Eurasian males are the humiliated degraded broken sons of White Dads. They have no claim to their White Dad's right to white women.
Arab and Indian Men are just as rejected by white women, but at least they know how to rape them and turn them into sex slaves. Muslims are facing a Holocaust in Europe, but they are still not afraid to rape, and seduced into prostitution thousands of white girls. You can blame dating on female choice. But the lack of Asian men raping white women, is solely the fault of the man. Should Hapa men redeem themselves by raping white women in a revolutionary act? "In the most controversial part of the book, Cleaver acknowledges committing acts of rape, stating that he initially raped black women in the ghetto "for practice" and then embarked on the serial rape of white women. He described these crimes as politically inspired, motivated by a genuine conviction that the rape of white women was "an insurrectionary act".[2] When he began writing Soul on Ice, he unequivocally renounced rape and all his previous reasoning about it.[4][6] However, he refused to show any remorse for his career as a rapist, or acknowledge any debt to society, claiming in Soul on Ice that "the blood of Vietnamese peasants has paid off all my debts".[2] If a Black Panther Mormon can rape white women, using the blood of Vietnam as his excuse, how much more right do Amerasian men have? Is the most revolutionary think Hapa boys can do rape White women who share the white race of their Fathers? I'm not an advocate of criminality. I merely ask if Hapas are in the same revolutionary position as Eldridge Cleaver. Is the Hapa destiny to be solved in the rape of white women? It makes me kind of angry that they have turned me into such a loser. By letting the Asian race sink so low. Ok it is women who do the sexual selection. But Asian Men could rape more. They have so many comics about rape, but they dont actually rape. White women's opinions don't matter in rape. You can't get rejected by rape. Look at Arab men. White Europe is on the verge of having a Holocaust against Arabs, but that doesn't stop them from raping white women. Your about to be exterminated, and your still raping. That takes balls. So yes as a Hapa guy, I do hate Asian men for not being rapists enough. Would it hurt my feelings if I had a reputation as a rapist based on my race? beats being a eunuch. rape is totally in the man's control, and asian men can't even do that. I never hear cases of Asian men raping white women. And if Arabs can do it so can they. Am I hypocrite, since I;m not a rapist myself? Look I'm an aspie retard mutant freak, I could never pull it off. Is the whole Asian race, filled with man-children like me, who cant even rape? Asian men have betrayed me in 2 ways. 1st they were assholes to me in person, throughout my life. and 2nd they have let their reputation and therfore my reputation sink to shit. And some forms of sex are in their control period. |
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This is a difficult subject for me to discuss openly however here is an interesting news story: |
In reply to this post by manofire
I don't understand the point of this post. I don't care about rape. I don't care about race. The question that interests me is what one wants out of life, and then how to get it. So what do you want out of life? And why do you care about your reputation among the modernist scum who inhabit our world?
That's good that you don't care about race, but a lot of us do, as it effects our day to day lives. And reputation is very important, especially in choosing a mate. I feel that the western individualistic mindset of not caring about what others think is dangerous to society. As for what I want to get out of life? Well, I don't ask for a whole lot. I want a woman. Particularly, a white one. I want my children to be able to pass as one race or the other, but I can't stand to look at ugly asian women like my mother. Aside from that, I feel like society has labeled me an "undesirable", which makes my simple longing difficult to obtain. I guess the point of this post was to give people an idea of what I've been through. I'm unable to take pride in my mixed heritage because I know for a FACT that it’s a dead-end to a love life.
There is more to life than women.
In reply to this post by manofire
I don't support the western individualistic mindset. My view is that one should belong to a sane culture and care about what members of that culture think. Western culture is not sane.
Every race that exists today is the result of mixing some older races. All that should matter is that your children are accepted in a sane culture. And sane cultures are concerned with character, not race. If you are attracted to white women, parts of Latin America or countries around Russia should do fine. It shouldn't be hard to find a wife in these areas. Actually the biggest challenge is finding a sane culture, but that is another topic. |
In reply to this post by manofire
Firstly let me say that I recognise this problem as one of those that Elliot Rodger suffered from. Your terminology is confusing 'Hapa' seems to be Hawaiian in origin. The Asian decent is difficult - Chinese, Japanese, or other?
Pidgeonholes is what the western culture is looking at. So which of these do you fall into, and as you say if it's neither then the unclassified becomes undesirable. For example I am white but my skin is 'whiter-than-white' which means that I must be a: Drug Dealer, Paedophile, Satanist, Queer, Sick, Nazi, Womaniser, guy - who wears a wig all the time (because my hair colour doesn't match my skin colour)??? I have a beard just to cover up my skin colour and get insulted more if I shave it off. I also wear glasses. The skin colour has to be exactly right - not just the right colour but the exact shade. "Now you've shaved your beard off Shaun - you can get a nice sun tan so you won't look so pale." was a comment from a Science Teacher who should have known better (but certainly did after I told him off about his comment - and he was a school governor). Can a white guy give you advice? Perhaps not. This is what I suggest: Your skin colour will be remembered and you need to link that to respectability: "And reputation is very important, especially in choosing a mate." You are correct in this statement. So, RESPECTABILITY - wear a tie. That guy who was wearing a tie. Now like most people you probably don't like this idea. A clip on tie perhaps might be easier. If you wear a polo shirt you could still wear a tie with that (it looks okay). The girl will see your tie first and then she will look up and see your face. You're wearing the tie because of your skin colour - it's because you're respectable (and there's the link). When the girl looks at your tie, ask her if she thinks it's the right colour. She will then assess your skin colour and make the link - RESPECTABLE. If you follow her suggestion she would notice that next time. (Wear it all the time). It's a prop. Now some women might need more. You can say that it's good for tying people up. You can tell her about a guy who used to strangle women with his tie, and so on. *Women are everything - nothing else matters. Please try my suggestion. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
The reason different races develop in the first place is the direct result of a community becoming isolated, not the result of race mixing. Race mixing waters down the advantageous traits and works counter to evolution. Here, read this. What multiculturalism wants to do is eliminate all the work our ancestors have done to create a sufficient society. Culture and race often go hand in hand, and there are also definite biological differences between the races that can't be denied. Why ruin the generations of evolutionary changes that make each race unique? Why destroy two great ethnicity out of your own selfishness and disloyally to your ethnicity? What I'm talking about tends to upset people. They think I'm racist, yet they can't tell me why. I'm sorry, as a mixed race person, I speak from my heart when I say that race mixing is born from pure hatred and evil. I don't want to be like my father and prey on the good women of another culture. I am American, and so the women of America are who I will marry. Why should a Eurasian son look fondly on a mother who was "white only" and whose father ignored historic patterns of domination and privilege and birthed a son who is essentially an asian man born to a white master? You say it's about culture and not race, but I disagree. My mother abandoned her culture for the wealth of a white man, yet she is the same woman who wants me to take pride in the heritage she shit all over. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
"if I was never born, the world could be a perfect happy place. all misery comes from the mixing of our races. she was bred for perfection. slowly perfectly she was crafted over generations to be a masterpiece of evolution. meanwhile i was crafted in a single conception. im the 1st generation of my race. i was put together in haste. care was taken for her beauty. haste makes waste.
and so you see the difference. a beauty crafted over 1000 generations, by the careful, steady hand of evolution. and a freak born of the social engineering of 1 generation. we dont belong to the same world. she shames me. her very beauty is a judgement upon me. she basically told me to go kill myself, just by smiling." I've been studying Elliot Rodger for some time, and this really brings it home to me on the race issue. It's unfixable. Your parents have passed the buck to you. It was the best that they could do. If they hadn't you might not have existed (but that's no consolation). Parents often hope that their children can solve their problems for them. They often fail in the world and hope that their children can succeed where they could not. Give me a minute to think about this one! |
In reply to this post by manofire
Long John Silver
A fictional character. A Pirate. We know he had a wooden leg. We think he had a patch over one eye. He had a parrot on one shoulder. The argument is for disabilities. A disabled person is helped to become 'normal' and to fit into the community - which is the culture that most of us hate and despise. Are we helping these people? Now I'm not suggesting that they should all be dressed up to look like pirates because that would be insulting to them. What I am suggesting is that their disabilities give them character that the 'normal' person lacks. Instead of trying to make the disabled person more normal perhaps we should make them into better more clearly defined characters. We remember Long John Silver - even though he never existed, because he had character. He was different and therefore not average. He was not the same as everyone else and because of this he was remembered. In the film 'The Mummy Returns' (I seem to recall), Izzy - the guy with the balloon (black guy) has a patch over one eye. When asked how he hurt his eye he laughs and pulls off the patch saying he just thought it would give him character and impress the girls. I suggest that you are trying to fit in and be like everyone else, and this is a bad idea. Try making it worse not better. Try to create some form of character in what you wear and how you act. Accept that you are different and realise that this means you will be remembered. You will be insulted (as black guys often are) but stick with it. Visibility is what you can achieve that the white guy cannot easily achieve. If you are different then you are more visible. Visibility causes contention so you will be attacked (which is a good sign) and you need to stick it out and show character. This character is then your selling point for the female. |
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