Another HA repost
******** One of the most outrageous crimes against Western civilization has been the inclusion of females in male professions such as science, computer programming, engineering and now even trades. Now we know they generally can't do the job, are only there on an affirmative action basis and deliberately disrupt things with their whining, victim mentality and histrionics. However, for the sake of argument, lets say that weren't the case. Lets say they could actually do the job properly. It would still be disastrous to include them for the following reasons: 1. If a man gets, say, an engineering degree and is actually allowed to have a career in engineering assuming the jobs aren't all given to affirmative action shitbags, then you can generally assume he will be an engineer for about 50 years or so. With a female as often as not she will quit to have children or whenever hubby makes enough money in her late 20s. Maybe she will come back in 10 years or so when her skills are obsolete and her heart is not really in it. 2. Supposing that is not the case and she continues to be a talented engineer her whole life. That inevitably means she is having no children, less children or is neglecting her children, so the engineering genes are being eliminated from the population. 3. Even if the females are not scum, their mere presence destroys unit cohesion. Formerly tight teams of men become rivals for their sexual favors, so any mind meld or creativity goes out the window. Every single person responsible for the current situation should be regarded as the asshole traitor that he or she is and hanged, drawn, quartered and displayed on a gibet. Millions on scumball traitors should be executed over this issue alone. |
Of course I agree, and I would add one other thing. If this theoretical talented female actually existed, she could have the best of both worlds by pursuing her own interests at home while raising children. After all, the main reason for going to an office is to kiss the boss's ass in order to get paid, and this actually is harmful to doing any useful real work. It is easier to get useful work done at home while raising children than it is in an office. I know because I program at home and I homeschool my kids.
I imagine this would only apply at certain stages of certain professions. Obviously most science would have to be done in the lab and most trades would have to be done on site. Also, in a world with an oversupply of labor, the female would be displacing a male worker, thereby causing demographic damage. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Does this one count: |
I think that this lady does have talent, but my concern is where does the gender issue lie in this case.
The traditionalist view is that there are male sex roles (work) and female sex roles (also work but of a different kind). While the male focuses on the death sciences the female should focus on the life sciences. Now the Piano is not associated with Death in any obvious way so perhaps playing the Piano is feminine and it certainly looks feminine. My view then is that this is a suitable role for a female. In the home environment this would be ideal as an educational value for children as it would help the development of the brain in many areas. I think then that I would rather see females doing this than engineering. I feel certain that this person could make quite a bit of money with such performances. Also what we see here is reminiscent of the Chinese Geisha tradition. |
In reply to this post by Cornfed
There is only one profession a woman needs, and that is the profession of motherhood. There is no cause more noble for her to dedicate herself to.
No friend better, no enemy worse
[~} Females have no business being in the work-force. It's as simple as this. |
In reply to this post by Johannes
No, this is not "male professions such as science, computer programming, engineering and now even trades". There is nothing wrong with a woman practicing piano at home and occasionally playing for a public audience. |
I agree with fschmidt here.
The science has shown that female brains are wired more horizontally and this suggests multitasking ability. The piano requires two hands and the manipulation of ten fingers to follow an exact scheme. It is an ideal task for the female brain. In contrast men would find this more difficult. In fact I tend to think that such practice would improve the female brain and make it more female. So this implies that such a practice would make the female less feministic. This is something that we should encourage females to do as a positive way of combatting feminism as it would directly effect their brains in a useful way. |
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