Thomas Jefferson quote

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Thomas Jefferson quote

"Were our state a pure democracy there would still be excluded from our deliberations women, who, to prevent depravation of morals and ambiguity of issues, should not mix promiscuously in gatherings of men."

America's founders were wise.
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Re: Thomas Jefferson quote

Uh, yeah.  They also excluded slaves from voting and, I think, non-landholders too.
Yup, they were wise no doubt, but fortunately that was not the pinnacle of our Nation's wisdom, and most of us have learned from all the intervening history and surpassed our forefathers in wisdom.
Most of us......
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Re: Thomas Jefferson quote

He's talking about "gatherings" and "deliberations", not about voting.  And of course slavery has no relevance whatsoever here, although the progressive (i.e. big government) set never fails to bring it up in response to any mention of the Founding Fathers.

The point is, men need regular, exclusive meetings among themselves to air out issues and chart courses of action.  This idea was recognized up until fairly recently in our history with single-sex schools and clubs.  When women have to be included in every group, men lose their separate identities and civilization starts to crumble.

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Re: Thomas Jefferson quote

You may be right, I don't have the context of this quote.  Do you know where it is from?

If course I agree that men need to be able to meet separately.  This is why I am looking at religions that separate men and women.  Conservative religions seems to be the last vestige of this.
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Re: Thomas Jefferson quote

I was just taking the words from the part you quoted.  There's more of the quote, and a reference, at

The context does seem to indicate that he doesn't think women should have the right to vote.  But government was so much smaller and more limited in that era that I would interpret the passage as saying more about the private clubs and associations of today than about government.  Above all, Jefferson would be appalled at the tremendous growth in government power in the past 100 years.  Whether this phenomenon is caused, in part, by female suffrage, would be an interesting topic in itself.

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Re: Thomas Jefferson quote

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“When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.” - Thomas Jefferson

Dams and the hydroelectric power stations that accompany them are being destroyed under phony environmental concerns.
The process in part achieves rural depopulation and increases the cost of rural habitation so that only the rich can live beyond the cities and suburbs:

Also, you can't set up a local currency or coupons that can be used as money locally as the bankers will have the Federal government crack down on the practice, citing the Constitutional provision that only Congress can issue money (a provision the government never applies against the bankers, but the Courts won’t regard this as a valid excuse).

Rural, independent, self-sufficient communities are clearly the biggest threat to the current system and that's why the government cracks down on them.