I'm reposting this HA thread as it, if refined, it might serve as an example of a belief system that could be implicity believed by some, others could act as if it were true, and in this way it could inform people to live more productive lives within a functional community.
******************** Right now the state religion in the West - post Christian secular humanism, or what ever you want to call it - is about the worst religion possible and is guaranteed to bring about our actual physical extinction if we don't rid ourselves of it. It is basically all the bad bits of the slave/feminine death cult of Christianity without the advantage of any unifying belief in a cause outside of ourselves. All of the evils of the current Western mentality - feminism, passivity, multiculturalism, moral universalism, self-hatred, the setting up of the worthless and tearing down of the worthwhile etc. - are really just the logical upshot of Christian teaching. What we want is a religion that is a gets talented people (white men, generally) to do useful, creative stuff in their daily lives, while instructing less talented people to act in supporting roles or stay out of the way. Since I don't know of any ancient religion that fits the bill, I thought I would try to start a new one. Lets call it Extropianism. I propose the God of this religion should be the male creative principle personified who seeded the passive feminine void with harmonic vibrations, thereby bringing order out of chaos. Though pure idea in nature, some of these harmonic vibrations manifest themselves to us as solid objects. In this way the mind of God permeates the entire universe. He seeded the void in the past on our perceived timeline and the universe is proceeding to a perfect harmonic endstate in our perceived future. In this way God becomes self-aware in the act of the endstate’s creation and, having created the Universe, is himself created by the Universe. (Versions of this interpretation have been expressed by various mystics and cosmologists). The anti-principle to God is the feminine Chaos Spirit or entropy personified or whatever you call it. Entropy is constantly trying to pull apart God’s creations and restore chaos, and so is what we would call evil. On the other hand, its existence is necessary to act as a substrate for creative seeding and it can be useful in pruning back slightly misplaced creativity in preparation for more successful attempts, thereby doing God’s work (the duality of opposites and such). It therefore follows that the process of intelligent creation is a sacred act, whether it be in creating an aesthetic body, healthy children, computer programs or cohesive families. Intelligent white Aryan men were made in the image of God, in the sense that we embody His creative energy. Other races have taken the creative process as far as they can, but now the baton has been passed to us. It follows that in order to fulfill our sacred duties we are entitled to claim any resources we need, which lesser mortals must duly relinquish, and that others owe us all due support. When we discover stuff doing science or whatever we are not merely discovering what is already there, but we are changing the nature of the universe and bringing it to a more cohesive state. Even if our creations seem not to last physically, we have updated the database that is the Universe, thus making it easier for other similar creations to be brought about later (which explains "morphic resonance"). Time is a subjectively imposed ordering which we perceive due to the fact that we are gaining complexity on our perceived timeline. The Universe is fixed in a timeless instant, and hence the battle against chaos has already been won and the perfect harmonious endstate (God) already exists. Hence from our point of view we are fated. However, it is also true to say that what we do in our perceived present determines our fate. If we do stuff that adds to the cohesion and elegance of future states then we make ourselves integral to the future cohesive endstate. Hence the information we call "us" is carried forward and we do not experience death. Defective and non-creative individuals can't be integrated into future harmonious states and so their information is pulled apart and recycled, and they cease to exist. Women are part of the background substrate for the creative energies of men, and as such they should shun all active roles (which, as we know, they perform very poorly) and focus on providing a suitable substrate for men’s creative energies, particularly by birthing healthy male children. By thus being indirectly creative they can, over generations acquire a soul, be made male and thus experience immortality. Men should strive to keep control over women since, as inherently chaotic beings far removed from God, they are the weak point in society prone to destructive, entropic behavior at the slightest provocation. Regarding social organization, the position would be that it is a case of biological vs. coercive organization. Hunter-gatherer tribes enjoyed a form of perfect harmonious biological organization. However, they represented a local maximum in terms of extropian development, since they lacked the scale and incentive to develop necessary to bring further order to the Universe. Then came coercively imposed agricultural society (the Biblical Fall), which is basically when the rulers force dysfunctionality and dissonance on a group of people in order to parasitize them. Though undesirable in and of itself, this was a necessary part of God’s plan to overcome the local maximum. What tends to happen is that society oscillates between some degree of biological and some degree of coercive organization (with modern Western society being at the extreme pole of the latter). In general, whenever a surplus is created this is used by the elite to further erode the biological basis of society in order to grab more power and control for themselves. This in turn eventually undermines the productive potential of society leading to collapse and regression. What we should be doing is attempting to have the best of both worlds – have a harmonious biologically integrated society where it is still possible to organize on a large scale and generate a surplus to spend on further creativity. This involves basing society on a network of extended families that share a resource base and enjoy some degree of autarchy. These in turn would be linked by intermarriage to form local communities, which would in turn be linked to form larger communities, which in turn would form nations. The ethos within a nation would be that as literally one big family we are all in this together and should all play our part in bettering the whole. In this way the Marxist idea of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need", which is obviously the most efficient setup, would be somewhat implementable. For folklore, this religion could make use of the more esoteric Christian teachings such as the Gospel of Thomas (which could be interpreted as supporting the same world view) as well as the heroic literature of winner cultures like the Norse, ancient Greeks and Anglo-Saxons. |
I think it's worth linking to the thread on HA:
http://www.happierabroad.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16153 A few questions: How much of this do you think people with average IQs would be capable of understanding? What is your holy text? Or do you think a religion can be sustained without a holy text? How are you tying beliefs to action? In other words, how do you prevent average members from nodding in agreement and then going out and stabbing each other in the back? |
I would think such ideas would be reasonably comprehensible to the average person if they were simplified and the implications explicitly spelled out. True believers would behave morally because they would have a sense of shared enterprise outside of themselves, would expect Earthly reward in the sense of creating intrinsically satisfying entities (quality families etc.) and would want to strive to be essential to future more complex states so that their essence would be recycled somewhat whole and they would therefore achieve immortality. The more useful creative stuff they do the more reason they would expect to cross over whole. For a sacred text, perhaps the idea would be to explicitly spell out the gist of the religion and its behavioral implications and then co-opt some sort of Gnostic text or something like Tolkien's The Silmarillion. Priests could fill in the blanks.
In reply to this post by Cornfed
I did a search and I only found two truly "new" religions. Everything else is a splinter of Christianity or Judaism. These are Scientology and Raëlism.
I think what makes Scientology and Raëlism successful is their fantasy narratives are geared towards technology and extraterrestrials instead of magic and supernatural beings. Both narratives serve the same effect by borrowing fantasy themes representative of their own time. If I was going to start a new religion, I would hire a writer to create a narrative around technology, extraterrestrials and conspiracies. The religious practices wouldn't in any way meet the definition of the scientific method, but I would obfuscate all of the language in heavy scientific jargon. |
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