The western woman speaketh (POF profile)

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The western woman speaketh (POF profile)


"DO NOT MSG ME IF: u still live with ur mom, dont have a car or job, looking for ass, asking me to join ur std filled 3 or 4 whatever-some, sugar momma, rebound, just want me to be there so u can feed me bs because someone shitted on u so u have to sh*ton someone else to feel better about urself type of thing, and if u dont like country then go to Niagra falls and please do urself a favor and jump. If ur none of this then woopdy fu.cking do thats awesome! Screw the browny points then take turkey shots! but, yes i am drunk as i write this... I love my budlight!! Other then that id love to be in a committed relationship or simply be just be friend.. I love country men! Im young but im very mature for my age and i know what i want.. So dont hesitate to message me :)"
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Re: The western woman speaketh (POF profile)

^^^^ found this doozy of a profile on After reading I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry , can anyone really be that stupid? Notice how she says she is mature when it is clear she is anything but. This is case and point of women's total lack of self-awareness.