I would say Sexual Utopia is almost like a test-based documentary of where society has been, where it is now, and where it's headed. Obviously the current set-up is dysfunctional, and we have many people to thank for that. It's not just women. I do put most of the blame on them, because they chose to take advantage of what the top enabled them to do, but the intelligence angencies and corporations knew damn well they'd profit from it. They knew it would lead to the destruction of the nuclear family.
Now we have thugspawns and general overpopulation. Resources and dwindling, and everyone' running out of elbow room. You would think that something as simple as not reproducing would be so easy, but no. I've decided to be apart of the solution and not sentence another life to, well, life. Haha. Especially with women being the way they are today. They aren't angels, fellahs. I've seen some of the stuff they do, goes around the office at work. I don't really care about the west anymore, as westerners have done nothing but bully, tease, and dehumanise me for as long as I can remember, and the general vibe I get from this site is the same. The west is nothing but a no-man's-land that needs to be claimed, exhausted, and forgotten about.
Now, the sadists at the top are shitting themselves. They enabled slattern women to coat themselves in ink, curse like men and receieve rewards for doing nothing but stealing resources from other men. Maybe they had a point with the whole overpopulation thing, but it was a bed made by them and them alone. Now, they'll have to lie in it.
I think it's important to remember that Utopia is Greek for "not a place". I've lived all over the world and will continue to do so. I'm glad the guys upstairs in the department above mine turned me on to the "manosphere" and the red pill. I've always been a sceptic red piller. Never married, kids, nothing stupid like that. I'm thinking I'll do the Tom Leykis thing and have weekly girlfriends. In my opinion, trying to date women, especially in the west, is stupid. They're all the same, believe it or not, just to various degrees. I promise you that the truly different ones (NAWALT) don't apply, because they're dead, super-old or taken. Of course.
Spoiler Alert: If you plan on going Asian for those of you who want to consort with women, your best bet is probably Taiwan or the Philippines. The latter is falling fast to western ideals with American basketballer worship, Nikki Minaj music and thug-loving culture. Get in fast, and get out quickly, brothers!