Cultural dropouts aren’t heroes. Only a coward would take pride in cutting off the link to his past and going extinct. Yet an entire nation of men have embraced dropping out and throwing away their legacy as a fashionable form of rebellion. The truth is these dropouts are scared of making a real rebellion. All of us men may have common beef with society but when the hour comes there will be razor sharp difference between the men who give up and slit their own wrists and the men who charge forward to slit society’s throat.
A sense of desperation is driving men to scatter in different directions. Some men run away to third world slums in search of paradise. Other men commit mental castration by joining the celibate cult of men who go their own way. Lastly some men stoop to becoming humiliating amusements in an effort to win the spoils of decrepit soiled whores. All of these paths epitomize a culture of dropping out. The CoAlpha Brotherhood has always stood as the alternative to these cultural dead ends. While others may surrender, we symbolize the last breed of men who want to fight. We rose above the filth of modern culture. We rallied against decadent westernism. And we allied ourselves with the alternative traditional world view. But after years of experiencing increasingly hostile assaults against our firm voice of traditional reason an infectious hatred has slowly cooked inside of us. Hatred is the purest strain of morality. And we now yell with pride that our inner hate has left us itching to lynch every liberal lowlife we see. Every day our feelings grow more violent, more sadistic and more impatient towards a common liberal enemy. There comes a tipping point where you decide once and for all that the society who preys on you no longer deserves humane treatment. We yearn for the hour when men with nothing to lose finally start massacring progressive traitors in broad day light with a more radical wave of justice than we’ve ever dreamed of. The question is when this hour comes do you want to commit cultural suicide? Of are you brave enough to join us in retaliating with cultural terrorism. CoAlpha Brotherhood emerged from the riffraff because we were tired of waiting. Cowards sit on the side. Good men take action. We know we are the last generation of good men before it’s all gone. Our problems must be fixed by us alone. To become the men who are capable of solving our own problems we must start with facing reality. The reality is our CoAlpha idea has always been powerful, but never practical. We could not have recruited so many men over last five years from places all over the internet if there wasn’t already a thriving undercurrent of hate. We had an army of fanatically angry men march through our doors ready to kill, but we never gave them the ammunition to express their aggression. Our strategy of focusing only on a forum was too low of a target. A forum isn’t enough to wage warfare. Rhetoric alone doesn’t kill liberals. The original idea of a few brave men helping each other in real life turned out to be all talk and no action. Almost no one was helped over the years. Yet a few gestures that have shined through. For example early on one CoAlpha helped another CoAlpha start his career by providing him a job. Someone else was given visa and travel finances to escape America. Another member was covertly banned from a liberal site that we all know, which masqueraded under the banner of free speech until CoAlpha members stood together and denounced the gutless site owner in public for his sniveling censorship. Small struggles like these prove that the right men are eager to take action when the right moment presents itself. Passionate talk will not keep ideas like CoAlpha alive though. Any organization must deliver meaningful results on a regular basis. Without results a group is a hollow shell and every new recruit who bangs on our door will eventually be lost to some other cause that shows a stronger will. Men who support ideas like CoAlpha have a decision to make. We can set our sights higher or we can die off slowly in our own separate parts of the world. For those willing to renew the struggle, we must use different tactics this time. A study of history has demonstrated what empowers common men to be feared. As reactionaries we have a duty to acknowledge history and respect it’s facts about human nature. We do not have the luxury of fantasizing about imaginary human potential like progressive lunatics. The answer in every era, in every time, in every part of the world, in every language, in every culture, in every society, in every race for molding men into a unified fist of power that is respected and feared has always been, and always will be, religion. Now before atheists here spit on this idea and walk out, realize that I don’t care about converting you. Nor do I care if you pray on your knees, have faith, worship a god or believe in hell. If you want to remain an atheist it’s not my concern. Your beliefs don’t matter. They don’t matter because beliefs themselves don’t make religions indestructible. Islamic Jihadists don’t kill American soldiers by detonating a Quran. Christian crusaders didn’t slice through towns by holding a bible in their hands. And Israel didn’t club the ancient world into submission by swinging a Torah. Any religion that’s naïve enough to think their beliefs alone will shield them from outside mobs who want to kill them will be eaten alive. Victorious religions on the other hand survive and dominate by using a strategy independent of beliefs. The winning strategy found in every religion revolves around three specific practices that empower common men to defeat the depraved world around them. There is no reason why a group of men can’t remain atheists but leverage these same practices. What specific practices did these religions follow that our CoAlpha Brotherhood lacked? Religions mandate regular meetings, enforce rituals, and share a sacred text. Regular meetings foster friendship. Together a group sees it’s full strength. We are reminded that we are larger than ourselves and no one is left behind. Talking with each other gives us the opportunity to learn about each other’s problems on a personal level and offer direct welfare. There can be no community without regular meetings. An organization that cannot even rally members to meet is impotent. Rituals are moral training exercises. They are shared experiences of the group. And shared expressions of commitment to the group. Many secular groups also employ rituals. For example the US Marines have The Crucible. Greek fraternities have hazing. Citizens of most nations have voting. No meaningful society can hold together without shared rituals. A meeting by itself is not enough. Without rituals a meeting loses it’s structure and becomes just a social outlet. Good meetings offer both moral training and socializing. Sacred texts provide a shared story that shows values of the group. It makes no difference at all whether you believe the story to be literally true or just a myth. What matters is only that there is a story and that all members can discuss the story as a way of relating to problems in our own lives. If you want to live in a better world then joining a religion is the only answer. The alternatives to modern society offered by cultural dropouts are just as shallow as modern culture itself. If you disagree with religion being the only answer to rising above modern culture, then I’d like to hear your argument. |
In reply to this post by Drealm
We should build a fort. It will be the last bastion of defense against Western culture.
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