Why is this needed?

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Why is this needed?

The world is a mess.  Take a look at these two links about worldwide illegitimacy rates:


The two things I get out of these is that the world is changing very fast, and that the problem is not limited to first world countries.

For many men, the problem is just finding a girlfriend.  This can be easily solved by going to a third world country like Colombia or The Philippines.  In such countries, an American man is like a star and women will chase after him.  But why is this?  This is because America is a successful rich country and the women are more attracted to men from successful societies than to men from their own failed society.

If you only care about yourself and have no thoughts about the future, then going to such a country may be enough.  But if you have children whose future concerns you, or if you care about the future of mankind, then this is not enough.  America is a successful country because it used to have good values.  It is coasting on the past.  In the future, America will be a third world country.  So while you benefit from being an American, your children and future Americans will not.  Now you may argue that even if America collapses, life will still be acceptable in these other countries.  After all, these countries don't have anti-male laws like America does.  But these countries have other problems.  Things don't work because of massive corruption.  And this is caused by men failing to work together.  But even worse is the fact that even though you are successful with women in these countries, many of the local men suffer the same fate as you did in America.  You may not see this since you would likely associate with wealthier men in these countries.  But logically, it must be the case.  Wherever women dress provocatively, they are trying to attract the top men at the expense of the rest of the men.  And so the top men take mistresses and have many casual encounters at the expense of the rest of the men.  Since all societies have roughly the same number of men and women, only in monogamous societies where women are chaste and dress modestly will all men have women.  So if instead of returning to America, you settle in a third world country where you are a star, your children who grow up there probably will not be stars and will not do well.

If you care about the future, you must find a good society in which to raise a family.  And all modern societies can be judged and rejected in seconds just by looking at how the women dress.  The only societies left that are good are tiny religious sects like the Amish and Hasidic Jews.  Most of us do not have beliefs compatible with these groups, so we cannot join them.  This is why I feel that the only solution is for men who care about the future to band together and try to build our own small culture apart from the mainstream.  I started the CoAlpha Brotherhood for this purpose.  I don't know exactly how it will work and I have no desire to dictate solutions to other men.  I just want to gather together a group of men who feel as I do, that a new culture is needed.  Then we can figure out how to go about it.
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Re: Why is this needed?

J. Donner
"America is a successful country because it used to have good values.  It is coasting on the past.  In the future, America will be a third world country."

I do not think that this is necessary and inevitable. Highly likely? Yes. But I think one responsibility of a CoAlpha movement should be to think about the end-state and how we get there. I am one of those that cares about the future - even though I have no children and to be quite honest no logical reason to care about the future - and therefore this is an issue I find important. We could start our own culture, but what sort of infrastructure would we have? How would we get food and water? How would we defend ourselves from attack by hostile cultures? Would it be easier to reinvent the wheel, or would it be easier to co-opt a pre-existing culture and convince a significant majority of males in that culture that a CoAlpha Brotherhood makes more sense than whatever their current system is?

I think - at it is merely conjecture at this point, as I don't really have facts - that it would probably be easier to co-opt a pre-existing society. I don't think that it would be an impossible task to salvage America, even. Difficult? Yes. It would certainly require a concerted, focused, and directed effort with tangible results - something on the scale that I have yet to see from most MRA sites and blogrolls and so forth.