I just watched Harry Brown which can now be played over the internet. I couldn't really relate to the movie. It portrays a strong dichotomy between a lawless underclass and civil society. I don't believe in this view. Society is rotting uniformly from top to bottom. Barack Obama has no more integrity than any gang member, and in this he truly represents the people. The movie portrays gang members in the worst possible way, and while I don't know much about gangs and I certainly don't sympathize with them, I will say to their credit that at least they exhibit loyalty to members of their own gang, and in this respect, they are superior to mainstream society. A vigilante like Harry Brown accomplishes nothing of value because he fails to do anything about the underlying problem which is liberalism in society. A movie like this helps average people feel good about themselves by blaming society's problems on the underclass. But this is misguided, the blame for society's problems belongs squarely on average people, particularly average men.