophy of Steve Jobs and Apple. Some americans get it...but it seems to me that they think its just an aesthetic choice. No, it’s a mentality. A mentality that doesn’t see quantity as a value. Mediterraneans and arabs, and asians are even worse in that sense. America is a cross over of all these peoples and mentalities, but leaning towards ‘white’ all along and that has always been good for America. Because white people are superior and everything else is conjecture and not fact. White people as superior is conjecture as well? perfect, then I have the right to believe it. There are no facts in postmodernism. I believe white is better, period. And I believe less is more, and look down on anyone who believes otherwise as factually inferior. tldr. Ayn Rand is right on the core idea and anyone who disagrees is a fucking moron and is inferior, and as such does not know he is. I do. Reality is as I and not he says. She saw what was happening to America: over decades it abandones what made it great, that is sane individualism over insane collectivism and sacrifice of the genius to the ‘many’, aka democracy at its worst, aka tiranny of the majority. Its obvious that few individuals are BETTER than the majority and anyone who denies that is in the masses of the inferior, and is in the majority. So now we have a West that is becoming similar to the factual worthlessness that is China in terms of being an ant farm. Its been so for a while actually, with american being the worst workaholics the world has ever seen. But workaholism and slaving for your wive are honorable activities, right? And anyone who isnt married and doesnt slave at a job, but practices his talents for God and not society, is worthless right? GODLESS SOCIETY. Where God isn’t an od man in the sky, but fucking life and purpose itself. Most people have none, and are worthless contrary to those few who do not serve those worthless, false and foolish ideas that are nothing beyond Stockholm Syndrome. When a man gives up his talents, creatovity, genius and freedom and yes, even perosnal pleasure, for the purpose of serving a company and a wife...just give me a break with the fucking idea that is heroic or mandatory. The middle class person is convinced it is so, he never questioned that path. Their are loves spent in unawareness and lack of reflections, and theyre not ‘good’ by any stretch of the imagination. They are good only according to their foolish and false ideology. How do we call this ideology? A muslim called it ‘the religion of ignorantism’ and wrote a little truthful book on it. Not a classic, but it tells the truth. Ignorantism is a religion. What else can it be called? Capitalism for its own sake, Mammon, god money, materialism, gynocentrism too as it all ends up with men slaving for women, traditionally, albeit now feminism made things more are still slaves of women when women become their bosses and they certainly do abuse their power of ‘women’ most of the time. The path to freedom, which is holy and high and eternal and most people today dont respect because theyre fucking idiots and zombies who fail to make any single correct assessment and renounce to the myths of collectivism, whcih leads to effectively and literally giving up their own soul and therefore being worthless and below human, is first of all a path for men and not for women. I am a man and I dont have to care about women’s path anymore, so let’s move on and focus on what I a man must do. A man must be free in the higher sense, do what he wants without harming others and taking away their freedom, AS LONG AS HE, OR THEY, DON’T HARM OTHERS. Aka Golden Rule. Simple. You do it youre good, you dont get it youre a piece of shit. Children are good, adults are fucking idiots with their worthless contrived twisted rationalizations. THE SUPERIOR CONDUCT IS THE SIMPLE ONE! Complexity is retarded and doesnt make something superior...another quantity based myth. So, what I was saying...the path to Freedom of a man begins with not being a slave to women. To do so he must stop being controlled by the desire of women, which is natural. He will have that desire, he will fuck, he will maybe get a wife if circumstances lead to that...but he is not controlled by that. He is in the cintrol of that desire. That man can choose to ‘fall in love’ at his own will...and does not succumb to the charm of a woman without hs own permission. The Man must take control of himself and his desires. And this of course, is not my idea but spiritual tradition. Both western and eastern. Absolute. It’s Truth, and this Truth is lost in the souls of most people today....because most people have no souls, there’s no denying that. When you succumb to desires, you turn into a beast. When you choose to give up an aspect of your being, including the beast side, you lose your soul. To participate in modern society effectively, it is actually required to be souless. Any modern job or career destroys the soul, this is known. ONLY PEOPLE WHO DONT WORK ARE SAVED. Only they keep their soul. Theres nothing more soul-destroying than these two things that are the basis of the modern middle class man: marriage and career. Shall we all become homeless bums then? Well, first, the monk, aka the man on a spiritual path, has always been pretty much synonym with what we today call a bum. Buddha was one, and note how we was born a prince. Prince giving up wealth is SANCTITY, fucking period. I say ‘fucking’ with rage because it angers me that the averagemodern person believes the homeless are inferior and the middle class person is good. IT IS NOT SO. THE FUCKING OPPOSITE IS TRUE. But they will never understand, due to not having a soul. It is possible that they will cease to exist after death, and not even reincarnate into a roach, since they killed their soul. We’ll see. Yes, in a way poverty is necessary. I am proudly poor and I am above anyone who is wealthier than me. Do I HAVE to be poor and give uo any single material possession? Irrelevant. I am not slave of things. Whether I am poor or wealthy is irrelavant. it’s called not being a fucking artificial materialist. Yes, definitely it all started with being spoiled by wealth and consumerism: thats how the average modenr person lost its soul. It would have bene better for them to be paupers. I am typing this on the last model iPad Pro 13 inch by the way, I have maybe twenty modern computing devices, two big houses, all heredited. I have and use only the money to eat, dress and buy the tools that allow me to create my art and music as effectively as possible (the devices are for that). FUCK THE MIDDLE CLASS MAN AND HIS ARROGANCE. I fucking hate them and their hatred for poor people and poverty itself, and themonk lifestyle which is much, much more sensual and sexually intesting than their dull marriage and career life. Normism and middle class lifestyle are the portrait of irrelevance. It is a problem to not see that. But maybe I think this way because I am an artist, and they re not. Oh! Thatmust mean they are better than me as they take for granted! Because hey, they have a wife and get to go to the office every day and I dont! So factually superior! I had received wedding proposals all my life yet I chose prostitutes like Hugh Grant did. I have had an affaif with a famous actress and anyone in my place would not give any attention to lesser women not due to snobbery but due to common sense. Yet the middle class person still believes he’s better than me because he rationalizes having a wife is superior to not havign a wife, and me not having a wife meaning I am inferior, having some problem or something. These are the rationalizations worthy of Stockholm Syndrome. The problem of the world is the middle class, most people in the west, and their mentality which is based on absurd false premises. Since I was born, I criticized those premises, but no single fucking person hooked in them listens. I feel very, veyr sorry for them. But they dont care. They only care of the opinion of those who agree with them. Fucking pathetic. Most people are pathetic, factually. And what males them the most pathetic, is them believing they are not, but that they are cool. The middle class person is not cool. Teh suburbia lifestyle reeks of ‘fucking loser’ in my eyes from a purely sexual standpoint. That is not a sexy life full of sex and pleasure, it doesnt even make sense from a hedonistic point of view. I just dont understand why middle class people dare believing they are better than anyone, hate the poor so much which is morally unacceptable, and refuse to see how it doesnt take much to see them as losers and slaves and nothing else. I hate them. Sure, poor people can suck as well, but my pet peeve is the middle class believing they are ‘successful’ bevause they slave at a job. See, that is one of the key words, of the myths: “success”. Its the emptiest, most relativistic yet absolutized, and child-in-the-body-of-man word I have ever heard. You never hear this word in Italy. Its an american or anglosaxon thing. And its fucking ridiculous to me and many other people. “Success” this, success that. Fuck you. Just fuck you. You are losers, middle class career fuckers whi arent ashamed of being undistinguishable from each other. You are no better than poor chinese ants who work at a factory. Wealth isnt a meter of anything and isnt an accompishment, only a materialistic fucktard believe that. It is not reality. SOCIAL TROPES ARE NOT REAL, fucking idiots. God is the only thing that is real. So souless...
In reply to this post by ShaunS
Guess the bottom line and the core of my ARISTOCRATIC soul is this: people who work are fucking slaves and inferior to the aristocrat. Working is worthless. Creating art is superior. I do the latter. Bless me, and fuck everyone else. Fuck you. You are below. I am an aristocrat since birth, and I wish there were more aristocrats in this proletarian world. The middle class are nothing but enhanced proletarians who think the best thing in life is having money. THAT is the shit of the world. That. Not Trump...most people are the only pronlem in the world, the only thing that makes a man of wisdom puke. The only thing that has no interest at all. Everything else is good. Even pedophiles, being insane, they are interesting. Most people arent, and as such they have no logical reason to exist except to create a background on which the interesting sparklws and shies. The grotesque thing is that the backdrop, in their solipsism, believe they are the protagonists. The Overman is the protagonist and meaning of the universe. Everyone else is backdrop.
In reply to this post by ShaunS
I am open to the idea that I am not important and noone is in the end. I have no need to consider myself superior, I simply am according to my philosophy, me and anyone who creates true art instead of working. But the idea that the middle còass is important....that society and civilization are important and king...that wealth defines theworth of man....THOSE ARE CONJECTURES AND IDEAS, NOT FACTS. Period. The problem is not that ideology exists. The problem is that mainstream society implies that ideology is the absolute truth and only way. And that is absolutely false.
In reply to this post by ShaunS
The middle class lifestyle is not themlst hedonistic one at all, whcih is mostly practiced by the wealthy elite. The middle class lifestyle is literal slavery, and sheer survival. People adopt it as their only way of suriviving. they cannot imagine any other way. LOSERS. And these existential and spiritual losers do nothing but compete over who is a loser and who is not. And their psychological survival is based on the delusion that they absolutely are not losers and noone could call them such. Now I understand why the middle class married average man stares at me in envy and hatred when they see that no, I do not think he is perfect. It’s narcissism as a pathology, no more no less. Modern middle class lifestyle is a result and cause of narcissism as a mental illness. Being so full of envy and enraged just because someone knows you arent perfect...having a problem accepting the obvious fact that you are not perfect and you are perceivable as worthless..-its narcissism by definition. I want anyone who doesnt think he is a loser to die. He is insane and detached from reality. The obvious fact is that ALL THAT EXISTS IS WORTHLESS FACTUALLY. Value is an opinion and a perception. Nothing has inherent value. You can disagree, and I partially do as well. But you cann force other people to believe the things you think have value do in absolute. People are free to believe youre worthless as they are free to believe I am. Its an opinion. As a fact, we are either all worthless, all valuable, or some are eorthless and some are valuable...and who sets the standards? Certainly not any man, and not ‘society’. Reality does. But reality is perception and can be perceived in many ways, and so do those standards according to which everything should be judged. Fuck people who expect me to believe they have value or are even superior, or expect me to believe I am worthless, just because it is so in their small mind. I believe I am superior, its called healthy and NOT pathological narcissism. Fuck the abusers who ex-wct me to believe I am worthless because they dont see value in Art and Beauty, because they are fucking souless philistines of my fucking ass. Their standards are not the absolute truth, and the morons believe they are. That is pathologicla narcissism, and in a sane society they would be tortured and executed.
Yeah, I strayed away from the topic a bit...because I don’t follow rules, I do what I want. So much erection...knowing that the rules and expectations of others aren’t worth shit.
Back to the topic...somebody else has noticed what is going on with Google, and made this excellent thing... Now I am happy. As long as there is someone seeing things as I do, aka the way they are objectively according to me, the only judge of reality I have...all is good. Everyone else, a moron. Objectively speaking. Reality isn’t the perceptions and ideas of people who aren’t myself. Each individual has no choice but to believe that his own perceptions are correct even if they weren’t. Reality is my perceptions, whoever sees things differently than me is wrong. Objective reality cannot be defined by man. Humans have biased opinions. Humans cannot know ‘the truth’. If some enlightened being can, such as myself, he is the first to accept that others will not get it, but it is only human to be bewildered and sometimes frustrated by the fact. It is the pain of the enlightened. It is a life-long struggle to deal with it. People with no such pain are not enlightened at all. The foolishness and ignorance of others hurts the less ignorant. While the ignorant does not feel the pain the superior one feels because of it. Superior people suffer more. Indeed suffering is proportional to superiority. This the law of this world. Another retarded middle class myth: that the more superior you are the less you suffer and more comfortable you feel. More consumerism-born bullshit. The better you are the more you suffer, period, that is the absolute truth in principles, and then there are variations from case to case that are relative. The general law is that one. Fuck anyone who thinks his view of the world is more accurate than mine, which CANNOT BE PROVED. It’s conjecture. You can believe so, but it doesn’t mean it’s true and you must accept that to me it is not. The more pathetic the person, the more he expects me to believe he is is another law of gravity of this world, of the human condition. The inferior believes he is superior and viceversa. FUCK. YOU. |
I think that we need a different culture take bats for example:
A group of fruit bats typically consist of one male and eight females. They don't work they just eat figs. They are favoured by their God because they spread the seeds of the fig tree far and wide and this builds up the ecosystem. The bats are more important than the humans (who were given ebola virus for eating them). Yet the bats are consumers because they eat the figs. The fig tree is a manufacturer of figs and the two are in a tight symbiosis. They have a culture that works and is sustainable, and when under threat they stop reproducing to keep their population low until more resources become available. As for being a robot, firstly Google agrees with you, and secondly as an apprentice I was taught that I would be competing against robots in the real world and would need to be superior to then to survive. The aim is to be superior to robots. The Amish is a cult that chose to be different and to reject many of the values of the modern world. They were accepted and continue to exist. I have to say however... that Art is not Food. |
In reply to this post by purpleduck
purpleduck, this place is dead. Go to
In reply to this post by purpleduck
The view here is that working for a living is an example of the robotic culture which is based on Physics. Biological cultures have tended to focus on growing food instead. The Amish are a biological culture and they grow food. When slaves were captured during the slave trading period they were made to work and again this is robotic and a product of a Physics based culture. When the slaves were freed some were given land to farm so they would not have to work. Working for a living is a symptom of a Physics based culture and you are right it's wrong. A Biological culture would not require this. It is a war between Physics and Biology and I have diagnosed this correctly. I now believe my own answer here. Furthermore it is not simply a case of embracing Biology instead but weaponising Biology specifically against Physics technology. Technology based on Physics needs to be destroyed by Biological technology that can specifically target the Physics being used. The Physics solution then needs to be replaced with a Biotech alternative. These can then be sold as replacements. A civil war within science. The result of using biology instead of physics would then filter down through the education system as more people learn about the importance of biology which they would need to do to use the technology provided. |
You have a point there ShaunS. Technology should definitely be more bio rather than the AI face recognition useless crap Apple and Google are doing. I am angry because I feel betrayed by technology. It promised so much and delivered face recognition and insane smartphone prices for no valid reason but status symbol. Technology is doing the opposite it should do; play on humans’ basest instincts rather than elevating them. Social networks are the most depressive view on humanity, I wish they never existed. And I question their usefulness as well. Now they’re “vital” but we were all happier without them. The sane people at least without extreme narcissism. They’re a mass distributed tech drug. The negative psychological impact on the masses and youth in particular cannot be understated. They made all of them affected by serious ADD which is a serious cognitive problem by which you cannot perceive and operate normally. Yes, a return to the ground and nature is what is needed. On Tue, 14 Nov 2017 at 13:59, ShaunS [via CoAlpha Reactionary Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:
The Physics based system was developed during WW1 and we can easily spot the specific technology - which was the Battle Field Tank. The system and culture that we are within is therefore based on the interior of a Tank. The main gun is the Atomic Bomb and the foundations for it's design came from Einstein a German Jew. The nation aims it's big gun at the Tanks of other nations.
Google is then like the periscope of that Tank. Turned to point backwards to see only friendly faces, and slowly being angled upwards towards the sky until all we see are the stars. Then the image will be replaced with a sign that reads 'Stop Looking' - from the episode of Millennium: Blood Relatives, where the guy is reduced to attending funerals to achieve any kind of social interaction. Fat women are building bigger Tanks to protect the life inside the body. Elliot Rodger's BMW car became a German Panzer - the guy was looking for bigger guns and playing World of Warcraft. These people are trying to get out of the Tank that is the culture they are trapped within. I think the best approach here is to try to describe a Biology based system so that the differences between that and a Physics based system can be seen more clearly. The issue is to identify those practices that are right from those that are wrong. Biological Culture: The Nazis had a Biological culture, as do the Amish and the Vietnamese. Many fail to follow the ideology correctly. Many claim that their ideology is based on religion. Any vegetable God would hive mind with respect to the rest of the vegetation not the animals. Even though the animals may have been created by a vegetable God the differences between the God and these oppositely designed creatures is so great that worship is not required. Religion does not present the answer. The Vietnamese defeated the Americans and were not nuked. They won because of their Biology and their jungle terrain. They do not have any credible religion and it did not help them in battle. The Amish claim to be Christian but appear to be entirely pagan in their practices. They are non violent yet have still won most of their battles. The Nazis were strong believers in Biology but failed to spot that Biology is at it's weakest in the winter, and were defeated by the snows of Russia. Work: Unlike Physics, Biological systems are at their weakest in the winter. This results in huge seasonal variations. In a Biological culture we would work in the summer but would stop working in the winter. If everyone did this there would be huge accumulations of problems and issues and capacity would have to exist to handle these build-ups. In the summer it would not be possible for the population to work twice as fast and therefore twice as many people would need to be employed to clear the backlog (thus eliminating unemployment). The cost would be the same as they would not be paid in the winter, but as a result these people would earn half as much money and this supposes that in the winter when they are not working they would be doing some form of craft based activity that would produce some form of home made products that they might sell in the summer to produce more income. The recommendation here is to look for work that is seasonal and only work in the summer. The money would need to be saved to last throughout the winter. While not working in the winter some other activity would be needed and would tend to naturally occur. Family and work-life balance would then occur during the winter. Many Amish go on holiday in the winter. WRONG - The Physics based culture denies this approach and we are required to attend to the controls on the interior of their Tank for the full year, lest their Tank crash into a tree. RIGHT - The Biology based culture allows for only 6 months to be worked per year giving the individual 6 months in which to live his own personal life, to find a wife, to create a family. As food production came first and as it is naturally seasonal this is how early man would have lived. The modern culture takes away the persons right to a life by preventing this natural scheme from occuring. But... only in so much as the approach is discouraged and the history of it is concealed. The Biological culture would therefore have a better model for the working population and their lives would improve as a result. |
Consider for example the series Star Trek. The starship is on an ongoing mission to seek out new life and new civilisations to boldly go where no one has gone before - but in reality it's a story about the inhabitants of a Tank that searches out it's enemies where ever they might be hiding so it can fire on them with it's big gun. It's about the lifestyle of the people living inside a Tank and how that life is based primarily on Physics. The series promotes this lifestyle and is clearly propaganda, these people who run our system, are doing this on purpose - it is not accidental.
If this is true, then it's very useful to know that this is their direction. We can study the Battle Field Tank to learn their philosophies and strategies, and we can develop some form of anti-tank warfare using biological technology. Furthermore if they promote their views using propaganda we can see what they are promoting and do the opposite. The car might be considered to be the People's Tank - the volkspanzer (the Amish use horses instead). ISIS have shown a preference for trucks - they are more tank-like? It's sad isn't it. Relevancies: From the previous post we can see a number of factors and must consider our relevant points - Women, Social Culture, Meritocracy and so on. If a Biological culture results in the working life being limited to a 6 month period as seasonal work then we must assume that any women doing such work - who by definition are likely to be unemployed during the winter, will presumably behave NORMALLY and not in the Neo-modernist ill-mannered style. Such women may exist today and could be found given this working pattern. Furthermore adopting seasonal work may well be a way of finding such people. They will not be rich people and so unemployed people in the winter may be similar. *It's fairly clear that the homeless people who were mentioned earlier are people who are not living in a Tank and they do not have this mentality. If such a culture were imposed it's clear that initially weekend working would be an initial solution to handle the population during the winter. The shops would open at the weekend and people could work during the weekend. Hospitals and Doctors would be available at the weekend. Rubbish would be cleared at the weekend. Nightclubs and entertainment venues would open at the weekend. Markets would function at the weekend. Roads would be gritted at the weekend, and the timing of when businesses could open would need to be carefully set up. Such a culture could only be imposed Politically and a political party would need to bring in such changes, but would only do so if the people were trying to adopt these practices themselves. The biological impact here is quite interesting. What the winter does is compress people into small confined spaces that are warm and light. The winter is how people would primarily meet each other - not the summer. It is the difficulty of handling life in the winter that would bring people together. The gestation period for a child is 9 months. The middle of summer 7th August (if the best time to give birth), places conception around 7th November at the onset of winter. It should also be clear here that people who oppose Physics such as people who oppose the Atomic Bomb, CND and the like, should be better people. Education becomes an important and difficult area here and that's what I'm thinking about at the moment. In the mean time the picture is becoming clearer and there are handles to help grasp what is going on. Like Lead in Petrol we can see that it isn't a substance but a psychological strategy that has damaged the culture over a long period of time starting with WW1 and the need to break the stalemate of trench warfare. The use of Physics was then solidified during WW2 and it's opposition to Biology developed because the Nazis had biological reasoning and they also needed to be defeated. We can now sort the wheat from the chaff and pidgeon hole that which is kosher from that which is improper. |
The Battle Field Tank is the origin of the Physics based culture that we are suffering from. It is valuable to know this as all of the cultures systems will be tied in to this one simple concept. We must then ask what would be the Biological equivalent. If we have a Biological system instead then it would still be a state looking after it's people and would therefore be similar to the Tank but would be based on Biology instead of Physics.
This was something I stepped over previously: "Fat women are building bigger Tanks to protect the life inside the body." thus the Biological equivalent of the Battle Field Tank is THE PREGNANT MOTHER. You might object as this is feminine where the Tank was masculine, but if you compare the two and you ask which one is correct, clearly the Tank kills people (the primary function of Physics), where the Pregnant Mother is a protector of the human race (and gives birth to new life). If the Pregnant Mother is the symbol of the Biological system and the origin of that system, you can see how this is so much better than having a Physics system whose symbol is a Tank. It also gives respect for the primary function of the female. As this would be the origin of the Biological system we can now extract the biology from that system in the same way that it was extracted from the physics of the Tank. Both contain the population, both protect the population, thus the state would continue to exist. It is a symbol that promotes life not death. There is also the factor that this now becomes easier to sell to women who would object to a new culture if that culture was designed to exploit them more easily. It reinforces the concept of gender. It indicates the importance of the female - in being female (not in being equal to the male). We would sell the feminists the idea of motherhood. As the origin it narrows the field of Biology down to a smaller area of relevance. We must humanize the Tank. We can then say that the symbol is that of Gia - the mother of the Titans and then claim to be those Titans. |
Some might object that in the battle of the Tank vs Mother to be, that the Tank would win. The choice was a feature of our war like species. Physics is perhaps easier to develop than biology.
Example: "The original Tomatis® Method is based on the work of Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis (1920 - 2001). Dr. TomatisDr. Tomatis, a French Ear, Nose and Throat physician, pioneered a multi-disciplinary science called Audio-Psycho-Phonology (APP) over 50 years ago. His work resulted from his curiosity about the vital influence of the human ear on a healthy mind, body and spirit. Tomatis noted that the ear is the first organ to grow in utero and as a result, a fetus begins to hear sound and learn language from its mother’s voice. Tomatis concluded that overall human health sources from the health of one’s ear. He developed, researched and proved his theory: the voice only produces what the ear hears. His theory was independently confirmed at the Sorbonne in 1957 and became known as the Tomatis Effect. Tomatis summarized his theories in three laws: 1) The voice only contains what the ear can hear. 2) If the hearing is modified, the voice is immediately and unconsciously modified; and 3) It is possible to durably transform phonation when auditive stimulation is maintained over a certain time (the law of duration or remanence). “And yes! Now I understand how the ear grows the brain.” — Don Campbell Preface to The Conscious Ear Tomatis imagined re-training the ear to re-gain sounds that are either weak or lost in hearing, and he found a way to do it. These losses could result from a difficult pregnancy or birth, early childhood colds and illnesses, accidents, living near loud sounds, emotional trauma, or a myriad of experiences that alter how a person hears sounds. His curiosity led him to experiment with classical music and different ranges of sound. He discovered that listening problems are the root cause of many learning difficulties. Ultimately, Tomatis developed a highly effective technique to remedy learning concerns–the Tomatis Method–and proprietary electronic equipment to provide auditory stimulation training–the Electronic Ear." from I have gone over this in the past but I'm not seeing the wood for the trees. The child in the mother's womb can hear but it's hearing is filtered. Tomatis recreated this filtering effect to help adults. His headphones transmit through the bones of the skull. He claims that 8kHz and above charges brain cells. He coined the phrase 'The Mozart Effect' but not the claim that it increases intelligence. Mozart is used because the composer managed to make the music stimulate the three layers of the brain (so it appears to me). He seems to turn the filter on and off to get the ears used to hearing 8kHz sounds (to exercise the muscles). This is an example of technology that is based on Biology and specifically comes from studying the conditions that exist inside the mothers womb as the child is developing. Further more many of the problems and issues that exist today are a result of not using such technology. This is the kind of technology that you would be using if you were one of: 'The Titans of Gia'. An apt name that simple emerges from the data. It's currently considered Alternative Medicine and therefore the state suggests that it should not be promoted! |
Okay... the plot thickens at this point. I found this:
"Those who constructed the "Gothic style" of architectural forms wanted to represent their "churches" as buildings of stone, wood and metal but designed with various shapes that mystically denoted that the building was symbolically a "Woman." Thus, all entrances into "Gothic style" church buildings (entry locations where it was supposed that Christ and the Father allegorically engendered children for the Family of God) were acknowledged as being equated with the female genitalia. Furthermore, the interior of the church was supposed to represent the "womb" of the mystical Woman, the ribbed buttresses (and what were called "flying buttresses") were analogous to the rib-cage of a woman’s body. The long hallway of most "Gothic churches" was called the Nave (originally after the Greek word "naos" meaning "inner sanctum of a temple" and it was noticed that its shape appeared like the interior of a boat with its two ribbed sidings, so "Nave" was connected with a ship). The center part of the Nave was the "navel" or the umbilical cord, to which a symbolic baby was attached in the womb of the woman. This region of the church was also located in the transept area (the transverse region of any cruciform shaped church, as most "Gothic churches" were designed). And depending on where the transept was located (if positioned midway along the hallway of the "Gothic church") it represented a woman’s womb with each wing of the transept on either side answering to the fallopian tubes, or (if positioned two-thirds of the way along the church hallway or aisle) it often represented the heart of the woman as the emotional center of her being. Sometimes there were two transepts (a double cruciform area), and the centers of these two transverse halls represented both the womb and the heart of the Woman/Church." from: It's clear that the interior of a church represents the womb of the mother, and that the people inside the church mean that the woman is pregnant. Leaving the church building is then a rebirth. This information confirms the basic model suggested. The church is the pregnant mother, perhaps implying that religion was a Biological system in the past which was forced to give way to science which would have been Physics at that time. This implies that the church might make a comeback and rule the state? So religion may have bounced back here. The implication is that the technology associated with the interior of the Pregnant Mother may well be found within the interior of a church? Not sure what it means at this point but it does lend considerable weight to the general argument. Perhaps we should be living in a church? I would indicate at this time that my argument is correct and the suggestion of conflict between Biology and Physics is very real. So what was the Christian Church doing? Do they have a resistance organisation? This is yet another handle to grasp the problem with. |
Shiela-Na-Gig / Sheelagh-na-gig:
from the same source archive: Okay... The reference is to a technology. Life as we know it appears to come from a parallel universe which I have always assumed was 2 dimensional. It travels through a gateway into the 3 dimensional universe. Then it develops into a baby that is given birth to, by the female. Thus the female sex organs represent a doorway to this parallel universe, thus it is used on doorways and gateways and given the Shiela-Na-Gig symbol of what is an interdimensional gateway to a parallel universe. The Vesica Pisces formed by two overlapping circles is the door way from one circle to the other circle, each circle represents a different universe. *Clearly this is one of the key secrets of Churchianity and the former Paganism. One technology here is of creating interdimensional gateways that can allow teleportation via a parallel universe. It's been tested by psychics who were able to teleport small objects from within a glass jar to the outside of the jar. I believe the Soviets did that testing and the Chinese too. The ring with the Vesica Pisces represents the gateway. Clearly only a very small doorway is created biologically by the female but there are references to trees acting as dimensional gateways, and the early Africans used certain trees to send telepathic messages. There is an interdimensional aspect and a parallel universe that can be accessed and this technology is an aspect of the Pregnant Mother. Furthermore there is moderate biological compatibility with this other universe as a temporary virtual location. The fish symbol used by the early Christians is another example. Rich pickings here if you can get any functional result. |
In reply to this post by purpleduck
Given the previous two sections that show that the interior of the Churches were designed to symbolically represent the interior environment of the woman (a Pregnant Women) it is clear that doing so is an important aspect of the Biological culture: Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interiors, sometimes including the exterior, of a space or building, to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the end user. An interior designer is someone who plans, researches, coordinates, and manages such projects. Interior design is a multifaceted profession that includes conceptual development, space planning, site inspections, programming, research, communicating with the stakeholders of a project, construction management, and execution of the design. from Therefore 'Interior Design' would be considered to be a genuine 'job' that would exist within a Biological culture if the current Physics based culture were to be replaced. I would suggest that you consider the possibility of using your art work to achieve this kind of result. Physics(?) based render engines (you see the culture emerge just there) are designed to recreate the exact lighting that would be seen using specific lights (lamps) and specific materials and are used to sell the design to the client. When the interior is built using the same materials and the same lighting the end result does look the same as the computer based image. This means that the physical result can be artistically created as a theoretical design to accurately show what the end result would in fact look like. Given that this is so - you can still produce your art as the first step, then try to create it in real life. The design can then be sold, and if you do it right no actual work of any substance is required. |
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