What does CoAlpha offer?

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Re: Put Under CoAlpha?

CoAlpha is dominated by your theories. And with the idea that we are all going to get together and form a community.

Ofc, this would happen with some theory or the other everywhere.
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Re: Put Under CoAlpha?

Ardia wrote
CoAlpha is dominated by your theories.
I want this to change, which is one reason merge these forums.  CoAlpha will look much more attractive when it looks like a group effort instead of like my personal project.

And with the idea that we are all going to get together and form a community.
I also want to expand the CoAlpha site beyond this, which is why I am reorganizing the forums there.  See the public forum thread.
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Re: Put Under CoAlpha?

In reply to this post by fschmidt
Here are the details of how I plan to do this:

I will delete the Private forum and all of its content.

Of the threads in the Whatever forum:

We Live In A Stressful World - goes to CoAlpha forum.
Thoughts on Censorship - goes back to main no-girlfriend forum (and then moved to subforum of CoAlpha).
Time Is The Ultimate Resource - goes to CoAlpha forum.
forum changes - delete

Then I will delete the Whatever forum.

Then I will move this forum under CoAlpha as "Dating" unless somone has a better name.
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Re: Put Under CoAlpha?

In reply to this post by fschmidt
I will do this in 24 hours if I get no further feedback.
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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

J. Donner
In reply to this post by fschmidt
I think a common problem for people today is information overload. One of the things CoAlpha could offer is a synthesized selection of the best articles, books, and websites on (for example) feminism. The same could be done for dating or expatriating or whatever else we decide is an important issue for CoAlphas.

I think this would be helpful because a lot of the sites that are out there merely end up repeating the same information over and over again endlessly.

That being said, I don't think we're likely to attract a large user base until we have a solid system set up. Think of it as a sort of pipeline, where becoming cognizant of the problem of feminism is step 1. Step 2 might be to arm yourself with the knowledge I outlined above. The end step is to become a member of "real" CoAlpha community. We need to figure out all the steps in between.
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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

In reply to this post by fschmidt
fschmidt wrote
We have a mission statement and long term goals, but what can CoAlpha offer now?  If the answer is that we offer nothing now other than a plan for the future, is this really enough to attract enough men to implement this plan?
Doubt it.

fschmidt wrote
 When you look at successful groups, they offer some immediate benefit to attract members.  Religion offers life after death.  Many online forums offer sympathy and a place to complain (complaining being a very popular activity these days).  So my question is what can we offer right now, and if nothing, do we have any chance of success?
I suppose you will have a small but real chance of success if someone/a few people take you up on your wife offer.
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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

In reply to this post by fschmidt
fschmidt wrote
We have a mission statement and long term goals, but what can CoAlpha offer now?  If the answer is that we offer nothing now other than a plan for the future, is this really enough to attract enough men to implement this plan?  When you look at successful groups, they offer some immediate benefit to attract members.  Religion offers life after death.  Many online forums offer sympathy and a place to complain (complaining being a very popular activity these days).  So my question is what can we offer right now, and if nothing, do we have any chance of success?

Socializing could be one offering. I don't have any friends. Since I don't have any friends, I get most of my socializing needs met through the internet. This is part of the reason I enjoy forums so much. Creating a chatroom here would be a big offering.

I could always find friends in real life, but I think anyone who subscribes to the CoAlpha mindset will find themselves quickly at odds with most people. Being friends with most people requires adopting their mainstream life style. Mainstream life styles compromise CoAlpha ethics.

My brother, as you know, is a Jehovah's Witness. One of Jehovah's Witnesses immediate offerings is a ready made social network. Right when you join, you instantly have friends. My brother doesn't need to go outside his value spectrum in order to have fun and socialize. He can get all his social needs met in a hermetically sealed bubble.

Of course using CoAlpha as a social club partly goes against the line in the mission statement that reads "Neither is it just a men's social club."

Another offering that's similar albeit slightly different, could be organizing sex trips to the third world (for those whom approve of prostitution). It's a bit scary traveling to a third world country alone. So whom better to have fun traveling with than CoAlphas whom share your world view? This would be for guys whom aren't married yet and whom aren't ready to marry (or guys whom are married but don't care) but still want to experience women outside the femisphere. This experience would serve as prostitution, traveling and group bonding all in one.

J. Donner wrote
I think a common problem for people today is information overload. One of the things CoAlpha could offer is a synthesized selection of the best articles, books, and websites on (for example) feminism. The same could be done for dating or expatriating or whatever else we decide is an important issue for CoAlphas.
I agree with this. I have a limited amount of time to study. On top of this I'm lazy and often tired. I should only spend time on the very best information. A lot of information is okay, some is good, but little qualifies as essential. I'd like to see less rather than more information, as it would help me focus rather than paralyzing me with without directions.

I'm slowly picking up the books fschmidt mentions, but this isn't an organized approach. I'd prefer a limited list of items prioritized from most to least important.
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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

In reply to this post by J. Donner
J. Donner wrote
I think a common problem for people today is information overload. One of the things CoAlpha could offer is a synthesized selection of the best articles, books, and websites on (for example) feminism. The same could be done for dating or expatriating or whatever else we decide is an important issue for CoAlphas.

I think this would be helpful because a lot of the sites that are out there merely end up repeating the same information over and over again endlessly.
What exactly is "a synthesized selection"?  Is this a list or a summary?  The "Resources" section that I created was largely inspired by your desire for a CoAlpha education.  How far is this from what you want?
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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

In reply to this post by Drealm
How about J. Donner, you (Drealm), and me meet in San Diego sometime and also cross the border into Mexico?  I could do this anytime.
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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

In reply to this post by Drealm
Drealm wrote

Another offering that's similar albeit slightly different, could be organizing sex trips to the third world (for those whom approve of prostitution). It's a bit scary traveling to a third world country alone. So whom better to have fun traveling with than CoAlphas whom share your world view? This would be for guys whom aren't married yet and whom aren't ready to marry (or guys whom are married but don't care) but still want to experience women outside the femisphere. This experience would serve as prostitution, traveling and group bonding all in one.
I need to do this. For the simple reason that I am confident I will be able to pull shorter girls. This does not mean I want them, but it will allow me to be riskier whenever the type of girl I like, likes me back. Its one thing when your limbic system is telling you its the only chance you will ever have in life, and the girl will somehow or the other not give you priority in spite of throwing signals at you, its another to think that if that is the case, there are other options ergo you aren't in a completely desperate and/or apathetic "will never work" state of mind. Also it allows me to 'date' taller and shorter prostitutes.

Or, worse comes to worse, give up on my dreams altogether.

The only issues are time and money.

Time: I am unsure if a 10 day to 2 week sex tour is enough. That only allows time for a bunch of one night stands. Even if those are preceeded with a meal and walking around town etc (very different from a western prostitute) - it can't compare to, say, sequestering a girl for a week or two in a pseudo-real-girlfriend/wife state.

Money: Obviously, if one is planning on a trip thats longer than 2 weeks. Money becomes an issue.
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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

In reply to this post by fschmidt
fschmidt wrote
How about J. Donner, you (Drealm), and me meet in San Diego sometime and also cross the border into Mexico?  I could do this anytime.
Sounds like a plan. Ardia says he'd be interested too. Nostromos is in California so it'd probably be easy for him to meet in San Diego (if he's interested). More people the better, five people would be great.

Ardia wrote
The only issues are time and money.

I'm gonna look into costs of travel from the bay area to San Diego. Beyond that I'm clueless on what it would cost after we cross the border for food, shelter and prostitutes in Mexico. fschmidt, maybe you could fill us in here? Let's suppose we wanted to stay a week in Mexico? What would be enough money to cover everything? Food, hotel, prostitutes, ect? Or would it be better just to cross the border for a day and return to San Diego?

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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

North Baja / Tijuana isn't exactly heaven.  It's worth a short trip, but I wouldn't pick it as a destination for a week-long trip.  For Drealm, it's a $120 round-trip ticket.  For Ardia, it's much more and probably not worth the price.

Crossing from Mexico back to America is painful, so maybe staying in Mexico is best.  But I am not sure if J. Donner can do this.  Cost of food and shelter is similar to America.  I think prostitution costs $20 to $60.  But if we do this, I recommend we spend some time non-tourist areas to get a feel for the country.  I can research good candidate areas.

To plan a serious a week-long trip, we should start a separate thread on that and figure out what everyone is looking for and what are good possible destinations.  In Baja, I like La Paz but I have no idea what the prostitution there is like.  If you want to meet non-pro women in Mexico, the best approach is for me to go with my wife who is very sociable and can quickly introduce guys to women.
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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

fschmidt wrote
North Baja / Tijuana isn't exactly heaven.  It's worth a short trip, but I wouldn't pick it as a destination for a week-long trip.  For Drealm, it's a $120 round-trip ticket.  For Ardia, it's much more and probably not worth the price.

Crossing from Mexico back to America is painful, so maybe staying in Mexico is best.  But I am not sure if J. Donner can do this.  Cost of food and shelter is similar to America.  I think prostitution costs $20 to $60.  But if we do this, I recommend we spend some time non-tourist areas to get a feel for the country.  I can research good candidate areas.

To plan a serious a week-long trip, we should start a separate thread on that and figure out what everyone is looking for and what are good possible destinations.  In Baja, I like La Paz but I have no idea what the prostitution there is like.  If you want to meet non-pro women in Mexico, the best approach is for me to go with my wife who is very sociable and can quickly introduce guys to women.
Yes it's important to figure out what everyone wants. I was originally suggesting a purely prostitution oriented trip, maybe with some sightseeing. I was thinking this would also serve as a masculine bonding experience for CoAlpha brotherhood. I suggested sex tourism because it allows us to experience foreign women without commitments. I'd love to eventually meet a foreign woman for a long term relationship, but I'm hesitant at this point. So the trip I'm suggesting would be very different from wanting to meet Mexican women for long term relationships. Feel free to make another thread.
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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

In reply to this post by Drealm
Drealm wrote

Sounds like a plan. Ardia says he'd be interested too. Nostromos is in California so it'd probably be easy for him to meet in San Diego (if he's interested). More people the better, five people would be great.
I was actually thinking in general about a group trip to thailand, after I graduate. I hadn't considered Mexico.
On reflection, Im not against it - it would be a good way to see how mexican women look like if I ever take fschmidt up on his wife offer.
But I dont think its on the cards just now. No cash. Perhaps a year and a half hence.
Also Mexico sounds fairly expensive.

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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

Ardia wrote
I was actually thinking in general about a group trip to thailand, after I graduate.
I'm just curious why Thailand over the Philippines?  I like Thailand and I have never been to the Philippines, so I don't know which is better, but the obvious advantage of the Philippines is that they speak English.
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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

fschmidt wrote
I'm just curious why Thailand over the Philippines?  I like Thailand and I have never been to the Philippines, so I don't know which is better, but the obvious advantage of the Philippines is that they speak English.
I read prostitution is more "legal" in Thailand and there's less crime.
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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

In reply to this post by fschmidt
Good point on the english thing. Especially if you consider the 'tute trip as a forerunner to a wife trip.

I saw some of those sex tour videos on Thailand and the Philippines.

Off the top of my head:
- Thailand (the sex areas at least) seems like a fairly sane place - not rich, but orderly. The Philippines reminds me a bit of my impressions of bangladesh - very basic and perhaps a little dangerous.

- The sex scene is definitely bigger in Thailand.

- Apart from natural vistas, Im betting Thailand has a lot more sites to see.

- The guy who made those vids thinks the same, for newbies, thailand is easier to maneuver around.

- The cost is the same, but the Philippines  has a GDP per capita 1/3 as large. Wtf?

- I read that the hookers speak OK english.

- Plenty more people, even on loveshy.com that have been there.


- English is a major plus, especially wife-wise.

- Winston Wu lives there, and I think he would be an interesting person to meet, and perhaps get a little hand holding from for newbies.

I just don't know which would be better with no on the ground experience, I just thought Thailand reflexively. Good news is they are close together, so if this ever happens, there is always the option to visit both.
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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

J. Donner
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Unfortunately, there's strict rules regarding active duty military traveling in and out of Mexico, and my command pretty much forbids it. So, if I'm to be on this trip, it would have to wait until after I'm out, which should be sometime in December (but I still don't have an official date).
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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

Are you planning to stay in San Diego after you get out?
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Re: What does CoAlpha offer?

J. Donner
I'm starting an internship here soon, to fill the whitespace in my days, so if that goes well there is a small possibility I'll end up staying. I'm a pretty flexible person and I'm trying to gauge my options. There's a lot of people who've offered me places to stay in various spots around the country, so I'm not yet sure where I'll end up. (I have a solid fall-back in case nothing else goes through.)