For the most part, I would say this is spot-on.
But here are my views: Humans are a depraved species that desire power at all costs. Without a set of ideals to build upon, civilization would not exist. After all, it was founded by men who have the best interests and ideals for each other. A civilization cannot exist without mutual cooperation between men. If all men were selfish and thought upon their own urges, we might as well be in hunter-gatherer bands hunting wild animals for food and gathering berries and fruits. It was patriarchy that set the trends from hunter-gathering to agriculture to manufacturing. By condemning patriarchy, we condemn the basic fabric of civilization itself. The sexual revolution itself has done far more harm than ever imagined. It has overturned the patriarchal structure of civilization and turned into a matriarchal catastrophe. Men can no longer be certain if they fathered a child or not. Everyone knows who is the mother, but not the father. It represents a regression a decline back into barbarity. Women instead lead the household and manage it as it were a tribe living somewhere in South America or Africa. A return to a decadent, corrupt society seems to indicate that civilization is collapsing. Modernized women are no longer proper women but are degraded whores and deserve to be treated as such. So it is not a false assumption whenever anyone says that modernized women are only good for sex, not marriage. Women are no longer wives but are simply broodmothers inept at raising any child at all. Men to them are not partners, but simply another sexual object where they only exist to deposit sperm into the human-like broodmother. Their children are nothing more than rats, providing no worth to human civilization. The amount of self-control most modernists have is none. They absolutely do not think of their actions and the results of them, preferring instant self-gratification. Everything that they think of is about their own self-gratification, not caring whether or not it affects someone else. The notion of self-improvement is non-existent as such people are content with their bleak reality. Ideally, relationships should be seen as a partnership and the assumption of natural roles. While previously relationships are seen as mutual partnerships bound by love and common interests, in modernist culture, there is no such thing. Everything is brutal, everything is a way to one-up one's 'partner'. Relationships are now determined by how much someone makes a woman's vagina wet or a man's penis hard. It is nothing more than pure estrus, pure lust rather than love. Such is the case of the blurring of the distinction between love and lust in modernist society. Craving for sex, along with the obvious notion of bread and circuses are the only things that drives modernist society, if it ever can be called a society by any means. Women and men alike are obsessed over penis size rather than the innate qualities of people. Women care about celebrities' sex lives while men obsess over football games and other sorts of trivial nonsense. That's the only thing that keeps modernist humans happy. More food and more entertainment, simply mere distractions from what is really going on. Monogamy is the ideal for both men and women, while men should have the freedom to have sex with whores, women who are not wife material. If the wife deprives her husband of sex and his right to create offspring, then the husband should go elsewhere and have sex with prostitutes and whores. How will we know society itself is absolutely impossible to save? When people think terms such as 'baby's daddy' and 'baby's momma' rather than husband and wife are normal terms. Modern religion is a mockery of religion and a true reflection of its society. From what I can say, it can only go downhill until people can wake up. Until then, we are only paving the way to our extinction with this notion of 'sexual liberation'. For the weak are always subjugated by the strong. |
Spenta, who are you? Do you have a blog or post to another forum? How did you find us?
I was a lurker on HA and on here for a while. HA didn't really appeal to me because most of its members were nauseatingly self-centered like much of modern society.
I was linked here from HA a while ago, but didn't become a member here until now. And no, I do not have a blog. |
In reply to this post by Spenta
Spenta, I am glad you joined. I enjoy your posts very much.
In reply to this post by Spenta
Another thing I like to add is that in Asia, women lead the families. Men exist as breadwinners and those who maintain the demesne of the household- that is pertaining to strict financial and property matters. Women however, have control over the families, more control than the men. I was told by my mother that if I marry one day, my wife should be the one to manage the house like she did. But unlike the west, the genders have defined roles. There are women who are meant to be brides and women who are meant to be whores. In the liberal, modernist west, there is a conflation between the two, so as a result most men in the liberal west end up marrying women who act like whores but think they are brides.
Liberals want to destroy civilization and society. They want to destroy the family and replace it with a mockery of single motherhood, adoption, cuckoldry and bastardy. Liberals are more malicious in the manner that they want to force their ideals down other peoples' throats. They want to legislate based on their own feelings, without considering the views of others who would inadvertently get hurt by such legislation. Liberals are chaotic, constantly wanting things to change on their own personal whim, for various aspects of the world to be conflated until it turns into a mongrel cesspool of chaos. Liberals do not give a damn about what happens to people, or the consequences of their actions as long as they get to destroy something. Conservatives, as it seem, do not want to return to the ways of old and want to maintain the status quo, even after the 'status quo' changes to suit liberal ends. Conservatives are slightly less malicious because they seem to accept and tolerate the shit that liberals often give them. They are no better than liberals in that regard. Many so-called conservatives, are often hypocrites. Many would secretly hire homosexual rent boys while publicly claiming to hate homosexuals. Conservatives often don't bother cleaning up the mess that the liberals have made. It seems to me that there is no hope for society. |
Yes, no hope for MAINSTREAM society. All of us agree on that. The question then is what to do about it. |
I would rather wait it out and watch modern society burn. People can claim how much society has progressed, when it has done nothing but the opposite. |
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