Hi. I was reading some of what you all had to say. It seems if you wanted to start a community, it will be nigh impossible to find any women to go along with it. Have you ever thought of that?
Hi guys, I am new here. I will like to hear your idea of what you think the ideal woman should be like.
Out of curiosity, where are you from damsel? And what brings you here? |
Humanity said "Feminine, kind, loving and nurturing, gentle, honest, caring and compassionate, and similar things. Being pretty is good too...but not important."
Very apt answer, and a universally preferred one, too. |
In reply to this post by damsel
Drealm Out of curiosity, where are you from damsel? And what brings you here?
I am from Florida, Sir Knight. And to see the male perspective brings me here. |
I actually meant what website are you from? How did you hear about this forum? "the male perspective".. Could you elaborate? Why the CoAlpha forums specifically? |
Drealm, I am not from any particular website. I saw this site on the internet. I have some sympathy for your cause. "The male perspective" holds an interest to me. CoAlpha specifically, because you guys have a direction and want concrete plans, while the others just seem to talk.
I have answered your questions, now, I want to ask you one. What kind of women do you like? |
As a generic answer.
Assume a woman had a knife strapped to her wrist. Assume she was a good woman, however defined. Would you trust her? Tough call, but generally no. No one deserves that much trust. Thats the social and biological reality we live in. |
In reply to this post by damsel
People don't stumble on this website. They mostly feed from a handful of other sites. This is why I was curious. I look for religion, familial orientation and an inclination towards motherhood. All other desirable traits seem to evolve naturally as long as these virtues are secured. |
In reply to this post by damsel
Personally, I don't (have a type of woman I prefer). Too busy getting things done, generally speaking.
J.Donner, Most everyone has a type of woman who he gravitates to, if he plans to date, I believe.
In reply to this post by Drealm
Drealm, religion, family orientation and an inclination towards motherhood are solid values. Can't go wrong there. The christian religion, when practiced properly, makes for a good marriage, as it is gentle on women, and still gives man a chance to be true to his nature.
In reply to this post by Ardia
Ardia, I hope you meet a good woman in your life's journey. There are some good women out there.
In reply to this post by damsel
I disagree. It's true that women from feminist countries probably wouldn't go along with a CoAlpha community, but we don't want these women anyway. Women from non-feminist countries would go along with it, and these are the kind of women we want. In fact, I have been married to such a woman for 20 years.
fschmidt, after thinking over your situation, it occurred to me that I know of a ready-made community that might be of interest to you and the others on here. You see, I foresee that you will have problems forming a community without a stable religious core. It will be something that everyone can agree on, that will be the standard that is larger than the individual. For a group to sustain itself, it needs a religious core. It is why the muslim faith is strong. It is why Mormonism, Amish, etc, can survive.
Without this core, even if you were to bring foreign women to your ideals, and your community, there will be nothing stopping them from drifting off to the larger American society that surrounds them. With nothing to guide their conscience, they will see the rest of America as alluring and their life with you as confining. You will lose their thoughts eventually, and your community will fail. There is a community, in sunny Florida, near Naples, called Ave Maria. Though, I myself, have not been there, I know a little of it. It was founded by Tom Monaghan, former owner of Domino's pizza. He was also former owner of the Detroit Tigers. I think he is a billionaire. Well he founded a Christian community that will have Christian family values. I think his community is based on traditional Catholicism. So, it will have the values of the 50's, and the women who chose to live there will be traditional women, who have been protected from the feminist ideology. They have a university in the town, so they must have lots of young people who are holding to the traditional. What, I think you will like, fschmidt and all of you, is that these women are women from this country who have not bought into feminism, and really treat men as the head of the household, and value virginity before marriage, and fidelity to one man for the rest of their lives. They are not cultish and fly by night, it's based on 2,000 year old Christianity, and a solid faith. Catholicism gave birth to chivalry as we know it and nurtured it for hundreds of years. I think the Catholics in Naples are not the ordinary Catholic many might encounter, but traditional Catholics who resist modernism, and promotes strong families and men as head of the household. You can find information on this community on the internet. It is called Ave Maria, and it is in Naples Florida.http://AveMaria.coms I hope this helps. |
We agree that religion is important, which is why we have many threads about religion on this forum.
The Ave Maria website doesn't have anything to indicate that it differs significantly from any other development. The homepage ends with "We invite you to learn more about Ave Maria, an exciting new hometown for every family, every lifestyle and every dream." That doesn't sound like what we are looking for. Catholicism itself has become very corrupt in the last few decades and doesn't significantly differ from the mainstream. My wife is Mexican Catholic. When she was young, men and women were segregated in church. Then that was dropped, but there was still a dress code. Then that was dropped, and now Catholic churches feel no different from anywhere else. The only religions that I have found to have value are Orthodox Judaism, Islam, Anabaptist, Mormon, and Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Of these, I prefer Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Minor point, but chivalry originated with the Arabs and was spread through Islam to the Christian world. I am curious, what is your religion? And if you are religious, what do you think of Deuteronomy 22? |
Hi fschmidt, thanks for your response. I myself, am a traditional Catholic. Traditional Catholics hold on to the traditions of the Catholic Church, and do not give into to modernism. We are stricter than the rest of the Catholic Church. Traditional Catholics have a very strict dress code. They believe that men are the head of the family without exception, and they do not believe in divorce. They carry themselves differently from the average Catholic, and they go by the traditional rules. They fight abortion, feminism, breakdown of the family, and modernism. I am not talking about mainstream Catholicism. I am talking about Traditional Catholicism.
From what I have read in Deuteronomy 22, I think women should dress as women and men as men. I think a man should treat his brother as he wants to be treated in respect to property. As for stoning of women or men, I don't believe in that, as Jesus changed the Testament, to forgiveness, as when he forgave Mary Magdalen for the act of adultery. |
Traditionalist Catholicism sounds interesting. Where do you suggest I learn more about it? And where can I find a Traditional Catholic church in El Paso, TX where I live?
I am not religious myself and I am just now reading the Bible and am only up to Judges, so I haven't heard Christ's views yet. If Christ was against stoning, then I agree with him because I oppose the death penalty. But what I found interesting about Deuteronomy 22 was that female premarital sex carried a penalty just as harsh as any capital crime. |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQd4dnr3pUI This is the link to the Traditional Catholic mass on you tube. The name of the traditional Catholic Church in El Paso, Texas, is St. Juan Batista Roman Catholic Church. Notice the service is done in Latin. Notice how the women are dressed, and their head is covered out of respect for God's presence in the Church, and also to signify obedience to their husband. Traditional Catholics do not divorce, and actively fight feminism. |
Thanks, I was able to find the web site for this church and watched some services on YouTube. Based on what I saw, I prefer the Greek Orthodox service, but that may just be how I relate to the priest rather than to the religion itself. Is this the only Traditional Catholic service in El Paso?
I have another question which relates to this church. Why are most Christians so concerned about homosexuality outside the church? In the Bible that I read so far, homosexuality was mentioned once while issues relating to marriage are mentioned a lot. Shouldn't churches be more concerned about guiding their own members towards a moral life than about what people outside the church do? This is something that I like about the Greek Orthodox service that I attend, that the priest talks each Sunday about how members can morally improve themselves. Also, I am curious about what you think about the Eastern Orthodox Church. It seems to have a lot in common with traditional Catholicism. Here is a video overview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19Efs9lGg14 |
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