Merry Christmas I guess. Since this site is about progress and growth, I figured I'd ask what everyone's plans for 2015 are. How are you all going to change for the better? If you haven't thought about it, now is the time. Every year I do an introspective annual review. You know, where I reflect on the previous year. What was good. What sucked arse. What could've been better. The second half of the annual review is a "planning" stage where I set up a way to make the next year as good as I can manage. 2014 was . . . decent. I dared to be more assertive and commanding, focusing on myself instead of other people. For the most part, I did that. It still sucked though. I haven't exactly mapped out 2015 yet, but I'm workin' on it!
So tell me, what do YOU have planned for 2015? What was 2014 like for you? |
Hi Indefatigable,
As you probably realise this is a right wing forum and these guys are hostile - mostly. So they will tend to accuse you (indeed anyone) of being a troll as they did me, and it's real curious that they come up with such stuff but presumably it's cos they're right wing. Don't let it worry you. Most people here will not change for the better and have no plans to do so. I am currently learning the Pandeiro which is a Brazilian Tambourine/Drum, studying the rhythms and practicing to develop the muscles. I'm also producing music at 60 beats per minute to study the impact on the brain. 2014 has been an interesting year with lots of important discoveries. I continue to study Elliot Rodger to determine solutions. I suspect that many people may change for the worse, but 2015 is the year that more information is supposed to be given concerning ET and we have seen quite a lot in recent months leading in that direction. Something new would be a real game changer for a lot of people. Potentially lots of new technology may emerge. |
Yeah. I figured the irrationality stemmed from somewhere. What's funny is that this place was live when I was trying to join with accusations of "troll", yet when I asked for proof, it became a ghost town. These are grown men though. I don't think they're petty (yet). I just think they're misguided. Maybe even bitter. We'll see where this journey takes us. Isn't it sad? I try to better myself everyday, not just on a certain day of year. As said before, I joined this site to continue to grow as an individual. Sadly, this site is looking to be an extension of other failed ones like HA. Yes, I know of HA. Did a little digging when I was accused of trolling it. The forum is nothing special from what I gathered. But whatever. Why do you study Elliot Rodger, if I may ask? Hm? ET? Not sure what you're talking about. |
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