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In my search for places to advertise the CoAlpha Brotherhood, I recently re-joined Mensa so I could post to the American Mensa forum. I thought that Americans with slightly above average IQs should be tolerant to alternative views. I was wrong. All I got was insults. But interestingly, I posted even harsher things on this same forum just four years ago and I got fairly reasonable responses. So while American women have been horrible for some time now, it seems that it has only been very recently that American men have dropped to this level. I have traveled widely and I have to say that modern American men are the worst in the world. Luckily, I live in El Paso, Texas where most people are Mexican and the few Americans are the old-fashioned kind that I like.
American men today are shallow and emotionally insecure. They are self-righteous and attack anything that they don't agree with. But instead of attacking a position on its merits using logic and facts, they inevitably resort to personal attacks. They cannot tolerate criticism or anything that threatens their fragile egos. So why have American men become so horrible? I think one reason is that American men are the most undersexed in the world. Even if they aren't incel, most single men get sex far less often than they would like. The most sexually successful men in America tend to be assholes naturally, since this is what American women are attracted too. Married men in America are often sexually deprived by their wives (which is insane, of course). Undersexed men tend to be cranky to begin with. But worse, such men become highly status conscious because they subconsciously understand that status is critical to mating success. This is why they have such fragile egos and why they take the slightest criticism so personally. A second reason that American men have become horrible is that American women prefer men who are scum to good men, and so men are effectively trained by women to become scum. This is also subconscious. Men naturally modify their behavior to appeal to women even if they aren't aware of the changes. In other countries, prostitution is a reasonable option. So men aren't nearly as undersexed. This also applies to married men because a wife will be much less likely to withhold sex if she knows that her husband can easily get it somewhere else. Much the same applies here in El Paso where prostitution is available just across the border and where there are plenty of Mexican women ready to take a frigid wife's place. The only thing I don't quite understand is the timing of all this. Why has this suddenly changed just in the last few years? Why have the majority of American men just recently become so horrible? Maybe someone who still lives in mainstream America has the answer. |
I would suggest that all you got was insults was because that is how YOU chose to interact with American Mensans
this comes verbatum from your bio as entered by you "I live in El Paso, Texas. Most people here are Mexicans, and the few Americans are the old-fashioned kind. I had forgotten how horrible modern Americans are, but my participation in this forum has reminded me. Americans are my least favorite people in the world. I must remember to avoid places, online or in real life, where modern Americans congregate." Most anyone will respond to insults with insults back at you particularly when you continue to engage in such uncivil behaviour. I suggest you tone down your attacks and you might see less attacks back. |
Jerry, I received the insults before I wrote that in my bio. I only wrote that in my bio after I received so many insults that I gave up on the American Mensa forum.
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Here's a modern American advert: |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
I have a few more anecdotes for this thread.
I was thrown out of the International Mensa forum for arguing that liberals are intolerant. The members of this forum were fairly reasonable but the moderators weren't. I assume that the moderators were American men, but I am not sure. You would think that a Mensan would see the obvious irony of banning someone for complaining about intolerance, but then maybe Mensans aren't so bright after all. Here is some more standard liberal intolerance. They prove my point nicely. And lastly, I was banned from Planet-Love which is a site about foreign dating. These guys (American men) are the new low, worse even than the former winners (atheists). First they lied to me, then they banned me, and then they posted all kinds of lies attacking me after I was unable to respond. I am more grateful than ever that I live in El Paso. I don't know how any decent person could tolerate living among Americans. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Is that man really "typical"? His IQ is probably well below average.
How have American men suddenly turned horrible and hopeless in the course of one generation? Certainly not dysgenics. And how will it help to bash them here? I also doubt that the hardcore liberal atheists on the Internet represent "typical Americans". As you have noted, the masses don't think for themselves, they merely follow their intellectual elite. Maybe, then, the problem is the cultural Marxist elite they are largely beholden to, and the failure of alternatives to organize and get favorable media coverage. |
The average IQ is pretty low everywhere. I don't think this guy is below average. What makes American men unique isn't low IQ or being wrong, it is being self-righteous about these things. And this is caused by their fragile egos that I discussed in the original post in this thread. Can you imagine a Mexican man standing there with a sign "Consigue un cerebro, idiotas. Viva Mexico."? No, the Mexican man has better things to do with his time, like eating, drinking, and chasing women. Only an American man would dedicate time to insulting people and making a spectacle of himself.
How have American men suddenly turned horrible and hopeless in the course of one generation? I could ask the same question about American women. It's a mistake to bash American women because each sex is just half of a culture. The whole American culture has gone down the drain. But men are more to blame because maintaining society and culture is men's responsibility. How does it help to bash American men here? It doesn't. It is purely my selfish venting. But it does no harm either because the CoAlpha approach isn't working anyway. Another approach is needed. I agree that hardcore liberal atheists aren't typical Americans. But do you think the guy in this picture is a hardcore liberal atheist? I don't think so, but he is part of the problem. Yes the hardcore liberal atheists created conditions that created monsters like the guy in the picture, but most Americans have become such monsters and it is too late for them. For moral men to have any chance, we must accept defeat. The hardcore liberal atheists have won the war. It is time to start over on a small scale and not worry about the masses. |
In reply to this post by Johannes
Hi jo...i reallly like the fake girlfriend web site
In reply to this post by Johannes
I like this fake girlfriend web site, too. Give me more of this..
In reply to this post by fschmidt
I live in East Tennessee and I have a few friends who are smart and moral. I also meet a lot of other decent guys in my day to day life . There are lots of idiots though...... And don't get me started on the women though.... Southern women are a nightmare as they are just as nasty as the typical feminist women but view themselves as old fashioned Christian princesses. They are disgusting.
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You are lucky to have found good friends in America. I had no such luck. Low quality American women are not such a problem because quality women can be imported. See my post Dating Solutions .
In reply to this post by fschmidt
I was banned from Planet-Love is great, great name and great content.
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