I think the core problem is employment, not mass production or distribution. I don't see a problem with gaming the global system as long as one cooperates inside their community, and global markets make this distinction possible. Basically just cooperate with members of your community in business and sell to the global marker.
The system of the Middle Ages with an aristocracy and serfs produced pretty much the same mentality we see today in the corporate elite and employees, so I don't think this is a new problem. I don't know what ended serfdom, but this may be something to look at when thinking about what to do about employment.
There are areas where men can avoid being wage-slaves, and CoAlphas should select those areas. Examples include lawyer, accountant, doctor, programmer, and farmer. Also, any group that gets big enough can organize its own businesses which solves the employment problem. On the practical side, anyone here who wants to escape employment can discuss their situation and ask for advice.