Gentlemen, I continue to be perplexed why this war didn't occur! I have talked with Chinese and Russian and Indian males of all ages and they are unable to provide me with the answers for their countries' incompetence. Your opinions?? There will be some uncouth words and reference to lewd subjects. I will censor as much as possible and beg your pardon for broaching these subjects.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHY I BELIEVE FEMINISM HAS SPREAD WORLD-WIDE! A little about myself: I am 34 years old, a male and came to U.S.A. from Spain two-and-a-half decades years ago, as a child not 10 years old. That time, each nation was its own little world, culturally and technologically apart from each other because there were no computers, no mobile-phones, no internet, etc. I cannot speak Spanish but can speak english. [~} I do not believe in women's rights nonsense. Women must be home-schooled {(where they learn to be the perfect housewives and learn to cook and learn to read and write and learn rudimentary arithmetic, etc. so that they can manage the daily running of the household)}, they must not play sports, they must be properly attired, they should not work except if absolutely necessary and they certainly mustn't have any political-power in society! 99% of the world was like this even 50 years ago. Only in 1972 with the 'equal funding and equality in all areas' bill passed by the U.S.A. government did females have a chance to be a man's greatest enemy ~ which is a woman trying to be a man. Also, the sin of p**-marital re*ations and g**-rights and fa**book all the other filth that comes from feminism and females being prevalent in society by free-mixing with men and thereby polluting the male mind so that it can't think properly, are also reasons to despise evil women's rights nonsense. {~] When I was attending primary school in USA in the early '90s, feminism was definitely on the rise but controlled in mainstream society. It could have easily been arrested if the men wanted it to be. I noticed the change when attending college in 1998/1999. Suddenly, there was a MASSIVE push to promote female managers in the work-place, female scientists, female athletes, etc. Also, if one views the films on T.V. that were shown prior to 1998 or so, he will see mentally overbearing or 'physically strong' female characters only rarely. Again, abruptly in 1998 or so, EVERY woman was shown 'physically strong' and mentally masculine on T.V. and beating up men. Then things began going totally anti-male here on television and by 2003, one could see this translate into real-life results, with large hordes of women infesting places like Home-Depot, Ace Hardware, Wal-Mart, etc. If one goes to a large construction-goods store in U.S.A. now, he will see women with tattoos and muscular arms doing all the heavy lifting and stocking and using the pallet-pushers. The most alarming thing about this is, that hardly any men will be doing this work! They are doing something stupid like putting little paint-cans on the shelves. Again, a total role-reversal of the natural order of things. Same thing in the football stadiums. 80% of the audience in football games, especially at college, is female. These women will be screaming and acting so manly. In the city where I live, the loudest, screeching-type music blaring from cars and apartments is by women. I can write for hours on this by giving countless examples. Another one is cars. Drive down ANY road in U.S.A. and the women all have posh cars with the latest electronics while the men are driving almost broken-down vehicles. For every 1 Mercedes car that is male-owned, you will only see 10 females driving a Mercedes. It is absolutely clear that U.S.A. has become a matriarchal society in the last 15 years. Which means, female-dominated. However, this is not in the traditional sense where many 'rich women' in Rome and certain African and Red-Indian tribes, etc. would have male-workers getting money for working under them. The American society of the last 15 years is where the women are actually men but inside women's bodies. This is the FIRST time in history that it's happened. Every woman in U.S.A. is basically a man in a woman's body. She thinks, talks, looks, walks and acts like a man. Even her actual body is looking manly now. It is disgusting. But the really alarming thing about U.S.A. is, since it's still at the forefront of technology, all sorts of strange experiments are being conducted here by women now. There is active research going on in how to make men pregnant! And a recent genetic paper had the female scientists saying 'It's kind of funny to see that men may be going extinct'. The women in U.S.A. have gone so mad, they wish to be men and eradicate the men made by God. IF ANYONE THINKS I'M EXAGGERATING, he is in serious delusion. As hard to acknowledge as this is and as quickly as this has happened, it has happened. Through a combination of technology and circumstances, the conditions are absolutely ripe that mankind himself is in mortal danger. The worst part of all this is, all the men are helping these insane women do these experiments. The men actively promoted feminism in U.S.A. the last 30 years as a social-experiment and to make money from women being in the economy, and now we've got an experiment that's gotten out of control and that's nothing less than the devil himself could concoct. The U.S.A. and western nations are in serious decline economically, but if anyone thinks that even after it collapses, things will be any different for men here, he is lying to himself. Feminism, spurred on by men-hating males, is the basis of society in the western nations. Unless completely eradicated, the structure of the society has become matriarchal in U.S.A. and many western nations. Even if eradicated, the previous structure is what one remembers when constructing the next society. It may well be 2,000 years before any sort of change happens in western-based societies, even if they are living on Neptune or Uranus. About 20 years ago, the world started becoming very small. Between 1995 and 2000, the traditional enemies of the West, Russia and China and India {(with very strong patriarchal cultures just like U.S.A. was half a century ago)} came into large-scale contact with American culture due to the internet and satellite-television and mobile-phones. If Russia, India or China {(needn't have been all 3 ~ if just 1 had declared feminism to be evil)} had been repulsed AS SOON AS CULTURAL CONTACT WAS MADE by the modern Western man's ideas on females, I am certain a coalition would have formed against feminist-promoting nations and anti-feminist ones. The sides may have been ~ America/U.K./Europe/Canada/Australia {versus} Russia/China/India/most of the Middle-East/Africa. Obviously this may have varied and actual war may not have occurred but it's highly likely war, not simply a 'cold-war', would have inevitably happened as these other nations caught up economically like they have in the last 20 years. However, for some odd reason, this didn't happen. China and Russia and India gladly accepted Western culture in every form and so feminism has spread world-wide. WHY DID THIS WAR THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE BIGGEST OF ALL WARS SO FAR IN MANKIND'S HISTORY {(AND ONE TRULY WORLD-WIDE!!)} NOT OCCUR??? IT WOULD HAVE ENDED SO MANY EVILS! THE PRINCIPAL POWERS ON BOTH SIDES WOULD HAVE BEEN QUITE EQUALLY MATCHED! AND I'M SURE TRUTH IS ON THE SIDE OF ANTI-FEMINISM, FOR THE REASONS GIVEN BELOW. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHY I BELIEVE FEMINISM IS THE PUREST EVIL! ~ [~} Why would a man want 'strong' females?? If females are 'strong' {(mentally and physically like males)}, then why are there two genders?? [~} It leads to p**-marital re*ations, which is a SIN! If males and females are mixing, the male will pursue the female as a dog's instinct's attract it to a bone ~ also, the females become well-aware of this and their egos become the size of homes. Finally, the male doesn't concentrate on his studies and valuable part of his learning-time is lost. This also allows the females to usurp his political power. [~} Females tend to be slightly less logical if left on their own. This leads them to do STUPID things like think that g*y-rights is not immoral. This is also a sin. Societies then have their faiths destroyed by p**-marital re*ations and g*y-rights sins! [~} The more information one fills a female's brain with, the more masculine she becomes. Violence and other subjects that females should feel some compunctions at discussing become normal for her. She becomes comfortable discussing anything openly. The vital feminine trait of feeling shy that women express is then lost forever. Again, why would any male want this?? [~} Why should females be improperly dressed?? If her upper and lower body are not covered then it means men she is not married to can view her. Also, her father and mother and family relatives shouldn't be comfortable with knowing their daughters are being viewed like this by the public's males. [~} If females are self-sufficient then a male's self-worth declines. It makes men feel useless and they feel purposeless. Males want to have a wife to look after and this motivates them. A female's motivation should be to be a pillar for her husband. All cultures arising isolated from each other since time-immemorial came to this conclusion. [~} Females give birth and so have maternal instincts. Mother-hood is natural to them. They can be trained to be like males but why would one want that? Also, for healthy males, it's important to have a gender TOTALLY DIFFERENT from us that can be a counter-balance to our more dominating and aggressive behaviour. [~} It is abnormal for a woman to have any sort of power over a man. If she has political-power over a man, he feels as if an inferior being is ruling him. For a male, this is tantamount to a female being ra*ed. Imagine every female in the world feeling this way 24 hours a day for the rest of her life. This is what normal men feel when a female decides their futures. [~} I want to feel abashed and ashamed around females. If there is a uni-gender society then it is impossible to do that. Male-female friendship is an example of this problem. All men have female friends now and this is WRONG! Men should have only male friends and females should only have women friends. |
Anatol, I mostly agree with what your wrote here. One minor issue is that I think there have been other cultures where women were as bad as America today. For example: Or Juvenal on Rome: ----------------------- with thirst enough to drink off the vessel containing full three gallons which is laid at her feet, and from which she tosses off a couple of pints before her dinner to create a raging appetite; then she brings it all up again and souses the floor with the washings of her inside. The stream runs over the marble pavement; the gilt basin reeks of Falernian, for she drinks and vomits like a big snake that has tumbled into a vat. The sickened husband closes his eyes and so keeps down his bile. ----------------------- But the important question here is why did it spread, why no war. I think the answer is simple, that in the past when cultural transmission was local, culture mostly spread by physical conquest. But now with global communication, culture spreads without physical conquest, so countries are culturally conquered without even knowing what is happening. This is why I insist that only a strong religion that rejects modern culture has any hope for the future. |
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