OK so it would seem that today's tech startups are basically an excuse to steal pension funds. In this I wish them well, as the baby boomers don't deserve to have any pensions, but the trouble is that the resources will still not go to the men who really deserve them.
In reply to this post by fschmidt
And when the West tries to develop something new that actually needs work, this happens: On the plus side, we can look forward to America losing more wars. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
There is nothing that screams "douchebag" more than these "tech entrepreneurs"/HIPSTER FOOLS that fill the internet, especially social networks today. And of course the streets of New York and most other cities. Don't think Europe is much different than the US in this - unfortunately, America is the cultural lord nowadays.
I judge from the video's static cover frame, because I am not willing to view it - seen already enough TED douchebaggery. I am judging by the cover, as these people WANT to be judged from their cover - haircut, shades, crazy jacket and all. I am afraid to hear his message. Also, "rap" is awful to me - low culture. I could be mistaken, he could individually be a good guy or a genius (I can also think of TWO "rappers" whom I wouldn't call "stupid" even though I simply dislike the genre), but I have no time to carefully assess each cover I examine. We know the category of people I'm speaking about, and that is sufficient. Tech hipsters are fools because they abandon reason and objective truth, mortify words like "innovation" and "progress" since they are only using them for their own vanity and not because they could or want to truly bring them about, are incredibly self absorbed to the point of mental illness (NPD to begin), and are all around lost souls lacking wisdom and insight. That's all that we should know. therefore: "Let us pray that the Jihadists put an end to this culture. " I have prayed for that for a decade, then I asked for time because I still needed to understand certain things. God seem to have answered my prayers (sort of kidding here)... It appears muslims (ISIS in particular) are after the west after all, and it could be painful for us all and one day I might get imprisoned by them and beaten to a pulp. It's not what I wish for myself but in terms of culture, I not only hope but I think it's evident that this is what's going to happen. Both west and east will mutually destroy each other in the end, and it won't take too long. So yeah, let's hope they put an end to this culture but I selfishly hope they give me some time I need to complete the projects I'd like to complete at this point, since I have always tried to bring out the best of myself, I actually care about "progress" and "innovation" in their highest sense, I would like to make my time on earth worth living and take advantage of the "wonderful" technology available. But the spiritual and mental collective condition is obviously degenerate and should have ended already. But it will, no doubt. And as you said in another post Schmidt, Islam culture is irrational as well and should disappear too, and is only a friend of mine in the sense that it's an enemy to western culture which I abhor. But surely I don't wish for an Islam dominated world and I don't think it's going to end up like that! This is my first post here and I see it's not much active but I prefer this to an overcrowded place full of douchebags like most forums nowadays. I see no failure...please keep it up and again, better alone than surrounded with fools. Of course it's not too active, Beyoncè's page on facebook is active, what do you expect. I commend the few people of reason who inhabit this place. I am glad I've read your posts and seen there is some intelligence on this planet after all. |
[~} This is also a result of feminism ~ all these things like rap-music, cursing, hippies being normal in business, etc. would have never become so ingrained into the culture if feminism hadn't disrupted the culture in U.S.A. {(and now the world)} 40 years ago. However, the modern Western man should be blamed totally ~ he never tried to crush feminism and only encouraged it. A TOTAL fool, just like the Chinese, Russian and Indian men who are copying him the previous 20 years!
I don't have much a problem with cursing, and I don't think prohibiting curses is productive or essential, for the rest I agree. Hippies are stupid in and for themselves, in or out of business. Sure that they do business is a sign of lack of standards and discipline that common sense requires. But it's not that "people in uniform" are those standards. That is just formality, what matter are standars of substance - both hippies and white collars can lack those.
Thus I am not a conservative either, but liberalism is losing all common sense. I am for a third way. I don't want the world to go back to how it was - I want it to actually evolve. Sure 50 years ago was better in many ways, but to be honest today is better than 50 years away in others. It was prohibited to be dressing anything different than "normal" 50 years ago. That's not good to me. But that doesn't mean I want everyone to have tattooes and stupid haircuts...that's just another form of extreme conformism, and as such it will be intolerant and far removed from actual FREEDOM. I just wanted to reply to the thread, didn't want to send Anatol a personal email by using the quote function. Sorry Anatol, was not intended. I just wanted to quote you as one does usually on forums. |
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