Our mission statement is:
"The CoAlpha Brotherhood is an attempt to abandon feminist society and collectively create an independent sub-culture based on patriarchal values. The CoAlpha Brotherhood is not an attempt to reform society. Neither is it just a men's social club. Some religious groups like the Amish and Hasidic Jews already have such sub-cultures, but we do not want to be tied to a specific religion. We want a community where men can trust each other and our families are free from feminism."
Why do we have "but we do not want to be tied to a specific religion"? Because we want CoAlpha to work for atheists. But if atheists could be accepted by a specific religion, then there would be no need for this clause. So let's remove it.
"The CoAlpha Brotherhood is an attempt to abandon feminist society and collectively create an independent sub-culture based on patriarchal values. The CoAlpha Brotherhood is not an attempt to reform society. Neither is it just a men's social club. Some religious groups like the Amish and Hasidic Jews already have such sub-cultures. We want a community where men can trust each other and our families are free from feminism."
From this statement, it may make sense for us to partner with a religion. Religions are the only groups that are actually doing what we are trying to do. They already have alternative non-feminist subcultures. CoAlpha is small and will remain small in the near future. If we are scattered, then we can't rely just on CoAlpha to provide a meaningful community for our families. If a CoAlpha marries a foreign woman and brings her back to the femisphere, there is a serious risk that his wife will be corrupted by mainstream culture. Religion is a solution to this problem. If all CoAlphas associate with the same religion, then when our families meet, they will naturally relate better.
The challenge is finding a religion that works well for CoAlpha. I have been investigating religions in my
Choosing a Church thread and Drealm has been researching religions in his
What religion aligns with CoAlpha values the most? thread. I think the best way to research religions is to visit their service. The religions that I think are most worth investigating are Mormon, Orthodox Christianity, and Islam. But any ideas are welcome.
So I would like to ask other CoAlphas to please investigate religions by visiting them. Then post your opinions. Also, I would like to remove "but we do not want to be tied to a specific religion" from our mission statement. If no one objects, then Drealm can do this.