As I examine my future I see a problem that will be hard to reconcile. As much as I agree with fschmidt's findings that women outside the femisphere are the only good women left, this leaves me between two worlds. I'm forced to say goodbye to some of my heritage and forgo any hope in salvaging a culture that's betrayed itself.
You see my father is German and Estonian, he was born in Estonia and has a very northern European outlook. I admire the northern Europeans for many things. I think they're a very civilized people and in my father I see the best of a long line of northern Europeans coming to an end. My mother on the other hand is Mexican and Spanish. She's a completely different temperament and represents everything my father is not. Over the last years I grew to hate my mother. As I grew to hate my mother I also grew to hate who she was. I can't help but feel that my hatred for my mother is also a hatred for the culture she comes from. You see, where northern Europeans triumph in a stable, precise and rationalistic approach to life, hispanics sink and drown. As soon as we transgress to the hispanic world we meet chaos head on. This can be illustrated in the third world slum, which is all of latin america. I blame my mother's latin american makeup for all the chaos she caused in my early childhood. It was under my mother's temperamental hispanic influence that she divorced my father, tried taking his house and lost her business. Over the years I've come to associate my mothers carless behavior with her hispanic heritage and my father's precise rationalistic behavior with his northern European heritage. So I'm at a critical juncture. The last thing I want to do is marry a woman like my mother. Yet, I'm well aware that northern Europe has gone down the feminist drain just as fast as America. There's no such thing looking abroad for women in northern Europe. Men want to escape northern europe just as we want to escape america. Simply put, looking abroad means looking for non-whites. In acknowledging this, I have to choke back some tears, because I feel an entire culture and way of life is passing away. White women betrayed their culture. And in doing so, whites will eventually become a minority and then pass away all together. My only real choice at continuing a family line is with non whites. Yet this mean's I'll have to adopt another people's culture. This means I'll have to absorb into another society. This mean's I'll have to say goodbye all together to a part of my make up that I take pride in. Maybe whites deserve to perish. Any civilization that lets their women run wild, is one that's become weak. I wonder what a future will be like without whites. |
Every race that exists today is some mix of other races from the past. Races are always mixing and forming new combinations, so I don't care much about race. And I come from one of the oldest races, which is Jewish.
If you have an aesthetic preference for whites, then there are options. There is Russia and its neighbors. And there is Argentina, which is pure white. But these options won't give that Northern European level-headedness which is cultural, not racial. There are other level-headed cultures in a different way in East Asia, meaning Japan, Korea, and China. I just finished a book about the history is Islam. Just after Muhammad died, a bunch of unstable irrational nomadic Arabs conquered most of the known world and held it for over 500 years. And they beat a bunch of precise and rationalistic cultures in the process. In the end, what really matters is whether the men stick together and can trust each other. Hispanic societies are a mess because there is absolutely no trust between men in these places. America and Northern Europe are not far behind in this, and will sink just as far. So my point is that you are blaming hispanic failure on the wrong thing. My wife is Mexican and I picked Mexico because it is close. My wife has a typical Mexican temperament, and I am very glad about that. The reason is that I am not good at reading people. With my wife, this isn't an issue because with her temperament, I always know exactly where I stand and what issues I need to deal with. East Asian women are the opposite in this way, being very hard to read. I would have trouble with that. Northern European women may have a more stable temperament, but that doesn't make them rational. I don't think any women are really rational. The divorce rate is quite high in Northern Europe, so this stable temperamen isn't doing much for marriage. I am not happy with any culture, which is why I started CoAlpha. It isn't that farfetched to think we could start our own culture/race. In the past, new tribes formed all the time. In around 1220, about 400 families fled from Jenghis Khan, settled somewhere in Turkey, and formed a tribe. This tribe became cohesive and began conquering its neighbors and grew into the Ottoman Empire which was the most powerful nation in the West for a few hundred years. This just shows how big things start small and come from unexpected places. My preoccupation is entirely with culture, not race. |
Ideally I'd like to marry a woman who's Estonian or German. This desire isn't based on aesthetics, it's just a calculating move. You see, I feel homogeneity breeds stability. I grew up in an unstable household, caused in part by my mother and father's cultural clashes. I never want to return to such an unstable environment.
One reason I envy American hispanics and asians is because they can still look abroad to find a homogeneous wife. The white man is doomed to looking for people outside his culture. The white man will have to clash with another culture. Aside from my purely calculating desire for a homogeneous wife, there's another component. I don't think it's so easy to say goodbye to an entire culture. Yes we can rebuild our own culture and races are always shifting. But it takes centuries to build up a truly comprehensive culture. By culture I mean everything from a peoples folklore, art, food, geography, history, ect. These things aren't replaceable. I never think it's good to have a culture disappear from the world. A culture runs deeper than just it's people. When a culture dies, so do it's ideas, innovations and contributions. The world benefits from all ethnic cultures thriving and feeding off each other, not from a single culture replacing all others. So while I could find a white woman in Russia or Argentina, this will only meet a superficial aesthetic choice. And while I could find a Japanese, Korean or Chinese woman, these people's will not reflect geography specific culture of northern Europeans. I'll need to say goodbye once and for all to everything my father cherishes. Sameness is beginning to dominate the world anyways. Many cultures are becoming the same and losing their independence. A people use to have individual folklore. We're entering a one world culture where everyone's just a slightly different shade of gray. I think it's safe to say the world is becoming a boring place. I'm not sure what I'll do. I can marry a white woman from Russia or Argentina, or I can marry an out lander from another exotic land. At this point I really do envy minorities because they have literally a sea of millions of homogeneous women from their own culture just waiting for them at home. |
Cultures change. I think the Northern European culture that you admire is dead, but I haven't spent enough time in Northern Europe to be sure. Ragnar is from Denmark. Ask him. Or visit Northern Europe yourself. This is obviously an important question that you should find the answer to. Because if this culture is dead, then there is nothing for you to preserve.
My Jewish mother naturally wanted me to marry a nice Jewish girl to preserve the culture and the race. My parents are from Hungary and rightly point out that Hungarian Jews were one of the most productive groups of people in history. But I recognize that this culture is dead, killed by people like my parents who advocated liberalism. There is nothing left for me to preserve. In Entire United States Expatriates, Fred wrote: "They think that just because I went to Mexico, I left the US. They don’t understand. I didn’t leave the United States. It left me." Here Fred is arguing the same point about American culture, that the American culture that he admired is gone. The cultural homogenization that you complain about will probably end when the West collapses economically. Then new cultures will form to replace the cultures that have died. |
My reasons for wanting a northern European woman are selfish, I just want stability in my life. Whatever makes for the most stable life, is what I desire. But whenever I look around at stable families that stand out from the masses of wasteland monsters, there's always one single all present overbearing fact of life - they're all same race couples. Whether this means, white and white, black and black, middle eastern and middle eastern - they're all homogeneous. On top of that they're usually same ethnicity. It's only the white man who's women, for the most part, have committed racial suicide and forced him to look abroad.
If my goal is stability and stability can only be achieved through homogeneity, then the only rational approach is diagramming women based homogeneity to myself. This means ideal candidates vary based on someone's individual background. In my case my background is German, Estonian, Spanish and Mexican. Yet I only identify with my German and Estonian heritage. I also do not look Mexican. In fact my brother and I were outsiders to our Mexican relatives because of our white skin. I suppose my best choice would be either finding a very light skinned Mexican woman or like you say an Argentinian woman. Many Argentinian women seem to have roots to Europe. |
I'm just curious, was your mother from Mexico, or Mexican American? There is a cultural difference.
How many mixed-race couples do you know where the wife comes from a non-feminist culture, and how many of those are unstable? |
Mexican American. I know of none personally. The only couples I see where women come from non-feminist culture are first generation immigrants. The American with a none-feminist, other race, wife, is something I've never seen. Since I've never seen any, I can't fairly say they're unstable. But if homogeneity equals stability and I plan to find a foreign wife anyways, then I think it makes sense pick a wife with the most homogeneous traits. I'm just trying to maximize the odds for a successful marriage. |
It sounds like you don't have enough data to judge. I am not saying that you are wrong, only that you need more research. It seems like the stable couples that you know are immigrant couples, so you can't tell if the stability is caused by homogeneity or because the woman is from a non-feminist country. What you need to compare is the stability of homogeneous white marriages, say in Northern Europe, to mixed-race marriages to non-feminist wives. Here are some places to post questions: |
Yes, I'm sparse on data. I'll gather more data at some point. I'm sure traveling to foreign lands is the best way to evaluate mates, but there's no point in traveling until you're serious. |
There's always a point to traveling. It's fun and enlightening. |
I have to agree with Drealm here. White women are the women I'm attracted to, nothing more, nothing less. Even the Mexican women I find attractive are -- surprise surprise -- of European blood. I've got some Estonian and German in me too, and also a lot of Southern European, and (possibly) some middle eastern but I'm more or less 100% white.
It's sad. There's lots of girls here who meet my looks criteria, but they always seem inaccessible. And I've been rejected by (almost) every white American girl I've gone after, which is weird, because I still view white American girls as the most attractive, I dunno why. Something about their mannerisms and everything turns me on more than foreign girls. The problem compounds itself when I realize that almost no girls have had fewer than two partners, and they are more or less ruined as marriage material after two partners. I want a nice white American girl as a wife, but as fschmidt has said, such women may no longer exist. It's compounded further by the fact that I'm agnostic. The only culture that I can see as remotely close to co-alpha is the Mormons. The problem with that is, well, you have to adhere to a rigid set of beliefs, not only about god but about the way you live your life and make political decisions. I don't want that. And it's not that Mormon chicks haven't been interested in me in the past. So I think the only way to go forward is with this subculture idea. Sometimes I wonder if my being born in this time with this personality was bad luck, or karma, or something. I never dreamed dating could become such a huge minefield for a guy. |
Fschmidt got me thinking about going to Russia or somewhere like Hungary to find a wife. But I've looked at pictures and it seems like these places are pretty heavily "feminized" as well. Plus, Russia is a mess (I would actually like to hear fschmidt's theory on why that is the case).
The basic problem seems to be that countries are either messes, or heavily influenced by feminism, or both. |
This isn't really my thread as Im not white. But Im also only attracted to (taller) white girls. And have had some attracted back. But bullying etc (?) and/or my personality and/or this culture and/or biology has left me mentally scarred. Its horrible to see them move on while Im left alone. Worse, to see them everyday. |
In reply to this post by Scorpius
I have never been to Russia, so I can't comment specifically about it. But most countries are either feminist or a mess. I call "a mess" as "anarchy". There are basically 3 systems, patriarchy, anarchy, or feminism. Feminism is the system of a declining culture while anarchy is a collapsed culture. All feminist cultures eventually become anarchies. Unfortunately, there are very few patriarchal cultures today and they are all highly religious. So an agnostic has a choice between feminism and anarchy to look for women. My personal estimate is that about 20% of women in anarchy are good as wives while less that 1% of women in feminism as good as wives. The reason for this difference is because under anarchy, women value good providers, while under feminism, they don't. And women know that they can better attract a good provider by not becoming sluts. So there are some women in anarchy who are chaste in order to attract providers. Returning to the question of why Russia and so many other countries are anarchies, that is easy. That is the natural state of affairs for people. Most people have lived this way for most of history. Patriarchy happens when a small group of men in a tribe establish a string sense of trust among themselves. And one the requirements and results of this is strong marriage rules that guarantee that men won't have to compete with each other for women. When a patriarchy is formed, it becomes a highly successful culture and tends to become an empire. The larger the culture grows, the harder it is to maintain trust between the men of the culture. As this trust breaks down, women begin to assert themselves and encourage men to compete for them which turns into downward spiral as increased sluttiness of women causes decreased trust between men. This state is known as feminism, and always ends in the collapse of the culture. |
In reply to this post by Scorpius
I just wanna make it clear, I don't seek white northern Europeans because I'm attracted to them the most. I have low standards of attraction, so most women of most ethnicities easily shoot way above my litmus test. The only reason I desire a white northern European woman is because they are the ones I think I'd have the most success with. I'm very willing to forgo personal preferences for something resembling a stable family life.
I think homogeneity of any kind breeds stability. If I was Asian I'd go after Asian women. If I was Hispanic I'd go after Hispanic women. I just happen to be white, from a northern European stock. My plight is unlike Hispanics and Asians I don't have a recourse to returning to my non-feminist homeland to go bride shopping. This is why I said I envy Hispanics and Asians, because a well to do American Hispanic or Asian man can just take a plane ride home and find millions of non-feminist women whom share his cultural background. Minorities don't need to date out of their culture, whites do. When I look at finding a mate, I see it as a very complicated web of factors. One factor that's overlooked is extended family. I think for any successful family line to exist, you need to get along with extended family as well as you do with your mate. I experienced first hand what it's like to have two married parents who's families clashed on every issue. By being homogeneous extended family issues are canceled out. |
Marrying a woman from another country would be great if she was a good friend and actually attractive. But wouldn't she miss her family and be lonely if you brought her up here? Or are there things I haven't thought of that would encourage her to stay? Maybe her family would be eager to not have to support her.
Some women wouldn't mind leaving their country. And if their country isn't too far, they can visit their family regularly. This was the case with my wife.
In reply to this post by Drealm
I'd be willing to go with a less attractive woman if she had a really good personality. Problem is, so far I haven't seen less attractive women with personalities good enough to make up for the fact that they're less attractive.
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In reply to this post by Nostromos-2
Good question. This is one reason why I said finding a mate is a complicated web of factors. So many only consider the immediate goal: finding a woman. They don't consider the infrastructure required to support the long term goal: marriage. Part of the infrastructure for supporting marriage comes from homogeneity, religion, extended family, children, financial support, ect. CoAlpha Brotherhood is an attempt at providing some of this infrastructure. Good point. Similarly I think can say this about American women:
In reply to this post by fschmidt
What's better to live in, a feminist country or an anarchist country? I'd think the main difference would be law and order. As in feminist countries, while clearly on the path to becoming lawless, do still maintain some stability in their free fall. |
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