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It is worth thinking about the cause of the problem in order to choose the right solution. For example, if you think the cause of the problem is that you are too fat, then the obvious solution is to lose weight. I believe that the primary cause of the problem for most men is feminism, which would indicate that the solution is to look for women in non-feminist countries. I will explain why I believe this.
Feminism "liberated" women from monogamy, leading to a promiscuous culture. But men and women are not the same. A man in the top 20% in attractiveness would be willing to have sex with 80% of the women. But a woman in the top 20% would most certainly not be willing to have sex with 80% of the men. This difference has as a practical result that the top 20% of the men really do have sex with 80% of the women. Men have an almost unlimited sexual appetite, so the top 20% of men are more than willing to have lots of sex and satisfy 80% of the women. Women will tend to focus only on the men they find attractive, and so they will all chase the top 20% of the men. I should clarify what I mean by "top". I only mean the top choices of the opposite sex. The top choices of women in feminist cultures often are bad-boys, so "top" hardly means best. In contrast to feminism is monogamous patriarchy, which is what we had before feminism. Such a culture is monogamous, and monogamy more or less guarantees that the vast majority of men will find wives, since members of each sex are simply paired off. Feminism has another negative effect besides promiscuity. This is that feminism pushes for the government to provide for women through affirmative action, alimony, child support, and other means. In traditional cultures, women are attracted to men who are "providers", but under feminism where the government plays this role, this is no longer true. Unfortunately, most non-feminist countries today aren't monogamous patriarchies either. They are fairly promiscuous. So why are they better? Because the second negative effect of feminism that I mentioned isn't there. Most of these countries are dysfunctional corrupt anarchies where the government cannot support feminist policies. So women in these countries do value providers, and this makes decent men much more attractive to women in these countries than they are to women in feminist countries. And as wives, foreign women will be more loyal because they appreciate the stability of decent men. As a forum post, I kept this short. But for more, please read Sexual Utopia in Power. |
So this leads me to ask two questions.
1. Are any monogamous patriarchies left? And if so, how realistic is it relocate to one of these places? 2. If non-feminist women only want providers, how rich does a man need to be to pick up a woman from the third world? I'd say a man needs to earn at least 50k a year to afford courting and marrying a foreign bride. It's for this reason that men below that 50k threshold will probably find renting women (prostitutes) more affordable than long term purchases (marriage). |
I think the best measure is the illegitimacy rate, and based on that, East Asia and Israel are okay if you fit into these places. If a woman is judging you based on your current income, then she is gold digger. A good woman looks for provider traits like being reliable, hard working, and intelligent. When I met my wife in Mexico, I was broke, but I was determined to make money. So I don't think you need a big salary to look for a foreign wife, especially if you are young. |
What about guys that are REALLY ugly in the face or really fat? Or do you think foreign dating works for everyone, no exceptions, no matter what you look like?
Advanced, no I don't think foreign dating works for everyone. In my original post, I said "I believe that the primary cause of the problem for MOST men is feminism". Everyone, including ugly guys, have a better chance of finding a girlfriend in a non-feminist place. But there is no guarantee.
Unlike in some other forums, here we can have a full debate about the importance of looks. Feel free to start a thread on this topic. |
In reply to this post by Advanced
As fschmidt wrote in the solutions thread, there's multiple solutions: I don't see why a person can't double up on solutions. Wouldn't this increase probability of success? |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Good posts, but another negative by product of feminism is the "war" and division it has created between the sexes.
By any chance Seb do you watch TFL (True Forced Lonliness) videos from Bill on youtube? He often refers to this division. |
Yes, I have watched many of the TFL Youtube videos, and whilst Bill and Dwayne can be overly conspiratorial, they are bang on the money with regards to the dysfunctional dating culture that exists in western societies.
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