If you want to know how bad things can get, read this short book (124 pages) available from Amazon. It is well written (unlike most classics) and easy to read. It describes the post-feminist hell of the Byzantine Empire. I had thought that the collapse of a society ends feminism, but having just read this book, I am forced to change my view. A society needs not just to collapse economically, it needs to overrun by another culture. The Byzantine Empire was an economic basket case, but feminism continued on amid economic misery. The empress was a whore and a slut and she made sure life was miserable for virtually all men. She and the emperor, Justinian, passed laws for the first time against prostitution, even though that was her previous profession. Here is brief quote from the book:
----------------------------------------------- The ladies of the court at this time were nearly all of abandoned morals. They ran no risk in being faithless to their husbands, as the sin brought no penalty: even if caught in the act, they were unpunished, for all they had to do was to go to the Empress, claim the charge was not proven, and start a countersuit against their husbands. The latter, defeated without a trial, had to pay a fine of twice the dower, and were usually whipped and sent to prison; and the next time they saw their adulterous wives again, the ladies would be daintily entertaining their lovers more openly than ever. Indeed, many of the latter gained promotion and pay for their amorous services. After one such experience, most men who suffered these outrages from their wives preferred thereafter to be complaisant instead of being whipped, and gave them every liberty rather than seem to be spying on their affairs. ----------------------------------------------- This was in the mid-500s. This sounds familiar, but what is different is that it happened amid chaos and poverty. I think this book gives a good idea of what America will look like in the latter half of this century. |
Getting it. Short book in english, I can read.
But what does this do to your Latin America is a post game culture theories - if economic poverty doesn't make women behave and value non-seduction/stable/provider/non looks(?) men? |
I'm not sure. I guess what matters more than economic poverty is the power of the government. In the Byzantine Empire, the government was still powerful enough to enforce feminist policies. I am not sure whether Latin American governments can do this. I have heard Mexico is now trying to enforce feminist law, but I don't know how well this works. What I have changed my mind about most is the future of America which I think will continue to suffer from feminism for a long time. My old reasoning was that women will go for the optimal men evolutionarily, and it is clear that the Byzantine Empire was a bad-boy dominated culture, even worse than America. In America, the bad-boys are still at the bottom of society, but in the Byzantine Empire, bad-boys literally ruled. So in such a culture, women will clearly prefer them. Latin America seems more neutral. I guess one just has to study history and judge each culture as best one can. |
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