What kind of costumer are you?

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What kind of costumer are you?

I usually buy high quality products. I prefer delaying gratification for quality, rather than getting instant gratification from something cheap. My logic behind this is I like checking things off my wish list permanently, rather than gradually upgrading. I think I'm being too stubborn though.
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Re: What kind of costumer are you?

I think the delayed gratification schtick is mostly inbuilt.
Some people have a bent towards it, others do not. The 'others' are generally trash.

I remember a quote from Milton Friedman, late Nobel prize winner in economics who described his life's financial situation as "Saving for a rainy day, while living in a constant drizzle".
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Re: What kind of costumer are you?

In reply to this post by Drealm
My first concern is simplicity.  I hate complicated things.  My second concern is value which is quality divided by price.  I hate shopping, so I only buy something when I decide that I really need it, but then I don't delay.
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Re: What kind of costumer are you?

J. Donner
In reply to this post by Drealm
I've usually lived a rather Spartan lifestyle. I avoid debt like the plague. I do have my things I spend money on - generally, related to video games - and to that end I usually strike a balance between paying top dollar for the absolute best and getting a good deal. I'm more concerned with getting the best value - a $600 graphics card may beat the $300 one, but if it's only by 5%, why bother?

As an aside, never let somebody talk you into spending more than ~ $3000 for a watch, unless you're a serious damn collector. (You can get an awesome super high quality watch that you'll love forever and ever for about $400 if you know what to look for. I miss me my watches, actually...)