Should women be allowed membership??

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Should women be allowed membership??

Greetings fellow members, I know it's only early days, but should this forum grow over the course of time, should women be allowed to join??

I am of the opinion, they should not, as they are often disruptive, create uneccessary drama, and often antagonise men with their defence of the sisterhood and feminism.

And lets face it, it so easy for women to get a date these days, I can't say I have heard of any women who can't get dates.
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Re: Should women be allowed membership??

My opinion is that women should be free to post in the open area, but I will vote against all women for the members-only area.  This isn't as much a criticism of women as a recognition of the fact that people behave very differently in a mixed-sex conversation than in a same-sex conversation.  In a mixed-sex conversation, it is natural for most men to pay more attention to the women than to other men.  This can be seen on almost any forum where women inevitably get more responses to their posts than men do.  So regardless of whether it is women's fault or men's fault, it is clear that women are disruptive to men's conversation and so I will always vote against their membership here.
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Re: Should women be allowed membership??

I generally agree with what you say here, but if women start with any feminist propaganda or shaming language of the men on our forum, then they should be warned that if they keep it up, they will be banned.
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Re: Should women be allowed membership??

I've yet to see a single woman ever provide worthwhile advice on a relationship forum. At the very most they lead members on and turn men against each other. I'd rather not have that distraction.