The sluts have no choice

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The sluts have no choice

I’m reposting this HA thread because it didn't attract much comment there and because it is one of my more sympathetic posts to Western sluts.

Many of us were conned into thinking that modern liberalism is about giving females the right to choose when they have sex. If they want to be sluts, that is their choice. If they want to be chaste until they are married and then remain faithful to their husbands, that is fine too. If at any given time they make bad choices, they can learn from their mistakes so in the end everyone is happy.

In fact, in practice nothing could be further from the truth. Liberalism in the context of modern society effectively imposes a wartime mass-rape situation on females, albeit by relatively subtle means.

Here is how the process works. Females derive virtually all their social status by virtue of their perceived sexual desirability. It follows that they will gain status by being associated with males of high sexual status and lose status by being associated with males of low sexual status. Therefore, over time, all females will gravitate to wanting to be sexually associated with a small percentage of males of high sexual status. As an aside, the males of high sexual status will largely be stupid assholes, given that they have high reproductive fitness in the context of modern society, as I explain in this thread.

It follows that every high status male will have several females pursuing him in order to derive social status by the interaction. Over time this means the males will feel inclined to demand immediate sex, since they will know that if one female doesn't give it up, another will. They will then be inclined to up the ante even further, demanding the most degrading sex acts that the Internet can cause them to come up with. In order to have any sexual status at all, which is to say in order to have any status at all, the females will have to play along.

Now, it is not within the female psyche to willingly forgo status and become a social outcast. This is not an option to the overwhelming majority of them. Therefore, once this process is in motion, they are simply along for the ride. They might have planned to be a virgin bride. They might hate every minute of every sex act they consent to. But if they need to do it to fit in, they will.

Hence Western females find themselves in a similar position to German females in 1945, when dim-witted Russian peasants were going around raping everyone in sight (or perhaps they have it a bit worse, given the suggestibility of Internet porn and their complicity in the process). What heavy artillery achieved then, liberalism backed by the resources of the state has achieved now. Effectively the females are being raped, not so much by the dirtbags sticking their dicks and what have you into their various orifices, but by the system and the sadistic animals behind it.

Well done libtards. This is the future you have bequeathed your daughters. If they do not currently have NO CHOICE but to submit to sex acts the likes of which you have never even dreamed of being performed on them by shitbags with retard-level IQs, then that soon will be their situation. Your values in action.
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Re: The sluts have no choice

I agree with the basic point here which is that it is almost inevitable that modern women become sluts and it isn't their fault.  But I would nitpick here about the use of words.  Rape technically involves the use of force, so technically rape isn't the right word here.  The point is simply that women can't resist social pressure, and social pressure in modern society causes women to become sluts.

I also don't really blame the liberals.  After all, they support women becoming sluts, so there is no contradiction in their actions.  So who do I blame?  I blame the men's rights types for continually blaming women for everything and not taking responsibility themselves.  All it would take to solve this problem is for 10 men to get together and form a small community that would apply the right social pressure on the women in their community.
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Re: The sluts have no choice

fschmidt wrote
I agree with the basic point here which is that it is almost inevitable that modern women become sluts and it isn't their fault.  But I would nitpick here about the use of words.  Rape technically involves the use of force, so technically rape isn't the right word here.  
That is why I use the qualifier "effectively". The point is that a situation similar to wartime sexual conditions was bound to occur whether the females would have previously wanted it to or not.

I also don't really blame the liberals.  After all, they support women becoming sluts, so there is no contradiction in their actions.
I think many liberals would have seriously envisaged the situation described in the first paragraph and would be genuinely horrified if they knew just how bad the real situation has become.

So who do I blame?  I blame the men's rights types for continually blaming women for everything and not taking responsibility themselves.  All it would take to solve this problem is for 10 men to get together and form a small community that would apply the right social pressure on the women in their community.
Yes, providing they could defend themselves from external persecution. A problem with most MRAs is that they buy into the ridiculous fantasy that females can make conscious decisions and should be treated like men, and then blame the females for the predictably disastrous consequences of this fantasy.