I made some posts on Atheist Nexus which is the biggest atheist forum. I didn't post anything terribly controversial, nothing nasty about women or anything like that. I just said that I support tradition and I like religion and the Old Testament. Not only was I banned but every one of my posts was deleted. This is a first for me. Atheists win the grand prize for being the most intolerant people I have ever encountered.
You can still see some of my posts in the google cache so you can judge for yourself. |
It seems some of your posts weren't deleted, eg.
I read the cached threads and it was quite astounding to see supposedly rational science-boosting atheists believe in fairy tales like sex-equality without even any criticism. Atheism seems to be too rooted in liberalism today to be of any value. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
I didn't post anything terribly controversial, nothing nasty about women or anything like that. For the record, you stated that women deserved to be raped. So for the record, you are a bald-faced liar. |
Really TByte? Guess what, you don't have your atheist goons here to protect you. So now show me the link from the Google cache to prove your accusation.
Not being a moderator, I cannot recover those posts.
But for the record, are you going to DENY ever stating that women deserve to be raped? And one more thing, if I needed goons to protect me from fools, I would not have walked into your personal forum. |
The only question relevant to this thread is whether I said on Atheist Nexus that women deserved to be raped, and the answer to that question is that I did not.
No, the question relevant to this thread is whether you are honestly portraying your behavior on Atheist Nexus as innocent and inoffensive. It was not, and that makes you a liar.
The posts you made on the forum were not substantially different than those you have made on other forums, which are still available for viewing. So I'll ask you again: Do you deny asserting that women deserve to be raped? It's a yes or no question, Mr. Schmidt. |
I will not answer off topic questions. You can still view many of my posts in the google cache which is linked to in the root post of this thread. If my posts were so offensive, then you should easily be able to find an example in the google cache.
Its not off topic, and you know it. You are also well aware of the answer. You are just afraid to admit it (in the safety of your own forum, what a coward!).
But here, for everyone's edification, are some of your posts that are still available. "It is human nature that in a sound stable relationship, the wife would be submissive." You expect that women would not take offense at being told to be submissive? "In modern society, women are raised to be sluts/bitches, not wives, so these women are not submissive." You expect people not to take offense at the implication that their mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters are sluts/bitches? "I would add that it is politically pointless to try to save Western culture. Let it rot and eventually be conquered by Islam." You expect people not to take offense when you state that their culture is worthless? "The Muslim conquerors will restore sanity to the relations between the sexes." You expect people not to take offense when you look forward to a time when teenage rape victims are stoned to death for adultery? fschmidt, you are entitled to hold all of these views, however baseless and warped they may be. But to portray yourself as having been innoffensive on the Atheist Nexus forum is nothing short of a lie, and destroys any credibility one might grant your other statements. |
Okay TByte, you managed to find the most "offensive" posts I made out of many many posts. I made no personal insults and no suggestion that anyone should be harmed in any way. The only one of these comments that could possible be construed to be insulting to women is the "sluts/bitches" quote and here the issue is just connotation, since what feminists now call "liberated" used to be called "slut" or "bitch". The other quotes are pure opinion and are agreed with by many religious people. So the atheists take offense only because it conflicts with their opinion. I have posted my views in many places and I have never had my posts deleted anywhere. This kind of censorship only happened on Atheist Nexus. How do you explain this?
To answer your individual points: Women are told to be submissive in the New Testament which was accepted as standard in our culture for a long time. So anyone knowledgeable about history should not be offended. I believe modern culture is worthless. And I understand that others consider my views as worthless. Tolerant people should be understanding of other views. Islam does not support stoning to death rape victims. This is a violation of both the Old Testament and the Quran. If this happened, it was a miscarriage of Islamic justice. |
What you believe is irrelevant. I could not care less.
What matters here is your contention at the top of this thread that these statements were not "controversial". If you were not such an intellectual coward you would have started this thread with the truthful statement that you were banned for making statements that everyone on the forum found to be consistently offensive. But you didn't. Like a lying pussy you began by whining about how the big bad atheists mistreated you. I can garner at least some respect for a man who honestly stands up for his ideas and his actions. But for running back to your personal hidey-hole forum to whimper to your buddies about how unfair all the nasty people were, well, that gets no respect at all. |
TByte, if I was a coward, I would just delete your posts. That is what the cowards at Atheist Nexus did to me.
My original statement was that "I didn't post anything terribly controversial". I realize that my beliefs are controversial by nature since they aren't mainstream. This is why I said "terribly controversial". Saying that women deserve to raped would be considered "terribly controversial" and I made no statements like that there. How am I supposed to stand up for my belief when I was banned and my posts deleted? You are sounding ridiculous. Now TByte, don't be a coward yourself and please answer my question in my last post. How do you explain that the only place that my posts were ever deleted was on Atheist Nexus? |
In reply to this post by TByte
I'm astounded at how stupid your logic is.
"Women are told to be submissive in the New Testament which was accepted as standard in our culture for a long time. So anyone knowledgeable about history should not be offended." Slavery was an accepted standard for a long time, therefor anyone knowledgeable about history should not be offended if you advocate slavery? fshmidt, your conclusion simply does not follow from your premise. "I believe modern culture is worthless. And I understand that others consider my views as worthless. Tolerant people should be understanding of other views." Tolerance does not require that individuals not take offense at direct insults. "Islam does not support stoning to death rape victims. This is a violation of both the Old Testament and the Quran. If this happened, it was a miscarriage of Islamic justice." Exactly which muslims do you expect to take over western culture and restore sanity? Advocating the forcible overthrow of any culture is going to be considered an offensive statement by that culture. You were well aware that all of these statements would be offensive to the other forum members. Yet still you lack the courage to just admit that was your purpose. Pointing out your foolishness really is too easy. Twist, twist, twist away, little man. I look forward to the spin you try in your next response. |
Why should I explain that? I don't care. I'm just concerned about your dishonesty on your own personal forum.
In reply to this post by TByte
Since your concern is my honesty, all of these details that you are arguing are irrelevant. I never said that I didn't post anything "offensive". I couldn't make such a statement because what is offensive is completely subjective. If the atheists are offended by my views, that is their problem. And if they delete anything that they find offensive, then they are intolerant, which is the point of this thread.
In reply to this post by TByte
The point of this thread is atheist intolerance. If you are unwilling to answer my questions which are exactly on topic, why should I answer your questions? |
Because your question is irrelevant when posed to me. It was not my decision to ban you.
I am merely taking issue with your dishonesty. Had you honestly portrayed your behavior on Atheist Nexus when you started this thread, I would not have jumped on. Now, can you finally man-up and revise your post to make it more truthful? Something like this: "I made some misogynistic statements on Atheist Nexus and advocated the overthrow of western civilization by religious zealots, and they banned me for it." Its called honesty Mr. Schmidt. If you can't show it on your own forum, how are you going to teach it to your children? And as far as you not being banned from other forums, I have no idea what other forums you have been on, or under what names, but if you are not banned from then you are at best persona non-grata. So let's not pretend that other forums have not taken similar offense to your statements. That's is just continuing your dishonesty. |
I do not consider any of my statements misogynistic. Others may, but that is their problem. I do not "advocate" the overthrow of western civilization in the sense of "advocate" meaning "promote", but I certainly do look forward to it. I did not make any false statements in my initial post in this thread and I linked to the google cache so that everyone can judge for themselves.
I have been banned from other forums (since all liberal forums are somewhat intolerant) but never have my posts been deleted, which is why atheists win the grand prize for being the most intolerant people I have ever encountered. |
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by TByte
TByte, you've come a long ways to waste a lot of time.
You seem hell bent on trying to disparage fschmidt's character with accusations of lies. But your accusations come in the form of an emotional outburst that's so incredibly shallow, it's not even worth recognizing. I seriously question how you handle real world consequential conflicts, when you can't even can't even acknowledge basic fallacies in your own made up virtual arguments. There's no consequence for making stupid assertions here, because everything is subjective. But your reasoning doesn't stand up to any measurable metric. You've picked a tiff over a subjective detail that no one could care less about. None of the statements you've cited are controversial in the context of this forum. In fact, they add to the value of this forum by our standards - they don't detract. So what you've cited has no shock value here. I've made statements myself that go well beyond what's been cited. It's clear what happened. fschmidt was banned from a forum that runs on an open discussion platform. The privilege we're giving you of speaking here, was not afforded to fschmidt. So you're a hypocrite, from a forum full of liars. I can't stand you hypocrites. |
TByte, you've come a long ways to waste a lot of time.
Actually, I'm still sitting in my bedroom. That's the way this internet thingy works, see? It matters not whether they would be controversial in this forum. Mr. Schmidt portrayed himself as being inoffensive on the other forum, which was not the case. This pretty neatly sums up his level of integrity. Personally, I would have left his rants there as a record of his failed attempts to justify his ideas. Coming across that thread would have save the members of the next forum he infects a great deal of time. They could have jumped directly to any of the many arguments he was unable to counter. And I guess I'll sum up by saying that if Atheists are the least tolerant of misogyny, bigotry, servitude, and the destruction of civil rights, that is a badge they would wear with honor. |
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