I think what most modernists don't understand is that slut-like behavior is very self-destructive. And oftentimes, they discourage slut shaming because they are feminist liberals. Within less feminized cultures, there is much more of stigma against sluts. Slut shaming works because it helps to distinguish good women from bad women. What the feminists want to do is to encourage good women to be bad women and for bad women to be considered to be good women. With the conflation between slutty women and wife material women, the feminists are just grouping and categorizing all women into the ideal feminist woman rather than people as individuals.
Monogamy is ideal, but at the same time, society should separate women into who are ideal wives and women who are ideal whores and girlfriends.
A slut will always be a slut, she cannot be a good wife because there is a high risk that she will betray her husband just because he does not satisfy her sexually. Marriage today in feminist societies is such a scam for decent men to have their lives ruined by filth-ridden feminists. By discouraging prostitution, it only serves for the feminist agenda to turn all decent women into whores and to pretend all whores are decent women.
But above all, in order for a utopian society to exist, there should be a need for all men to cooperate and work on something together. Liberalism encourages strife and destruction, and therefore is not conductive to an ideal society in anyway. If people cannot agree together, then why bother cooperating, why bother even maintaining civilization? American culture is hardly the ideal culture mainly because it encourages people to destroy each other rather than to cooperate with each other.