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The Book of Bonecrker is a well known article describing the nature of American women. This article is written to explain to men what types of behavior attract American women. This article is well respected in the PUA world. Below are some of my favorite quotes from this article.
--------------- I’m tempted to say that American women are unable to recognize signs of status, power and high quality in men. But it’s not true. They know full well, what the deal is and purposefully choose the weak, psychotic, scum of the earth until they want a meal ticket. Real men are left without. --------------- --------------- Women find the quality of being an asshole to be very attractive and throw themselves at a guy like that……doubly so, if the guy is a dangerous asshole. Outside of this country, things are different. Assholeness is unattractive. This is part of the problem with American men. We’ve come to accept the twisted attitudes of American women and internalize them. Attractive men are going around thinking they are losers, while sick, unattractive men with bad BO are going around thinking they are God’s gift to women. --------------- --------------- “Badboys” are pussies, not alpha males. The easiest way to tell if a man is alpha is to observe if he has the respect and cooperation of other men, especially other men in general (i.e. he has power and respect in society, not just socially). You very rarely see a “badboy” meet these criteria. When you do, it’s usually an alpha fooling around to get laid. Alpha males don’t usually get the chicks. They get the best chick and she tends to stick around and beat the shit out of any other girls who come around. The multiple sex partner thing is the omega male’s gig. You usually see all sorts of deviant behavior going on, in addition to this. Although he is getting laid, he is powerless in relationships as well as every other aspect of his life. No one respects him, not even the psycho chicks who screw him. --------------- --------------- What DOES work, and what these and a lot of inexperienced guys get mixed up with this, is being evil. If you are the type of guy who gets drunk and acts like a jackass in public, expect a lot of dateless nights. But, if you are the type of guy who sells drugs, or gets drunk and beats a woman so badly she ends up in the hospital, or you’ve been arrested numerous times, or you are in a gang. These are the things that get you laid. --------------- |
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I finally finished this read. Thanks again for adding the whole resources section.
The following parts stood out to me: -- Fun things like rape come from two, related sources, both linked strongly to feminism. The first is a society being unable/unwilling to deal with scum. Strong, healthy patriarchal societies protect women and string rapists up under the nearest tree. They also, take a dim view of false rape allegations. When a society is sick, good men are unable/unwilling to dispense justice, and evil men are free to do bad things. But that pales in comparison to what happens in a society like ours where women actively select evil men, giving them preference above all others, especially rapists. Under these conditions, the number of evil men multiplies and are empowered. My thoughts: We can't win in a non-co-alpha society. And in a non-co-alpha society omegas multiply. -- When I say women are sick, I’m being facetious. There is nothing “wrong” with them and certainly, nothing is going on that they don’t have control over. They are being assholes in a way that looks like personality disorders. Actually, the whole idea of personality disorders is controversial. Because they are resistant to treatment and not well understood, some people don’t think they are actual disease. Personally, I DO think they are actual mental illness, because a person with such a diagnosis does not have strong, immediate control over the behavior (i.e., they can decide they’ve had enough but be unable to change). Women don’t fall into this category (mostly). Any woman, at any time, can accept the awareness of what the problem is and immediately correct it….gaining a happy and fulfilling life in the process. Most will NEVER accept that responsibility. The only way to effect this situation is to surround them with evidence of what the problem is (them). If, everywhere they look, there are happy, successful couples (American men married to foreign women), they might decide they want some of that. But probably not. What will happen is, their daughters will see it and won’t grow up the same way their mothers did. My thoughts: Women act better when in the presence of other good women. Children develop better values when seeing successful family arrangements. The only way to maintain a woman's value and raise the next generation of women is by surrounding them with good women. -- In retrospect, feral isn’t a good term. It implies that these people have returned to a wild, natural state, much like a pet will, if you abandon it. Savage is a better term. A good portion of what a human is (which is different from every other creature on the planet), is a matter of choice. When we raise children, we can choose to put good things or bad things into them. When they get older, they can choose what they bring into themselves. It’s been this way since homo-sapiens first swung down out of the trees and chose to live like men, not animals. We can choose to live like good men or bad men. Unlike animals, that choice isn’t made for us already, by our biology. It’s the source of our power and also the source of our folly……depending on the natural consequences of the choices we make. Increasingly, women are choosing to bring bad things into themselves and to pass on those bad things to their children. They look for men WHO WILL ASSIST THEM IN THIS TASK. At the very least, they shirk their responsibility to bring good things into themselves and put good things into children. Instead, they let random people influence themselves and their children. A lot of evil people, know about this, and seek to exploit this situation for various ends (for example, gangs, pimps, drug dealers, and other miscellaneous scum). My thoughts: I've encountered many women whom invest nothing in their children post-birth. They allow strangers, usually in the form of random sexual partners to influence their children. I consider this child abuse. -- Also, through various means, they have set up a system where a person can be a very low quality human being and still survive, even thrive and multiply. They have removed many of the perks a person gets for being a good person. My thoughts: This is the problem, there's no incentive to be a good man. All incentives are geared towards being bad men, because the system is run by omegas. A system run by alphas or betas incentives good behavior. -- women are something of a commodity with men. Without the depth of a relationship, one woman is pretty much as good as another. This is the very harsh price women pay for making relationships built on bullshit fantasy, exploitation and appearances rather than on depth, loyalty and commitment. My thoughts: This is wonderful description of the ugly side of feminism. When a woman's worth is reduced to her looks and other superficial features, her value plummets. Looks are a short term commodity than can only be traded in youth. As a woman grows older, it's other factors that keep her mate loyal. Feminism's advantage is in delaying the consequences of it commodification philosophy until middle age, if youthful liberal college girls new their fate going in they'd be more wary. -- I look forward to this section expanding. I check here regularly but have a limited amount of time for reading the contributions. I'll continue to look over the resources and respond when I have comments. |
Drealm, I agree with your thoughts. So now, what are you going to do about it?
My main point of concern with co-alpha brotherhood's viability still goes back to those first exchanges I had with you on the loveshy forums. The specific point I'm referring to is geography. I agree that even a group with only 100 men can create a successful sub-culture. However, I'm not convinced members can be widely geographically separated nor experience the benefits of group protection over an internet only medium.
I've yet to watch the movie "A Life Apart: Hasidism in America", but from the reviews I've read all of the Hasidic Jewish people live in the same area of New York. In fact that's part of their problem, is it not? They've settled into a neighborhood that's since gone down hill but are so deeply rooted in houses, businesses, temples, ect that should they move they'll definitely lose group cohesion. I think you can also provide valuable insight with your recent trip abroad. While any attempt at a co-alpha brotherhood is better than none, the viability goes up drastically if the surrounding environment is also co-alpha or at least less feminist. It's for this reason that I think geography and member location are the biggest factors in co-alpha brotherhood's success. I've done a fair amount of research on cults, cult-like groups and groups that just want to maintain an insular culture. I'm not advocating cult like practices, but the one commonality among all these groups is they concentrate members in the same area and limit contact with outsiders. A halfway solution to geographical separation would be having annual summits where we all meet. The more we're around each other, the more we reinforce values. |
Again I agree with you. So why don't you join and push the geography issue?
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