The co-alpha concept would imply that it is necessary for groups of decent people to separate themselves from degenerate mainstream society in some way. There are various ways they might go about this. Here are a few I can think of.
1. Moving abroad separation. Go live in a less degenerate foreign country. 2. Social separation. Form a separate social group that supports and protects each other in various ways, such as street gangs or some religious groups. 3. Neighborhood separation. Go and live in a gated community, isolated town or neighborhood with like-minded people. 4. Mobile separation. Travel around with like minded people so you don't put down roots within the degenerate society of any particular place in the manner of Gypsies. 5. Family separation. Live in close proximity as a large extended family that supports each other, as used to be the norm. 6. Environmental separation. Go and live in a society adapted for a particular environment, in the manner of Arctic tribes. There may be more. I'm not sure which of these is currently the most practical. |
I'll summarize how practical I find each option. I suggest others do the same. We can cross compare notes and see where mutual interests align.
1. I have employment opportunities in China but nowhere else. Local culture will be what separates you from America. Chinese culture is less degenerate but it's by no means a society to emulate. I don't think you can import any culture. I guess English teaching jobs are an option, but the pay is low so it's hard to start a family. 2. Social separation requires close proximity just like family separation. I don't see how these differ. 3. Gated communities are expensive and the architecture is usually garbage. They lack mixed used zoning, which results in single-use unhealthy suburbs. I think it's more important to live close than to live in total isolation. The average joe will still need to leave a gated community for work, grocery shopping etc. I knew a few people who lived in gated communities and they were always depressed. 4. This requires saving up an excess of funds, working online or having a mobile trade. This isn't sustainable for myself. 5. I live in the Bay Area and fschmidt plans to move here to buy a farm. If he goes through with this we will be doing this arrangement soon. I think this is the most practical option. If anyone has interest in joining us we can start another thread on that. 6. This is a low quality of life. I want to separate from modern culture but I don't want to separate from modern conveniences like warm showers. My guess is most people won't sacrifice modern conveniences. |
I thought about this and there is another type of separation that's actually much more powerful. This is language.
I haven't played MMORPG's for many years (there aren't any good ones anymore), but when I last played I was in a role playing group. All of the people whom I played with were English speakers. Our group wasn't very competitive but we had a lot of cohesion because we used a made up language. We basically borrowed a few words from Tolkien and then spoke broken English for the rest. We were able to create our own distinct culture in the game. This is probably one reason why orthodox Jews do so well, they have Hebrew. No liberal is going to learn Hebrew just to spread their liberal hate speech. If someone only speaks Hebrew they're much safer from modern culture. I was told that the Esperanto language was an attempt at fostering world peace. I guess that's a pacifist separation movement. |
In reply to this post by Cornfed
Social separation and neighborhood separation tend to go together since members of groups that are socially separate tend to live near each other. I think this combination is the most practical solution.
In reply to this post by Cornfed
Drealm's language argument is a good one.
De-Feminized English: You can't really expect people to learn another language just because of feminism, however a De-Feminized English Dictionary would definitely appeal and you could sell it as a new form of political correctness. So I'm suggesting that the expansion of the English language may be an indication of deterioration of the culture. Instead you might reduce the words used and label some words as unacceptable, and there is a mechanism for doing so - swear words. Swear words are remembered on the basis of their form being generally sexual. Slang terms for body parts, words that describe sexual malpractice or the results of infidelity (bastards). As feminism is largely concerned with sexuality many of their terms may be suggested to be swear words. Transgender - would be a swear word, the politically correct term would be Unisex and is a term that would probably be agreeable to muslims. Words like Gay, Queer, etc are clearly swear words as they are used to insult people and are to do with sexuality. Feminism - Strange women who swear a lot, would be an apt definition. Any word that refers to a concept or practice that is rejected would be excluded from the language. These words would not be kosha (koalpha), and I do not say that lightly. Even the term Koalpha points to the Alphabet. A Koalpha Dictionary could easily make it into a child's collection of school books, and if you sell it you get to make money. You would basically use all of the feminist literature to identify and remove all of their invented terms from the English language. You would need a special section devoted to non-koalpha words and people would need to be corrected everytime they used a banned word. You might develop that as a non violent campaign strategy. You might turn the tables on the feminists and declare their language to be racist and prejudiced against Normal people. People who then spoke in these new politically correct ways would be immediately identifiable in much the same way that Freemasons also use carefully squared off words. Given the nature of feminism in general they have provided much ammunition that can be used against them. So I think that some kind of modified language based on English is required. This is also quite common with other races. The blacks who use the term Axe instead of Ask is a very clear expression of their culture, just as the modern culture use abbrieviations for Text messages. There is a sense that some degree of isolation can be achieved with slight variations of language. For example I have been accused of being female because of the way that I write, then you have accents - the same words are used but it's as though they are spelt differently judging from the pronounciation, and then these pople are viewed as outsiders because they talk funny, but they then recognise each other because of having the same accent. You might then produce a better Dictionary, but every word excluded would be an objection to that behaviour. It presupposes that no one would object. Would Equality be a swear word or not? |
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