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I will list the suggested solutions that I know of here. Please let me know if I missed any.
PUA/Game - Develop skills at attracting women. bodybuilding - Develop your body to increase your physical attractiveness. plastic surgery - Primarily to improve facial features. foreign women - Look for women in non-feminist countries. (my preference) |
I'm not sure if you'd call this a solution because technically it doesn't involve a real women, but silicone dolls?
There's a whole community filled with people whom buy life size ultra realistic dolls as surrogates for real women. Here's a link to the biggest doll community: Many of the men there are incel. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
I really have little idea if I'm more loveshy or more incel. Depends on the definition I guess.
Sex tours or prostitutes is a first step anyone can do, even if it goes no further, and doesn't help - it doesn't hurt much. And it applies to both. Heres a non-sex video of the Thai Bar Scene, that has tentatively convinced me that I should go there at least once in my life. More here: |
I've tried for a while to download that video but it doesn't seem to work. When I go to the piratebay page now, it's just a blank white screen. Am I doing something stupid? Oh yeah and another site I visit is The trip reports section is particularly enjoyable. Seems like a lot of average guys with little money getting unlimited pussy in thailand. |
Are you familiar with how to use BitTorrent?
I just went there and started dling it...just for a few seconds. Seems to work fine thepiratebay goes down every once in a while, should be working again. Tell me what the precise problem is...? |
I have no experience with BitTorrent. I'm able to download the item to my desktop but when I try opening it, it doesn't work. I'm on a macintosh and I'm using the program "Tomato Torrent" to try opening it. Tomato Torrent just says "please wait" but never opens the video. |
Ive never used a Mac.
But you should realize its not a video. Its simply a 'link' which connects you up to other users over the internet so the video can be transferred to your computer (from theirs). Should take a few hours. After that you can watch it. If it was a IBM Compatible PC, Id say the problem is simply you have not configured Tomato Torrent. So when your computer gets that 'link' or torrent file, it has no idea what to do with it. Your computer doesn't know its supposed to automatically open up the Tomato Torrent Program to process the link/torrent file. (Tried right clicking the file and seeing if that helps? Would on a PC). Try and tinker around with Tomato Torrent setup, or google a beginners guide for it on the net. Should be easy. If that all doesn't work, PM me and I can send it to you on a CD/DVD if you wish. |
In reply to this post by Drealm
Ah sorry didn't read properly. So Tomato Torrent seems to recognizes the file. Either a) Its downloading it (See if theres a speed or download bar somewhere) and all you have to do is wait for it to finish. b) You have to configure where Tomato Torrent saves the file etc c) Tomato Torrent recognizes it, and knows where to save it etc, but you have a firewall or some similar problem stopping you. Once again, Google is your friend for this - though it is a tricky problem to solve sometimes. |
I'll try fiddling with it but I'm not the most tech savvy person. No big deal if I can't figure it out.
In reply to this post by Ardia
Im toying with the idea of getting a few guys together and buying the whole lot of them from that site. Ofc the value drops steeply (apart from entertainment value) after the first because you aren't learning much new, but split over a few guys, and perhaps with a discount from the author probably still makes it worth it.
One exception is his Phillipines Disc. As that is a different country, the 'scene' is quite different. I got it, and it was worth the money. The Phillipines is a much poorer country, and it shows. And there are differences in the girls/bars etc as well. |
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